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Extra-Parliamentary Questions

Innovative Politics

LPM: Extra-Parliamentary Questions – 25/03/2022 1

What is LPM-EPQ ?

 EPQ stands for Extra Parliamentary Questions

 What is rationale of EPQ
 EPQ is addressed to the different ministers through the press and the
Linion Pep Morisien’s web site
 Objective if the necessary pressure is made by the general Public the
Government will be forced to answer or face the wrath of the nation.
 EPQ will force the government to act with a spirit of transparency.
 EPQ is not covered by the principle of parliamentary immunity meaning
that more efforts will be done to prepare the EPQ we are fully aware that
any failure might entail criminal defamation cases civil defamation suits
prosecutions under ICTA & other repressive Laws.

The language in formulation. The questions shall be plain English.
The EPQ will have as objectives:
 To force the government to answer.
 To pin the government to come clean on sensitive issues
 To prevent the government from covering any scandal or any other
corrupt Act or illegal actions.
 To sway the government to change its policies or delay certain
implementations for lack of concertation.
 To stop certain malpractices
 To destroy the dilly-dally attitude.
 To promote citizens’ initiative.
 The citizens will be invited through our website/email, to prepare
questions or through information imparted to Linion Pep Morisien
prepare our EPQS:
 Encouraging members of Linion Pep Morisien to master the details
of briefs that been democratically awarded to them or to any
commission or subgroup.
 And also, to stop the opposition parties from being in cahoots with
the Government for conflicting or converging reason.
 Equally to help the opposition parties to shoulder their

LPM: Extra-Parliamentary Questions – 25/03/2022 2

Frequency of EPQ
EPQs will be a weekly feature whether or not the national assembly is sitting.
It is apposite to note that Linion Pep Morision is for an active national assembly
meaning that section 31 of the constitution shall be altered to include that the
national assembly shall sit all year round on Tuesday and Thursday save for end
of year holidays. End of year holidays shall start one week prior to Christmas
and End one week after New year.

(1) Could the Leader of the House inform the population how much was spent
from the public treasury with trips / missions abroad involving members of the
cabinet, Advisers, Ambassadors and Government MLA' s for the following
periods , with all relevant breakdowns...costs of air tickets, per diem
allowances, durations of trips and names of ministers , Advisers, Ambassadors /
MLA's and purposes of trips / missions.

o ........July 2018 to June 2019

o ........July 2019 to June 2020
o ........July 2020 to June 2021
o ........July 2021 to February 2022

LPM: Extra-Parliamentary Questions – 25/03/2022 3


Will the prime minister state whether he is aware that?


a) Is understaffed at all levels especially female staff.

b) Bereft of any working office materials
c) Is not equipped with fully operational working vehicles.
d) Has proper telephone or and walkie talkies
e) Has reasonable fees for informers.
f) Has proper clothing, shoes or tracksuits
g) Is working in very cramped area
h) Staff has to spend their own money to keep toilets clean.
i) Has no proper room for interviewing prisoners.
j) Has no proper witness protection scheme
k) Is actually giving an allowance of only Rs 6000 to star witness and latter
can’t work and if he is aware what actions he has taken to remediate same
l) Proper training for ADSU officer for maritime operation.
m) Staff

o Is the Honourable Prime Minister aware that the present commissioner

of police CP’s Circular 06/2022 requesting police officers who bear
tattoos to remove same by end of April 2022. If yes is this agreeable
that cause of action. If not, what does he intend to do to request the
commissioner of police ludicrous idea where so many problems
corrupting the police force? Is the Prime Minister further aware that in
United State of America and United Kingdom; two democratic
countries where police officers are encouraged to have tattoos so that
they can be seen by the general public to be one of them.
o Will the Honourable Prime minister liaise with the commissioner of
Police so that the promotional exercise which long overdue be carried
out as soon as possible as the present Inertia is causing much
demotivation to the moral of the police force.

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o Will the Honourable Prime Minister state when will his government
intend to start medical use of Marijuana?
o Will the Honourable Prime Minister be triggering a national debate
around the recreational use of Marijuana in the wake of the recent
report on Drugs by Justice Lam Shang Leen.
o Will the Honourable Prime Minister inform the nation how many
drugs have been intercepted and seized during the last ten years where
no arrest was no effected.
o Will the Honourable Prime Minister inform the nation that whether he
is aware that 100 of prisoners arrested for drug cases are unduly kept
on remand because of the delay Forensics Science Laboratory report.

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o Will the Honourable minister of Consumer Protection inform the house

that following the two Covid crisis and the War between Ukraine and
Russia, his ministry intense to build a bigger oil storage terminal which
presently is for a period of 30 days of Petrol and 17 days for Diesel.
o Will his ministry hold urgent meeting with the presently active company
in Mauritius: Indian Oil, Vivo energy, Total Mauritius, Engen Mauritius,
State trading corporation to increase storage capacity of petroleum
product for the country?
o Will the minister do the needful with relevant companies and different
institutions operating within the port area so that security is upgraded to
prevent fire disasters as what happened in Lebanon recently.
o Will his Ministry inform the nation the details, for the international tender
for a supply of 200 metrics tons of cooking oil for the period from April
2022 to June 2022.
o Will the Honourable minister in the nation which company has responded
to the international tender? When will the first shipment arrive to
Mauritius as the Honourable Minister taken the necessary precaution so
that the different Homes catered for.
o Will the Honourable Cater for Rodrigues and Agalega equally so that no
major disruption.
o Will the ministry inform the nation whether STC have launch an
international tender for the supply of some of 50,000 metric Tons of
cements for the period from May to September 2022.
o Will the Honourable Minister informs the nation when the international
tender for cement was launch and Whether it has already been awarded
and if yes to which Company.
o Has the Honourable Minister held urgent meeting with State trading
corporation in view to launch other emergency contract so that the nation
is not deprive of basic foods, petrol and construction materials?
o Will the Honourable Minister be able to inform the nation when will the
next tender launch a) Cooking b) Petrol c) Cement d) Rice e) Flour f)
Wheat g) Milk h) Gas i) Jet Fuel j) infant milk and others basic
o Will the Honourable minister state to the nation concrete measures to be
taken with friendly countries to import:
o Medicine
o Dippers
o And other medicinal products
o If he has already taken the necessary measure, please state them in detail.

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o Will the Honourable minister inform the nation whether he intends for at
least a limited period of time remove certain items which inflate the price
of petrol on the local market?
o Will the Honourable Minister explain to the nation whether he has done
the needful to make sure that The Republic of Mauritius and the island of
Rodrigues will be provided with Jet fuel in the coming month especially
at a time of potential conflict with many countries?
o Will the Honourable Minister inform the Nation how many inspections of
supermarket, hypermarkets shop has been carried out seen the last two
years? How many prosecutions have been lodged before the different
district court and Rodrigues Court and what has been the outcome of the
o Will the Ministry hold meeting with all the food producers from Poultry
breeders to Pig breeders (vegetables growers and canned food) not
exhaustive list so that a consensus can arrive at for a reduction in selling
price for a limited period of time pending the end of the war and also and
Covid Pandemics?
o Will his ministry revisit urgently The consumer protection (price and
supply control) Act12/ 1998 in Mauritius and Rodrigues concerning the
prices of food, medicine and other basic amenities after consultation with
different organization in a spirit of solidarity during these difficult times?

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The Honourable Minister of Local Government:

o Will the Honourable Minister as to whether intent to amend the law

for further postponing the local government elections and if so, what
is the basic doing same?
o Will the Honourable minister inform the nation whether the
government intends to amend the local government act to devolve
further powers to each local government Entity?

If Yes could he outline the broad objectives!

If No, Why Not?

o Will the Honourable Minister state whether his ministry is

contemplating in amending chapter 2 of the constitution to include
right to have a local government so as to extend democratic rights and

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1) The Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, Home Affairs and External

Communications, Minister for Rodrigues, Outer Islands and Territorial
Integrity, whether, with regards to the report of the Electoral Boundaries
Commission on a Review of the Boundaries of the Constituencies 2020,
tabled at the National Assembly on 03 November 2020, he will state to
the nation, whether a motion

a) will be introduced in the Assembly in regard thereto and, in case it is

approved, indicate what measures will be taken to ensure that no electors
be disenfranchised, and
b) will be introduced in the Assembly, in regard thereto, for a redefinition of
the electoral boundaries, as recommended by the Electoral Boundaries
Commission in its 2020 report, to take into account changes in the means
of communication, geographical features, density of population and the
boundaries of administrative areas since the Mauritius (Electoral
Provisions) Regulations, 1966 and the Mauritius Independence Order,

2) Whether the honourable Prime Minister intends to PREVENT

electors/candidates who have voluntarily refused to do the booster
dose (some 50% of the population) or a minority of
electors/candidates who have chosen not to vaccinate themselves with
one of the vaccines proposed, thus disenfranchising them from being
eligible electors?

Since the above question goes to the essence of democratic right as per
section 2 of our constitution, we are providing to the people of the Republic
of Mauritius the following information:

Taking into consideration, the combination of ‘Regulations made by the

Minister under section 13 of the Quarantine Act 2020 – GN No 38/2022’
and the ‘Quarantine Act 2020 - Regulations made by the Minister under
section 13 of the Quarantine Act 2020 – GN 246/2021; Fifth schedule
Regulation 13(1) (Specified institutions, places and premises), allows only a
person with a “booster dose of Covid-19 vaccine” to enter the different
premises as described.

Elections are normally held in schools and educational premises.

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Regulation 2 of the principal regulations is amended by inserting,

in the appropriate alphabetical order, the following new definitions –

“booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine” means, in the case of a person who has
been vaccinated

From a member of the civil society: Covid-19 (Restriction of Access to

Specified Institutions, Places and Premises) Regulations 2021 which were
published in the Government Gazette as Government Notice No. 194 of 2021.
The regulations were made under section 4(2)(a) and 13 of the Quarantine Act
2020. Section 4(2)(a) in the Quarantine has been added by the Finance
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2021. The new section 4(2) provides that “for
the purpose of preventing a spread of a communicable disease in Mauritius
during a quarantine period, the Minister may, by regulations (a) restrict a
person from having access to a specified institution, place or premises unless he
satisfies such medical requirements, and complies with such conditions, as may
be prescribed; and (b) provide for anything that is required to prevent the
spread of a communicable disease, including the closure of premises, restriction
of activities and prohibition to attend places”. With this amendment, the term
“specified institution, place or premises” has now been introduced in the
Quarantine Act without however providing for a definition for same.

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Whether the Honourable Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, Home Affairs

and External Communications, Minister for Rodrigues, Outer Islands and
Territorial Integrity, to state:
a) The quantity of safe city cameras that have been installed
throughout the island.
b) The percentage of cameras installed which have been
c) The time and exact date of commissioning of the safe city system
d) The quantity of cameras which have necessited repairs and
e) The cost of repairs and replacements
f) For how long have the cameras have been out of service
g) Whether an audit of all the cameras have been carried out and if
yes, will honourable Prime Minister table same at the different
libraries of the republic of Mauritius?


Whether the PM will inform the nation how many inquiries

relating to breach of speed limit have been triggered by the safe
city cameras in areas where speed cameras have not been set up?


Whether the PM will enlighten the nation as to the use of safe city
cameras in the following enquiries:
a) The death of Mr Kanakiah
b) The allege suicide of Mrs Mooniaruth
c) The circumstances surrounding the accident of Marcelin

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In the wake of the Kistnen case, will the PM state whether the government
is considering renegotiating with the cctv
manufacturers/operators/providers to extend the storage period from 30
days to one year as is the law for guest houses, hotels and banks.
If so, the details thereof; and
If not the reasons, therefore


Will the PM inform whether the surveillance radars in the southern part of
the island are operational and if not, since when and what has been done to
remediate to the situation?


Whether the PM will state to the nation, the storage time the special
cameras manned by the MPF operating within the airport compound.


Whether the PM to communicate to the nation how many ‘User

Acceptance Test (UAT)’ for IVS cameras was carried out since 28 January

Is the PM aware that : As of 28 January 2021, User Acceptance Test (UAT)

for IVS cameras was carried out at 756 of the 2,000 sites from which footages
were being received. Only one of the seven sub-command centres was


Whether The Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the hosting of servers has
been finalised, agreed and signed. And if yes, when and by whom?

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Has the honourable Prime Minister been made aware that the SCP project was
due to be completed by June 2019, and if yes, is he aware that as at January
2021, the project was not yet completed and could he state to the nation where
matters stand as at date.


Will the PM state to the nation how many sub-command centres are operational
as at date and is he aware that only ONE of the seven sub-command centres was
completed and commissioned by end January 2021.



Will the Honourable Prime Minister state how many of the four aircrafts (three
dornier and one Defender) are fully operational as at date? Has any enquiry been
triggered where public money was paid for maintenance and engineering
support for non-operational aircrafts during the last 2 years? Is the PM aware
that these maintenance/support amounted Rs 8.2M/year?


Will the Honourable Prime Minister confirm to the nation the operational status
of the Coastal Surveillance Radar System (CSRS). As the PM was aware, three radars
were not operational as at December 2020.


Whether the Honourable Prime Minister finally confirm that the Remotely
Operated Vehicle that cost Rs 14 Million in 2014 is finally operational.


Will the Honourable Prime Minister confirm to the nation the operational status
of the Advance Passenger Information System which by December 2020, the
implementation was still delayed.


Will the Honourable Prime Minister confirm to the nation the cost of
implementation of the Automated Fingerprint System, if it was finally
implemented. The cost estimate escalated from RS 17.2 M in October 2017 to
some Rs 86.2 million in May 2020.

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Environment and Climate Change

To the honourable Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management and

Climate Change

Will the Honourable Minister be pleased to state:

a) Whether the government is working on a new action so that the new
Republic of Mauritius becomes a green ecological island?
b) Whether any proposals regarding the protection of our islets and our
beaches have been taken on board in the light of ocean rising?
c) If so, the details thereof and the actions taken by his Ministry?

1) Will the Honourable Prime Minister inform the nation actions he

has taken after the Mauritian was pulled down on the island of
Chagos Archipelago?
2) Has the Honourable Prime Minister asked for our flag hoisted to be
returned back to Mauritius?
3) Will the Honourable Prime Minister state how many Mauritians are
presently staying in Agalega Islands?
4) Wille the Honourable Prime Minister inform the House whether he
intends to start discussions the Chief Justice in order to send a
magistrate to Agalega on a full-time basis? If yes, when does he
intend to do so? If no, why not?

Will the Ministry of youth and sports state:

a) Whether the government has any proposal to establish sports schools in
every district in the country?
b) If so, the details thereof and then will the fiats owe be launched?
Will the Honourable Minister for prison reforms state:
a) The actions taken by the government in the field of prison reforms;
b) The details of capacity building and any allocations made towards this?
c) The allocations of funds made in this regard, if any?

How the Minister of the environment is the Honourable Minister aware that
every year due to soil erosion 25 billion tonnes of top soil are eroded by wind
and water. Mauritius is not an exception. What does the Hon Minister intend
to do to palliate same? And please state the different steps?

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Will the Honourable Minister hold serious talks with the big sugar land
owners to tackle the issue by encouraging to plant and to stop derocking? If
no, please state why not?
Does the Honourable Minister intend to publish our water footprint in order
to sensitize our nation about the value of water which is more important to the
nation than oil and financial capital? If yes, please state when and what other
steps will be taken?

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Healthcare and wellness

1. Could the Honourable Minister of health and quality of life inform the
nation on the following:
a) How many vaccines were bought, how many were given free of
b) The amount collected on the Rs2 tax per liter of petrol?
c) Give the names and amount of vaccines in stock

2. Could the Hon.Minister of Health and quality of life inform the nation
on the antiviral medication called “Molnupiravir”
a) How many tablets have been bought since November 2022?
b) How many tablets are in stock and their expiring date?
c) How many positive Covid patients did not receive the treatment in
March because Molnupiravir was out of stock

3. Could the Hon. Minister of health and quality of life inform the nation
on the following :
a) How many COVID antigen tests has been bought since the outbreak
of the Covid 19 pandemic ?
b) What is the stock of antigen test and their expiring date ?

4. Could the Hon. Minister of health and quality of life inform the nation
on the following :
a) Where are the ventilators bought from Pack n Blister?
b) How many ventilators are in use in our public hospitals? How many
are under repair?

5. Could the Hon. Minister of health and quality of life inform the nation
on the following :
a)What is the stock of sanitary overalls? And masks and their expiry

6. Could the Hon. Prime Minister, president of the High level Committee
inform the nation
a) For how long will Our administrations and institutions be stranded
by the regulations on the Covid vaccine booster dose due to the non-
admission in those places if a person does not have same?

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7.Could the Hon. Minister of Public Utilities inform the nation
c) When will a sustainable solution be secured for Access to water in
Bambous Virieux to replace the temporary water tanks?

8.Could the Hon. Minister of Tourism inform the nation on the stategy of
“one Mauritius. In a press conference he stated that Mauritius has a
competitive advantage on Seychelles and Maldives with our forests.

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Will the honourable learned Attorney General consider to have the judicial committee of the
private council back in Mauritius for hearing of appeals? If yes, please give details for such
events happen? If no why not?

Will the honourable learned attorney general informed us whether the government intend to
review the electoral law of the Republic including some sections of the constitution
pertaining to same?


To honourable Minister of Culture

Is the minister of culture awake that 2022 marks the 200 years of the execution of the
Malagasy prince Ratsitatane who was executed on the 15 April 1822 at Plaine Verte for
causing the slaves to revolt?

If yes, what the ministry intended to do to mark the event? If no , why not?
Will the honourable minister consider having putting the year an effigy of Ratsitatane on a
stamp in kreol language?

If yes when does he plan the event to happen? If no, why not?
Will the honourable minister consider with his ministry the erection of a statue of Ratsitatane
to mark the 200 years of his assassination by the British following a set up trial?


Will the honourable Minister of Sports inform the nation what is his plan to prepare our
sportsmen and sportswomen for this Jeux des Iles de L’Ocean Indien which are to be held in
Madagascar in 2025?

Will the honourable minister inform the nation whether the pre selected sportsmen and
women will receive as from the month of May a monthly allowance for doctor follow up and
a sponsored balance diet?

Will the honourable minister consider the idea mooted out by Linion Pep Morisien for a
Ligue des sports collectifs de L’Ocean Indien with the aim of uniting people of Indian Ocean
and relaunching the sport collectif among the Islands of Indian Ocean?

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Five (5) years back in January 2017, the government published a 10-year
masterplan to revamp and boost the SME sector, to add value to our GDP
and create jobs within the entrepreneurship sector. New in March 2022, we
are exactly at mid-term of the proposed plan.

a) Whether the Honourable Minister of Ministry of Industrial

Development, SMEs and Co-operatives can provide to the nation the
number of SMEs and that opened, that closed and the relevant
number of employees together with the total turnover the SME sector
generated in the following years: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021?

b) Whether the Honourable Minister of Ministry of Industrial

Development, SMEs and Co-operatives can state the status of the
implementation of the 10-year masterplan of the SME sector in
Mauritius (10MP) in 2017, the percentage of implementation plan?

c) Will the Honourable Minister of Ministry of Industrial Development,

SMEs and Co-operatives provide the contribution to the GDP for the
SME sector for years 2019, 2020, 2021; knowing that in the above 10-
year masterplan of the SME sector in Mauritius, it was forecasted
that the GDP for that sector would grow from 40% in 2017 to 52% in

d) Will the Honourable Minister of Ministry of Industrial Development,

SMEs and Co-operatives provide the contribution to the employment
for the SME sector for years 2019, 2020, 2021; knowing that in the
above 10-year masterplan of the SME sector in Mauritius, it was
forecasted that the employment for that sector would grow from 55%
in 2017 to 64% in 2026?
e) Will the Honourable Minister of Ministry of Industrial Development,
SMEs and Co-operatives provide the contribution to the employment
for the SME sector for years 2019, 2020, 2021; knowing that in the
above 10-year masterplan of the SME sector in Mauritius, it was
forecasted that the Exports contribution for that sector would grow
from 3% in 2017 to 18% in 2026?

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National Export Strategy (NES)

The National Export Strategy (NES) report by INTRACEN-ITC

(Switzerland) was launched by the then honourable Prime Minister,
Pravind Jugnauth in March 2017. Several sectors were identified as
key enablers to increase our exports in these sectors.

a) Whether the honourable Prime Minister would state to the nation

the twelve sectoral reports implementation status as at date. The
NES document aims to boost the export capacities of the country’s
private sector and step up its trade with regional and global

NES was to serve as a blueprint for the Government, the private

sector and Mauritius' development partners to help the country’s
SMEs improve their competitiveness and generate higher-value
jobs. These were to guide Mauritius’ effort to reinvigorate inclusive
and sustainable growth through trade.

b) Whether the honourable Prime Minister could provide to the

nation a clear strategy of his government’s Africa Strategy that
would boost Mauritian companies and industry associations
members in different sectors, whether in the services or products
areas, and if any, what are his forecasts for the next three years,
per sector.

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