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Basic Details of the Team and

Problem Statement
Ministry/Organization Name/Student Innovation:

PS Code: SM96

Problem Statement Title: Student Innovatio

Team Name: Team Shuny

Team Leader Name: B Karthik Deshmuk

Institute Code: MREC(A

Institute Name: Malla Reddy Engineering Colleg

Theme Name: Renewable/Sustainable Energy


Idea/Approach Details

The sunlight is focused onto a single point that is used to

heat up the Stirling engine

This heat is utilised to excite the compressed gas

molecules and these build up pressure on the piston
causing it to move

The reciprocating motion caused by the piston is converted

to rotating motion which is attached to a motor generating

These engines have higher efficiency

than a traditional engine and they also
generate more electricity when compared
to the solar and other renewable sources.

Idea/Approach Details
Describe your Use Cases here Describe your Dependencies / Show stopper
Stirling Farms set up in non habitable sunny or here
hot areas For the engine to work during cloudy days
and night time
We can also set these up in normal agricultural We are implementing Bio Gas to heat he engine
farms in one or two numbers to generate at a specific temperature. And also the extra
electricity and this shall be used to power their amount of electrify generated shall be
equipment and the extra amount shall be sent to transferred to smart grids which shall be utilised
 to heat the engines in during the above
mentioned conditions
Since the fossil fuels are about to decrease and
the world is moving to renewable energy to fuel We’re also working on improving the efficiency
their Electric Vehicles, our approach might just of the system by utilising bio gas method.
help them produce more energy in less space
when compared to other transmission sites.


Team Member Details

Team Leader Name: B Karthik Deshmuk
Branch (Btech/Mtech/PhD etc): Btec Stream (ECE, CSE etc): ME Year (I,II,III,IV):I
Team Member 1 Name: Sai Lohith
Branch (Btech/Mtech/PhD etc): Btec Stream (ECE, CSE etc):ME Year (I,II,III,IV): I
Team Member 2 Name: Nandam Harshit
Branch (Btech/Mtech/PhD etc):Btec Stream (ECE, CSE etc):ME Year (I,II,III,IV): I
Team Member 3 Name: Sai Shiv
Branch (Btech/Mtech/PhD etc):Btec Stream (ECE, CSE etc):ME Year (I,II,III,IV): I
Team Member 4 Name: Sunil Kuma
Branch (Btech/Mtech/PhD etc):Btec Stream (ECE, CSE etc):ME Year (I,II,III,IV): II
Team Member 5 Name:N Sowmy
Branch (Btech/Mtech/PhD etc):Btec Stream (ECE, CSE etc):CS Year (I,II,III,IV):
Team Mentor 1 Name: Type Your Name Her
Category (Academic/Industry): Expertise (AI/ML/Blockchain etc): Domain Experience (in years):
Team Mentor 2 Name: Type Your Name Her
Category (Academic/Industry) Expertise (AI/ML/Blockchain etc): Domain Experience (in years):






Important Pointers

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Kindly keep the maximum slides limit to 4 page
All the topics should be utilized for description of your ide
Try to avoid paragraphs and post your idea in point
Keep your explanation precisely and easy to understan
Idea should be unique and novel. If it has a business potential more weightage will be given.
Apart from this PPT abstract of your idea will be asked separately while submittin
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You can delete this slide (Important Pointers) when you upload the details of your idea on SIH portal.


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