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Identification Characters:
 Microcystis belongs to Cyanophyceae class.
 Generally Cyanophyceae members are called as cyanobacteria due to
the lack of the true nucleus
 Cyanophyceae members are generally called as Blue green algae
 Photosynthetic pigments are Chl-a, Chl-b, β-Carotenes, Xanthophylls,
 Reserve food material is Cyanophycean starch.
 Microcystis is a planktonic genus often causes water Blooms in ponds
& lakes
 Microcystis is the most important fresh water toxin producing algae
 The colonies are always free floating, spherical (or) irregular
 The cells are generally small & always aggregated with in a colonial
 Sheaths around the individual cells are completely fused with one
 Pseudo vacuoles are present in the cells.
 Flagella are completely absent
 The cells are prokaryotic in nature



Identification Characters:
 Lyngbya belongs to Cyanophyceae class
 Generally Cyanophyceae members are called as Cyanobacteria
because they lack true nucleus.
 Cyanophyceac members generally called as blue green algae
 Photosynthetic pigments are Chl-a, Chl-b, β-carotenes, Xanthophglls,
phycoapnic –c, phycoerythrin-c
 Reserved food material is Cyanophycean starch
 Lyngbya is a fresh water algae. It is a filamentous, unbranched algae
 The cells are arranged in Uniseriate manner
 The filaments are enclosed with gelatinous sheath
 Cell wall is made up of pectin & cellulose
 The protoplasm is differentiated into an outer chromoplasm & an
inner centroplasm
 Protoplasm contains pigments, thylakoids, reserve food material &
nuclear material
 The cells in the trichome are broader than long.



Identification Characters:
 It is a colonial green algae.
 It is included in the class chlorophyceae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are Chl-a, Chl-b, β-Carotenes &
 Reserved food material is starch.
 It is found in fresh water pools & ponds.
 It is a free floating & phytoplankton algae.
 The colony is called as coenobium. It is the example of motile
 The colony is made up of chlamydomonas like cells.
 32 celled coenobium is common.
 The cells are arranged in 5 transverse tiers.
 The anterior & posterior tier contains 4 cells, the middle 3 tiers
contains 8 cells each.
 The cells consists of a cell wall, plasma membrane & protoplasm.
 cell wall is made up of cellulose.
 The anterior end of the cell bears 2 equal flagella.
 single nucleus is present.
 cup shaped chloroplast is present.
 The chloroplast has eye spot & a single pyrenoid.


Identification Characters:-
 Pediastrum is a non-motile, colonial green algae.
 It is included in the class Chlorophyceae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are Chl-a, Chl-b, β-carotenes &
 Reserved food material is starch.
 The colony is a coenobium.
 It is a free floating phytoplankton algae.
 The colonies are disc (or) stellate (or) star shaped structures.
 The number of cells in each colony varies from 4-128 depending on
the species
 The cells are arranged in concentric rings around a central cell.
 A colony of 8 cells have 1+7 arrangement, a colony of 16 cells have
1+5+10 arrangement.
 A colony of 32 cells have 1+5+10+16 arrangement.
 There are 2 types of coenobiums, namely:
1. Unfenestrated ( Tightly packed cells)
2. Fenestrated ( Loosely packed cells)
 The cells are polyhedral in shape. The marginal cells bears one, 2 (or)
4 horn like projections celled “prongs”. The cell consists of a cell wall,
P.M, & Protoplasm.
 The cell wall is made up of cellulose, plasma membrance lies below
the cell wall.
 In protoplasm single (or) 2 nucleus are present.
 Young cells have single nucleus, mature cells have multinuclei.


Identification Characters:
 Hydrodictyon is a green algae.
 It is included in the class chlorophyceae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are Chl-a, Chl-b, β-carotens & Xanthophylls.
 Reserved food material is starch.
 It is a fresh water algae.
 It is commonly called as “Water Net”
 It is a floating & phytoplankton algae.
 The plant body is a non-motile coenobium. The coenobium is made
with few 100 to Several thousand cells depending upon the species.
 The cells are arranged in the form of a pentagon (5 called) or
Hexagon ( 6 celled) to form a Net.
 each cell is long & cylindrical.
 The cell consists of a cell wall, plasma membrane & Protoplasm.
 The cell wall is made up of cellulose. plasma membrane lies below
the cell wall.
 In protoplasm large central vacuole is present.
 Reticulate chloroplast is present.
 single cell is having many nuclei, which is known as coenocytic



Identification Characters:
 Pithophora is a green algae.
 It is included under the class chlorophyceae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are Chl-a, Chl-b, β-Carotenes &
 Reserve food material is starch.
 Pithophora is a Submerged (or) floating fresh water algae.
 It is found in ponds, pools, lakes & tanks.
 It is a branched filamentous algae, branching is lateral, usually the
branches arises singly (or) on both sides.
 thallus is attached with rhizoidal branches, rhizoidals are narrow,
green, in colour & they are not separated by a septum from the main
 each cell consists of cell wall, plasma membrane & protoplast.
 The cell wall is thick & made with cellulose.
 each cell contains large central vacuole.
 each cell contains many nucleus.
 each cell contains parietal (or) reticulate chloroplast.



General Characters:
 Ulva is a green algae, it is included in the class chlorophyceae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are Chl-a, Chl-b, β-Carotenes &
 Reserved food material is starch.
 It is commonly called as sea lettuce (or) marsh plant.
 It is a marine water algae.
 The plant exists in 2 phases namely, diploid Sporophyte (2n) &
haploid gametophyte (n).
 They are morphologically similar. Hence they are Isomorphic.
 The thallus consists of 3 regions:
1. Blade 2. Stalk 3. Holdfast
 The Blade is bright green in colour.
 The stalk is the inter connecting part in between the blade & the hold
 The hold fast is disc shaped & it is made up of rhizoids.
 each cell contains cell wall, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, cup
shaped chloroplast & single nuclei.



Identification Characters
 Stigeoclonium is a green algae.
 It is included in the class Chlorophyceae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are Chl-a, Chl-b, β-carotenes &
 Reserved food materials is starch.
 It is a branched, filamentous, green algae.
 Generally it is growing in slow floting water (or) clean, stagnant
 Thallus consists of a prostate system & an erect system, such type of
thallus is called heterotrichous.
 The prostate system is attached to the substratum.
 The erect system is a branched filament.
 Filament arises from the prostate system.
 The ends of the branches have multi-cellular hairs.
 The filament is made up of a single row of cells.
 The cells are uninucleate.
 The cell consists of a cell wall, plasma membrane & protoplasm.
 Each cell is having parietal chloroplast & more pyrenoids.



Identification characters:
 Draparnaldiopsis is a green – algae.
 It is included in the class chlorophyceae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are Chl-a, Chl-b, β-carotenes &
 Reserve food material is Starch, It is a fresh water algae found
growing on other aquatic plants, usually in the shallow water of
ponds & lakes.
 The thallus is covered by gelatinous matrix
 Thallus is made with 2 types of cells: 1) Nodal cells, 2) Internodal
 Nodla cells are small in size & the inter nodal cells are long in size.
 Internodal cells usually are 2 (or) 3 times as long as the Nodal cells.
 The main axis bearing 2 types of lateral Growths:
i) Limited growth branches
ii) Unlimited growth branches
 The upright main axis is attached to the substratum by means of
rhizoidal branches.
 Each cell contains single nucleus.
 Each cell contains a parietal chloroplast.
 The chloroplast is reticulate & cylindrical with enteric margins.
 Many pyrenoids are present.



Identification Characters:
 Cosmarium is a green algae.
 It is included in the class chlorophyceae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are chl-a, chl-b, B-carotenes & Xanthophylls.
 Reserved food material is Starch.
 Cosmorium is commonly called as “Desmid”
 It is a free flating, tresh water algae, found in ponds & tanks.
 Cosmarium is a unicellular Algae.
 Each cosmarium is made with 2 semi cells.
 Each semi cell is an exact copy of the other.
 It has deep median constriction called “sinus”
 The 2 semi-cells are connected with a cytoplasmic Bridge called
 The cell wall is differentiated into an outer Gelatinous pectin layer &
an inner cellulose layer.
 Each semi-cell contains single axil chloroplast.
 Each chloroplast contains single paranoid.
 The cell has a large single haploid Nucleus located in the Isthmus



Identification Characters:
 Closterium is a green Algae
 It is included in the class Chlorophyceae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are chl-a, chl-b, B-carotenes & Xanthophylls.
 Reserve food material is Starch.
 It is generally know as fresh water Desmid.
 It grows at the bottom of the ponds & pools.
 It is a Unicellular Algae.
 The cell is elongated & Spindle Shaped.
 The cell consists of 2 semi-cells.
 The 2 semi-cells are connected by Isthmus.
 The cell is covered by Mucilage.
 Each Semi-cell has one chloroplast.
 Many pgrenoids are present.
 Single Nucleus is present at the centre of the cell.
 Each end of the cell has one vacuole.



Identification Characters:
 Bryopis is a Green Algae.
 It is included in the class chlorogphyceae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are Chl-a, Chl-b, β-carotenes &
 Reserved food material is starch.
 This algae is found in warm seas, very few species are growing in cold
 This algae is having rhizome like creeping Substratum having aseptate
rhizoids & aerial erect axis.
 The Each branches are feather like structure. The arrangement of
branches is in acropetalous manner.
 The cell wall is made up of cellulose & pectic substances.
 The cytoplasm contains many muclei (Coenocytic).
 Each cell contains discoid Chloroplast with pyrenoid.



Identification Characters:
 Nitella is a green algae. It is included under the class chlorophyceae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are chl-a, chl-b, β- carotenes &
 Reserved food materials is Starch
 It is a fresh water, attached, sub-merged algae.
 Plant body is haploid Gametophyte & thallus.
 The thallus consists of Rhizoids & main axis. The Rhizoids are multi-
cellular, colour less & branched.
 The Rhizoids fixes the thallus to the Substratum.
 The main axis consists of nodes & internodes.
 The internode is made up of a single, elongated, Cylindrical cell.
 The node is multi-Cellular, the nodal cells are uni-nucliate & small.
 The intermodal cell is multi-nucleate & large.
 Each node bears 2 types of branches.
i) Branches of limited growth.
ii) Branches of unlimited growth.
 The sex organs are globule & Nucule on the nodes of the short



 Cymbella belongs to Bacillariophyceae.

 These are genrally known as diatoms.
 Its cell wall is partially silicified & pectose.
 Cell wall consists of 2 over lapping halves.
 Chromatophores are yellow/golden brown in colour.
 Chromatophores contain excess of Xanthophyll & Carotenoids.
 It is an expiphytic algae. Generally found in streaming water like
 Some times attached to the surface with gelatinous stalk.
 Raphe is curved from central area to the poles.
 They can form thick yellow brown mats.
 Reproduction is by means of Auxospores.
 Sexual reproduction is Isogamous.



 belongs to phacophyceal class. These members are generally Marine

 Phacophyyceae members are generally called as Brown Algae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are chl-a, chl-b, β- carotenes &
 Reserve food material is laminarian (soluatle carbohydrate) &
Mannited (alcohol).
 Sargassum is an attached, sub-merged, Brown algae & commonly
called as “Gulf weed”.
 Plant body is a diploid & porophyte. The plant consists of holdfast &
 The hold fast is broad & discoid and attaches the plant to the
 The stipe consists of a main axis & lateral branches. The main axis
produces branches called primary laterals.
 The primary laterals produces branches called secondary laterals/
 Each leaf possess a few pores called Cryptostomata. It has a flask
shaped cavity called cryptoblast the leaf axils produces one (or) 2
sphencal bodies called air Bladders which are the modified leaves.
 Air Bladder gives balance to float.
 Fertile Branches are also called as Receptacles which are bearing the
Sex Organs.



Identification Characters:
 Laminaria belongs to phaeophyceae class. These are generally
marine algae.
 They are Generally called as Brown algae.
 Photosynthetic pigments are chl-a, chl-b, β- carotenes & Fucoxanthin.
 Reserve food materials are Laminarian & Mannitol.
 Laminaria is commonly called as kelp.
 It is an attached alge. The plant body is diplord sporophyte.
 The plant consists of a hold fast, Stipe & Blade.
 Holdfast is a solid disc & attaches the thallus to the substratum.
 The stipe is vertical, smooth, cylindrical/flat.
 It arises from the hold fast. It frows upto 30-40 ft.
 The stipe bears a single/many leaf like & Ribbon shaped.
 The lamina is flat, long, leaf like & Ribbon shaped.
 Lamina grows upto 2 meters.
 The margins of the blade contains fruit bodies called “sori” which
contains the sporangia.



Identification Characters:
 Porphyra is a red algae.
 It is included in the class Rhodophyceae.
 It is a marine algae & known as cold water sea weed.
 It is commonly found in the inter tidal zone on the rocky sea shore.
 It is a lithophyte (or) an epiphyte.
 The plant body is an unbranched blade like structure.
 The plant body is haplord gametophyte.
 The thallus consists of a Blade & a hold fast.
 The Blade is reddish brown in colour.
 The thallus is attached to the subslralum by the holdfast.



Identification Characters:
 Corallina is a calcareous red sea weed.
 It grows in the lower and mid littoral zones and rocky shores.
 It is primarily found growing around the rims of tide pools.
 It predominately grows on the lower shore especially where fucoid
algae are absent.
 It forms calcium carbonate deposits with in its cells which serve to
strengthen the thallus.
 These white deposits cause the sea weed to appear pink in colur,
with white patches where calcium carbonate is particularly
concentrated. It makes unpalatable to most rocky shore grazers.
 Reproduction is by means of Ogamous type.
 Male & Female reproductive structures are found on separate plants,
these structure develop in conceptacle.
 Flask shaped structure just visible to naked eye.
 Life cycle is Diplobiantic.



Identification Characters:
 Gracilaria is a Red Algae.
 It is included in the class Rhodophyceae.
 The plant body is a haploid Gametophyte.
 It is a Marine algae & seaweed.
 It is a lithophytes attached on the rocks.
 The plant consists of an axis & an attaching disc.
 The axis is attached to the substratum by an attaching disc.
 The axis is erect & Branched.
 The Brancher are cylindrical & Terate.


 In Nitella, male sex organ is called as globule.

 It is also known as antheridium.
 It develops on the upper side of the mode above the nucule.
 The globule is spherical in shape & red in colour.
 The globule consists of a stalk, a wall, antheridial cavity, manubria,
antheridia & antherozoids.
 The wall present with shield cells.


 The female sex organ of Nitella is known as nucule.

 It is also known as oogonium.
 It develops on the lower side of the node beneath the Globule.
 nucule is oval/ellipsoidal in shape & green / black in colour.
 It consists of a stalk, an egg, sheath, corona & a receptive spot.
 The stalk, is short, it consists of a pedicel cell & stalk cell.
 The egg cell consist of single basal nucleus, dense cytoplasm &
Reserve food material.
 Corona is a cap like structure situated at the apex of the nucleus.


 The T.S of the stipe shows outer epidermis, middle costex & inner
 Epidermes consists of compactly arranged parenchynatous cells.
 The epidermal cells contains chromatophoses & Reserve food.
 The cortex is present in b/w epidermis & medulla.
 It is several layered in thickness.
 The medulla consists of think walled cells & server as conducting


 In Sargassum sexorgans are produced on fertile branches called

 The receptacles contains flask shaped cavities called conceptacle.
 The conceptacle contains sex organs.
 The conceptacle may contain antheridium is called male conceptacle.
 The surface of male conceptacle is smooth.
 The wall of the conceptacle one (or) two celled thickness.
 The wall cell are compactly arranged and rich in chromatophore.
 Flow of conceptacle present with filament structure are called


 In Sargassum sexorgans are produced on fertile branches called

 The receptacles contains flask shaped cavities called conceptacle.
 The conceptacle present with oogonia is known as Female
 The surface of the female conceptacle is spinous.
 Each female conceptacle bears 2-8 oogonia.
 Opening of the female conceptacle is known as ostiole.


 The T.S of the thallus shows 3 regions.

 Outer expidermis, middle cortex and inner medulla.
 Epidermis consists of 2 layers of meristematic cells.
 The cortex consists of outer cortex & Inner cortex.
 The outer cortex consist of elongated brood cells.
 The inner cortex consist of elongated cells.
 The medulla is the inner layer. It consists of loosely arranged cells,
crossconnection, hyprae & trumpet hyphae.


 In asexual reproduction of Laminaria produce brown color,

irregularly assanged “Sori”.
 The Sorus contains sporangia & paraphysis.
 The sporangia are club shaped & unilocular.
 The sporangia contains haploid spores.
 The sporangia develops from. Meristoderm cells of the Blade.
 The lower basal cell of the meristoderm develops into a sporangium.
 The sporangia inter mingle with paraphysis.


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