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The purpose of learning this course is to expose the students to nuances of Salesmanship and train them to
face the grueling maneuvers of selling. The students would learn the techniques of selling besides gaining
hands on training on forecasting. This course exposes them to the banalities of hardcore sales job.
After studying this course on Sales Management the learners will be able to:
 Develop the selling skills
 Differentiate different techniques of selling
 Forecast sales, and predict market potential
 Understand the functions of a salesman’s job
 Get an idea about the compensation plans in this profession
 Get trained on-the-job and off-the-job
 Prepare sales budget and delineate sales territories
UNIT I – Introduction To Sales Management
Concept, Objectives and functions of Sales Management, Emerging Trends in Sales Management- Types of
Personal Selling objectives – Market Potential – Sales potential – Sales Forecast –Sales Forecasting Methods
UNIT II -Concepts of Sales Force Management:
Recruitment and Selection of sales personnel. Sales Training: Areas of sales training, Compensating and
motivating sales force: Compensation Plan - Types of Compensation Plans, Requirements of a Good Sales
Compensation Plan, Fringe Benefits. Routing and scheduling of sales force. Sales audit, Functions of Sales
Executives - Qualities of Effective Sales Executives - Relationship with Top Management, -Job Analysis-Job
UNIT III-Distribution Strategy:
Distribution Channel- Concept, Functions and Types. Distribution channel strategy and features of effective
channel design. Channel Conflict: Concept and stages, conflict management, International distribution
UNIT IV - Sales Budget
Purpose of the Sales Budget - Form and Content - Budgetary Procedure - Quotas: Objectives in using Quotas -
Types of Quotas and Quota Setting Procedures - Sales Territories: Sales Territory Concept - Reasons for
Establishing Sales Territories - Procedures for Setting up Sales Territories-Case Studies, Routing and
Scheduling, Sales Personnel.
UNIT V- Sales Organization
Purpose of Sales Organization - Setting up Sales Organization - Basic types of Sales Organizational Structures
- Selecting Sales Personnel. Building Sales Training Programs - Defining Training Aims - Deciding Training
Content - Selecting Training Methods - Organization for Sales Training - Evaluating Sales Training Programs -
Case Studies
Pradip Kumar Mallik, “Sales Management'”, Oxford University Process, 2011.
1. Cundiff& Still, “Sales Management Decisions, Strategies and Cases”, 5th Edition, Pearson Education
India, 2011.
2. Krishna Havaldar, VasantCavale, “Sales and Distribution Management” Tata McGrawHill, 2011.
3. Spiro, “Management of a sales Force”, 11th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill India Ltd, 2003.
4. Kapoor, “Fundamentals of Sales Management”, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd, 2005.
5. Miller, “Proactive Sales Management: How to lead, Motivate, and stay ahead of the Game”, 2009.

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