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Determination of the length between pipe supports, by the method of the "Maximum Ben

1.- Data 3.- Help variables

Imput data Equatorial inertia moment
Requirements Area and volume
4.- Loads
2.- Pipe dimensions Water load
Stainless steel pipe dimensions Pipe load (steel)
The initially assumed schedule shall Insulation load (no insulation)
be adjusted iteratively with the Concentrated weight
result of # 9

This file is based on the document

"Determination of maximum span between For a yield strength
pipe supports using maximum bending (Ref. 11b. Table A-1)

stress theory" [1] syield = 172.4

the standard indicates an
Comments: allowed stress (@ 300
1.- The reference uses a security sallow = 115.1
factor st/sallow = 0.3 The reference uses a value
No references nor explanations of the maximum tension
support this factor. It must be st,max = sallow * (sb/sallow)
noted that Ref. 11.b. Table A-1 st,max = 34.54
uses an allowed stress of Thus, following ratio is used
sallow = 0.668 * sy st,max / syield = 0.20
sy : yield stress

Determination of the length Corrosion allowance (*)

between pipe supports by TC = 1.59 mm
the method of the "Maximum Thread depth (*)
tension Stress" [1] TD = 0 mm
Mill tolerance (*)
1.- Data MT = 12.5 %
Nominal pipe size (NPS)
dn = 300 mm The ratio Lenght/deflection
Material: A 312 TP31 is defined as
SS (L/y)min = 600
Pipe pressure and temperature
P= 20 bar Maximum tension stress
t= 22 ºC ratio. Reference [1] uses
this security factor
Pipe filled with water st/sallow = 0.3
rw = 1000 kg/m³ st : Maximum allowed
tension stress
Concentrated weight (*) sallow : Pipe allowed stress
It will be considered the weight in tension according B31.3
of two men at the center of Ref. 11b. Table A-1
the pipe.
mc = 200 kg Requirement
wc = 1961 N Determination of pipe shedule.
The lenght is designed for the
Pipe insulation weigth (*) pipe working with near the
wins = 0 N/m maximum allowed tension
stress st.

5.- Rated thickness

Thickness to be applied in the

the calculations, for a selected Pipe dimensions
pipe (rated thickness). de = Pipe_SI_SS_Dext_dn
dext = #VALUE! mm
Rated thickness [6] di = Pipe_SI_SS_Dint_dn_sch
trated = tNom * 0.875 - tAllowances di = #VALUE! mm
t= Pipe_SI_SS_Thickness_dn_sch
Data tNom = #VALUE! mm
Material: SS
P= 2.0 MPa Basic thiskness acc. B31.3 (3a)
dn = 300 mm t = P * dext / ( 2* (st,max * E*W + P* Y) )
st,max = 34.5 MPa tBasic = #VALUE! mm
E= 1 -
W= 1 - Allowances considered
Y= 0.4 - tallowances = tcorr + tthread
Allowances tcorr = 1.59 mm
tcorr = 1.59 mm tthread = 0.0 mm
tthread = 0.0 mm tallowances = 1.59 mm

Shedule Rated thickness

sch 80S - trated = tNom * 0.875 - tAllowances
tNom = #VALUE! mm

tallowances = 1.59 mm
trated = #VALUE! mm

6.- Pipe length

From sheet Equations

w 2 wc p⋅I σ max⋅I w
⋅L + ⋅L+ - =0 ( j) a= (k
16 8 4⋅t d 16
2 wc
a⋅L +b⋅L+c=0 (n) b=
(l )
−b+ √ b 2−4⋅a⋅c p⋅I σ total⋅I
Lcalc = ( n1) c= - (m
4⋅t d
Pipe length, sheet Equations, eq. (n1)
Lcalc = (-b + (b^2 - 4*a*c)^0.5 ) / (2*a)
a= w/16 b= 245 N The selected length Lselect
w= #VALUE! N/m a= #VALUE! N/m hast to meet two require
a= #VALUE! N/m c= #VALUE! N m
Lcalc = #VALUE! m Requirement 1
b= wc /8 Let 1. Lselected <= Lcalculated to meet
wc = 1961 N Lselected = 7 m the condition for the maximum
b= 245 N bending stress.
Lselected =
c= ( p*I) / ( 4*t) - smax*(I/d) Lcalc =
p= 2.0E+06 Pa (Note 1) Lselected =
I= #VALUE! m4
t= #VALUE! m (from page 3)

smax= 3.5E+07 Pa Requirement 2

de = #VALUE! m 2. ycalc <= Lselected / 600 to meet
c= #VALUE! N m the additional design conditio
od of the "Maximum Bending Stress" [1]

5.- Rated thickness 7.- Pipe deflection

al inertia moment The value of the assumed schedule is Pipe deflection for the give
checked with the fulfillment of the maximum beam stress and
condition pipe length
trated >= tBasic
8.- Minimum required thick
6.- Pipe length Consideration of:
load (no insulation) Pipe length to limit the bending stress - Corrosion allowance
ted weight Solution of the second grade equation - Thread depth
Selection of a pipe length - Mill tolerance
Lselected <= Lcalculated Selection of pipe schedul

2.- It is assumed pipe sections 4.- The example has a mistake

MPa with simple supports. in the evaluation of equation (3)
A continuous pipe is much better
ard indicates an represented by sections equivalent
MPa to a double cantilever beam.
The deflextion of a continuous
nce uses a value beam is much less than the corres-
ximum tension ponding to a simple supported beam.
- 3.- The example defines a
wing ratio is used stainless steel pipe but uses
dimensions corresponding to
carbon steel pipes.

Properties 2.- Pipe dimensions 3.- Help variables

The schedule is to be determined
Yield strength
Ref. 11.b. Table A-1 Schedule initially assumed Maximum tension stress
sy = 25 ksi Sch = 80S st,max =
Basic allowable stress st/sallow =
in tension Exterior diameter (of SS pipe) sallow =
Ref. 11b. Table A-1 de = Pipe_SI_SS_Dext_dn st,max=
t= 300 ºF dn = 300 mm st,max =
sallow = 16.7 ksi de = #VALUE! mm
sallow = 115.1 MPa de = #VALUE! m Equatorial inertia mom
Basic quality factor E I=
Ref. 11c. Table A-1B Interior diameter de =
E= 1 - di = Pipe_SI_SS_Dint_dn_sch di =
Weld joint strenght dn = 300 mm I=
reduction factor W Sch = 80S (based on nominal dimensions)

Ref.11d. Table 302,3,5 di = #VALUE! mm

W= 1 - di = #VALUE! m Area of pipe section
Coefficient Y for t< D/d A=
Ref. 11a Table 304.1 Pipe thickness di =
Y= 0.4 - t= Pipe_SI_SS_Thickness_dn_sch A=
Steel elasticity module dn = 300 mm
Ref. 8. SS 316 Sch = 80S Water volume per meter
EM = 2.0E+11 Pa t= #VALUE! mm V=
t= #VALUE! m A=
(*) Items marked with an asterisk are not L=
considered in the example [1] V=

Requisite Design thickness requirement

trated >= tBasic t= #VALUE! mm
trated = #VALUE! mm dext = ### mm
tBasic = #VALUE! mm dext/6 = #VALUE! mm

Result: Check requirement

sch = 80S P / S*E <= 0.385
Replace the assumed schedule P= 2.0 Mpa
in page 2 of 8 with this value S= 34.54 MPa
E= 1
Thus, a SS pipe with a nominal P / S*E = 0.057899
dn = 300 mm
and a shedule Eq. (3a) is applicable, since
P/(S*E) <= 0.385
sch = 80S -
which has a nominal thickness
tNom = #VALUE! mm
accomplish with ASME B31.3

For strength calculations, the

thickness to be used is For more information on these correction factors, see

trated = #VALUE! mm

trated = #VALUE! m Pipes. Wall thickness calculation according ASME B31.3

7.- Pipe deflection

Deflection at ther center of a simple

w supported beam with a uniform load "w"
a= (k )
16 and a concentrated load "wc".
wc Deflection, sheet Equations, eq.(q)
b= (l)
8 5⋅w⋅L +8⋅w c⋅L
4 3

p⋅I σ total⋅I y= (q )
c= - (m) 384⋅E⋅I
4⋅t d Microsoft Equation

Deflection value for the

selected length
The selected length Lselected ycalc = (5*w*L^4 + 8*wc*L^3) / (384*EM*I)
hast to meet two requirements: w= #VALUE! N/m
Lselected = 7.0 m
Requirement 1 wc = 1961 N
1. Lselected <= Lcalculated to meet EM = 2.0E+11 Pa
the condition for the maximum I= #VALUE! m4
bending stress. ycalc = #VALUE! m
7 m ycalc = #VALUE! mm
#VALUE! Lcalc
#VALUE! Noter 1. If the effect of the internal pressure is neglected,
in equation (m) the value of the pressure has to be set to zero.
Requirement 2 Thus, equation (m) becomes:
2. ycalc <= Lselected / 600 to meet c= ( 0*I) / ( 4*t) - smax*(I/d)
the additional design condition. and the calculated value will be
Lcalc = 11.3 m

1 of 4

7.- Pipe deflection References

Pipe deflection for the given loads, (hidden)
maximum beam stress and selected
pipe length

8.- Minimum required thickness

Consideration of:
- Corrosion allowance
- Thread depth
- Mill tolerance
Selection of pipe schedule

5.- An important correction has

equation (3) been noted by Derek Marshall.
The calculation method does not
considere the longitudinal tension
due to the internal pressure.
For pipes with low internal pressure
the neglection of this pressure may
be acceptable. But there is no reasons
to make such simplification.
(see sheet Comparison)

2 of 4

3.- Help variables 4.- Loads

Water load
ww = rw * g * V
Maximum tension stress rw = 1000 kg/m³
sallow * (sb/sallow) V= #VALUE! m³/m
0.3 ww = #VALUE! N/m
115.1 MPa
34.54 MPa Pipe load (steel)
3.5E+07 Pa wp = rp*g*(p/4)*(de^2-di^2)
(from sheetRef. 8. SS 316)
Equatorial inertia moment rp = 8000 kg/m³
(p/64) *( de^4-di^4) de = #VALUE! m
#VALUE! m di = #VALUE! m
#VALUE! m wp = #VALUE! N/m
#VALUE! m4
(based on nominal dimensions) Insulation load (no insulation)
wins = 0 N/m
Area of pipe section
(p/4) * di^2 Total uniform load
#VALUE! m w= ww + wp + wins
#VALUE! m² ww = #VALUE! N/m
wp = #VALUE! N/m
Water volume per meter pipe wins = 0 N/m
A*L w= #VALUE! N/m
#VALUE! m²
1 m Concentrated weight
#VALUE! m³ wc = 1961 N

3 of 4

ASME B31.3-2008
Pipe thickness
Equation 3a, ASME B312.3-2008
t= P*D / ( 2*(S*E*W + P*Y) )
t: Pressure design thickness
P: Internal design gauge pressure
D: Outside pipe diameter
d: Inside pipe diameter
c: sum of mechanical, corrosion
and erosion allowances
S: Material stress value. Table A-1
E: Quality factor from table A-1A or A-1B
W: Weld joint strength reduction factor per
para. 302.3.5€ and Table 302.3.5
Y: Coefficient from Table 304.1.1, valid for t <D/6
For t>= D/6, Y = (d + 2*c) / ( D + d + 2*c )

4 of 4

8- Maximum deflection

Lselected = 7 m
there is a deflextion
ycalc = #VALUE! mm

Requirement 2
ycalc <= Lselected / 600
Lselected = 7 m
Lselected / 600 = 0.0117 m
Lselected / 600 = 11.67 mm

ycalc = #VALUE! mm
Lselected / 600 = 11.67 mm
ycalc #VALUE! Lselected / 600
Microsoft Equation


essure is neglected,
re has to be set to zero.

g= 9.80665 m/s²
Material: SS
P= 20.0 bar
dn = 300 mm
st,max = 34.5 Mpa
E= 1.0 -
W= 1.0 -
Y= 0.4 -
tcorr = 1.59 mm
tthread = 0.0 mm
Comparison of results with different internal pressures and with consideration vs. negle

Data from sheet 2 of 2 p= 20 20 bar

p= 2.0 2.0 MPa
dn = 300 mm p= 2.0E+06 2.0E+06 Pa
st,max = 34.5 MPa
smax= 3.5E+07 Pa 1 tNom = #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
E= 1 - 2 tBasic = #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
W= 1 - 3 trated = #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
Y= 0.4 - trated = #VALUE! #VALUE! m
tcorr = 1.59 mm 4 a= #VALUE! #VALUE! N/m
tthread = 0.0 mm 5 b= 245 245 N
tallow = 1.59 mm
p' = 2.0E+06 0 Pa
w= #VALUE! N/m 6 c= #VALUE! #VALUE! N m
wc = 1961 N 7 Lcalc = #VALUE! #VALUE! m
I= #VALUE! m4 Lselected = 7.0 11.0 m
EM = 2.0E+11 Pa
sch 80S - 8 ycalc = #VALUE! #VALUE! m
ycalc = #VALUE! #VALUE! mm
dext = #VALUE! mm 9 sL = #VALUE! #VALUE! MPa
dext = #VALUE! m 10 sb,max = #VALUE! #VALUE! MPa
rext = #VALUE! m 11 st,tot= #VALUE! #VALUE! MPa

12 Lsel/600 = 11.7 mm

Determination of the length Corrosion allowance (*)

between pipe supports by TC = 1.59 mm
the method of the "Maximum Thread depth (*)
tension Stress" [1] TD = 0 mm
Mill tolerance (*)
1.- Data MT = 12.5 %
Nominal pipe size (NPS)
dn = 300 mm The ratio Lenght/deflection
Material: A 312 TP31 is defined as
SS (L/y)min = 600
Pipe pressure and temperature
P= bar Maximum tension stress
t= 22 ºC ratio. Reference [1] uses
this security factor
Pipe filled with water st/sallow = 0.3
rw = 1000 kg/m³ st : Maximum allowed
tension stress
Concentrated weight (*) sallow : Pipe allowed stress
It will be considered the weight in tension according B31.3
of two men at the center of Ref. 11b. Table A-1
the pipe.
mc = 200 kg Requirement
wc = 1961 N Determination of pipe shedule.
The lenght is designed for the
Pipe insulation weigth (*) pipe working with the
wins = 0 N/m maximum allowed tension
stress st.
g= 9.81 m/s²
consideration vs. neglection of the tension stress due to the interior pressure.

p= 2 2 bar Applied equations

p= 0.2 0.2 MPa
p= 2.0E+05 2.0E+05 Pa 1. Nominal thickness
2.- Basic thickness
1 tNom = #VALUE! #VALUE! mm 3.- Rated thickness
2 tBasic = #VALUE! #VALUE! mm 4.- Coefficent a
3 trated = #VALUE! #VALUE! mm 5.- Coefficient b
trated = #VALUE! #VALUE! m 6.- Coefficiernt
7.- Calculated length
4 a= #VALUE! #VALUE! N/m 8.- Calculated deflection
5 b= 245 245 N 9.- longitudinal stress due to
the internal pressure
p' = 2.0E+05 0 Pa 10.- Bending stress
6 c= #VALUE! #VALUE! N m 11.- Total tension stress
7 Lcalc = #VALUE! #VALUE! m 12.- Maximum deflextion requirem
Lselected = 10.5 11.0 m

8 ycalc = #VALUE! #VALUE! m Conclusion

ycalc = #VALUE! #VALUE! mm When neglecting the tension due t
9 sL = #VALUE! #VALUE! MPa (which afects the c-value), the calc
10 sb,max = #VALUE! #VALUE! MPa case ( 2 bar). In the hight pressure
11 st,tot= #VALUE! #VALUE! MPa when considering the tension stres
Lcalc = #VALUE!
12 Lsel/600 = 17.5 mm Lcalc = #VALUE!

Properties 2.- Pipe dimensions 3.- Help variables

The schedule is to be determined
Yield strength
Ref. 11.b. Table A-1 Schedule initially assumed Maximum tension stres
sy = 25 ksi Sch = 80S st,max =
Basic allowable stress st/sallow =
in tension Exterior diameter (of SS pipe) sallow =
Ref. 11b. Table A-1 de = Pipe_SI_SS_Dext_dn st,max=
t= 300 ºF dn = 300 mm st,max =
sallow = 16.7 ksi de = #VALUE! mm
sallow = 115.1 MPa de = #VALUE! m Equatorial inertia mom
Basic quality factor E I=
Ref. 11c. Table A-1B Interior diameter de =
E= 1 - di = Pipe_SI_SS_Dint_dn_sch di =
Weld joint strenght dn = 300 mm I=
reduction factor W Sch = 80S (based on nominal dimensions)

Ref.11d. Table 302,3,5 di = #VALUE! mm

W= 1 - di = #VALUE! m Area of pipe section
Coefficient Y for t< D/d A=
Ref. 11a Table 304.1 Pipe thickness di =
Y= 0.4 - t= Pipe_SI_SS_Thickness_dn_sch A=
Steel elasticity module dn = 300 mm
Ref. 8. SS 316 Sch = 80S Water volume per mete
EM = 2.0E+11 Pa t= #VALUE! mm V=
t= #VALUE! m A=
(*) Items marked with an asterisk are not L=
considered in the example [1] V=
1 of 2

tNom = Pipe_SI_SS_Thickness_dn_sch
tbasic = P * dext / ( 2* (st,max * E*W + P* Y) ) B31.3 (Eq. a)

trated = tNom * 0.875 - tAllowances

a= w / 16
b= wc / 8
c= ( p*I) / ( 4*t) - smax*(I/d)
Lcalc = (-b + (b^2 - 4*a*c)^0.5 ) / (2*a)
ted deflection ycalc = (5*w*L^4 + 8*wc*L^3) / (384*EM*I)
dinal stress due to
ernal pressure sL = p * rext /(2*t)
sb,max = (w * (L^2/16) + wc * (L/8) ) * (d/I)
ension stress st,tot= sb,max + sL
mum deflextion requirement Ycalc < Lsel / 600

ecting the tension due to the interior pressure, that is when setting p' = 0
cts the c-value), the calculated length L calc changes very little in the low pressure
r). In the hight pressure case (20 bar) the resulting length is 50% larger than
idering the tension stress due to the interior pressure.
m (When considering he longitudinal tension due to internal pressure)
m (Neglecting the longitudinal tension due to internal pressure)

2 of 2

3.- Help variables 4.- Loads

Water load
ww = rw * g * V
Maximum tension stress rw = 1000 kg/m³
sallow * (sb/sallow) V= #VALUE! m³/m
0.3 ww = #VALUE! N/m
115.1 MPa
34.54 MPa Pipe load (steel)
3.5E+07 Pa wp = rp*g*(p/4)*(de^2-di^2)
(from sheetRef. 8. SS 316)
Equatorial inertia moment rp = 8000 kg/m³
(p/64) *( de^4-di^4) de = #VALUE! m
#VALUE! m di = #VALUE! m
#VALUE! m wp = #VALUE! N/m
#VALUE! m4
(based on nominal dimensions) Insulation load (no insulation)
wins = 0 N/m
Area of pipe section
(p/4) * di^2 Total uniform load
#VALUE! m w= ww + wp + wins
#VALUE! m² ww = #VALUE! N/m
wp = #VALUE! N/m
Water volume per meter pipe wins = 0 N/m
A*L w= #VALUE! N/m
#VALUE! m²
1 m Concentrated weight
#VALUE! m³ wc = 1961 N
Length of a beam to achieve that
the resulting beam stress has the
defined maximum value
Moments at the center of a simple
Assumed a simply supported case supported beam .[5 ], Figure 7

Concentrated load w c at center

Uniformly distributed load w
Total moment
M=w⋅ + wc⋅ (a )
8 4
Microsoft Equation

Tensión due bending and to internal pressure

Bending stress

(( ) )
L 2
σ b,max = w⋅ L+ w c⋅ ⋅L
L d
⋅ ( g) ( g)
σ b,max = w⋅16 + w8c⋅ I
16 8 I
represents the maximum stress due to the bending of the pipe .
(( ) )
L 2
σ b,max = w⋅ L+ w c⋅ ⋅L d ( g)
L d
σ b,max = w⋅16 + w8c⋅ I ⋅ ( g)
16 8 I
This equation represents the maximum stress due to the bending of the pipe.
represents the
If, in addition, the pipemaximum stress"p",
has an internal pressure duetheretowillthebe abending
tangential of the pipe .
tension due to this pressure (The radial tension is not considered in this case).
If, in addition,
For thin-walled thethispipe
cylinders, tensionhas an internal
is considered pressure
to be uniform across thep , there will

be a tangential tension due to this pressure . (The radial tension

thickness of the pipe. This new tension must be added to the tension due to
bending, which acts on the fiber farthest from the neutral fiber.
is not considered in this case ).
For thin cylinders, this tension is considered to be uniform across
the thickness of the pipe . This tension due to the internal pressure
must be added to the tension due to bending, which acts on the
fiber farthest from the neutral fiber .

The total stress acting on the fiber farthest from equation

from the neutral fiber is the sum of the L2
stress due to the bending σ t,max = w⋅ + w

(L2 L d
) =(w⋅ + w
σ b,max = w⋅ + w c⋅ ⋅ ( g) L
σ t,max
16 8 I 16

=( w⋅ + w
and to the stress due to the internal pressure σ t,max L 2
σ t =2⋅t (h) d 16
σ b,max = w⋅ + w c⋅ ⋅
16 )
8 I
( g) (
σ t,max = w⋅ + w

and to the stress due to the internal pressure σ t,max L2
p⋅r = w⋅ + w
σ t =2⋅t (h) d 16
Thus, the maximum tension stress is I
σ t,max =σ b ,max +σ t σ t,max⋅I w 2
= ⋅L +
d 16
( L2
16 )
L d p⋅r
σ t,max = w⋅ + w c⋅ ⋅ +
8 I 2⋅t
w 2 wc
⋅L + ⋅L+
16 8 4⋅
( L2 L d
σ t,max = w⋅ + w c⋅ ⋅ +
16 8 I
2⋅t ) (i) . .. a . . .. . . .. . . .. . b . .

Microsoft Equation

a⋅L +b⋅L+c=0 (n)

a= (k)
b= (l )
p⋅I σ max⋅I
c= - (m)
4⋅t d
sallowed = (2/3) *sy

Beam stress Beam stress σ b

For the stainless steel A 312 TP316L, Literature [1 ] reco
ASME B31 . 3-2006, Table A-1 gives this application, fo
the relation between the allowable margin (no fundam
stress σ allow (t <= 300 ºF ) to the yield 3
σ app = ⋅σ allow
value σ y as 10
2 replacing equation
σ allow= σ y (o ) 2
3 σ allow= ⋅σ y
Microsoft Equation
into equation (o )
3 2
σ app = ⋅ ⋅σ y
10 3
σ app = ⋅σ y
σ app = ⋅ ⋅σ y
10 3
σ app = ⋅σ y
a simple Bending stress σ Replacing equation
gure 7 M⋅c
σ= (b ) L2 L
I M=w⋅ + wc⋅
center 8 4
M:moment N⋅m
into equation
c: distance to the neutral axis m
M⋅(d /2 )
I: equatorial inercia moment m 4 σ b,max =
d w gives the maximum stress du
Maximum stress due to the bending
M⋅c max the bending of the pipe

( )
σ b,max = (c) L2 L d /2
I σ b,max = w⋅ + w c⋅ ⋅
In case of a pipe 8 4 I
(a ) d
c max = (d )
( )
2 L2 L d
and replacing equation (d ) into (c ) σ b,max = w⋅ + w c⋅ ⋅
Microsoft Equation
3.0 16 8 I
M⋅(d /2 )
σ b,max = (e )
Microsoft Equation

The average tangential tension p⋅2⋅r

acting on a thin-walled cylinder σ t=
is given as
σ t=
F σ t= (h
pipe . 2⋅t
The average tangential tension p⋅2⋅r
acting on a thin-walled cylinder σ t=
is given as
σ t=
F σ t= (h
pipe . A ring 2⋅t
e will
tension ( )π
F= p⋅ ⋅d 2
σ t :tangential stress due
A ring =π⋅d⋅t to internal pressure
rm across π p:internal pipe pressure
p⋅ ⋅d2 r:Exterior radius of the p
al pressure 4
σ t= t:pipe wall thickness .
on the π⋅d⋅t
p⋅ ⋅d
Microsoft Equation
σ t=

Microsoft Equation

m equation
w 2 wc p⋅I σ max⋅I
( )
L2 L d p⋅r ⋅L + ⋅L+ - =
16 8 4⋅t d
ax = w⋅ + w c⋅ ⋅ + (i )
16 8 I 2⋅t . .. a . . .. . . .. . . .. . b . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .

=( w⋅ + w ⋅ )⋅ + ( ⋅ )
L d d p⋅r I with
16 8 I I 2⋅t d c w
=( w⋅ + w ⋅ ) +( ⋅ )
ax L L p⋅r I wc
16 8 2⋅t 2⋅r b=
ax = (w⋅16 + w ⋅8 )⋅I + I ( 2⋅t ⋅d )
=( w⋅ + w ⋅ ) +( ⋅ )
ax L L p⋅r I wc
16 8 2⋅t 2⋅r b=
p⋅I σ max⋅I
ax⋅I w 2 wc p⋅I c= -
= ⋅L + ⋅L + 4⋅t d
16 8 4⋅t
equation ( j) becomes
wc a⋅L 2 +b⋅L+c=0
p⋅I σ max⋅I
−b+ √ b2 −4⋅a⋅c
⋅L + ⋅L+ - =0 ( j)
8 4⋅t d Lcalc =
a . . .. . . .. . . .. . b . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . c 2⋅a
w 2 wc p⋅I σ max⋅I
Microsoft Equation
3.0 ⋅L + ⋅L+ - =
16 8 4⋅t d

Note that the length obtained from

equation ( j) corresponds to the
case when the system is assumed
to be similar to a simply supported
beam. A continuos pipe would be
better represented by sections
corresponding to a beam fixed at
both ends.
Microsoft Equation
Microsoft Equation

In the following application the

eam stress σ b value of the beam stress given
by equation (p) will be used.
iterature [1 ] recommends for the This value is 20% of the yield stress
is application, following security The in the standard indicated allowed
argin (no fundamentation given ) value is 67% of the yield stress.

app = ⋅σ allow 1
10 σ app = ⋅σ y ( p)
placing equation 5
allow = ⋅σ y (n )
3 {1]

to equation (o )
3 2
app = ⋅ ⋅σ y
10 3
app = ⋅σ y ( p)
app = ⋅ ⋅σ
10 3 y
app = ⋅σ y ( p)
Microsoft Equation
page 1 of 5

wc⋅ (a )
(d /2 )
( e)
aximum stress due to
of the pipe
⋅ + w c⋅ ⋅
8 )
L d /2
4 I
(f )

L2 L d
⋅ + w c⋅ ⋅
16 8 I ) ( g)

Microsoft Equation

page 2 of 5


(h )

(h )

ential stress due

ternal pressure
al pipe pressure
or radius of the pipe
all thickness .
Microsoft Equation

page 3 of 5

p⋅I σ max⋅I
- =0 ( j)
4⋅t d
b . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . c

(k )

(l )
(k )

(l )

(n1 )

p⋅I σ max⋅I
- =0 ( j)
4⋅t d Microsoft Equation

4 of 5
page 5 of 5

eld stress
ated allowed

( p)
[1] Determination of maximum span between pipe supports using maximum bending stress theory
Dr. D.P. Vakharia, Mohd Farroq A.

[2] ASME B31.3-2008

Process Piping
ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31

[3] Sabin Crocker. Piping Handbook, 4th edition

McGraw Hill N.Y. Pg. 744-745

[4] The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1995)

ASME B31.3 - 2000 Edition, Process Piping, ASME, New York pp 182



Liquid process piping. US Army Corps. EM_1110-1-4008

[7] NACE
Materials-Effects & Economic inpact of corrosion

[11a] ASME B31.3-2008

Process Piping
ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31
Table 304.1.1 Values of coefficient Y for t< D/d

[11b] Asme B31.3-2006

Process Piping
ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31
Table A-1. Basic allowable stress in tension

[11c] ASME B31.3-2008

Process Piping
ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31
Table A-1B Basic quality factor E

[11d] ASME B31.3-2008

Process Piping
ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31
Table 302,3,5. Weld joint strenght reduction factor W
[1] Determination of maximum span between pipe supports using maximum bending
Dr. D.P. Vakharia, Mohd Farroq A.
Evaluation of equation (3) has an error
Sample calculation (continuation)
Solution using the exam

The example uses carbo

pipe dimensions

Nominal Pipe Size of CS

dn =
with a selected shedule
sch =
di =
dn =
sch =
di =
di =

dn =
Modulus of elasticity
E= 195122 MPa Equatorial inertia mom
Maximum bending stress I=
sb = 3.5E+07 Pa de =
Considering no concentrated weight di =
wc = 0 N I=

SS pipe
dn Sch
in -
1/8 5S
1/4 10S
3/8 40S
1/2 80S
1 1/4
1 1/2
2 1/2
3 1/2
ng maximum bending stress theory

the bending stress considered in its calculations is very low (15.9 Mpa)
The stress due to the internal pressure is a tension stress. Not a bending stress

- equations for calculating the maximum span using maximum bending stress are given
Safet factor
El autor utiliza un factor de seguridad bastante alto, pero no lo fundamenta ni
tampoco indica una referencia.
Este factor suple en cierta medida la omisión de la tensión que ocurre debida a la
presión interna. Pero evidentemente no está orientado a suplir este defecto.

El autor menciona comparaciones pero solo a nivel de mención de algunas referencias:

ASME B31.3, U S Army Engineer's Manual

And other references
Also modeled in ANSYS

( )
σ b,max = w⋅ + w c⋅ ⋅
16 8

1 / 16 =

5⋅w⋅L +8⋅w c⋅
P⋅d ext
2⋅( σ allow⋅E+
Maximum stress due to bending(only)

( )
L L d
σ b,max = w⋅ + w c⋅ ⋅ ( g)
16 8 I

Maximum deflection due to uniformly distributed weight and

a concentrated weight

4 3
5⋅w⋅L +8⋅w c⋅L
y= (q)

Maximum bending stress is taken as 30% of allowable stress

Total weight
Water load
w w = rw * g * V
Pipe load (steel)
wp = rp*g*(p/4)*(de^2-di^2)
Insulation load (no insulation)
wins = 0 N/m
Total uniform load
w= ww + wp + wins

Pipe thickness according ASME B31.3

P⋅d ext
2⋅( σ allow⋅E+ P⋅Y )
Equation 3

P⋅d ext
2⋅( σ allow⋅E+ P⋅Y )

t= P * dext / ( 2*( sAllow*E+P*Y ) )

P= 2 MPa
dext = 0.3239
sAllow = 34.53 Mpa
E= 1
Y= 0.4
t= 0.009168 m
t= 9.17 mm
Solution using the example numbers

The example uses carbon steel Weight of a meter of steel pipe Weight of water per meter of steel
pipe dimensions Pipe load (steel) Water load
wp = rp*g*(p/4)*(de^2-di^2) ww = rw * g * V
Nominal Pipe Size of CS (from sheet SS 316) rw = 1000 kg/m³
300 mm rp = 7873 kg/m³ V= #VALUE! m³/m
with a selected shedule de = #VALUE! m ww = #VALUE! N/m
30 di = #VALUE! m
Pipe_SI_SS_Dint_dn_sch wp = #VALUE! N/m Weight of insulation
300 mm (No insulation considered)
30 - Area of pipe section wins= 0 N
#VALUE! mm A= (p/4) * di^2
#VALUE! m di = #VALUE! m Total uniform load
A= #VALUE! m² w= ww + wp + wins
Pipe_SI_SS_Dext_dn wp = #VALUE! N/m
300 mm Volume of water per metre ww = #VALUE! N/m
#VALUE! mm Water volume per meter pipe wins = 0 N/m
V= A*L w= #VALUE! N/m
Equatorial inertia moment A= #VALUE! m²
(p/64) *( de^4-di^4) L= 1 m
#VALUE! m V= #VALUE! m³
#VALUE! m4
debida a la

( )
L L d
b,max = w⋅ + w c⋅ ⋅ ( g)
16 8 I


4 3
5⋅w⋅L +8⋅w c⋅L
y= (q)
P⋅d ext
2⋅( σ allow⋅E+ P⋅Y )
Microsoft Equation
7 of 8

r meter of steel Solving equation (h)

w 2 wc σ ⋅I
⋅L + ⋅L- b =0 (h)
16 8 d

F = w/16*L^2+wc/8*L-sb*I/de
For the solution of "L", F must
become zero

Assumed length
L= 11.36 m
and with
w= #VALUE! N/m
wc = 0
sb = 3.5E+07 Pa
I= #VALUE! m4
de= #VALUE! m
The solution value of "L" that
makes F = 0 is found using the
function Goal seek
L= 11.36 m

8 of 8

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