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Bude 2: Nhin 3 phuong an, ta thay C la dang Déng tit (cé dudi -ate va la phyong an ngin nhdt), B 1a dang Danh tir vi c6 dudi —tion, A 1 dang Tinh ti vi e6 dudi al durge thém vio education. Ta chon phuong an A. Lign ~ dai- mao L. Lién tir C6 2 loai lign tir chinh nhu saw: Lién tir ding lip C6 7 lign tit: for — and — nor but - or — yet — so, eich nhé: FANBOYS. Phé bign nhat la: and, or, but, so nén cdn wu tién hoe nhiing tir nay. Cae lién tit nay ndi hai tit/ cum tit/ céu teong duong voi nhau vé tinh chdt va déc lap vei hau vé § nghia Vi du: I love you and I miss you, do you need a pen or a pencil? Lign tir phy thuge C6 rit nhidu lign tir phu thude, ching ding 48 mé dawgiéi thigu mét ménh 48 phy thude vo ménh d8 chinh, Vi du: I went swimming although it was raining. (tri mua 14 ménh 4& phy, although 4é m6 ddu/gidi thigu n6), Khi duge ding trong cfu, lign tir “as” mang hai nghfa. Nghia thi nhét la “bai vi" (because) vva nghfa thir hai 1a “khi” (when). Hay cing xem ching duge sir dung nhur thé nao nhé + ‘As’ véi y nghia “béi vi” As he is my friend, I will help him. Bai vi anh dy la ban ciia t6i, nén t6i sé gitip 6 dy + “As” véi ¥ nghia “Khi” We watched as the plane took off. Ching t6i da xem Khi may be Liu ¥: “as” 6 céich ding trong te nhue “because” vi “when”. Diing sau “as” sé la mot ménh dé (day dit chi ngit, vi ngit) ‘After’: sau khi © After the train left, we w Sau khi tau di, ching t6i Although/Though: mic di \Ngén tay thir 4: Cac ménh dé trong tiéng Anh Phan Anh * Although it was after midnight, we did not feel tired, Mac dit da qué nia dém, chiing t6i vin khong cdm thy mét Before: trurée khi « Larrived before the stores wei b open. Toi da dén truedc khi cde ctta hang mé cita # We had to wait, beeause we arrived early Ching t6i phai doi, bot vi ching t6i dén som Providing/ provided that: mién Ia + All will be well, providing/provided that you are careful Tait cd s@ Gn thoi, mién la céic ban can than Supposing (= if, «Supposing that happens, what will you do? Néu diéu dé xdy ra, ban sé lam gi? «Unless he helps us, we cannot succeed. . Tre khi anh dy giip chiing t6i, néu khong ching t6i khong thé thinh cong ‘Until/ til: cho dén khi + Iwill wait until I hear from you. Toi sé doi dén khi 61 nha tin te ban Whether: ligu...hay khéng do not know whether she was invited (or not). Toi khong biét 06 dy c6 durge moi hay khong. As iff’ as though : nhu thé © She talks as if she knows everything. dy néi nlue thé cé dy biét moi thit As long as: mign liv ké tir khi -M > As long as we cooperate, we can finish the work easily (Mién ld ching 16 hop téc, chiing t6i cd thé hodin thank cong viée mét each dé dng) Ké tir khi => He has lived there as long as I have known him. (Anh dy séng & day te khi t6i biét dén anh dy) la As soon as: ngay khi © Write to me as soon as you can, Hayy viét the cho t6i ngay khi ban c6 thé nhé In case: phing khi... (just in case: dé phing thai) # Take a sweater in ease it gets cold. Hay mang theo do len phong khi trai trélanh Take some money, just in ease! Cit mang tién di, dé phéng thoi! Or else = otherwise: néu khéng thi # Please be careful, or else you may have an accident, Xin hay can than, néu khong thi ban c6 thé bj tai nan But for + N/Ving: néu khdng 6 + But for his help, I would have been difficult in this project. Néu khong cé su gitip d6-ciia anh ta, t6i chic da gdp nhiéu khé khiin trong die én nay, With a view to + N/Ving: véi muc dich + They keep launching all system with a view to going ahead their competitors. Ho tiép tue chay todn hé thong véi muc dich di tribe déi thi. In terms of + N/Ving: xét vé mit * This action is considered to be effective in terms of expense saving. Xét-vé mat tiét kigm chi phi thi hanh dong nay duege xem la hiéu qué. In regard to/ regarding + N/Ving: lign quan dén # In regard to your claim, management has forwarded your information to the department head. Lién quan dén khiéu nai ciia ban, ban quan lj sé chuy ban diéu hank, théng tin ctia ban dén tring Regardless of: bat ké, bat chdp + He won the match regardless of his injuries Anh dy da chién thang trén ddu bat chap nhimng chén thong. Not only ... but also : khong nhimg ma cén (vé sau thwong quan trong va nhan manh hon vé truée). # He is not only thoughtful but also very understanding, Anh dy khong nhitng chu déo ma edn rét thau hiéw ca..Jin Both Mary and Tom are students Cé Mary lin Tom déu la sinh vien “Both..and” luén chia dang sé nhiéu © Neither Mary nor Tom are students. Ca Mary lan Tom aéu khong phai Id sinh vién.\ Either... or: ... eding abu, © Either Mary or Tom are students. Mary ciing nh Tom déu la sinh vién Trong edu tric neither ~ nor va Either — or chia déng tit theo danh tit gan déng tie nhdt.

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