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Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur


ISO 9001:2015 A/Y 2021-2022

Name: __Rojhon Licop Abalos__ Course: __Bachelor of Science in Computer Science__

Section: ______BSCS-2A_______ Date: ___________January 28, 2022_______________


1. China and America are two of the leading countries which have advanced technological
products through Sciences. These two different and isolated countries have different
cultures, languages, and perspectives. Do they have the same science?

• This question is vague and ambiguous. What does same science imply? For me,
when I think of science, the first thing comes to mind is knowledge. So, does it
mean China and America have the same knowledge? Definitely not, because
this is the same for individual human. Does Anna and Roy have the same
knowledge? Even if they are twins, they will not have the same knowledge due to
them having different personality and interests. If I will present an analogy, let’s
say, at some point two people may have the same interest but the specific field
of an area they are paying attention to might not be the same. China and
America are both researching scientific methods and technology but the field
they are excelling and putting a whole effort to were not the same. America is
proficient in building jet engines and other machines while China is more
competent in advancing their 5G networks. Another analogy is that people paid
time and money to the things they want to do and pursue which is the same as
China and America investing on their researches. The deciding factor is the
amount they are willing to put in the R&D projects. Now, if we talk about science
having the universal truth then as long as the result is the same no matter what
scientific methods implemented then we can say that their science is the same
but with varying degree of knowledge collection, variable manipulation, and
quality of the products based on how they view certain scientific challenges.

2. Do you consider these body of knowledge as science? Why?

a. Astrology – It is not a science. The basic premise of astrology is that heavenly
bodies have influence over or are correlated with earthly events as well as one’s
personality but it has no substantial evidence to prove it. In science, ideas are
modified when warranted by the evidence. On the other hand, astrology has not
changed its ideas in response to contradictory evidence and instead largely ignores
its contradiction. Also, astrologers do not seem to rigorously examine the
astrological ideas they accept.
b. Alchemy – It is best described as a form of ‘proto-science’ rather than a distinct
science in its own right. It is recognized as a fundamental part of the heritage of
chemistry which has a speculative thought of transmutation or transforming base
metals such as lead or copper into silver or gold. The writings of many alchemists in

Instructor: Mr. Jaymark Samson | Science, Technology & Society 1

Republic of the Philippines
Nabua, Camarines Sur


ISO 9001:2015 A/Y 2021-2022

the past presents a great comprehension of several chemistry branches. However,

despite having observations based on scientific facts, alchemists often explained
these in terms of ‘magic’ or divine intervention.
c. Acupuncture – It is a technique in traditional Chinese medicine which practitioners
used by inserting thin needles in the body’s “acupoints” through the skin. It is considered
as pseudoscience as the theories and practices on it is characterized as quackery and
not based on scientific knowledge.

3. Based on your personal experience, how science and technology help you in the
a. Transportation – S&T has led to the construction of good and reliable roads, rails and
bridges which has made transportation easier and more comfortable. Also, AI as part of
advancing S&T is being used to manage traffic congestion on the road, as well as
automated trains and buses which helps save time and energy. Various navigation tools
such as apps and GPS are also very essential today especially if we are travelling to
places not much familiar with us.
b. Communication – S&T has a very big impact in making communication much easier.
Internet and gadgets overcome distance barrier as relatives and friends from far are
pretty much one call or screen away. It is also a very much help in this time of pandemic
as schooling and some jobs still goes on by having online meetings, video conferences,
social networking and remote works.
c. Food and Medicine – S&T methods help in increasing the amount of food production
by raising crop and livestock productivity, improve soil fertility and making water
available. As most food materials are of biological origin, S&T techniques allows us to
make best use of our food resources and minimize waste by proper behaviors in raising,
harvesting, processing, distribution, storage and preparation. In terms of medicine, S&T’s
impact are very observable in this period of pandemic as various medical drugs and
especially vaccines against viruses are produced.
d. Environment – S&T innovations are critical in saving the environment by reducing the
effect of global warming, helping us in adapting to climate change, cleaning up polluted
areas and giving emphasize on our health. There are many technologies developed to
sustainably generate and generate available energy resources. As an individual, S&T
helps me by providing enough detailed knowledge for me to solve problems of nature
surrounding me in my own little ways. Also, as a CS student, I know that computer
science doesn’t only talks about networks, databases, software and other tech-related
applications but also helps us slowly eradicate the need to have reams of paper files
which we know came from trees.

Instructor: Mr. Jaymark Samson | Science, Technology & Society 2

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