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Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197

MKTG3007 Market Planning

Self Marketing Plan

Purpose and Mission

Every individual at one point in life must reflect and make decisions about one’s desires for their future.

The purpose of this marketing plan is to map out my own mission, goals, design and strategy following

the year after my graduation from my bachelors programme at the University of The West Indies, St.

Augustine, via the format marketing plan. This marketing plan would enable me to take the first few steps

into the business profession. This plan required me to conduct an analysis of my own purpose, current

situation, desired optimal strategy, and my eventual implementation. The goals that I have set for the

coming year can and will be attainable with the implementation of this plan and with the help of

perseverance, commitment, and a lot of work.

Situational Analysis

Product Analysis
To introduce myself and my current situation, my name is Kirsten Hutchinson and I am currently

a third year student in the University of the West Indies planning to soon graduate with a

specialisation Bachelors in International Tourism Management. Before this however I had

completed both my CSEC and CAPE certifications at my St Joseph's Convent Secondary School

satisfactorily. Throughout my educational journey thus far I have always been a very proactive

and diligent student joining many extracurricular activities such as choir, scrabble and UNESCO

club, of which I was vice president, as well as being appointed for prefect duties. These

experiences functioned to groom me to become an experienced leader and allowed me to

effectively work and communicate in group environments. The skills I obtained via these roles, I
Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197

believe, will be useful to me in the world of work as the attributes of integrity, problem solving,

work ethic and collaboration are highly regarded by employers. These qualities I am still able to

use currently within my virtual academic life, manifesting through virtual and e-communication

and organisation for group assignments, which has only strengthened my flexibility and

communication skills in the age of e-commerce and virtual learning. Regarding my career, at this

stage of my life, I am to work within my area of specialisation being Tourism management or

more broadly, project management, while prioritising sustainability. As I begin this career, at

entry level and thereafter, I plan to fine-tune these already possessed attributes and integrate and

adapt to suit as different roles would require a different set of skills.

Market Analysis

As I am still in the budding stages of my career, I believe I should keep my ‘market approach’ as

open to possibilities as possible. Therefore, I would strategize to cater to a mass market instead

of using a segmentation approach targeting a less niche, and definitely less competitive job

market. To further understand this market, so that I may be aware of my own requirements, I

must look at the psychographic and demographic of the mass market. These profiles are firstly,

that the company or companies are within the tourism, environmental or sustainable business

industry, located in Trinidad and Tobago and that the opportunities are entry level jobs,

apprenticeships or internships, the jobs are not gender or age specific but skill based. The soft

skills required would include strong communication skills, leadership skills, critical thinking,

planning skills and a can-do attitude. The in demand technical skills would include proficient

computer literacy, an educational requirement of at least a business or business oriented

Bachelor's Degree as well as 3 or more years of work experience. These employers also have
Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197

expectations of the employee that have to be met and maintained even after they are hired

depending on the role or job position. As the market is broad these roles are not fixed but all

have the same baseline expectations which, for management professionals include planning,

directing and coordinating activities to improve efficiency. The typical process of being

potentially employed by a job with this market profile is usually done through one or a few

employees via multiple interviews and the applicant's resume. The overall size of the local

market currently is quite small, with 4-15 available job offers available on most popular

employment oriented websites, however with the economic conditions being likely to improve as

we approach the post-covid economy, the job market in-turn is likely to improve within the year.

Consumer Analysis

The goal of becoming an employee for a business within the industry of tourism and sustainable

business is a large part of the journey of fulfilling my personal desires for my own future. In

order for this to be achieved I must first cater to and source these reputable companies so that

they may enable me and my brand to obtain these goals. To name a few of these companies

within the industry of Trinidad and Tobago, there are businesses such as the many local hotels

and ecotourism initiatives such as resorts and sanctuaries. In the case of this 1 year plan I will

aim to attain an entry level job at one of these businesses, therefore my target audience would

include coordinators and employers for internship and junior management positions. Marketing

to employers by obtaining internships is also an effective way to eventually secure an entry job

position if the employment market is very small or if desired job openings are not available. I

would be able to communicate and inquire firsthand to other staff members, allowing me to

monitor their tasks and work performance, and within the year I would, hopefully, prove my
Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197

competence and understanding of the business and finally secure a job within the industry,

beginning my career journey.

Competitor Analysis
Immediately after graduating from my degree programme my competition would first and

foremost be my fellow graduates as we would possess the same academic qualifications from the

same institution. The additional work experience I have from multiple temporary jobs and

volunteer work that I have done during my time at university would allow me to have a small

competitive edge over some of my fellow graduates. However some other graduates would have

years of work experience therefore, I will still have to depend on showcasing my skills, values

and an above average work ethic. Initially working voluntarily, unfortunately without pay, can

possibly aid in being employed quicker as It would be the perfect opportunity to showcase my

brand as an employee directly to those hiring within the business and fellow employees that can

potentially assist in my networking. However I would also actively be utilising whatever

interview opportunities for desirable jobs available. Participating in both of these job ventures,

through volunteering while job hunting, I would have an increased chance at securing a job

position that I would both enjoy and see a future in instead of settling for whatever job is simply

available to me.

Market Strategy and Objectives

A proper marketing strategy would assist in the finding of specific areas of my personal brand

affected by organisational growth, which would allow for me to create an appropriate marketing

plan that will adequately cater to the consumers’ needs.

Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197

Ansoff Matrix

Market Penetration Product Development

Focusing on selling my personal brand to the Accumulating new skills and improving the
existing job markets within the industry. This skills one already possesses can be achieved by
market penetration can be achieved by investing toward the innovation of one’s
applying one’s knowledge about the market personal brand and having insight into the
and strengthening relationships with evolution of the job market, this would allow
employers can establish more likely for a competitive advantage and employers
opportunities of a secure job in the market, would likely take note of this diversification
making it a good low risk approach. allowing opportunities of recognition and

Market Development Diversification

The marketing of a personal brand to newer By applying to a variety of jobs that are related
audiences is important. Using a number of to or within the industry of tourism business
distribution channels such as online career management one is employing a related
oriented social apps or even utilising forms of diversification strategy. This would ensure low
social media. These strategies, ‘repackaging’ risk when diversifying oneself into new markets
yourself as a potential employee on different as most of the jobs would have overlaps in job
platforms can allow you to attract different demands and environment as well as synergies.
employment opportunities from new market

Market Goals and Objectives

Promotional Market Development and Utilising Opportunities

Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197

While a traditional and more direct distribution strategy would be to source company job

openings or internships and directly speak to employers via interview and submission of a

resume. However, in the day and age of the internet and e-commerce, one’s online presence can

be a very effective marketing tool and distribution strategy for personal branding. Apps such as

LinkedIn, Glassdoor and Facebook prioritise a person’s professional appearance and has allowed

both employers and employees to communicate, interview, consult and advise all from the

comfort of their homes. Portraying my skills and including factual information and e-portfolio on

these social media sites can allow me to showcase evidence of my high level proficiency and

competence to do certain jobs within the field of tourism or sustainable management.

Product development and Market Research (Certification)

The requirements sought by employers within this industry would be at least a tertiary level

education in management, previous job experience and a priority of sustainability along with

qualities of leadership. While I may possess these qualities to maintain a competitive advantage

and to further meet the needs of this ever changing market I would need to innovate my personal

brand. I plan to do so by eventually investing and acquiring a postgraduate Masters Degree. This

advancement would enable me to gain specialised knowledge on industry developments and

innovation and insight into the market, the opportunity to advance my career into more senior

positions with an increased income as well as the fortuity to enhance my own professional


Tactical Programs

As I am still in the budding stages of my career I believe I should keep my ‘market approach’ as open to

possibilities as possible. Therefore I would strategize to cater to a mass job market instead of using a
Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197

segmentation approach, targeting only a specific, and potentially more competitive, niche market. To

further understand this market, so that I may in turn understand my own requirements and tactics:

Product/ Person

This personal brand, being myself, would consist of whatever career oriented experience and

traits I would have received for the duration of my life. This would have begun in my fore-

mentioned experience in extracurricular work in secondary school. However, my first experience

within the sphere of employment would have begun at the age of 16, where I worked various

minimum wage jobs such as office book-keeping, cashier, inventory and customer service during

my July-August and December vacations up to the age of 19. This brief but holistic work serving

as an employee of multiple businesses was impactful and a good foundation for me to begin my

adult career as I am now more familiar with the inner workings and dynamics of a business and

what behaviours, decorum and ethics are expected by employees in a professional setting this

also granted me confidence in myself to perform in a professional setting. My future goals are to

expand my educational qualifications and obtain my postgraduates degree when I obtain the

means to do so. This development would allow me to gain advancements and opportunities to

increase growth of my personal brand.

The branding outside of my professional life cycle would include my own strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities and threats.

Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

● Experience working in business ● Can procrastinate at times

environment (in many areas) ● Tendency to succumb to anxiety

● Good communication skills, works ● Not much experience in work outside

well with others (teamwork) of minimum wage employment

● Bachelors level education in business


● Prioritises sustainability

● Good multitasker

● Organised and trustworthy

● Eager to please and flexible

Opportunities Threats

● Post graduation there will be more ● Trinidad and Tobago may not offer

time to apply for jobs many job opportunities at the moment

● Has enough credentials to make a ● The economic state of job market due

sufficient entry level job resume to Covid-19 pandemic may hinder

● Previous work experience and employment goals

education may allow for some ● Area of work (business management)

leverage in the job market for entry is a fairly competitive job the market

level jobs. (as work experience is a

highly sought requirement)

Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197


As I am at the very beginning of my career, meaning that I would most likely be recruited to an

entry level job, due to my lack of acceptable full-time work experience and business knowledge.

Therefore I would be earning a base salary of approximately $63,300 TTD/ year, and eventually

with experience I can earn % increases to my salary annually, usually added annually. Eventually

I aim to move along the career path with more experience and advancements to my resume,

obtaining higher paying positions until a desired career goal is reached.


As I will be graduating From UWI St. Augustine online, remaining in my place of residence in

South Trinidad, I would most likely through a variety of channels, indirectly and directly seek

out jobs that would allow me to easily commute. Therefore I would preferably place my brand in

a business that is also located preferably in South Trinidad, as it would result in a shorter

commute, although the majority of business establishments within my desired industry are

located in the capital and North of Trinidad. Therefore, to expand my market availability, and

thus increase my chances of finding an optimal employment opportunity, I am willing to

commute further and alter my routine appropriately as well as transportation options.


The main plan of action when promoting your personal brand is the presentation of oneself

through their work performance and reputation as well as through their resume and online

presence. Through channels of e-commerce and one’s public virtual presence. My digital

footprint online must maintain a level of appropriateness and professionalism when broadcasted
Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197

to a public audience, which I believe I currently have and must upkeep. A reputable work ethic

and good impression left with previous employers can serve as an effective means of advertising

one's personal brand and building public relations which in effect will help the overall marketing

of themselves as references and precedence from past employers and observers can be sources

and evaluated by any potential employers of yours.I thankfully have left a good impression with

all of my previous career ventures, to ensure that if a potential employer were to contact or

inquire about me they would be met with positive feedback.

Budgeting and Finance

Description Average Cost (TTD)

(job-hunting expenses) Professional Resume $500


(job-hunting expenses) other costs $1,000

Postgraduate MSc in Management Studies $32,000


TOTAL Cost $33,500


My personal Marketing Plan and strategies should be manifested into actions as soon as my

official graduation from my Bachelors degree program is effective. I am from that point fully

responsible for implementing each strategy methodically and using fore-mentioned resources to

achieve the resulting goal, to obtain an entry level job within the Sustainable Management
Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197

industry. I should achieve my goal of employment within the year of 2023, by executing my

action plan successfully.

● Sourcing the right organisations and employment opportunities within the market

● Distributing my CV and digitally self marketing to respective organisations, job and

internship prospects

● attending interviews and aptitude tests

● Adapt to new employment position and apply knowledge and skills obtained

● Expand market growth and professional development with skills and knowledge acquired

through work

● Apply to a Postgraduate programme (possibly part-time) to expand marketability


The market plan focuses on personal branding and its importance to the job market and to the

process of obtaining a career. Understanding the job market and its competition and my own

strengths and weaknesses allow me to foresee and strategize in order to obtain an advantage over

this competition as well as take advantage of potential opportunities and avoid threats that aid in

my year long journey to achieve my goals.

Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197


“233 Jobs in Trinidad and Tobago (14 New) -” Accessed March 10, 2022.

Cuadra, Deanna. “Are Your Entry-Level Job Requirements Keeping Candidates from
Applying?” Employee Benefit News. Employee Benefit News, March 7, 2022.

“Entry Level Jobs in Trinidad, Co - Glassdoor.” Accessed March 10, 2022.

HCaptcha Solve Page. Accessed March 10, 2022.


“How to Write a Job Description [Updated for 2022]: Indeed for Employers.” enUS.
Accessed March 10, 2022.

“How to Write a Marketing Plan Tutorial Archives - Page 2 of 3.”

Accessed March 10, 2022.

“Part 1: Marketing Plan Purpose and Organization Mission.”, November

25, 2021.

“Part 2: Situational Analysis.”, November 27, 2021.

“Part 4: Tactical Marketing Decisions.”, November 27, 2021.
Kirsten Hutchinson - 816019197

“Postgraduate - University of the West Indies at St. Augustine.” Accessed March 10, 2022.

Shulsinger, Tamar. “The Benefits of a Master's Degree in Today's Job Market.”

Northeastern University Graduate Programs, November 25, 2020.

“Trinidad Jobs.” Entry Level jobs in Trinidad and Tobago. Accessed March 10, 2022.

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