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1. In Stateless, we cannot update the things, once we assigned.

2. to open the folder in cmd - cd D:\xyz\abc.... (cd - change directory)
2.1 . dir - used to access all the files and folders in that directory.

3. dwonload django (cmd - pip install django || after to check - (cmd - pip list))
-> D:\Django\Excise\Django_test>django-admin startproject My_project . If error
(cmd - pip3 show django (copy the extra path) || go to "Environmental variable ->
path -> (edit the python path[add the extra])" )
3.1 - D:\Django\Excise\Django_test>cd My_project || D:\Django\Excise\Django_test\
My_project>python manage.py runserver (error - microsoft store ...then go to
settings->manage app execution->disable python installer) || copy the port address
and run in on chrome... done it.

How to change the port -> D:\Django\Excise\Django_test\My_project>python manage.py

runserver 7000

3.2 - use django on any ide -- studio code...

3.2.1 - dwonload packages like - django, autocomplete python, terminal

3.3 In django every module is called an app. And to create each module - go to your
django folder in VSC-> ( create a new module ) -> djang-admin startapp employee.
3.4 And in the mother module i.e portfolio, their is a file called 'setting'. In
setting, the new modules or apps that we created, we must mention them, in
Installed App.

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