MATH209 - IV Sem - B Tech Second Periodical

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Second Periodical Test, IV Semester Examination, March, 2022

Class: B.Tech. IV Sem. (CS-A, B, C and IT-A, B)

Subject: Mathematics
Paper: Complex Variables (MATH 209)
Max Marks: 10 No. of Students: 439
Note: Students are required to attempt Three questions. Question No. 1 is

Q 1. (i) Show that the transformation = maps the circle + −4 =0

on the straight line 4 + 3 = 0. (2)

(ii) Evaluate ∫ , where C:| | = 3. (2)

( )( )

Q 2. (i) Prove that the value of the integral ∫ ( − ) is equal to 2 when n,

an integer ≠ −1 and its equal to zero otherwise. (1 )

(ii) If C be the closed curve containing the origin, show that

∮ = . (1 )


Q 3. (i) Evaluate ∫ ( + ) , along the line joining the points (1, -1) and

(2, 3). (1 )

(ii) Evaluate by using Cauchy’s integral formula

∫ , ℎ : | − 2| = . (1 )
Q 4. Find the points in ℂ, where the following functions is conformal.
(i) sin (1)
(ii) tan (1)
(iii) + (1)


Q 5. (i) Expand in series about the point z=0. (1 )

(ii) Discuss the transformation = and show that it transforms the region
between the real axis and a line parallel to real axis = , into the upper

half of the w-plane. (1 )

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