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HEAL-507 Team Project Overview: Weeks 2–12

Tasks & Timeline for completion of team project


On the basis of a number of environmental perspectives, your team must discuss and evaluate an
existing initiative/solution that is in place to manage a current New Zealand human health issue. This
assessment evaluates all the four Learning Outcomes (LO) for this course.

LO1 (50%): Identify inter-relationships between health and environment.

LO2 (50%): Analyse socio-political and environmental issues occurring within Aotearoa New Zealand
LO3 (100%): Practice effective teamwork as a basis for interprofessional learning
LO4 (100%): Present work at the appropriate academic standard

Assessment 2: The Team Project begins in Week 2 of this semester and your team is expected to complete
Tasks I–X (detailed in this document). In the table below is a summary of the Tasks I to X and a timeline
schedule for Weeks 2–12 (8th March-4th June), with assessment deadlines in BOLD text. Scroll down on this
document to find details of each task.

Sem. Tasks Assessment 2: Team Project

weeks Task Schedule for Assessment 2 Completion Deadlines

2 Meet your allocated team, discuss your bird personalities, decide on a team name and
begin team discussions related to Task II. The wikis will be made available in week 3

3 I Access your online wiki team through Blackboard. Complete Task I

4 II This week you must complete Task II. Create a wiki page called “Task II” and copy/paste
the questions listed under Task II below onto this page. Answers to Task II questions
should be ready by end of week 4, Fri 26th March, 4:00pm. Markers will provide
formative feedback in the mid-semester break.

Mid-semester Break

5 III • Check for markers’ feedback about task II answers. Address any required changes.
• Create a wiki page called “Tasks III & IV”.
• Commence Task III. Answer questions listed under Task III below and copy/paste them
onto this wiki page.

6 IV • Task IV is a peer-review exercise that requires you to provide participation details of your
team members. Copy/paste and fill in the participation table provided on page.

• Complete Task III & IV for marker feedback (formative) by end of week 6, Friday 23rd
April 2021, 4:00pm.

7 V & VI • Team continues discussions about answers for team report questions in Task III and
completes Task V and VI.
• Completion of Task V and VI requires the team to Copy/Paste and fill in respective tables
with the required details on the Wiki Homepage/Discussion by end of week 7, Friday
30th April 2021.
• Task VI requires your team to set its own deadlines for team members to draft their
individual answers and provide feedback on each other’s sections. We recommend that
you set a deadline for individual answer drafts to be complete sometime in Week 9 and
peer feedback to be complete sometime in Week 10.

8 VII • Team addresses marker’s feedback about answers for team report questions for task VII.
• Individual members start drafting their own answers to team report questions.

9 VII • Individual members continue working on writing/amending your own answers and give
and receive feedback to/from team members.

10 VII • Commence completion of Task VII. Create a wiki page called “Task VII”. Post screenshots
of individual Turnitin submission on this page as part of Task VII (Follow internal
deadlines as set by team in task VI).

• Commence completion of Tasks VIII, IX & X

11 & 12 VIII, IX • Task VIII: Create a wiki page called “Final Report (Task VIII).” and copy/paste your
&X individual answers onto the “Final Report” page. Add introduction, conclusion and the
reference list to create a final team report.
• Task IX: Create a wiki page called Task IX and copy/paste the participation table as
presented on page 9 on it. Task IX is a peer-review exercise that requires you to provide
participation details of your team members.
• Task X: Present answers to task 10 questions on your individual wiki page

* NB: Tasks VIII, IX & X must be complete in your team wiki by end of week 12, Friday 4th
June, 4:00pm. Wikis will be closed from this date/time for the remainder of the semester,
and you will not be able to access or make any further additions or changes

Task I: Team Wiki set up

Ensure that the following set up is complete in your team wiki:

1: Team homepage (discussion page) is the page with the house icon on the wiki.
2: A text colour chosen for team text, and a different colour for each member (not black).
3: A team contract page that has been signed and dated by all active team members.
4: A team meeting minutes page with details and decisions from all team meetings recorded,
including who attended the meeting and who was keeping the meeting minutes.
5: Everyone creates a wiki page for themselves and posts their bird personality summary on

Task II: Teams choose a NZ human health focus/issue and existing initiative/solution

a) Discuss the answers to the following questions as a team. Once you reach a team
consensus, type the answers (on a wiki page titled “Tasks II”) in your team text colour
(3–4 bullet point sentences). Provide relevant NZ examples, statistics and references
as applicable to support your discussion.
b) Which current NZ human health focus/issue your team has chosen and why is this
c) Briefly introduce a selected existing initiative/solution that is currently being
implemented in New Zealand in response to the health issue. This may include a
current response to prevent/diagnose/treat/manage the team’s chosen human health
issue in NZ.
d) As a team discuss the strengths and limitations of the chosen initiative/solution and
fill in the following table. Provide relevant NZ examples, statistics and references as
applicable to support your discussion.
Strengths of the initiative/solution Limitations of the initiative/solution

Task III: Planning and structuring for the final team report

As part of the final Team Report, teams are to choose from the following questions to answer.
The total number of questions selected will be the same as the total number of active team
members. Questions 1 & 2 are compulsory to answer, and the team can choose from
questions 3 to 9, based on the total number of team members. For example, a team with 3
active members answers Questions 1 & 2, plus one question chosen from the set; a team of 5
active members answers Questions 1 & 2, plus 3 other questions selected from the set
provided below. Based on your team’s Task II answers and as a team, discuss and agree on
the main points for each of the compulsory and selected questions. Each answer (approx. 3-4
bulleted sentences) should be supported with relevant NZ examples, statistics and references
as applicable to support your discussion. These points will help you later to structure your
final team report. Present your answers in the team text colour on a wiki page titled Task III.

Team Report Questions:

1. (Compulsory) If and how does the selected health initiative/solution meet the NZ
obligations based on Te Tiriti o Waitangi? How does the solution/initiative respond to
the four Articles of the Treaty? What are some recommendations that could enhance
the initiatives’/solution’s effectiveness in relation to the Treaty? (500 words +/- 10%)

2. (Compulsory) If and how is the chosen health initiative/solution considered

sustainable in the NZ context? Identify and discuss which UNSDGs are relevant to this
initiative/solution. What are the barriers and discuss some recommendations that could
enhance the sustainability of this initiative/solution for the health focus/issue? (500
words +/- 10%)
Other Team Report Questions:

3. What cultural or social norms/values in Aotearoa New Zealand society may be

impacting the effectiveness of the chosen initiative? What are some recommendations
that could enhance the effectiveness of this initiative/solution in relation to the health
issue? (500 words +/- 10%)

4. What is the influence of NZ’s natural environment on your team’s chosen human
health issue? Does the chosen initiative minimise the environmental impact? What are
some recommendations that could enhance the effectiveness of this initiative/solution
in relation to the Natural Environment/health issue in NZ? (500 words +/- 10%)

5. How does the Urban Environment in relation to the determinants of health impact
your team’s chosen health issue? Does the chosen initiative manage any of these
influences? What are some recommendations that could enhance the effectiveness of
this initiative/solution in relation to the Urban environment in NZ? (500 words +/-

6. Consider the chosen initiative in relation to its influence on human rights and ethics.
Think about vulnerable members of the affected population group and their informed
choice. What could be done to make this initiative culturally safe for people in New
Zealand? (500 words +/- 10%)

7. Consider the influence of media and technology with regards your team’s chosen
human health issue? How are media and technology utilised in development and
implementation of your chosen initiative? What are some recommendations that could
enhance the effectiveness of this initiative/solution in relation to Media and
Technology in NZ? (500 words +/- 10%)

8. Consider how medical treatments are funded in New Zealand and with reference to
the different models, explain how your initiative is/is not funded. How is it marketed
to the target audience? What are some recommendations for strategies that could
enhance the awareness and acceptance of the chosen solution/initiative? (500 words
+/- 10%)

9. Consider how Interprofessional practice influences the production, distribution and/or

implementation of the chosen initiative/solution. What different
professionals/organisations are involved in this process? Are there any barriers? What
are some recommendations that could enhance the effectiveness of the chosen
solution/initiative in terms of interprofessional practice? (500 words +/- 10%)

Task IV: Record of Team Peer Participation

Please see instructions on page 7 for Task IV

Task V: Authorship of Report sections

Each team member should choose and expand upon one of the questions your team answered
in task III above. Individual answers will be included as part of the final report. Decide who
will write the detailed answers (500 words +/- 10%) to the selected team report questions.
Remember Questions 1 & 2 are compulsory to answer. This means that the teams should
devise a back-up plan in case when a primary team member is unable to answer the
compulsory questions. Use the table below to list which team member will write the answer
for the selected questions for your team report. Post/screenshot the completed table to the
task V & VI wiki page by the end of Week 7, Friday 30th April 2021.

*In case when the backup author picks up one of the compulsory questions to answer, they
are no longer required to complete answering the originally selected question. However, the
team may decide to include both question answers if the original has already been drafted.

Section of Team Report Who will write this section?

Introduction Whole team
Conclusion Whole team
Reference list Whole team
Questions: Provide a subheading for the Which team member will
selected questions. For example, 4: Media & write this section:
1(Compulsory) Primary author:

Back up author:

2(Compulsory) Primary author:

Back up author:


Task VI: Team deadlines for drafts and feedback

As a team, discuss and state below your team’s agreed timelines for completing the writing
of, and commenting on draft answers for your final report. A deadline should also be decided
for submitting your final answers to Turnitin. Post/screenshot the completed table to the task
V & VI wiki page by the end of Week 7, Friday 30th April 2021

Task to be completed Date agreed by team

All team members’ individual answers to
compulsory/selected questions will be
drafted by:
Each team member will provide comments
and feedback on everyone else’s drafts by:
Each team member will submit their
finalised answer to Turnitin by:

Task VII: Drafting individual final report sections

For this task, each team member is required to complete the following alongside meeting the
team agreed deadlines in Task 6:

• Answering the compulsory/selected questions: Teams are first required to discuss

the main answer points for all the compulsory and selected questions. Individuals will
then draft their detailed answers for the final report based on the team’s discussion.
• Individually write (500 words +/- 10%) an answer to your chosen compulsory/other
question. Your writing should be supported with information, data and examples from
academic sources and cited in-text. Post your draft answer, in your own text colour,
on your own Wiki page.
• Once you have finished writing your draft, put a message on your team’s
Discussion/Home Page, inviting your team members to provide feedback and
suggestions on your draft.
• Provide feedback and suggestions to all other team members who have finished
writing their drafts.
• Finalise your answer and polish your writing based on feedback received from your
team members. Submit your finalised answer text to Turnitin (Turnitin Link Available
in Assessments folder, please follow instructions on Turnitin site). Post a screenshot
of your Turnitin results on the Task 7 wiki page.

Task VIII: Final Team Report

• Create a new page on the Wiki titled “Final Team Report.”

• Copy and paste all the individual answers written by the members. These should stay
in the author’s individual text colour and should include the team member’s name in
the section title; for example, Media & Technology (author: Aaron).”
• As a team, write an Introduction (300 - 500 words) for the report. You can base this
on the information you presented in Task 2 (taking any feedback from your marker
into consideration).
• As a team, write a short conclusion (300 - 500 words) for your report, summarising
the main findings and discussions about the health issue and the chosen initiative.
Present some future recommendations and/or limitations of your chosen initiative.
• As a team, create a full reference list for your report (there should be a reference list
entry for each source cited in the report). Use APA 7 rules for formatting your
reference list.

Task IX: Record of Peer Participation

• Please see instructions on page 8 for Task 9

Task X: Individual review

Each team member will answer all the following questions as an individual review on their
own wiki page and in their own text colour (1–2 sentences per answer):

• What did your team do particularly well?

• What was the main challenge your team faced?
• What could your team have done better or differently?
• What did you personally find the most enjoyable or interesting aspect of the project?
• What was the main challenge you personally faced?
• What could you personally have done better or differently?

Task IV: Peer participation feedback for weeks 2-4

Peer feedback Peer feedback Peer feedback Peer feedback Peer feedback Peer feedback Peer feedback
for Team for Team for Team for Team for Team for Team for Team
member 1 member 2 member 3 member 4 member 5 member 6 member 7
This team member Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Name:
Engaged effectively
with the group
Attended team
regularly and
Contributed to
completing tasks I-
As a team enter each team member’s name in the top row under one of the Team members 1, 2 etc
In your own text colour write a Y (yes) or N (No) for each of the 4 feedback points as listed in the first column of this table.
Each team member fills in one peer feedback column for each of you team members (peer feedback for Team member 2, 3, etc.)
As a team attach/screenshot this table once it is completed and post it on the Task III & IV wiki page before 4:00pm Friday 26th March.

Task IX: Peer participation feedback for weeks 5-12

Peer feedback Peer feedback Peer feedback Peer feedback Peer feedback for Peer Peer feedback
for Team for Team for Team for Team Team member 5 feedback for for Team
member 1 member 2 member 3 member 4 Name: Team member 7
This team member has: Name: Name: Name: Name: member 6 Name:
Attended team meetings
Adhered to our team
Met the agreed deadlines
Submitted their section to
Turnitin and given peer
contributed to completing
tasks V-X
As a team enter each team member’s name in the top row under one of the Team members 1,2 etc
In your own text colour write a Y (yes) or N (No) for each of the 5 feedback points as listed in the first column of this table.
Each team member fills in one peer feedback column for each of you team members (peer feedback for Team member 2, 3, etc.)
As a team, attach/screenshot this table once it is completed and post it on the Task IX wiki page before 4:00pm Friday the 4th of June

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