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UEME 1143 – Dynamics





1. This assignment is an Individual Assignment which consists of TWO (2) questions. Each
question carries 25 marks.

2. You are required to answer ALL questions, and submit the answer by 4 pm, 1 Apr 2022.

3. Students are reminded that Copy-and-Paste, Consultation, Discussion and Sharing of

Answers with others are STRICTLY PROHIBITED.


4. The submission MUST be a single PDF file, file size NOT exceeding 30MB.

5. Submit only the softcopy (in PDF) of the assignment using the Assignment Submission
Link in wble. You should also use the Cover Page provided.

6. Please name your submission file using the following file name for submission:
UEME1143_Assignment_ [Programme Abbreviation]_[Your Student ID]
Eg: UEME1143_ Assignment_ ME_1501234.pdf

7. You MUST use the Cover Page given, and digitally sign on the Declaration Statement to
indicate the authenticity of your submitted work is without plagiarism.

8. For text-based answers, it should be typed using Times New Roman characters with font
size 12.

9. For drawings, equations and calculations with short text descriptions, you can hand-write
your answers on a blank paper, and then use the scanner apps in your smartphone (Scanner
Document, CamScanner, Adobe Scanner etc.) to take scanned copy, or you can type if
necessary and include the scanned copy taken in the PDF document, as part of your
submitted answers.
Question 1:

(a). A basketball of mass 600 g hits the backboard at point A then arrive at the center of the
hoop (point B), as shown in Figure Q1(a). Knowing that the coefficient of restitution
between basketball and backboard is 0.84.

(i) Determine the velocity after the impact. (4 marks)

(ii) Determine the distance h. (3 marks)

(iii) Explain the effect of gravity in this question. (3 marks)

Figure Q1(a)
(b). A basketball (600 g) and a tennis ball (55 g) are released from rest at the same time as
shown in Figure Q1(b). Knowing that the centers of both basketball and tennis ball are
vertically aligned, the initial height is 1.20 m and the collisions are perfectly elastic.

(i) Determine the velocity of the basketball at the instant before it hits the
ground. (2 marks)

(ii) After the basketball hits the ground and bounces upward, it then collides
with the tennis ball which is still falling downward. Determine the
maximum height of the tennis ball after the collision with the basketball.
Neglect the diameters of both basketball and tennis ball. (8 marks)

Figure Q1(b)

(c). “When there is an impact between two objects and one of the objects is initially at rest,
it is possible for both objects to be at rest after the collision”. Do you agree with the
statement? Explain with reasoning. (5 marks)

[Total : 25 marks]
Question 2:

You are required to propose suitable dimensions (height, length, radius, angle, etc) for a roller
coaster track with the profile shown in Figure Q2. A roller coaster cart of total mass 500 kg is
to be released from rest at point A, moving on the frictionless track and no more external work
will be added to it after that. At the last section, the cart will be moving on a horizontal track
with friction in order to stop safely.

Explain with calculations on how would you design the roller coaster from start till the end of
coaster ride:

(i) Select suitable method(s) to solve this problem and explain on your selection.
(4 marks)

(ii) Explain with calculations on your proposal of dimensions for the roller coaster
track. Hint: need to consider minimum safe value of the track. (12 marks)

(iii) If length of the last section (horizontal track with friction) is 5 m, determine the
braking force required. Also, explain if this length of 5 m is sufficient. (5 marks)

(iv) Explain on the changes in calculations if friction is included for the whole roller
coaster track. Hint: just explanation, calculation is not compulsory. (4 marks)

Figure Q2

[Total : 25 marks]

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