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18.1 TESTS FOR THE EQUALITY OF SEVERAL This test is restricted to situations in which the sample sizes
VARIANCES are equal. The test is particularly useful for detecting if one
Before obtaining the f-ratio from the analysis of variance is much larger than the others.
variance procedure, it is advisable to exercise caution and
run a preliminary test for homogeneity of variances, Test statistic:
especially in the case of unequal sample sizes if there was a largest s i

reasonable doubt concerning the homogeneity of the G=

population variances. ∑ s 2i
H o :σ 21 =σ 22=…=σ 2k Reject H o at the α −¿ level of significance if g> gα .
H A : The variances are not all equal.
18.4 One-way Analysis of Variance: Completely
Randomized Design (One-Way ANOVA)
This test is based on a statistic whose sampling Random samples of sizes n are selected from each of k
distribution provides exact critical values when sample populations. The k different populations are classified on
sizes are equal. These critical values from equal sample the basis of a single criterion such as different treatments of
sizes can also be used to yield highly accurate groups. The term “treatment” is used generally to refer to
approximations to the critical values for unequal sample various classifications.
Table 1: k Random Samples
Test statistic:

[(s )
2 n1−1
1 (s )2 n2−1
2 ⋯(s k) ]
2 nk −1 N−k

s 2p
s2p= ∑ ( n −1 ) s2i
N −k i=1 i
b=¿ a value of the random variable B having the
Bartlett distribution The following steps are followed when employing
s =¿ pooled variance
1. State the null and alternative hypothesis
s =¿ sample variance of the i th group
i H o : μ1=μ 2=μ3=μ 4
H A : at least two of the means are not equal
 For equal sample size where n1 =n2 ¿ …=n k =n :
Reject H o at the α −¿ level of significance if b< bk (α ;n ) 2. Level of significance
. 3. Test to be used
4. Establish the critical region: Reject Ho if
 For unequal variances: Reject H o at the α −¿ level of f ≥ f ∝, v ,v where ν1 =k−1, ν 2=N−k .
1 2

significance if b< bk ¿¿ where 5. Computations:

b k ¿¿ a. SSA, SSE, SST
b. ANOVA table
6. Decision
7. Conclusion
8. Post hoc analysis test, if necessary.


Analysis of Variance Table
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Sum of Degrees
Source of Mean Computed
Square of
Square f In general, k hypotheses are tested:

s Freedom
H o : μ0 =μi
Among SSA
2 i=1, 2 , … , k ,
SSA k–1 s= 2 H A : μ0 ≠ μi
Groups 1
k −1 s1
2 SSE 2
Error SSE N –k s2= where μ0 represents the population mean in which the
control is used.
Total SST N –1
To test the null hypothesis, calculate the values
k n y i .− y o .
y . .2 d i= ,i=1, 2 , … , k .

SST =∑ ∑ 2
y −
ij 2s
i=1 j=1 N
y 2 n
y . .2
SSA=∑ i.

i=1 ni N
SSE=SST −SSA Reject H o if |d i|> d α / 2(k ,v) , where v is the degrees of
where: ni = sample size per group freedom of the mean square error.
N = total number of observations
k = number of groups
y ..=¿ grand total
y i . =¿ total of i th group

18.5 Some Post Hoc Analysis Test

A. Tukey’s Test (for equal sample sizes)

The method of paired comparisons by Tukey involves
finding a significant different between means i and j (i≠ j)

if | y i . − y j .| exceeds q (α , k , ν) s .

B. Duncan’s Test (for equal sample sizes)

The range of any subset of p sample means must exceed as
certain value before any of the p means are found to be
different. This value is called the least significant range for
the p means and is denoted by R p ,where

R p =r p .
The values of the quantity r p , called the least significant
studentized range, depend on the desired level of
significance and the number of degrees of the freedom of
the mean square error.

The means are considered different if the difference is

greater than R p .

C. Dunnett’s Test: Comparing Treatment with a


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