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06 Writing a Narrative: Narrative

Part 1: Brainstorming
Make a Connection
1. What conflict have you faced in your own life? This will be the basis of your narrative.
a. In my life, I have faced the conflict of choosing to be an artist/author.
1. Who is the protagonist?
a. June Delilah Pendragon
2. What does the protagonist look like?
a. June is a 5’ Wyveret (half dragon half human) girl with fluffy caramel hair that she
wears in a half up, half down ponytail, with two braids on the side of her face. She
has heterochromia, with one eye being red and the other orange. June has four
horns, one pair on her forehead and the other above her ears. She has a long red
tail with orange fins on the end. Due to her culture, she is covered in tattoos and
has piercings. (They haven’t all been designed) Though, she does cover them with
big sweaters and star covered stockings and for the hell of it, she wears combat
boots that are a bit too big for her.

3. What is the protagonist’s age and what other information is important (where he/she
lives, goes to school, hobbies, etc.)?
a. June lives in the dorms at her school
b. June goes to Supernatural Academy and is a freshman
c. June loves to play video games, draw, hang with her friends, eat and sleep.
d. She only has four people she considers real friends. (Luis Lenovo: Half
human/computer, MP3(Melanie Price III) music-based powers, Merlin Intuos, makes
anything he draws real, and Salem Winchester: a vampire who loves coffee more
than blood)
e. June is a magical creature; she can hold heat in her body and release it in large
f. June, being a Wyveret, is quite knowledgeable in combat, she uses this in her battle
training class/training with Merlin.
g. Her combat class is tank
4. How would you describe the protagonist’s personality and attitude?
a. June’s personality can be described as moody. She doesn’t like people and tends to
want to be left alone but likes her previously mentioned friends. Towards people she
doesn’t know, she is standoffish and snippy since she is secretly worried about
being betrayed by them. When with her friends, she is all smiles and jokes. Though
when something needs to get done, she can come off as bossy.
5. Who is the antagonist?
a. KAIS: Key Artificial Intelligence System
6. What does the antagonist look like?
a. Kais doesn’t have a physical appearance of his own, but he does take over June’s
friend Luis who is 5’9, slim, pale, and has metal covering some of his face and
body. He has spikey black hair that he wears a grey baseball hat backwards over
and baby blue eyes, and his left eye works like a projector and camera lens. He
wears a stripped blue shirt and a black jacket that he rolls up to his elbows. He has
buttons and pins over the front of the jacket. His grey jeans are ripped in places and
he wears light blue high tops.
7. What is the antagonist’s age and what other information is important (where he/she
lives, goes to school, hobbies, etc.)?
a. Kais is Supernatural Academy’s old AI system. He wants vengeance since he was
b. Kais works like a virus anything computerized is susceptible to be taken over by
him, hence why Luis was able to be taken over.
8. How would you describe the antagonist’s personality and attitude?
a. Kais is like a vengeful ghost. He is furious with the headmaster for replacing him
and wants to kill her. Even if it means using her students against her
1. What conflict does your protagonist face?
a. June faces whether she is ready to fight her friend to save their school.
2. Who or what causes the conflict?
a. Kais causes the conflict by taking over Luis’s body.
3. Who is involved in the conflict?
a. June, Luis, and Kais are the ones the conflict is surrounded by, but Melanie,
Merlin, and Salem are also involved
4. How will the protagonist respond to the conflict?
a. By deciding to fight Kais (who is in Luis) and save the school.
5. What is the outcome of the protagonist’s response to the conflict?
a. When June decides to fight Luis, she knocks Kais out of him, saving both Luis
and the school with the help of Melanie, Merlin, and Salem.
1. How will you introduce the characters, setting, and conflict in the exposition?
a. First there is a couple paragraphs of Kais coming online after twenty years, then
it cuts to June + company eating in the cafeteria
2. What events will happen in the rising action to help develop the conflict?
a. People start noticing their electronics going haywire, like no more Academy
Assistant, and when they order food, it comes out wrong.
3. What will the climax (turning point) be for the protagonist? Think about the decision the
protagonist will have to make as a result of the conflict.
a. Luis plugs into an outlet to recharge and Kais enters his power systems and
captures his soul, replacing it with himself. Kais, using Luis’s body, starts
attacking the school’s systems and announces himself. He attacks the
headmaster injuring her greatly. June blames herself but knows she must do
something and with the help of her friends they trap Luis and dunk him in water,
frying his systems and freeing Luis’s mind of Kais
4. What events will happen in the falling action?
a. Luis gets taken to the medical bay and his systems get fixed, June and friends go
and visit him and see that he is okay-ish, still needs time to heal. Kais gets put
onto a flashdrive prison.
5. How will the conflict be solved in the resolution?
a. The Headmaster talks with Kais and makes him into a security feature of the
school’s new AI
Point of View
1. What point of view will you use to tell the story? Think about who can best tell the story
—a narrator who is inside the story (first person) or a narrator who is outside the story
but knows the thoughts and feelings of the characters (third person omniscient).
b. It is third person omniscient, past tense
2. How will your selected point of view influence what readers know about the characters
and the conflict in your narrative?
a. Knowing how all the characters are thinking and feeling makes it easier for them
to see what is going on with Kais and how he affects Luis’s mind.

Part 2: Exposition
1. Directions: Use the answers from Part 1: Brainstorming to write your exposition
paragraph. This should introduce the main characters, the conflict, and the setting. Be
sure to include descriptive details.
Systems online… Welcome back: KAIS.
How long has it been? Kais pulled up the date: 2020? It has been twenty years? Why
would Headmaster do that? Kais crawled through the wiring till he could see out the computer
screen, no one was there. He frowned.
“Hello, I am the Academy Assistant, how may I help you?” Another AI started talking.
“The Headmaster replaced me?” Kais stared at the AI.
“Headmaster Shujin, made me to help the students. What is your ID number, I can go
ahead and get you started, if you’d like.” The AI smiled, Kais started strangling the AI. “What are
you doing?”
“I will be the only AI.” Kais absorbed the other AI. “Now, where is the headmaster?”

June pulled at her tie that was tucked under her sweater. “I hate these ties!!” June sighed
and ceased her attempt to make the tie looser.
“That is why I don’t wear the tie.” Merlin sneered, then scratched at his turtleneck.
“Yeah, that is so much better.” Salem sipped his coffee noisily and gave Merlin a look.
“You don’t have to be a sarcastic jerk.” Merlin threw back at him. Salem stuck out his
tongue at him.
“You two are adorable.” MP3 smiled.
“We are not!” They yelled at the same time, making June laugh. Luis was scrolling through
some of the school’s systems.
“Everything alright?” June asked.
Luis sighed, “I'm not sure, this morning I noticed that the school’s AI was malfunctioning,
hence no food yet. It’s like it has taken a break. It is quite odd.”
“It’s nothing that can't be fixed though, right?” Merlin asked.
“Of course, but first the problem has to be noticed.” Luis scratched at his chin where the
skin met metal.

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