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CHE1016 Fermentation Technology L T P J C

3 0 0 0 3
Pre-requisite NIL Syllabus version
Course Objectives:
1. Learn the basics of the various aspects of microbiology and Biosystems
2. Impart experimental design thinking capability in relation to various fermenter configurations,
modes of operation, growth kinetics and product recovery
3. Extrapolate the design thinking skills to bio related processes with chemical engineering
Course Outcomes (CO):
1. Understand the importance of fermentation with reference to industrial microbiology
2. Summarize kinetics prevalent in microbial processes
3. Understand the process to select and manage microorganisms from natural source to
4. Interpret the acquired knowledge on fermenter configuration for different types of cells and
5. Design of fermenter and the downstream processing of fermentation products
6. Create innovative applications for fermentation technologies for novel products
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 2,4,9
Module:1 Introduction and history of fermentation processes 4 hours
Development of fermentation process range of processes under fermentation. Types of
Module:2 Microbial growth kinetics 6 hours
Microbial growth - Batch, Continuous and types of fed batch culture design and kinetics.
Comparison of the modes of culture
Module:3 Microbial Strain Management 5 hours
Industrial microorganisms - isolation, preservation and improvement of strains; Storage methods
and improvement strategies.
Module:4 Media for industrial fermentations 5 hours
Media formulation - energy, carbon and nitrogen sources, micro nutrients; oxygen requirements;
Other non-nutrient and functional components. Effects of media composition on penicillin
production; Media optimization.
Module:5 Preparation of aseptic fermentation process 8 hours
Preparation of media and air for pure culture fermentation; Media sterilization - Batch and
continuous sterilization processes; Sterilization of fibrous filters and their design; Development
of inocula - processes involving yeast, bacterial, fungi; Aseptic inoculation of plant
Module:6 Basic functions of a fermenter 8 hours
Basic functions of fermenter Aeration and agitation process requirements and mechanical
design aspects; Maintenance of aseptic conditions and foam control. Types of fermenters for
industrial applications - stirred & sparred tanks fermenters, Tower fermenter, Packed tower,
Air lift and rotating disc fermenters; Solid State fermentation.
Module:7 Process technology for bulk products 7 hours
Basic downstream processing; Process technology for bulk products; Production of alcohols,
organic acids, enzymes, and antibiotics flow sheet and process description of modern
Module:8 Contemporary issues 2 hours
Total Lecture hours: 45 hours
Text Books
1. Stanbury P.F., Whitaker A., Steve H., Principles of Fermentation Technology, 3rd ed.,
Butterworth-Heinemann, USA, 2017.
2. El-Mansi E., Bryce C.F.A, Arnold L.D., Allman A.R., Fermentation Microbiology and
Biotechnology, 2nd ed., CRC Press, USA, 2007.
Reference Books
1. Ashok P, Christian L, Carlos R.S., Advances in Fermentation Technology, 1st ed., Asiatech
Publishers Inc., India, 2008.
2. Rhodes A and Pletcher. D.L: Principles of Industrial Microbiology, 3rd ed., Pergamon Press,
UK, 1977.
Mode of evaluation: Continuous Assessment Test, Quizzes, Assignments, Final Assessment Test
Recommended by Board of Studies 15.04.2019
Approved by Academic Council 55 Date 13.06.2019

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