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Banasthali Vidyapith-Faculty of Mathematics and Computing

Course Handout: B.Tech (CS/IT) – IV Semester, Jan – May 2022

Date: 05-Jan-2022
Course Code: CS 313 Course Name: Software Engineering
Credit Points: 4 Max. Marks: 100 (CA: 40+ ESA: 60)

Name Of Course Instructor: Prof. Saurabh Mukherjee, Professor (Computer Science) - B.Tech (CS-A, B)
Ms. Kirti Pandey, Assistant Professor (Computer Science) - B.Tech (CS-C, IT-
A, B)

Learning Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course students will be able to
 Have foundation in mathematics, science, statistics and management skills.
 Illustrate development cycle including feasibility study for planning, analysis, design, and implementation
and testing phases.
 Implementations are taught to make them realize the importance of this aspect as well.
 Deal with existing software product and the new product developments. They understand the need for team
work environment.
 Apply basic software quality assurance practices to ensure that software designs, development, and
maintenance meet or exceed applicable standards. Also, students will have good oral and written
communications so that their professionalism will show a mark to the society.


Software engineering concepts, historical perspective, software evaluation, program design paradigms.
Software project planning: identifying software scope, resources, Feasibility study, cost/benefit analysis,
information gathering, analysis concept, analysis modeling (behavioral model, data model, functional model),
Need & Role of System Analyst. Analysis tools & techniques, risk management, project scheduling, tracking.
Cost estimation: project metrics, cost factors, cost estimation techniques (decomposition, empirical,
automated estimation, Delphi)
System Design: design concepts and principles (modularization, abstraction, refinement, cohesion, and
coupling), object oriented concepts: class and object definitions, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance,
association, multiplicity, composition and aggregation, generalization, specialization. Object Oriented
Modeling using Unified Modeling Language (UML): class diagrams, use case diagrams, sequence diagrams,
activity, and state diagrams. Implementation: language classes, coding style, efficiency.

Software Quality Assurance: Risk management, Quality factors and criteria, SQA metrics, SQA techniques.
Verification and Validation: software testing methods (WBT, BBT), software testing strategy (Unit testing,
integration testing, validation & system, testing), System Implementation/conversion: Direct, parallel, Pilot,
phased. Maintenance: Maintenance characteristics, Maintainability, software reuse, re- engineering, reverse
engineering, CASE.

Suggested Readings:
S1 Pressman R.S.,” Software Engineering-A Practitioner’s Approach” (4th ed.). Tata McGraw-Hill.
S2 Jalote P.,” An Integrated approach to Software Engineering, Narosa Publications.
S3 Fairley R., ”Software Engineering Concepts” . Tata McGraw- Hill.
S4 Rajib Mall, ”Fundamental of Software Engineering” PHI Learning, New Delhi
S5 Agrawal and Singh,” Software engineering Concepts” (3rd edition), New Age International Publishers.
S6 Godbole, N. S. (2004). Software quality assurance: Principles and practice. Narosa Publications.
S7 Offutt J., & Ammann, P. (2008). Introduction to software testing. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Suggested E-Learning Material:
E1: Software Engineering
E2: Pressman, R. S. (2005). Software engineering: a practitioner's approach. Palgrave Macmillan.

Evaluation Scheme:
Component Marks Submission/Examination Syllabus
Home assignment I** 10 Submission by 31 January, Topics shall be allotted in the class
2022 by 13 January, 2022

Periodical test I 10 9-14 February, 2022* Section- A*

Home assignment II** 10 Submission by 10 March, Topics shall be allotted in the class
2022 by 22 February, 2022
Periodical test II 10 22-27 March, 2022* Section-B*

Semester Examination 60 As per the Schedule Complete syllabus

*Subject to change.
**Assignment marks will be based on written document, viva-voce and any other components
asdecided by the instructors on regular basis.

Lecture-Wise Plan:

Lecture Topics to be Covered Suggested

Number Readings
Section –A
1 –3 Introduction to software engineering concepts, Crisis, Myths S5,S3,E1
4 –7 Software Evolution, Software Process Models(requirement S2,S5,E1
engineering, SRS introduction and guidelines , Role of
Management in Software Development, introduction to Project
Planning and its activity
8 Analysis modeling (behavioral model, data model, functional S2,S5,E1
9 – 13 Metrics for software project size estimation ,Cost Estimation S5,E1
Techniques: Decomposition, Empirical, Automated Estimation,
14 Revision S5,S2,S3,E1
15 –18 Staffing Level Estimation :Norden & Putnam, Project scheduling S2,S4,E1
activities CPM ,PERT,GANTT charts Analysis
Organization Structure & Team Structure S2,S4
20-22 Analysis Concepts, Structured vs. Object oriented Analysis and S2,S4

Section –B
23 Design concept and principles ,object oriented concept S2,S4,E1
24-27 Unified Modeling Language( use case diagram ,activity diagram, S2,S4
class diagram, sequence diagram)
28-30 Implementation: Language classes , Coding style and Efficiency S2,S4

Section –C
31--32 Software Quality Assurance : Risk management, Factors, criteria S5, S4
33--35 SQA metrics, SQA Technique, verification and validation model S5, S4
38-39 Software testing methods(Black Box Testing) S5, S4, E1
40-42 Software testing Strategies, Re-engineering and Reverse S5, S2, S4, E1
43-44 Introduction of Maintenance with Types Of Maintenance S5, S2, S4
45 Concept of ISO 9000 TOOL,CASE Tool S5, S2, S4

Prof. Saurabh Mukherjee

Ms.Kirti Pandey

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