Jamiatu Muslim Mindanao: Course Description

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Darussalam, Matampay, Marawi City

Name of Instructor : Khalid D. Daud, Lpt,

Semester : 2nd Trimester
Academic Year : 2021-2022


Course Number : Soc. Stud. 100

Descriptive Title : Foundation of Social Studies
Number of Units : 3 units
Pre-requisites : NONE

Course Description
This course focuses on the study of the nature, history, philosophical and theoretical
perspectives in Social Studies/Science as a body of knowledge. It also deals with the
comparative analyses and relationships of various Social Science disciplines.
This course also discusses issues in social studies within the context of a rapidly changing
world and will employ multidisciplinary approaches in discussing and exploring the various
trends and issues in the Social Studies/Science. It covers the various challenges (e.g.
geographical, political, economic, cultural, social and technological landscapes) affecting the
social science curriculum.

Course Objectives
At the end of the semester, the students are expected to:

1. Actively demonstrate the best practices they have learned from their field study and student
teaching activities into the actual teaching learning processes;
2. Demonstrate skills, strategies and explore the use of varied and appropriate teaching
techniques, methods, approaches, and materials necessary in their executions of lessons in
the actual classrooms;
3. Function effectively in experiencing teaching as a vocation, a mission and a profession
including to understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and
responsibilities related to the teaching profession;
4. Communicate effectively for instructional purposes and analyze the local and global impacts
in developing both the teacher and the learner as a person; and
5. Recognize the need for and ability to engage in continuing professional growth as part of
improving one’s craft.
Course Contents and Time-frame

Course Content Time Frame

Week 1: Syllabus orientation and Introduction
Week 2: Introduction to Social Studies
 Definition of Social Studies
 Social Studies and progressive education
Week 3: Foundation of Social Studies
 Fact and Nature of Social Studies
 Related Disciplines
Week 4: Philosophy
 Etymology and Definition of Philosophy
 The fields of philosophy
 Ethics
Week 5: Psychology
 Etymology and Definition of psychology
 Goals of psychology
 Schools of Thought in psychology
Week 6: [Prelim Examination]
Week 7: Psychology—Learning
 Factors that affect learning
 Classical conditioning
Week 8: Sociology
 Etymology and Definition of Sociology
 Types of Societies
 Elements of Culture
Week 9: Sociology—Cultural Relativism
 Definition of Cultural Relativism
 Conflicting Approaches
Week 10: Sociology—Religion MIDTERM
 Etymology and Definition of Religion
 Types of Religious organizations
 Types of religious
 World religions
Week 11: Geography
 Etymology and Definition of Geography
 World Relational Geography
 Realms
 Climate and Human Habitation
Week 12; [Mid-term Examination]
Week 13: Economics FINAL
 Etymology and Definition of Economics
 Demand and Supply
 Macroeconomic Variables
Week 14: Economics—Economic Systems and Taxation
 Economic System
 Market Structures
 Taxation
Week 15: Political Science
 Etymology and Definition of Political Science
 Approaches
 Basic Concept of Political Science
Week 16: History
 Etymology and Definition of History
 The Nature of History
 The importance of teaching history
Week 17: Filipino Society and Culture
 The development of the Filipino Culture
 Social classes in the Philippines before the colonization of Spain
 Filipinos’ Occidentalism
Week 18: Human Rights education and Global Citizenship
 Human Rights
 Global Citizenship
 Key element of global citizenship
Week 19: [Final Examination]
Week 20: [Grade deliberation and verification]

References/Required Reading;

Print Resources and References:

 Acero, Victoria, Principles and Strategies of Teaching, Manila, Philippines Rex Bookstore,
2000 Course
 Agno, Lyddia, Building Across Discipline in Basic Education, Manila, Philippines C and E,
 Agno, Lydia N., Mga Modernong Estratehiya sa pagtuturo ng Makabayan para sa Paaralang
Sekundarya, 2005
 Agno, Lydia, Pagtuturo ng Makabayan sa Pamamaraang Integratibo at Interaktibo, Diliman,
UP College of Education, 2004
 Angeloni, Elvio, Annual Editions: Physical Anthropology New York Mc Graw Hill, 2011
 Downey, Matthew T., Beyond the Era of the New Social Studies: Putting the Present in
perspective, The Social Studies, Vol. 74, January, 1983
 Fisher, Douglas. The Formative Assessment Action Plan, Practical Steps to more Successful
Teaching and Learning.,ASCD 2011
 Tomlinson, Carol and Mc Tighe, Jay. Integrating and Differentiating Instruction
Understanding by Design, ASCD, 2006

Web Sources:
 http:www.understandingbydesign//
 http:www.multiculturaleducation//
 http:www.cooperativelearning//
 http:www.teaching/approaches/insocialstudies
 http:www.assessmentinteachingsocialstudies/


1. Reporting (motivational activity/report/handouts to your classmates and instructor) - 20%

2. Class Participation. Quizzes, Daily updates and Attendance- 20%
3. Graded Group Activities - 20%
4. Major Examination- 40%
Total 100%

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