Urdaneta City University: Human Rights Education Final Examination

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1. Is the sanctuary of protection for all persons, citizens or non-

citizens, against any and all kinds of abuses of power and authority
by the government, or any of its officials and employees, or even
against any unwarranted violation of such rights by any other person.
a. Human rights c. Bill of rights
b. Civil rights d. Customer is always right

2. What section of the Bill of Rights states that “No person shall be
deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor
shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.”
a. Section 1 c. Section 2
b. Section 3 d. Section 4

3. It was defined as a law which hears before it condemns

a. Criminal law c. Law
b. Due process d. Civil law

4. What section of the Bill of Rights pertains to “Right to remain

silent and to have competent and independent counsel”
a. Section 12 c. Section 13
b. Section 14 d. Section 15

5. In relation to question number 4, what do you call the above

mentioned rights?
a. Bill of rights c. Miranda law
b. Human rights d. Miranda rights

6. Still in relation to question number 4, what is the landmark case

where these rights has been applied
a. Miranda vs. Lapena c. Miranda vs. Ohio
b. Miranda vs. Arizona d. Miranda vs. Tulfo

7. It refers to something which is more than mere freedom from

physical restraint or the bounds of a prison.
a. Liberty c. Freedom
b. Right d. Law

8. It refers to things which are susceptible of appropriation and

which are already possessed and found in the possession of man.
a. Life c. Property
b. Things d. Apay bagim

9. Can you effect search without search warrant in a law arrest?

a. yes c. no
b. partially yes d. partially no

10. It implies the right to freely utter and publish whatever the
citizen may please, and to be protected from any responsibility for so
doing, except so far as such publication, from their blasphemy,
obscenity, or scandalous character, may injuriously affect the
standing reputation or pecuniary interests of individuals.
a. Freedom of speech c. Freedom of the press
b. both a and c d. either a or c

(075) 600-1507
San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
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ucu.edu.ph | univpresidentofficial@gmail.com
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

11. Is the security given for the release of a person in custody of

the law, furnished by him or a bondsman, conditioned upon his
appearance before any court as required under the conditions
hereinafter specified.
a. Bail c. Arrest
b. Warrant d. Jay agkling kling

12. When an accused is either acquitted, or convicted, or the case

against him is dismissed or otherwise terminated without his express
consent, by a court of competent jurisdiction, upon a complaint or
information or when a formal charge sufficient in form and substance
to sustain a conviction and after the accused had pleaded to the
charge, the conviction or acquittal of the accused or the dismissal of
the case shall be a bar to another prosecution for the same offense.
a. Double jeopardy c. Incrimination
b. Prescription d. Termination

13. In relation to question number 12, what section of the Bill of

Rights discusses such right
a. Section 19 c. Section 20
b. Section 21 d. Section 22

14. In relation to question number 13’ choice, section 22 discusses?

a. Bill of the attainder c. Ex post facto law
d. Due process d. Writ of habeas corpus

15. It is one which makes criminal an act before the passage of the
law and which was innocent when done, and punishes such act.
a. Bill of the attainder c. Ex post facto law
d. Writ of amparo d. Writ of habeas corpus

16. It is any law which makes an innocent act crime after the act was
a. Bill of the attainder c. Ex post facto law
d. Writ of amparo d. Writ of habeas corpus

17. It is one which aggravates a crime, or makes it greater than it

was, when committed;
a. Bill of the attainder c. Ex post facto law
d. Writ of amparo d. Writ of habeas corpus

18. It is one which changes the punishment and inflicts a greater

punishment than the law annexed to the crime when consummated
a. Bill of the attainder c. Ex post facto law
d. Writ of amparo d. Writ of habeas corpus

19. It is one which alters the legal rules of evidence, and authorizes
conviction upon less or different testimony than the law required at
the time of the commission of the offense.
a. Bill of the attainder c. Ex post facto law
d. Writ of amparo d. Writ of habeas corpus

20. It is one which assuming to regulate civil rights and remedies

only, in effect imposes penalty or deprivation of a right for
something which when done was lawful; and
a. Bill of the attainder c. Ex post facto law
d. Writ of amparo d. Writ of habeas corpus

21. It is one which deprives a person accused of a crime of some

lawful protection to which he has become entitled, such as the

(075) 600-1507
San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Bright future starts here
ucu.edu.ph | univpresidentofficial@gmail.com
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

protection of a former conviction or acquittal, or a proclamation of

a. Bill of the attainder c. Ex post facto law
d. Writ of amparo d. Writ of habeas corpus

22. It is a legislative act which inflicts punishment without judicial

a. Bill of the attainder c. Ex post facto law
d. Writ of amparo d. Writ of habeas corpus

23. It is a writ or order directed to the person detaining another and

commanding him to produce the body of the prisoner at a certain time
and place, with the day and the cause of his detention, to do, submit
to, and receive whatsoever the court or judge awarding the writ shall
consider in that behalf.
a. Bill of the attainder c. Ex post facto law
d. Writ of amparo d. Writ of habeas corpus

24. In relation to question number 23, is this writ available to a

foreigner whose detention is illegal in the beginning but which was
subsequently legalized with the issuance of a court order commanding
a. Yes c. No
b. Possibly yes d. Possibly No.

25. What section of the Bill of Rights stating that “All persons have
the right to a speedy disposition of their cases before all judicial,
quasi-judicial or administrative bodies.
a. Section 14 c. Section 15
b. section 16 d. Section 17

26. It is the stage where an investigation is no longer a general

inquiry into an unsolved crime but has begun to focus on a particular
suspect taken into custody by the police or other law enforcement
agents who carry out a process of interrogation that lends itself to
elicit incriminating statements.
a. Investigation c. Preliminary investigation
b. Custodial investigation d. Interview

27. It involves questioning initiated by law enforcement officers

after a person has been taken into custody or deprived of freedom of
action in any significant way.
a. Investigation c. Preliminary investigation
b. Custodial investigation d. Physical Examination
28. The case where the Supreme Court held that the purpose of
providing counsel to a person under custodial investigation is to curb
the police-state practice of extracting a confession that leads
suspect to make self-incriminating statements.
a. People v. Rapeza c. People vs. Miranda
b. People v. Arizona d. People v. Gamboa

29. The case where the Supreme Court held that subjection to
paraffin test does not require that the right to have competent
and independent counsel be afforded as this is necessary only
in testimonial compulsions, not when it is the body of the
accused which is proposed to be examined.
a. People v. Rapeza c. People vs. Miranda
b. People v. Arizona d. People v. Gamboa

30. Are police line-ups considered as part of custodial investigation?

(075) 600-1507
San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
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ucu.edu.ph | univpresidentofficial@gmail.com
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

a. Yes c. No
b. maybe Yes d. maybe No

31. In relation to question number 30, what case does this scenario
has been applied?
a. People v. Rapeza c. People vs. Rueras
b. People v. Arizona d. People v. Gamboa

32. Which statement is correct?

a. Article III, Section 12(1) of the Constitution states that
any confession or admission in violation of the above rights
shall be inadmissible in evidence.
b. Article III, Section 12(2) of the Constitution states that
any confession or admission in violation of the above rights
shall be inadmissible in evidence.
c. Article III, Section 12(3) of the Constitution states that
any confession or admission in violation of the above rights
shall be inadmissible in evidence.
d. Article III, Section 12(4) of the Constitution states that
any confession or admission in violation of the above rights
shall be inadmissible in evidence.

33. In relation to question number 32, the statement is

otherwise known as?
a. Inadmissibility of evidence c. Exclusionary rule
b. Exculpatory rule d. Sana all may ex rule.

34. Is defined as the direct acknowledgement of guilt.

a. Confession c. Admission
c. Plea of Guilty d. Arraignment

35. The law that pertains to the rights of the accused under
custodial investigation
a. P.D. 7438 c. R.A. 7438
b. P.D. 7843 d. R.A. 7843

36. Naggy Mas, was arrested by Patrolman Patu Col by virtue of

warrant of arrest, Patrolman Patu Col informed Naggy Mas his
constitutional right and give him a counsel because this
counsel is a relative of Patrolman Patu Col,Is patrol Patu Col
does not violate the right of the accused under custodial
a. Yes c. No
b. maybe Yes d. maybe No

37. In relation to question number 36, when Naggy Mas testified in his
behalf could it be used as evidence against him?
a. Yes c. No
b. maybe Yes d. maybe No

38. Still in relation to question number 36, if Naggy Mas confesses in

front of his counsel preferably of his own choice, and it is in
writing, can it be now be admissible in court?
a. Yes c. No
b. maybe Yes d. maybe No

39. Still in relation to question number 36, what if Naggy Mas

admitted that he is at the crime scene when the crime is committed but
his presence has no involvement of the crime, what do you call his

(075) 600-1507
San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Bright future starts here
ucu.edu.ph | univpresidentofficial@gmail.com
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

a. Confession c. Admission
b. Guilt d. Apay siyak garud?

40. In relation to question number 39, is the statement made by Naggy

Mas a Confession?
a. Yes c. No
b. maybe Yes d. maybe No

41. All are rights present in Miranda rights except;

a. The right to remain silent
b. The right to competent and independent counsel preferably of his
own choice. If the person cannot afford the services of counsel, he
must be provided with one.
c. The right to be informed of such rights
d. None of the foregoing

42. All are rights present in Miranda rights except;

a. The right to remain silent
b. The right to competent and independent counsel preferably not of
his own choice. If the person cannot afford the services of counsel,
he must be provided with one.
c. The right to be informed of such rights
d. None of the foregoing

43. All are rights present in Miranda rights except;

a. The right not to be silent
b. The right to competent and independent counsel preferably of his
own choice. If the person cannot afford the services of counsel, he
must be provided with one.
c. The right to be informed of such rights
d. None of the foregoing

44. Billy Jack Sanchy no read no write native of Zambales was arrested
by Corporal Airwin Toolfu, upon arrest, Cpl. Toolfu cited the Miranda
rights to Billy Jack Sanchy in a fluent English. Is the Miranda rights
of mr. Sanchy has been observed?
a. Yes c. No
b. maybe Yes d. maybe No

45. In relation to question number 44, is Corporal Toolfu violates the

rights of mr. Sanchy?
a. Yes c. No
b. maybe Yes d. maybe No

46. What right under Miranda rights has been violated?

a. The right to remain silent
b. The right to competent and independent counsel preferably of his
own choice. If the person cannot afford the services of counsel, he
must be provided with one.
c. The right to be informed of such rights
d. None of the foregoing

47. What if the case of mr. Sanchy is already in court and trial
commences, can he invoke his rights under custodial investigation?
a. Yes c. No
b. maybe Yes d. maybe No

48. What if the case of mr. Sanchy is already in Preliminary

Investigation, can he invoke his rights under custodial investigation?
a. Yes c. No
b. maybe Yes d. maybe No

(075) 600-1507
San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Bright future starts here
ucu.edu.ph | univpresidentofficial@gmail.com
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta

49. What if mr. Sanchy will only undergo paraffin testing, can he
invoke his right to remain silent?
a. Yes c. No
b. maybe Yes d. maybe No

50. What if mr. sanchy was invited only by Corporal Toolfu for
questioning can his rights under R.A. 7438 be invoked by him?
a. Yes c. No
b. maybe Yes d. maybe No

Prepared by:

Oswaldo P. Lapeña
Deputy Program Head, CCJE

Joseph D. Miranda, MS. Crim
Dean, College of Criminal Justice Education

(075) 600-1507
San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Bright future starts here
ucu.edu.ph | univpresidentofficial@gmail.com

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