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FULL NAME:…Nguyễn Thị Xuân Thủy.

21011511 Subject: Reading 1

CLASS:……420300367310…… School-year: 2021 -



UNIT 5: Business – READING 5 : What makes a family business successful?

Vocabulary & Definition Example Synonym/ Collocation Word family

pronunciation Antonym

1.Challenge (n) Something that needs great mental or She issued a challenge to her rival #Contest ADV:challengingly Challenger(n)

/ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/ physical effort in order to be done candidates to take part in a public #Trial PREP: to Challenge(v)

……………………… successfully and therefore tests a person's debate. ……………...... ………...……………….. …………………...

2.Corporation(n) Ability a large company or group of I hated working for a large #Company ADV: firmly Corporate(adj)

/ˌkɔː.pərˈeɪ.ʃən/ companies that is controlled together as a corporation. #Firm PREP: Corporation(n)

……………………….. single organization ……………………………………………………. ……………...... ………...……………… …………………...

3.Courage (n) The ability to control your fear in a dangerous People should have the courage to #Bravery ADV: nervously Courage (n)

/ˈkʌr.ɪdʒ/ or difficult situation stand up for their beliefs. #Cowardice PREP: to …………………...

4.Enthusiasm(n) A feeling of energetic interest in a particular After the accident he lost his #Eagerness ADV: eagerly Enthusiast(n)

/ɪnˈθjuː.zi.æz.əm/ subject or activity and an eagerness to be enthusiasm for the sport. #Apathy enthusiastically Enthusiastic(adj)

…………………………. involved in it …………………………………………….…… ……………...... PREP: for …………………...

My mother is an expert at dress-

5. Expert (n) A person with a high level of knowledge or making #Specialist ADV:expertly Expertise(n)

/ˈek.spɜːt/ skill relating to a particular subject or activity They have set themselves a series of #Connoisseur PREP: at Expert (adj)

6. Goal (n) Things that you want to do goals to achieve by the end of the #Aim ADV: aimlessly Goal (v)

/ɡəʊl/ …………………………………………………………………… month. #Purpose PREP: to Goal (n)

………………………… ……………………………………………………………………. He doesn't have a very healthy …………………… ………………………… …………………...

7.Lifestyle (n) Someone's way of living; the things that a lifestyle. #Routine ADV: Stylelife (n)

/ˈlaɪf.staɪl/ person or particular group of people usually …………………...…………………...…………… #Daily life PREP: ………... …………………...

………………………….. do It's her responsibility to ensure the ……………...... ……………….. …………………...

8.Responsibility Something that it is your job or duty to deal project finishes on time. #Duty ADV:responsibly Responsible(adj)

(n) with …….................................................................... #Obligation PREP: to Responsibility(n)

/rɪˌspɒn.sɪˈbɪl.ə.ti/ …………………...…………………...………………….. He showed great strength of ……………...... ………... …………………...

9.Strength (n) The ability to do things that need a lot of character when he refused to accept #Force ………………..ADV: Strong (adj)

/streŋθ/ physical or mental effort …………………... the bribes. #Weakness strongly Strengthen(v)

………………………… …………………...………………….. Her talent for music showed at an ……………...... PREP: of ………………………

10.Talent (n) A natural ability to be good at something, early age. #Aptitude ………... Talented (adj)

/ˈtæl.ənt/ especially without being taught Party unity is threatened when #Ability ………………..ADV: Talentlessness
11. Unity (n) The state of being joined together or in members will not compromise. #Agreement ably Unity (n)

/ˈjuː.nə.ti/ agreement This range of clothing is specially #Disarray PREP: for Unities (n)

To make or draw plans for something, for

example clothes or buildings designed for shorter women. ADV:agreeably

12. Design (v) To increase in size, number, or importance, or They expanded their retail #Create PREP: Designer (n)

/dɪˈzaɪn/ to make something increase in this way operations during the 1980s. #Invent Design (n)

13. Expand (v) To not succeed in what you are trying to He failed in his attempt to break the #Enlarge ADV: creatively Expansion (n)

/ɪkˈspænd/ achieve or are expected to do record. #Contract PREP: for Expandable (adj)

14. Fail (v) To succeed in doing or dealing with I only just managed to finish on #Defeat ADV: largely Failure(n)

/feɪl/ something, especially something difficult time. #Pass PREP: Failed (adj)

15. Manage (v) Accepting things as they are in fact and not It isn't realistic to expect people to #Succeed ADV: unfaillingly Managerial(adj)

/ˈmæn.ɪdʒ/ making decisions based on unlikely hopes for work for so little money. #Give up PREP: in, to Manager (n)

16.Realistic(adj) the future …………………...…………………...…………… #Reasonable ADV: successfully Realism (n)

/ˌrɪəˈlɪs.tɪk/ To trust someone or something and know that I'm depending on you to keep your #Impractial PREP: to Real (adj)

………………………….. that person or thing will help you or do what promise. ……………...... ADV: really ……………………….

17.Depend on you want or expect him, her, or it to do …….................................................................... #Contingnet PREP: to Denpendant (n)
(phrasal verb) If property, diseases, or biological conditions Should I pass down wealth now or #Rest on .………...……………… Dependable (adj)

/dɪˈpend ɒn/ pass down, they go from parents to children wait until I die? …………………… ADV: dependably ……………………….

18.Pass down …………………...…………………...………………….. …………………...…………………...…………… #Outdo PREP: on, to Passable (adj)

(phrasal verb) #Withheld ………………………… Passage (n)

/pæs daʊn/ …………………… ADV: ………………………..



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