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Open the same file and let’s try to insert a record in the file ‘TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS1’.

Make a
note that this dataset is a KSDS file. See in the below screen shot, we are trying to insert a key
value of P011 after the P007 record and before P008. As this is a Key Sequenced record we can’t
insert the wrong sequence in between. So that P011 record can insert only after P010 record
only. And you can observe a message on the top right hand side as it is missed the KEY
SEQUENCE we can’t save the file.

Now let’s see how to copy a VSAM dataset to another VSAM file. Select option 3 from the
‘Extended Utilities screen’ like below screen shot and press enter.

After pressing enter below screen will appear. Her enter the new VSAM file name. Here we
have given ‘TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS2’ as new data set name. Observe the screen shot and
press enter

The below screen will appear. Here in this screen we can specify the new data set type like
KSDR or ESDR or RRDS or LINEAR. Now press enter to copy the data from the

Now the below screen will appear with a message on the top right hand side to confirm that 14
records were copied from ‘TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS1’ to ‘TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS2’.

Let’s delete all the records in the ‘ TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS2’ to do the same exercise of coping
from ‘TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS1’ to ‘TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS2’ with a selection criteria of
UNFORMATTED. Under the section of ‘Specify Selection Criteria Information’ type T for
criteria usage and press enter. Observe the disposition is OLD as it is already created.

The below screen will appear. In this screen select option 3 for unformatted selection and now
press enter to go in to the next screen.

After pressing enter the below screen will appear. In this screen we need to specify the position
and the data exactly in that position. Here in this screen we gave at 16th position the data should
be ‘S003’ and at 5th position data should be ‘A’ then it will copy to the other file.

Now press ‘F3’ it will go to the previous screen and again press ‘F3’ it will go to Copy Utility
screen and confirmed a message on the top right saying that ‘ 2 RECORDS COPIED’ as in the
below screen shot.

Let’s delete all the records in the ‘ TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS2’ to do the same exercise of coping
from ‘TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS1’ to ‘TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS2’ with a selection criteria of
FORMATTED from the ‘Selection Criteria Menu’ as shown in the below screen shot.

After pressing enter the below screen will appear. It is called ‘Record Layout Specification’.
Here in this screen we need to select ‘S’ for Record Layout usage to view as a record layout.
Now press enter. Here CPPP1 is the name of the copy book in the ‘TSO.CDSUP3.MF’ dataset.

Now the below screen will appear. Now see the difference. Now we require the terminated
records for the specified SSN. For that we gave as ‘T’ for PPI-STATUS and PPI-SSN-NUM
should be ‘S003’

Now press F3 it will take you to ‘Selection Criteria Menu’ and again press ‘F3’ it will take you
to Copy Utility Screen.
Let’s delete all the records in the ‘ TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS2’ to do the same exercise of coping
from ‘TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS1’ to ‘TSO.MADHU.SMF.KSDS2’ with a selection criteria of
OPTIONS from the ‘Selection Criteria Menu’ as shown in the below screen shot. Now press

Now the below screen will appear. In the below screen we gave 5 at the number of records to
select option. So it will select only 5 records from the top and terminate the process of copy of
other records. If we want to copy only 5 records in the middle of the file. So have to know
which sequence of five records we have to copy. So for that we need to skip the initial records by
specifying the number at ‘Initial records to skip’ and ‘Number of records to select’ is 5 where
the cursor is positioned in the below screen shot, then it will copy five records only.

Now let’s see the different type of view of a file. Now lets us open a TSO.UP3.EMPMAST’ file
in edit mode. If you observe the below screen shot... in the first line it is ‘Edit Mode’ here we can
specify the mode of edit. ‘F’ for Format ‘C’ for Char, ‘V’ for Vertical format and ‘U’ for
Under the section of ‘Specify Record layout and XREF Information’ we can give the copy book
for record layout. Here we have specified COPYEMP copy book from the ‘TSO.CDSUP3.MF’
pds and the records layout usage is ‘S’ for single.

Now press enter and how we can view the dataset. The below screen shot is in Char mode. In
this we can’t identify the column positions. Now let’s change the view to column view. So type
VFMT at command prompt and press enter.

After pressing enter see the difference. Now the present view is in column view as shown in the
below screen shot

Observe the above screen shot, we can see the column names type and position of the data name.
For example the EMP-NUM is name of the data name in first line, 7/AN is denoting of length of
7 char and data type of Alfa numeric, and in the third line it is showing (1-7) means for first to
7th position and on the 4th line it is ‘1------ this is the position of the data name in the copy book.
To view the right hand column data press F11 and to view the left hand column data press F10
To view required columns of data type ‘Dis 1 2 13 14 only’ at the command prompt. See the
below screen shot for the required columns of data. So we can view the file data as a DB2 table.
If you want to display all the columns of data for the present status type ‘Dis All’ at command
prompt and press enter

If we want to view the Format view type FMT at command prompt and press enter. In the
Format view we can view all the columns of data at once. Only one record we can view at a time
like the below screen shot.

If you can see the above screen shot in the first line it is showing that we are seeing the 15 th
record and of length is 78. Here we are able to see three columns of data, they are ‘ FIELD
LEVEL/NAME’ the second one is ‘FORMAT’ and the third one is data area. In the FORMAT
column it is denoting the size and type of data type. For example for 7/AN is ment for 7 is the
size and ‘AN’ is for alfa Numeric. By pressing F10 or F11 we can see the previous or next
Now let’s have a look of different forms of data types and how data is stored in those formats.

Below two screen shots shows the different types of data types and the next one is how the data
is storing in it.

For better view of the screen shots change the ZOOM percentage at your comfortable.
From the ISPF panel type V to go vendor panel.

From vendor panel type E4 to chose ENDEVOR to get the endeavor option menu.

Then you will get the below screen. Type 1 to get into main menu of endeavor.

Below is the endeavor main menu for the selection of the environment. Opt 1 is for UNIT Opt 10 for Development
and Opt 12 is for Production.

Now let us choose option 12 for production we will get the Endevor Primary Option Panel menu as below. In the
below screen the frequently used Options are 1 for Display of elements, 3 for Batch and 5 for creation of Package
when we want ot move an element from one environment to next environment.

Now let us select option 1 for display of elements. The below screen will appear. In the below screen we can
observe two different options like From Endevor and List Options.
From the first option we can give the search options like Environment, System, Subsystem, Element, Type and
Stage. Similarly form the list options also we can give what are the columns of data should be displayed in the list.

So now we have given PROD is for environment and PPLUS is for system and PPLUS20 is for subsystem,
UPFRONT is for the name of the element, type is CBLB for cobol JCLLIB for jcl’s PROCLIB for procedures,
CONTROL for control cards and stage is P (P for production D for Development and T for test ). Now press enter to
view the list, the below screen will appear.

Now let’s give PROD is for environment and PPLUS is for system and PPLUS20 is for subsystem,
BLANKS at element, CBLB is for type and stage is P is for production. Now press enter to view the list, the below
screen will appear. It is showing the list cobol elements.

Now let’s give PROD is for environment and PPLUS is for system and PPLUS20 is for subsystem, BLANKS at
element and for type and stage is P is for production. Now press enter, the below screen will appear. It is showing
the list of different types like COPYLIB, SPUFILIB CONTROL etc,. elements.

Now let’s give UNIT1 is for environment and PPLUS is for system and PPLUS20 is for subsystem, BLANKS at
element and for type and stage is T is for test. Now press enter, the below screen ELEMENTS SELECTION LIST will
appear. It is showing the list of different types like CBLB for cobol elements CBLDB2 is for cobol with DB2
programs EZTRV for eztrive programs CBLO for cobol online programs and PROCLIB for procedures ie., procs.

Now let us give the below options to view the version of a program with build using map is Y .

The below screen will appear which shows the version

Now we will select one element to view the details of the element like below and press enter.

Now we will get the below screen with full details. It is showing version number, User who done it date, time etc,.

Now let us select option 7 from DISPLAY OPTION MENU like below and press enter.

After pressing enter the below screen will appear. Now we let us type PPLUS at system to know what are the types
of elements are present.

After pressing enter we will get the below screen which shows the different types of elements.

Now let us retrieve an element from production. So from the Endevor Environment Selection type option 12 for
production like below.

After selecting the option 12 for production we will get the below screen and in that screen we have to give the
below details including the data set name where the required program need to b copied.
Now if you just press enter it will show you the element list
Type B and press enter then you can browse the element
Type H and press enter then you can see the history of the element.
Type R and press enter, the element will be copied into the dataset we have given. But we should be cautious while
retrieving the element about the SIGNOUT ELEMENT option where the cursor is showing the position in the below
screen. If we put Y for this option we will be notified if anybody is copying the element. We never do a copy an
element with an option of ‘Y’ for SIGNOUT ELEMENT option.
Type C and press enter if you want to see only the changes with previous version.

Once the element is retrieved the below screen will be shown. The screen is showing the details of the retrieved

Now letus see how to create a package to move an element from one environment to another environment. From the
below screen type 5 to create package and press enter.

The below screen will appear. In this type the package name as IAPPS12101100331 as package id. The package
name has a naming convention. In the package I indicated for integration APPS denotes for P+ application 120111
is the date and 00331 is the request number. Next type 2 and press enter to create or modify the package. And
option 3 is for casing of package and 5 for to execute the package.

After pressing enter the below screen will appear to create/modify the package. Type B to build the package and
press enter to build thepackage.

If we want to move an element from our personal PDS to one of the environment, we need to create an SCL to move
through ENDEVOR. From the Primary option Panel select ‘3’ for Batch and press enter, then you will get the below
screen. In the below screen you need to give the data set name and member name where you want to create the SCL
member. Here we mentioned as data set name in brackets the member name as SCL2

Now type 1 to build scl and press enter. We will get the below screen. Here observe the frequently used options like
2 for add/update
3 for Retrieve and element
4 for generate a element, this is nothing but compilation of an lement.
5 for move any element to next region or enviromnet location
6 for delete of a member.

Now we are adding a element so type 2 and press enter

The below screen will appear. Observe the details what we are giving. We are adding or updating UPFRONT
element of CBLB (Cobol Batch) in the UNIT1 environment for the system PPLUS under the subsystem of
PPLUS20. CCID is I0110033001A. Generate option is Y to generate the load module it is nothing but compilation
of program. Override signout is Y to take the sign out on our ID. See the data set name i.e our personal PDS name
from there we are adding the element to UNIT1. Type ‘U’ and press enter to update the element.

Now you can see a message ‘SCL GENERATED’ on top right of the screen as in the below screen.


At the command prompt type v; xp The below screen appears:

Type 3(BATCH) at the command prompt, the below screen appears:

Enter the path of the JCL that needs to be run as shown above at the Dataset name field.
The below screen appears: Select the program that needs to be executed by placing “ I” before the name of the
program and type “SE” (SEtup) at the command prompt as below:

The below screen appears and type “2” (DDIO) at the Option prompt as below:

Press ENTER and the below screen appears. Enter the name of the DDIO library that is actually used while
compiling the program using XPEDCOMP. This job can be found in the PDS “TSO.CDSH7P.WORK”

Press F3 twice and the below screen appears again. Type “RUN” at the command prompt and press ENTER.

Now the control goes to the program for debugging through the following screens

Press Enter and the below screen appears

The control goes to the specified program as shown below:

Now we can start debugging the program by using the following commands:

Debug Commands:

1. Press “F9” for Line-to-Line execution

2. Press “F12” for Complete execution

3. Type “B” at the right side of the statement for Break-point and press “F12” for execution till break point.

4. Type “D” at the same statement (where break point is placed) to remove the break point.

5. Type “Keep Variable name” for monitoring the value of a particular variable.

6. Or type “K” at the right side of the statement to display & monitor the values of all the variables in that
particular statement.

7. Type “Set Keep XX” at the command prompt so that, that many lines can be used for displaying the
variables where, XX = number of lines needed for display.

8. Type “PE” at the line so that, we can view the total record mapping with corresponding copy book or
record layout.

9. Type “GT” at line up where you want to skip the execution.

10. Type “MONITOR” at the command prompt, and at any point of time, is we need to go back to the original
state, type “REVERSE” at the command prompt to reverse the debugging till the start. Type “REVERSE”
again to debug forward once more.

11. Type “INTERCEPT subprogram name” to debug the called program. Before this, the subprogram must
have been compiled with the same DDIO library as that of the main program. This is a pre-requisite. For
statically called programs, sub-program needs to be compiled first and then the main-program.

12. Type “WHEN Variable = Value” at the command prompt and Press F12 If we want to debug the program
until a stage when the value of a particular variable is equal to some value which we need.

13. Type “EXIT & press ENTER” at the command prompt twice to come out of the debugger.


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