Geomorphology: 25 March 2022 01:08

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25 March 2022  01:08 

Early Theories  Modern Theories 

Explained how the earth was formed. The How the universe has formed then
early   automatically we will be able to
find the formation of earth.  
Early theories focused solely on the whereas recent theories attempt
evolution of the earth and planets,   to solve the questions of the
universe's creation.  
theories were the 1.Gaseous hypothesis Big bang theory is an example of
of Kant, 2. the Nebular Hypothesis of modern theory. 
Laplace, 3. the Planetesimal hypothesis of  
Chamberlin, 4. Jean and Jeffery's tidal
theory/Gravitational Theory, 5. Russel's
binary star hypothesis, 6. Hoyle's
supernova hypothesis, 7. and Schmidt's
interstellar hypothesis. 

1. Origin & Evolution of Earth 

Early Theories  
1. 1755 Immanuel Kant's Gaseous Hypothesis 
The original substance was initially distributed and was made up of cold,
unmoving, solid particles. 
It clashed with each other because of gravity, which produced heat, which
induced angular momentum, and it began to rotate. 
Later, it evolved into a hot nebula that began rotating, causing the speed to
progressively increase. 
This rotation resulted in a strong centrifugal force, which produced rings of
matter, which cooled to become planets and satellites. 
based on Newton's law of gravity 
2. 1796 Laplace Nebular Hypothesis 
Mathematician Laplace revised it in  
a huge and hot gaseous nebula in the space.  
From the very beginning huge and hot nebula was rotating on its axis.  
The nebula was continuously cooling due to loss of heat from its outer
surface through the process of radiation and thus it was continuously
reduced in size due to contraction on cooling.  
3. 1900 Chamberlain and Moulton – Planetesimal's Hypothesis 
not only explains the origin of the earth but also throws light on the
structure of the earth, the origin of its atmosphere and continents and
ocean basins. 
Belongs to the dualistic concepts of the origin of the Earth. 
initially there were two heavenly bodies (stars) in the universe – 
Proto-Sun - The behavior and properties of proto-sun were not like
other stars, It was formed of very small particles which were cold and
and its Companion Star or Intruding star 
When the intruding star came very close to the Proto-Sun infinite number of
small particles were detached from the outer surface of proto-sun due to
massive gravitational pull exerted by the giant intruding star. This matter
which is dust, gases, rock fragments eventually accrete forming planets &
other celestial bodies that revolve around the proto sun.  

4. 1926 Tidal hypothesis of jeans & Jeffrey's  
Similar to Chamberlin’s theory that an intruding star ejects matter from the
proto sun.  
Chamberlin, in his theory, had assumed the proto sun to be initially as a
cold body whereas the Tidal theory assumes the proto sun to be hot and
According to Tidal theory, the matter ejected are not randomly thrown dust,
gases, planetesimal. 

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