Ocm 40 MCQ

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Q.1.A) Select the correct option and rewrite the sentences.

1) _________ was regarded as Father of Scientific Management.

a) Henry Fayol
b) F W Taylor
c) Philip Kotler
d) Max Weber

2) Principle of _______ is based on 'A place for everything and

everything in its place'.
a) discipline
b) order
c) equity
d) authority

3) Member of organization should receive orders from ________.

a) many superior
b) one superior
c) all subordinates
d) one subordinate

4) Scalar chain means the hierarchy of _________ from the top level
to the lower level for the purpose of communication.
a) discipline
b) unity
c) authority
d) responsibility

5) Management Principle influence__________.

a) Human Behaviour
b) Organization
c) Government
d) Society

6) According to principle of ________ all employees should be given

the same treatment.
a) discipline
b) authority
c) equity
d) responsibility
7) Principles of management are a base for taking __________.
a) order
b) remuneration
c) decisions
d) function

8) Management principles are the principles of ________ science.

a) abstract
b) social
c) pure
d) natural

9) Management _________ are set of general rules that guide the

managers to manage an organization.
a) principles
b) quotes
c) theories
d) functions

10) Henry Fayol is called as the father of ________ management.

a) modern
b) scientific
c) technical
d) social

11) According to the principle of ________, there must be a proper

balance between centralization and decentralization in the
a) centralization
b) scalar chain
c) decentralization
d) unity

12) Esprit de corpse means ________ is strength.

a) individual
b) authority
c) unity
d) diversity

13) The functions of management start with __________ function.

a) organizing
b) planning
c) coordinating
d) controlling
14) The functions of management end with _________.
a) directing
b) staffing
c) controlling
d) planning

15) Staffing is concerned with __________ factor

a) physical
b) financial
c) material
d) human

16) Organization function is important for execution of the plans which

have been prepared by ________ management.
a) top level
b) middle level
c) lower level
d) no level

17) _________ is the function which supports to activate the plans with
the help of employees.
a) Staffing
b) Directing
c) Co-ordinating
d) Controlling

18) _________is the function of execution according to the plan and

the organizational structure.
a) Controlling
b) Directing
c) Staffing
d) Forecasting

19) ______ arranges the work in such a way that minimum conflicts
are raised.
a) Co-ordinating
b) Organizing
c) Controlling
d) Planning

20) Planning is ___________.

a) advanced function
b) basic function
c) end function
d) middle function
21) According to L. A. Allen, “Management is what _______ does”.
a) employee
b) organization
c) owner
d) manager

22) Planning is a ________ function of management.

a) primary
b) secondary
c) tertiary
d) last

23) Planning is based on ________ technique.

a) forecasting
b) analyses
c) institutional
d) organizational

24) ________ sets out standards for controlling,

a) staffing
b) planning
c) co-ordinating
d) organizing

25) The process of _________ establishes synchronization and

combination of all resources.
a) organizing
b) controlling
c) staffing
d) planning

26) Directing is initiated ________ level.

a) top
b) middle
c) lower
d) none

27) Co-ordination also helps to minimize the _______ of resources.

a) use
b) wastages
c) expense
d) none of the above
28) _______ help to determine the effectiveness of planning function.
a) Controlling
b) Staffing
c) Co-ordinating
d) Planning

29) Overdraft facility is given on _______ account.

a) savings
b) fixed
c) current
d) recurring

30) A.T. M stands for _________.

a) Automated Teller Machine
b) Any Time Money
c) Automatic Teller Machine
d) Always Transfer Money

31) The minimum amount to be remitted through RTGS is RS.

________ while there is no upper limit for transaction.
a) 5,00,000/-
b) 1,00,000/-
c) 2,00,000/-
d) 3,00,000/-

32) Services are _______ in nature.

a) intangible
b) tangible
c) separable
d) homogeneous

33) The term Bank comes from the ________ word ‘Banco’ which
means a ‘bench’
a) Latin
b) German
c) French
d) Russian

34) The RBI was established in _________ under the Reserve Bank Of
India Act, 1944.
a) 1943
b) 1944
c) 1945
d) 1946
35) The Capital of RRB’s contributed by Central Government is _____.
a) 15%
b) 35%
c) 40%
d) 50%

36) Payment Bank can accept demand deposits only upto Rs. ______.
a) 10,000
b) 50,000
c) 1,00,000
d) 2,00,000

37) _________ term loans are for a period of 1 year to 5 year.

a) long
b) medium
c) short
d) half

38) In India, ________ is responsible for framing monetary policy.

a) SBI
b) RBI
c) BOI
d) FCI

39) _________ banks facilitate mergers and acquisitions by

undertaking research and providing advice on investment
a) Investment
b) Agricultural
c) Postal
d) Industrial

40) E-banking is called _________.

a) Virtual banking
b) Mobile banking
c) Personal banking
d) None of the above,

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