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Real-Life Dry-Contact Ear-EEG

Simon L. Kappel1 and Preben Kidmose1

Abstract— Our brain state is affected by and adapted to our life must enable long-term recordings without obtruding
surroundings. Therefore, to study natural states of the brain, it daily life activities. To obtain this, the EEG device must
is desirable to measure brain responses in natural environments be wearable, user-friendly, and discreet [4]. Commercial
outside the lab. Among functional brain scanning methods,
electroencephalography (EEG) is the most promising method wearable devices are typically based on standard scalp
for non-invasive brain monitoring in real-life environments. To montages, causing the device to be clearly visible and
enable long-term recordings in real-life, EEG devices must be often uncomfortable to wear for long-term recordings. Some
wearable, user-friendly, and discreet. Ear-EEG is a method research projects have focused on designing devices for
where EEG signals are recorded from electrodes placed on long-term monitoring, which do not attract attention during
an earpiece inserted into the ear. The compact and discreet
nature of an ear-EEG device makes it suitable for long-term everyday life activities. This include devices for measuring
real-life recordings. In this study, 6 subjects were recorded EEG around the ear [5], on the ear [6], and in the ear [7].
with conventional scalp EEG and ear-EEG. All recordings Ear-EEG is a method where EEG is recorded from elec-
were performed with the same instrumentation and paradigms trodes placed on an earpiece inserted into the ear [7] [8] [9].
in both a lab setting and a real-life setting. The ear-EEG The compact and discreet nature of an ear-EEG device makes
recordings were performed with a previously developed dry-
contact ear-EEG platform. Signals from the scalp electrodes and it suitable for real-life recordings. However, devices for real-
ear-electrodes were recorded by the same biosignal recorder, life monitoring must also be user-friendly and comfortable
enabling re-referencing in the post-processing and analysis. to wear. To address these aspects, we recently developed a
The study comprised four paradigms: auditory steady-state dry-contact ear-EEG platform, comprising dry-contact elec-
response (ASSR), steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP), trodes and a soft-earpiece [10]. To better understand real-life
auditory onset response, and alpha band modulation. When
the data were analyzed with a scalp reference (Cz), all the artifact, we conducted a study of physiological artifacts for
investigated responses were statistically significant in recordings ear-EEG and scalp EEG [11]. The study confirmed that ear-
from both settings. Statistically significant ASSR and SSVEP EEG was suitable for real-life monitoring, and showed that
were measured in the lab by ear-electrodes referenced to an artifacts related to jaw muscle contractions were higher in
electrode within the same ear. In real-life, only the ASSR was the ear compared to the scalp. Eye-blinking did not influence
statistically significant for a reference within the same ear.
The results demonstrates that electrical brain activity can be ear-EEG, but was present in the scalp EEG. Eye movement
recorded from dry-contact electrode ear-EEG in real-life. artifacts were present in both ear and scalp recordings.
The current study presents recordings of ear-EEG, per-
I. I NTRODUCTION formed with the dry-contact ear-EEG platform in both a lab
Investigation of human brain function with electrophysi- setting and a real-life setting. The ear-EEG recordings were
ological and hemodynamical modalities, such as EEG and compared to conventional wet-electrode scalp recordings.
fMRI, have in the past largely been limited to laboratory II. M ETHODS
studies. However, the state of our brain is influenced by our
surroundings, and the response from the brain is influenced Recordings were performed in a controlled laboratory
by the state of our brain. Therefore, the restriction to labora- setting, and uncontrolled environments in real-life. The same
tory recordings represents a fundamental limitation. Record- paradigms and instrumentation were used for the recordings
ing of EEG in real-life overcome this limitation, enabling in the lab setting and the real-life setting, enabling compar-
research of evoked responses and spontaneous responses ison of the EEG measurements from the two settings.
related to everyday life situations, and could potentially open A. Experimental setup
up new fields of applications [1].
The ear-EEG were recorded from actively shielded dry-
Previous studies of evoked potentials in the mouse brain
contact IrO2 electrodes mounted in soft-earpieces as de-
have shown that visual and auditory evoked potentials are
scribed in [10]. Four electrodes were mounted in each ear-
significantly different when the mouse is moving as com-
piece as shown in Fig. 1. The electrode positions were ExA
pared to not moving [2] [3]. It seems reasonable to expect
and ExB in the concha part of the ear, and ExE and ExI in the
that similar phenomena applies to humans; i.e. measurements
ear-canal, where x denotes the left (L) or right (R) ear [7].
of brain responses performed in real-life settings are dif-
A headcap (TMSi B.V., The Nederlands), containing 24 wet
ferent from responses measured under restrained laboratory
Ag/AgCl electrodes, was used for the scalp recordings.
settings. Devices for recording of EEG in the user’s everyday
The EEG recordings were acquired with a sampling rate
1 S. L. Kappel and P. Kidmose are with Department of Engineering, of 2000 Hz by a 32 channel portable MOBITA EEG ampli-
Aarhus University, DK-8200 Aarhus N, Denmark. fier (TMSi B.V., The Nederlands). An Ambu WhiteSensor
978-1-5386-3646-6/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE 5470
soft-earpiece the reference was the Cz scalp electrode. Scalp-scalp: The
dry-contact electrodes measuring electrode was the M1 or M2 electrode and the
ERI reference was the Cz electrode.

ERB within-ear ear-scalp scalp-scalp

ERE vent
dry-contact electrode
Cz SSVEP glasses

ERA Fig. 2. Illustration of the electrode configurations used in the data

M2 analysis. Filled circles indicate wet scalp electrodes and open circles indicate
ERE dry-contact ear-electrodes.
(in the ear-canal)

C. Steady-state responses
Fig. 1. Top left: Soft-earpiece for the right ear, with electrodes mounted in Two steady-state stimuli were studied. Each of the stimuli
positions A, B, E, and I. Top right: The earpiece and an earphone inserted was presented to the subjects for 5 minutes.
into the ear. Bottom left: The full setup with scalp EEG and ear-EEG.
Bottom right: The SSVEP stimulation was performed by modulating the The stimulus for the steady-state visual evoked potential
ambient light with the SSVEP glasses. (SSVEP) was presented to the subjects by modulating the
ambient light with 9 Hz, using the SSVEP glasses shown in
Fig. 1 and detailed in [10]. In the lab setting, the subjects
electrode (Ambu A/S, Denmark), located at the left cheek, were looking at a monitor displaying a white screen, and in
was connected to the GND of the amplifier. Prior to insertion real-life, the natural daylight was the primary light source.
of the earpieces, the ears were cleaned with alcohol. The stimulus for the auditory steady-state response (ASSR)
6 subjects (4 males) with normal hearing and vision, and was Gaussian distributed white noise amplitude modulated
an average age of 32 (s.d. 6) years, participated in the study. with 40 Hz. In the lab setting, the subjects had closed eyes,
In the lab setting, the subjects were seated in a comfortable and in real-life, the subjects were walking with eyes open.
chair and instructed to relax. In the real-life setting, the The steady-state response (SSR) recordings were bandpass
subjects walked on the sidewalk of roads close to Aarhus filtered from 2 to 100 Hz, and a second order 50 Hz notch
University, Denmark. No restrictions were given for head and filter was applied to reduce power line noise. Then, the data
eye movements. Recordings were made on six different days; were segmented in 1 s segments, aligned to triggers of 8 Hz
as the experiment protocol did not take weather conditions for ASSR and 9 Hz for SSVEP. The 256 segments with
into account, there were quite large differences in weather the lowest mean power from 55 to 75 Hz were selected
conditions over the six recording days. Thus, four of the for the data analysis. The SSR for ear-scalp and scalp-scalp
recordings were performed during moderate wind and two electrode configurations were calculated by time domain
were performed during mild rain. averaging (TDA) of the selected segments.
Auditory stimuli were presented to the subjects with the Within-ear electrode configurations generally result in a
same intensity and phase in both ears by insert earphones lower SSR, compared to ear-scalp electrode configurations
(3M E-A-RTONE™ GOLD). The tubes from the earphones [7] [10]. To obtain a reliable SSR for all subjects, the
were inserted into the vents of the earpieces, as shown in within-ear electrode configurations were optimized for each
Fig. 1, and the individual auditory sensation level (SL) was subject [13]. To avoid overfitting, each electrode configurati-
determined for a 1000 Hz tone. An auditory steady-state on was trained on half of the selected segments, and tested on
stimulus was presented at a sound level of 52 dBSL , and the other half. This cross-validation was performed for 100
a stimulus for auditory onset response was presented at a different training and test configurations, and the TDA of all
sound level of 60 dBSL . the test data were calculated. The method is detailed in [10].
All recordings were bandpass filtered with the EEGLAB The SNR was calculated, at each harmonic of the ASSR
FIR filter function “pop eegfiltnew()” [12]. The cutoff fre- and SSVEP, as the ratio between the power at the harmonic
quencies are given below for each paradigm. and the mean power of the noise in a frequency band ±5 Hz
B. Electrode configurations relative to the harmonic. The power at the harmonic was
excluded from the noise power estimate.
The EEG data were analyzed with the electrode configura-
tions sketched in Fig. 2. Within-ear: The measuring electrode D. Auditory onset response
and the reference electrode were located within the same ear. An auditory evoked onset response was also included in
Ear-scalp: The measuring electrode was an ear-electrode and the study. The stimulus was a 1 kHz sinusoid of duration
ELE-Cz (28dB) ERE-Cz (26dB) M1-Cz (28dB) M2-Cz (28dB) ELE-Cz (24dB) ERE-Cz (26dB) M1-Cz (26dB) M2-Cz (25dB)

dB (rel. to 1 V/ Hz) 10 10

dB (rel. to 1 V/ Hz)
0 0

-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Left ear (26dB) Right ear (24dB) Left ear (20dB) Right ear (19dB)
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]
10 10
dB (rel. to 1 V/ Hz)

dB (rel. to 1 V/ Hz)
0 0

-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

(a) Lab (b) Real-life

Fig. 3. Lab (left) and real-life (right) grand average power spectra of the ASSR for ear-scalp and scalp-scalp electrode configurations (top row) and
within-ear electrode configurations (bottom row). The faded lines are the response for each subject. The SNR of the first harmonic ASSR is given in the
legends, and a star marker indicates a statistically significant ASSR (p<0.05, F-test).

200 ms (including 10 ms rise and fall times). The stimulus- in Table I. An ear-electrode was discarded if none of the
onset asynchrony (SOA) was randomly chosen between 1.7 possible within-ear electrode configurations involving the
and 2.3 s. The stimulus was presented to the subjects for 5 electrode, resulted in a statistically significant first harmonic
minutes. In the lab setting, the subjects had closed eyes, and ASSR (p<0.05, F-test).
in real-life, the subjects walked with their eyes open.
The recorded EEG data were bandpass filtered from 1 to Left ear - Lab Right ear - Lab
25 Hz and segmented with limits of -100 to 500 ms relative 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.3
to the onset of the stimulus. The noise level of each epoch Left ear - Real-life Right ear - Real-life
was estimated as the mean power from 55 to 75 Hz, based on ELA ELB ELE ELI ERA ERB ERE ERI
the unfiltered EEG data. The event related potential (ERP) 0.5 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.7 0.0 0.2
was extracted by TDA of the 128 segments with the lowest TABLE I
noise level. The mean amplitude from -100 to 0 ms was used D ISCARD RATIOS GIVEN FOR EACH EAR - ELECTRODE LOCATION .
for baseline correction. C ONCHA ELECTRODES MARKED WITH GRAY.

E. Alpha band modulation

A. Steady-state responses
Recordings of spontaneous EEG were also included in
the study, to complement the recordings of the SSRs and Fig. 3 shows a clear and statistically significant first
auditory onset response. The focus was on occipital alpha harmonic ASSR for all electrode configurations in measure-
band activity, which is modulated by visual attention [14]. ments from both settings. This is promising for the future
The subjects were instructed for two conditions; 1) Eyes application of ear-EEG to estimate the objective hearing
open. 2) Relaxing with closed eyes. The first condition was threshold in the everyday life, where it could be used to
condition 1, and an auditory cue indicated a change in improve the performance of hearing aids [15]. Comparing
condition every 60 second. The measurements had a duration the power spectra for the lab setting and the real-life setting,
of 4 minutes. The subjects were walking during the real-life the noise floor of the real-life recordings was approximately
recordings, and for the closed eyes periods the subjects were 20 dB higher. However, the power of the first harmonic ASSR
instructed to hold their hand on a handrail while walking. was also higher in real-life, causing the SNR for the ear-scalp
The EEG recordings were bandpass filtered from 2 to electrode configurations to be similar for the two settings.
45 Hz and segmented in 4 s segments, with 2 s overlap. The For the within-ear electrode configurations, the SNR was
mean alpha band power in the interval 8-12Hz was calculated slightly lower in real-life. The higher noise floor of the real-
for each segment, and segments with a mean alpha band life recordings was likely related to both motion artifacts and
power above 100 µV 2 /Hz were left out of the analysis. physiological artifacts [11].
Fig. 4 shows the SSVEP measured in the two settings.
III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION For ear-scalp and scalp-scalp electrode configurations, the
In the following we present EEG recordings from the lab second to fourth harmonics of the SSVEP were statistically
setting and the real-life setting. Recordings from a few ear- significant in both settings. In real-life, the first harmonic
electrodes were discarded in the data analysis as specified SSVEP was not statistically significant for most of the
ELE-Cz (13dB) ERE-Cz (13dB) M1-Cz (14dB) M2-Cz (15dB) ELE-Cz (11dB) ERE-Cz (10dB) M1-Cz (9dB) M2-Cz (10dB)

dB (rel. to 1 V/ Hz) 10 10

dB (rel. to 1 V/ Hz)
0 0

-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Left ear (6dB) Right ear (6dB) Left ear (-2dB) Right ear (0dB)
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]
10 10
dB (rel. to 1 V/ Hz)

dB (rel. to 1 V/ Hz)
0 0

-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

-40 -40

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

(a) Lab (b) Real-life

Fig. 4. Lab (left) and real-life (right) grand average power spectra of the SSVEP for ear-scalp and scalp-scalp electrode configurations (top row) and
within-ear electrode configurations (bottom row). The faded lines are the response for each subject. The SNR of the second harmonic SSVEP is given in
the legends, and a star marker indicate a statistically significant SSVEP (p<0.05, F-test).

ELE-Cz M1-Cz Significant response ELE-Cz M1-Cz Significant response

10 10
7.5 7.5
Amplitude [ V]

Amplitude [ V]

5 5
2.5 2.5
0 0
-2.5 -2.5
-5 -5
-7.5 -7.5
-10 -10
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Time [s] Time [s]
(a) Lab (b) Real-life
Fig. 5. Grand averaged auditory onset responses for ear-scalp and scalp-scalp electrode configurations. The faded lines are the auditory onset response
for each subject. The overlaid green line indicate intervals where the grand averaged auditory onset response were significantly (p<0.05) different from
zero, measured by a one sample t-test.

Open Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Closed

25 20 25 20

20 20
15 15
dB [rel. to 1 V/ Hz]

dB [rel. to 1 V/ Hz]
Frequency [Hz]

Frequency [Hz]

15 15
10 10

10 10
5 5

5 5
0 0
-power [dB]

-power [dB]

10 5 0 -5 20 15 10 5
Grand avg.

Grand avg.

Power [dB] 10 Power [dB]
0 0

-10 -10
50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200
Time [s] Time [s]

(a) Lab, ear-scalp electrode configuration ELE-Cz (b) Real-life, ear-scalp electrode configuration ELE-Cz
Fig. 6. Top: Spectrograms and power spectra for a single subject, measured in the lab and real-life settings. The open and closed eyes intervals are
√ ±1 standard deviation of the
indicated above the spectrograms. Bottom: Grand average of the mean alpha band power (8-12 Hz). The shaded area indicate
grand average. The grand average plots have been smoothed with a 3 tap mean filter. All dB values are relative to 1µV / Hz.

electrode configurations. From the current study it cannot IV. C ONCLUSION
be determined, if the missing first harmonic SSVEP in the Recordings of ear-EEG and scalp EEG were performed
real-life recordings, should be attributed to changes in the with the same instrumentation and paradigms in both a
stimulation, changes in the brain response, or other circum- laboratory setting and a real-life setting. 6 subjects partic-
stances. For the within-ear electrode configurations, the first ipated in a study of auditory steady-state response (ASSR),
three harmonics of the SSVEP were statistically significant steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP), auditory onset
in the lab setting, whereas no statistically significant SSVEP response, and alpha band modulation. The analysis of scalp
was measured in real-life. The missing response is likely (Cz) referenced EEG data showed high similarity between
related to the increased noise floor of the real-life recordings. recordings from wet scalp and dry-contact ear-electrodes for
Fig. 7 was used to determine the optimal number of both settings. All the investigated responses were statistically
segments in the TDA. Fig. 7(a) shows the noise level of significant in both settings with the scalp reference. For
the segments from the real-life ASSR recordings, sorted in within-ear referenced ear-electrodes, statistically significant
ascending order and for a within-ear electrode configuration. ASSR and SSVEP were measured in the lab, whereas in
The noise level was calculated as the mean power from 55 to real-life only the ASSR was statistically significant. Auditory
75 Hz. Fig. 7(b) shows the noise level after TDA versus the onset response and alpha band modulation was not statis-
number of segments in the TDA. Fig. 7(a) illustrate that it tically significant for within-ear referenced ear-electrodes.
is not beneficial to include all segments in the TDA. For Generally, the noise level was approximately 20 dB higher
the current study, the analysis of the ASSR and SSVEP for the real-life recordings compared to the lab recordings.
recordings was performed using the 256 segments with the The results show that electrical brain activity can be recorded
lowest noise level. Fig. 7 supports that this is a reasonable from dry-contact electrode ear-EEG in real-life. With further
tradeoff between noise level and number of segments. development of the dry-contact electrodes and earpieces it
appears to be realistic to implement ear-EEG into unobtrusive
Left ear Right ear Left ear Right ear and user-friendly devices for brain-monitoring in real-life.
Noise [dB rel. to 1 V/ Hz]
Noise [dB rel. to 1 V/ Hz]

20 0
10 -10 This research was supported by Innovation Fund Denmark
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