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Documenting employee dialogue Employee Dialogue Form Sangewadimatta Priyanka RLTAE 5 Mantripragada.Raju,LTAE 5 ast name, fist name, organisational uri employee) Lastname, fst name, organisational unit Guperviso?) CAD Engineer anctionjob wile (employee) 05482756 so/u [rosy ~Peisannel numb (employee) Approval date (ERA eS | lexecutive and employee discuss target achievement, otner work resus mance behaviour F Hie pe= ‘iad from 01/01/2021 to 30/09/2021 ‘Assessment of target achievement (sg eywords and ang on Sieve scan) | Rests oftarget 1 Rating (1-5): GAD Sketchu to BIM Team 4 fesuke arisig = Rating (1-5): Planning and Span jement stectes in 4 “Beltre ing dhe candace line obalinaby af the sLwchure “ » d eile and analysts e| ad} portay fers Modelling an win aoneuaet josh “ J. Prupetion Peni supords & Sev iew dt pur oda) “=, pen tenn es das Kea I athetimenl: dame th nuaughe on Yr Hk poet eh Hh andurseirry gOrmem Sanparnye Badong Overall target achievement including other work Fésults i] 2 ing Soevseae’ Smet nCusInR ower wt rir 2 ‘Assessment of performance behaviour | Fapplcablesconmentonpormance | ‘ism evel se tehavue Ect ators The employes perlams hisher des wth an ‘oats of ecaverg g ano rir Mie winproe ee penance snd ne bevismance ahha Seta an anaeness of ‘he empoyee-pefors Rafer dite wih an arenes a aly ad secily fact a ats riye|r [ar w 3) =| /7e| aes ‘o'opumse the bene of the customer and he ‘compan Cooperating successfully The bmloe pen hie utes on he ass af So wen reatonenpe, bose cher ith riejr Srectaiath ethtes peng ey Fee yer umes espns fr ser tore a wos eau pays een aed rie|e Sa seca cabaracanae The engores pees hse ues under vali conan aed ays Nee nd rieyr sree hen seach eeges Overall assessment of performance behaviour - using evel scale" Cirir "eve sal foveal fame of expeeavons Iai Tied > pay Taied Tied exceeded, >= Geary exceeded 3 7 RL 1 Documenting employee calogue (DB) ‘Sangewadinatta Priyanka Re ‘Overall assessment of personal performance (target achievemenyother work results + perfor eee Meee To ae Oe eee 1 2 3 ] 4 5 r r r | rc not fulfilled partially fulfilled fulfilled exceeded clearly exceeded ‘The overall assessment of personal performance can serve as the bass for determining the degree of payment within the frame work of vaiableremuneraton systems. ‘Concluding comments/observations (if applicabiok L nbihukiry teworde Adruckundde ie erecta dt john ‘Expectations and agreements for future duties, cooperation and performance behaviour, including work ‘within teams (rom point of view of employee and executive) Jo qet technical tnowledge on the WORK . Jo work on & wider Kame 4 pace. ‘Target agreements for the period from October 2021 to September 2022 ‘oe _ Sigurtunal -Soyestk wand beotech btu 4oge vegies ; . updated with tatut technfcal soptwares. 2s Twaez Peo Wanted 4 git Mone ore on eth 4 VAROUL| eigniog shusclusel Componanb Ike Abutment, Press pile 1s toundatton a | Target: To communfutte and schedule the Wk J0% | arng ypettve Horly delivercbles. go Period uni Taare ers theaman Language. eign 1S Tae ea aE Theiminy, Achime Sin amd | une Enpimearcny Knew m 3DEIM gp 2 ——— 8) Sangowadimata,PiyankaR 3. Professional career development Mrecraieat pert dene tneepoverrvenereerterttet ee Meat sSiba Sal eae er aoa tesa ca What are the employee's professional strengths? What can be improved? Employee's personal and professional strengths ‘Possible learning areas fr the employee Punckval . oluolfedcted decintag Storuttwal soft ysdiet tasdworking , meeting sand get decal Pres. Agog an pecans rearing patton er evlopmen does enna have or | hisher tasks and du Employee's career aspirations (short- andlor medium-term): fo wok sO struct fru 2rd to exploretne vosfous Aunt of dv? Exiting. at re the employees posible cares development opportunites Wom the exc anit lview? (Weppleabie, cca feedback rom a vaidatea assessment of polemal here ts must De Tacred Possible career development opportunities (shor- andlor medium-term) ond mange ject ttl a eee Documenting employee dialogue Sangemadimatta,Priania R Qualification The executive and employee review the achievement ofthe agteed measures rom the period u necessary, agree on spectie measures for the coming Year Explanation regarding implementation ofthe last measures agri Td q° sealing Noval. ‘What specific measures are agreed for the current tasks and/or planned target function?* (max. 3 measures; Use keywords only) “eck Say aby al die do Scaler compodoncy ion oye of eye Commend, Rajon pot ard Sm Scale t4 dale pli GSE | cam Communi cation, feaiming Adechrited brundily Kal = Katmai actlindah , Ufici am prablny lobenjes “if ere sa reed for qualification or personal developmen, ths must bé discussed and documented here.This includes allon and offi development ac CeCe es | F The employee does not agree with the results and would lke to make a statement within 4 weeks. Place, date 3p }|)|Q0a) eee | m.. Implemented by: Responsible: Implemented bye Response Employee's signature ~—— Immesate executive's signatire ——~=~SCSC«tRenext super execuive’s signature (applicable) ES a EY Ta eres ogee ORC ST [Br kino lsc bream bo ain av The cena sytney ihe el here teri cage

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