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To, Dated: 27.11.2015 The Managing Director, Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited, ‘Metro Rail Bhavan, Salfabad, Hyderabad. 500 004, ‘Sub:Hyderabad Metro Rail Project-Addendum/Amendments to Manual of Specifications and Standards (MSS) Ret: 0 w ww MOVHMIR’sOrder under Proceedings no, 783/HMRIDyCEE/MSS-AMENDI2013- 2TSTA dated 21.09.2015, MOVHIIR's Order under Proceedings no, 783/HMRIDyCEE/MSS-AMENDI2013- 2T5TB dated 30.10.2018. Letter no, 783/HMRI DyCEEMSS-AMENDI2013 dated 28.04 2014 ‘The Manual of Specifications and Standards was issued by the then Government of Andhra Pradesh in July 2008 for execution of Elevated Mass Rapid Transit ‘System through Public Private Partnership. This document was made an integral part ofthe Concession Agreement for execution of Hyderabad Metro Rail Project ‘Subsequent tothe signing ofthe Concession Agreement, during execution of the project, the need for amendments to certain provisions of the MSS became apparent. These were examined and cleared by a team of tochnioal experts and ‘were approved by MOIHMR and sent to the Government vide Ref. (i), ‘Subsequently, vide Ref. () above, MD/HMR constituted a Committee of Experts comprising of four core members and other members to verily all the amendments to MSS submited earlier to the Government in detail and come up with suggestions and madifications if as to publish the amended version ‘of MSS duly keeping in view the provisions agreed between the Government and the Concessionaire. The Committee was required to complete the process within 30 days from the date of issue ofthis order ‘The Committee had four sitings on 30,09.2015,08.10.2015,09,10.2018 and 16.10.2015 and advised the progress made by the Committee to the MD highlighting the work done and balance issues requiring futher deliberations, IMO, after examining the progress, extended the time for submission of the report to 20.11.2015. The Committees had further three meetings on Earner Pes Bays ie 4, The Committee deliberated on the amendments and observed that: i. The scope and purpose of MSS has been covered in Concession Agreement (CA) for Hyderabad Metro Rall (MRTS) Project between GoAP (now GoT) ‘and LTMRHL, ji, MSS lays down the minimum requirements for the Rall Systems that have direct bearing on level and quality of service to users giving enough scope to the Concessionaire to innovate and improve upon the system with the ‘advancement oftechnology. 5, The Committee notes thatthe following developments have taken place ater signing the CA and provisions agreed to between the Government and the Concessionaice: 1a) The CA to be governed by the Metro Railays Act in place of Andhra Pradesh Municipal Tramways Act.2008, 'b) Adoption of 25 KV ac Traction System in place of 750 V de Third Rail ‘System. ¢) Issue of Design Basis Report (OBR) duly approved by ROSO. 4) Issue of Schedule of Dimensions (SoD) approved by MOR. €) Issue of Metro Railways General Rules,2013 by MoUD. 4) Issue of Procedure for Safely Certification and Technical Clearance of MetroSystems by MOR, 6. This has necessitated certain amendments to the existing Clauses of MSS and review of the recommendations ofthe previous Committee of Experts, 7. The Committee member representing LTMRHL requested that para of MSS may be suitably amended to remove the restriction of at least 75 % completion of a Corridor for issuance of Provisional Certificate for part Opening ofthat Corridor. I was highlighted that this is at variance with the Addendum 3 to Draft Concession Agreement (dated 09/07/2010) wherein Clause 14.3.2 was ‘amended to remove restriction to part opening of a Corridor and that this MSS para was inadvertently left un-amended. The Committee considered the request ‘and observed that this Committee is constituted to examine the technical amendments cequited and this issve is out ofthe scope of present Committee to deliberate and recommend, {8 While making thesuggestions, this committee has kept in view the purpose of IMSS and kept the amendments tothe minimum, so as to limit the modifications to MSS primarily for the present Hyderabad Metro Rail Project. The ‘roposedamendments to the MSS fall under the following heads: ak Tem Beta ofthe head Number — of no. amendments! a addendum. TiamT | Changes to MSS 1 be in line withdocuments Tesued by Goll] 36 DSO. Tem?” | Addivons To comply with the requirement of 25K we Tradton [17 System, Tiam3| To remove inconsisiencesTinpracicaliisin some Clauses of | 34 ss. Tiem4 | Modifications relating fo other provisions agreed to babween GoT |Z and the Concessionave _ Tam” | Changes to be in ine wit Tnteratonal Standards and other [2 Metro Rall practices Total TS, 9. Itis noted that most ofthe amendments relate to subsequent developments like Metro Railway Act, change of Traction System Voltage and issue of SoD ete 10.The suggestions and recommendations of this Committee are enclosed as ‘addendum to the MSS at Annexure |. For purpose of comparison and clay, ‘Annerure | also includes in Column 4 the recommendations made by the Previous Committee. The Addendum is being submitted herewith for HMRL consideration duly signed by all the members as under: Rata hS. — awe (Core Members: ‘Name and Designation ‘Si Sash Kumar ASE (Raid) Chatman Expert Electric Traction HMRL, Former Director and Principal Advisor (Electrica), OMRCE ‘Advisoe KMRL ‘Sn SP iver, IRSE (Reid) alway Gil Engineer Expert Former Princigal Chit Engineer, Inian Raiways& Consultant to BMRC ‘Sn R Krishnaswamy, IRSSE (Rela) Team Leader, Lois Berger Consuiting Private Limited (iE for Hyserabad Mato Ral projec) Former Grief Signal Engineer, Incian Raiways ‘SiJLArore, IRSEE(REG) General Manager (Roting Stock & Depo!) LTMRHLE Fermer Director (Safety), Raiway Board (ther Members no | Name and Designation ‘SriG-P.Garg, IRSE(Retd) alway Safety Expert, HMRLS. FormarChiel Commissioner of Raiway Safely ‘SiV.K Mangik, IRSME (Red) Roling Stock Expert, HMRL, Former General Manage (Indian Raiways)& Former Member, High Power Commitee, Ministry of always. Dr. P-RajaGoundan, IRSSE (Reid) | Telecommuniation Expert HMRL & Former General Manager (ndan Rai ‘SiR Sivarama Kram, RSSE (Reld) Signaling Expert, HMRL, & Ferrer Chie Signal &Telacom Engineer, Indian Raia |__| Former Chief Electrical Engineer, Indian Relays. ‘Shi D.V'S Raj, IRSEE (Reid) (Chet Electrical Engineer MRL (Chief Electrical inspector to Go for HMR project &

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