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6th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC 2k21), Oct 07-09, 2021, JUIT,

Solan, India
2021 6th International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC) | 978-1-6654-2554-4/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ISPCC53510.2021.9609515


978-1-6654-2554-4/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 218

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sleep module from time package.
The paper is organized in the following way. Section II
C. Initialization of GUI:
discusses the techniques adopted for development of the After all the packages and modules are imported properly
interface. In Section III, experimental results and their and the GUI is interfaced with the serial port the GUI will be
significances were given in the subsequent section while the displayed on the computer screen for further requests.
paper was concluded with Section V.
D. User Authentication:
For security purpose in this project, an Alphanumeric
Username and Password authentication module have been
created which is case sensitive and prevents any fake
authentication. If authentications are failed, then a popup
message alerting wrong username or password is displayed
on the graphical user interface using the Python message
box module. If authentication is accepted, then the control
flows to the next window of the graphical user interface.
E. Fetching of real-time data from the serial port:

After authentication is accepted then the control

flows to the main application window of the
graphical user interface asking for the user request
for fetching the real- time data from the serial port.
When the user presses the get data button present.
on the main window, the GUI will fetch the real-
time data from the serial port every 0.5 seconds.
Fig 1. Workflow of events. F. Analysis of real-time data
After the data is fetched from the serial port of the
A. Importing of Packages and Modules:
computer to the GUI then the GUI based on the threshold
The Graphical User Interface is Designed and Developed
with the help of Python ‘Tkinter’ package. Interfacing of the values of the data does further analysis of the data. Based
graphical user interface with the web browser for displaying
on the data analysis of the real-time data an alert message is
the project related content is done with the help of Python
web- browser module. Serial Port Interfacing with the generated in the form of labels on the main window of the
microcontroller is done with the help of Python ‘serial’
module. Execution of multiple nodes simultaneously is
achieved with the concept of multi- threading and for that; G. Alert Generation Module
we have used the Python Thread module from threading
package. For time delay of 0.5 seconds between the data of With the help of multi-threading concept, multiple nodes
nodes we have used the Python sleep module from time
package. For storage of data into Excel file, we have used will generate the alert message of the individual nodes
the Python Workbook module from ‘xlwt’ package. which is implemented with the help of the Thread module
B. Serial Port Interfacing with Microcontroller:
of the threading package. Exception Handling concepts are
To fetch and display the real-time data from the
also used while developing the GUI so as to prevent any
environment to our developed graphical user interface we
garbage or NULL data from the serial port to display
have directly interfaced our GUI with computer serial port
directly on the GUI and preventing any other problem
with the help of Python serial module. The GUI will fetch
while executing the further processes.
data every 0.5 seconds form the serial port and will display
on GUI. Time delay is managed with the help of Python
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H. Storage of Real-Time Data
After the data is fetched and analyzed and alert is
generated based on the threshold values of the data is then
stored continuously every 0.5 seconds in the Excel file
which can be further used for plotting graph of the real-
time data or any other data processing. This is
implemented using the xlwt package of the Python which
allows to create, open, store the values in the Excel file
and then save the file.
Fig 4 - GUI displaying FIRE status after data analysis.

III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Since the system represents a wireless Sensor Network
Similar methodology was adopted in previous study [7]. (WSN), so for the possibility of addition of a greater number
The results obtained in previous study was improved for of nodes, another module was developed for analyzing data
this study with additional features such as “Node Number for five nodes instead of only one node. Figure 5 shows the
(Node)” and the new data display window was presented as GUI created for five nodes.
Figure 2

Fig 2 – Main window used for the detection of forest fires.

When the user clicks on the START button on GUI, the data Fig 5-GUI for displaying the status of five nodes simultaneously.

is fetched from the serial port, analysis is done on the data Like previous module, when the user clicks on the GET
and based on analysis the GUI displays the status of FIRE DATA button, data is fetched every 0.5 seconds by GUI,
or NO FIRE as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. analysis is done on the data and based on Node number the
status is displayed in front of node whether there is a fire or
not as shown in Figure 6.

Fig 3 – GUI displaying NO FIRE status after data analysis


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Fig 8-GUI displaying NO FIRE status based on data analysis of

Fig 6 - GUI displaying FIRE or NO FIRE status based on data analysis of respective ten nodes
respective nodes.
When the area covered by the sensor network not having any
As a next step the module was further extended to ten
fire situation at any node then GUI will display NO FIRE
nodes for coverage of Wide Area Network (WAN) as
status for all the ten nodes based on the data analysis as
shown in Figure 7.
shown in Figure 8 and when the area covered will have FIRE
condition at all the nodes based on data analysis, then all
nodes will show FIRE status as shown in Figure 9.

Fig 7 - GUI for displaying the status of ten nodes simultaneously.

After the user clicks on the GET DATA button, data is

fetched from the serial port of the computer, analysis is done
on the data and FIRE or NO FIRE status is displayed in front
Fig 9 -GUI displaying FIRE status based on data analysis
of the respective node. Figure 8 and Figure 9 shows the of the respective ten nodes.

status of FIRE and NO FIRE based on the analysis of data

done for the respective nodes. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) discussed in this
paper has been designed and developed


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successfully. The main objective of the project was to detect REFERENCES
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