Literature Review: O2 Concentrator: Problem Definition Objective References

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O2 Concentrator:

Problem Definition
Literature Review

Problem Definition:

The exponential surge in India's coronavirus infections over the past few weeks has swamped
the health care system, seen patients dying in ambulances and parking lots outside hospitals
and overwhelmed crematoriums.

It has also drained supplies of medical oxygen, which is vital for those who have been
infected. The dire shortage has turned out to be a major challenge facing hospitals in many
states across the country.

A hospital ran out of oxygen throughout the world, resulting in many deaths.

Leting the patients not to reach that curcial point of heavy requirement of oxygen.

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According to pulmonologists, only mild to moderately ill patients with oxygen saturation
levels between 90% to 94% should use an oxygen concentrator under medical guidance.
Patients with oxygen saturation levels as low as 85% can also use oxygen concentrators in
emergency situations or till they get hospital admission. However, it is recommended that
such patients switch to a cylinder with higher oxygen flow and get admitted to a hospital as
soon as possible. The device is not advisable for ICU patients.

To build an oxygen supply device using 5A zeolites to separate nitrogen and argon
from oxygen for 90% purity. The goal is to introduce a design into different markets to
determine profitability over time. Two consumers were focused on during the stint of the
project. This produced two designs, a portable unit for individuals and a stationary unit for
hospitals. Both designs incorporate the use of Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) with 5A
zeolites as the adsorbents. A portable unit that can sustain a constant flowrate of 5 L/min at
99% purity was determined to be obtainable. Preliminary estimates have shown the portable
unit will cost approximately $4,200 and weigh 20.5 pounds.

Future investigation is required to determine consumer preference and the economics of this

- To develop a portable and hospital air separation process/device with silver zeolite to
produce/device with 5A Zeolite, to produce a continuous flow of 99% oxygen.
- Recommend the application of the process/device in different will be profitable in
those markets.
- Determine if process/device if process/device will be profitable in those market.
- To make a most valuable and essential product yourself at homemade.
- To reduce the issues like storing an oxygen in cylinders and
Air is made up of a variety of gases. The atmosphere of the Earth contains around 78 percent
nitrogen and 21% oxygen. There are also trace quantities of several other gases in the air,
including carbon dioxide, neon, and hydrogen.

Oxygen is essential for respiration, the energy-producing process that drives most living
organisms' metabolisms. To keep alive, humans, like many other species, require oxygen in
the air we breathe.

Oxygen (O2) is an active, life-sustaining component of the atmosphere, accounting for 20.94
percent of the air we breathe by volume and 23 percent by weight. It's tasteless, odourless,
and colourless.

Oxygen is the most abundant element on the planet. Most terrestrial oxygen is bonded with
other elements in compounds such as silicates, oxides, and water because it forms compounds
with almost all chemical components except noble gases. In rivers, lakes, and seas, oxygen is
also dissolved. The atmosphere is almost completely made up of molecular oxygen.

Oxygen is a powerful oxidiser* (*a general chemical term applying to any substance, like
oxygen, that accepts electrons from another substance during reaction). Oxygen interacts
vigorously with flammable materials, especially when it is pure, generating heat as a result of
the reaction. Many reactions need the presence of water or are aided by the application of a
The boiling/condensing point of oxygen is -297.3°F (-183°C). The gas is mildly soluble in
water and alcohol and is about 1.1 times heavier than air and is a pale blue liquid that is
somewhat heavier than water below its boiling point.

Cryogenic distillation produces high purity oxygen in large quantities as a gas or liquid, while
adsorption processes create a lesser purity gas (usually about 93 percent) (pressure swing
adsorption, abbreviated as PSA, or vacuum-pressure swing adsorption, abbreviated as VPSA
or more simply, VSA).

The reactivity of oxygen is prized. To enhance the quantity of oxygen accessible for
combustion or biological activity, oxygen is frequently utilised in conjunction with or instead
of air. This leads to higher reaction speeds and higher throughput in current equipment, as
well as reduced equipment sizes for new equipment.

Introduction to Oxygen Uses

Oxygen in hospitalsIn health-care facilities, oxygen is the most often utilised clinical gas.
Without medical oxygen, no contemporary hospital can function. In the operating room
during anaesthesia, for patient breathing, and in intensive care or neonatal units, pure oxygen
is a critical resource. The continual high demand for this gas causes hospitals to incur
significant costs. Currently, hospitals purchase 99 percent pure oxygen in bulk from bulk
oxygen suppliers. Bulk oxygen is available in liquid and gaseous forms. Large hospitals can
spend up to ₹ 1,27,43,370 per year on oxygen alone [1], therefore these sources of oxygen
can become an expensive burden. Medical oxygen, fortunately, may be produced on-site in
any hospital, clinic, or health facility at a significantly lower cost. Oxygen is created as it is
utilised when pressure swing adsorption is employed as an air separation technology,
allowing a health care centre to be self-sufficient in fulfilling its oxygen requirement.
Increased expenditure in other areas of health care will be possible thanks to the cost savings.

Oxygen for individual useOxygen is a medication that can benefit people with lung disorders
such emphysema, sarcoidosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [2].
Because excessive usage of high-purity oxygen can be hazardous, each use requires a
prescription [2]. Individuals who require supplementary oxygen can utilise portable oxygen
concentrators to continue their normal activities after consulting with a physician.
Supplemental oxygen helps many patients with end-stage lung illness to obtain the oxygen
they need while also allowing them to become more active. Supplemental oxygen provides
energy to their body's cells. Everything from breathing to carrying out body processes to
travelling to the grocery store uses the energy created.

There are currently no portable devices that can deliver more than 99 percent oxygen at a rate
of 5 litres per minute. Portable oxygen containers, which may be filled by a home oxygen
concentrator or by oxygen providers, are the finest option on the market. These containers
come in a variety of sizes and are generally aluminium or steel tanks or cylinders [2]. They
have the drawback of lasting just up to 8 hours. The restricted time frame of oxygen delivery
limits an individual's ability to engage in activities outside the house. Although portable
oxygen concentrators are available, they can only provide oxygen with a purity of 85 to 95%.
Nitrogen molecules are removed from the air in these devices, leaving argon and oxygen in
the result. It would be excellent to create a portable device that concentrates 99 percent
oxygen with a product flow rate of 5 litres per minute from air.

Uses of Oxygen in Healthcare The use of medicinal oxygen in healthcare is commonplace all
around the world. In the healthcare business, oxygen is employed in a variety of situations. In
the following situations [3], medical oxygen is used: 1. Treatment with inhalation 2.
Maintaining tissue oxygenation under anaesthesia during surgery 3. Patient resuscitation 4.
Treatment of respiratory depression with mechanical lung ventilation 5. The treatment of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumoconiosis, pneumonia, myocardial infarction,
and pulmonary embolism, among other disorders.6. For a newborn who is suffering from
respiratory distress syndrome7. The use of carbon monoxide and other chemical compounds
to treat respiratory burns or poisoning

Individuals suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease require a portable oxygen
machine capable of giving 99% oxygen at a flow rate of 5 L/min (COPD). COPD is a lung
condition that causes difficulty breathing due to damage to the lungs. The airway tubes that
transport air in and out of your lungs become partially clogged with COPD, making it harder
to breathe. COPD is most often caused by cigarette smoking, although other lung irritants,
such as pollution, dust, or chemicals, inhaled over time may also cause or contribute to the

Because there are 80 million[2] individuals who suffer from COPD, this equipment is in great
demand. COPD claimed the lives of almost 3 million individuals in 2005, accounting for 5%
of all fatalities worldwide[2]. COPD was the sixth largest cause of mortality in 2002,
according to the World Health Organization [2]. COPD is expected to surpass heart disease
as the fourth biggest cause of mortality globally by 2030[2]. Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) is treated with oxygen treatment. Individuals in need of therapy might get it
at home or in hospitals. COPD treatment necessitates a patient's oxygen purity to be greater
than 96 percent. There is currently no portable equipment capable of producing the needed


1. Fuentes R., et al. “Self-sufficient Supply of Oxygen in the Van Buren

Hospital of the Valparaiso San Antonio Health Service Chile.” ISQua. Nov.

2. (2007). Chronic Respiratory Diseases. Retrieved March 15, 2007, from

World Health Organization Web site:

3. (2006). Technology: SeprOx. Retrieved March 15, 2007, from Trans Ionics
Corporation Web site:

4. [16.] (2007). What are Zeolites? Retrieved February 5, 2007, from bza Web site:
System Design:

Oxygen concentrators are medical devices that assist people who have a low level of
oxygen in their blood. They are powered by plugging the device into an electrical outlet
or by using a battery. If a battery is used, then it will need to be charged by plugging it
into an electrical outlet. Most concentrators also come with an adapter so you can use
the device while you drive.

An oxygen concentrator receives air, purifies it, and then distributes the newly formed
air. Before it goes into the concentrator, air is made up of 80 percent nitrogen and 20
percent oxygen. An oxygen concentrator uses that air then it comes out as 90 to 95
percent pure oxygen and 5 to 10 percent nitrogen. The nitrogen is separated to give the
patient the highest dose of oxygen possible, as it is difficult to get that percentage of
oxygen without the help of a medical device.

The 5 Step Concentrator Process:

1. Takes air from the room.
2. Compresses the oxygen.
3. Takes out nitrogen from the air.
4. Adjusts the way the air is delivered.
5. Delivers the purified air.
There are many parts that make up a portable oxygen concentrator. A compressor and
sieve bed filter are a couple of the main parts. The compressor compresses air that is
filtered into the concentrator, then delivers the air in a continuous stream.

The compressed air moves to the sieve bed filters. The sieve bed filter plays an
important role, as it is the device that removes the nitrogen from the air. A material
called Zeolite, which is a six-sided microscopic cube with holes on each side, is in the
sieve bed and this is what removes the nitrogen from the air.

Two sieve beds are located in the concentrator. After air is first compressed in the
concentrator, it is forced into the first sieve bed. Oxygen is sent into the product tank.
The first sieve bed then gets filled up with nitrogen. Next, the gas flow is switched, and
the compressed air is moved to the second sieve bed. The first sieve bed’s compressor
is sent to the outside room, and the air from the product tank goes back into the first
sieve bed.

The drop in pressure from the first sieve bed and the weakening of oxygen makes the
Zeolite release nitrogen. The Oxygen and Nitrogen come back together and are
released in the room as regular air. The air is then compressed and sent to the second
sieve where Oxygen is moved through it to the Product Tank. The whole cycle starts
over again with the first sieve after a few seconds.

Other important parts are the cooling system that keeps the portable oxygen
concentrator from overheating, and the nasal cannula that delivers the purified oxygen
after the oxygen has been passed through all the sieve bed filters. The cannula helps
improve oxygen absorption.

The basic process requires an air compressor that pumps air at a pressure above the standard
atmospheric pressure through an air filter. The air then passes through a chamber containing the
zeolite crystals that remove nitrogen, and out comes medical grade oxygen that is stored in a
tank before being supplied to patients. Now we get into the specifics of each step in the above

We start by shooting down our earlier assumption -- that all nitrogen in the pumped air is
removed by the zeolite crystals: it is not. It will not get into an involved discussion of the
thermodynamics of sorption kinetics and adsorption equilibria, the interested reader is referred
to this study. Simply put, the amount of nitrogen removed by zeolite depends on both
Fig: Adsorbate loading, i.e. Nitrogen adsorbed as a function of Adsorbate partial pressure, i.e. external
pressure applied at two different temperatures.

temperature and pressure of air (see Figure 2 for a representative pressure curve). The fraction
of nitrogen removed by zeolite from incoming air increases with decreasing temperature (T 1 <
T2 in Figure 2 above) as well with increasing pressure (P1 > P2 in Figure 2 above).

 Equilibrium Adsorption:
Air comprises of three primary components: nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. The theory
of multi-component adsorption equilibria involving the competition between the different
molecules on the adsorbent is required for designing purposes. Langmuirian Multi-
component Theory is used [9] . The fractional loading contributed by each component i, Өi is
given by:

b i Pi
θi = N
Equation 1
1+ ∑ b j P j

Where: bi and bj is the ratio of the rate constant for

adsorption to that for desorption for component i
and component j, respectively.
Pi and Pj is the partial pressure of component
i and component j, respectively.
N is the number of species.
Equation 1 gives the amount adsorbed of species i on the adsorbent in the multi-
component system.

The selectivity describes how selective one species is to bind to the adsorbent
over another species. The selectivity of a species i in relation to species j is give
as [9]:
Si , j= Equation 2

A transport phenomenon is studied to determine how each species is adsorbed in

the adsorbent bed. Material balance equations are used to determine these
Argon Adsorbed
FN2 Nitrogen FAr
Adsorbed 1 FO2
0 FO2 2
FAr =0

Air components through adsorbent bed

Material balance are performed for the components in each section of the adsorbent

Nitrogen: F 0N 2 ∆ t=∆ L1 A N 1N 2=v 1 A N 1N 2 Equation 3

1 0 2 1
Oxygen: F O =F O +(N Ar −N Ar ) A v1
2 2
Equation 4

1 0 2 1
Argon: F Ar=F Ar+(N Ar −N Ar ) A v 1 Equation 5
F 2Ar=0=F1Ar + N 2Ar A v 1

Where: F is the volumetric flowrate

∆t is the cycle time
∆L is the length of the bed
A is the area
N is the loading
v is the front velocity
To ensure the two concentration fronts do not collapse the ratio of the
velocity of the argon front must be greater than that of the nitrogen front.
F Ar 2 1
+( N Ar −N Ar )
v2 F N2 Equation 7
= >1
v1 N 2

Nitrogen molecules have a stronger electrostatic interaction with the adsorbents than
do oxygen and argon molecules. The velocity of the nitrogen front is the velocity the front
moves as a function of the rate of adsorption and desorption of the molecules on the
adsorbent sites. Nitrogen there for has a slower rate of desorption than oxygen or argon
because of its stronger interaction forces. Thus, the ratio of the velocity front of argon to
nitrogen is greater than one in the PSA design.

Kinetic Adsorption:

Pressure swing adsorption can easily separate nitrogen from and atmospheric air
feed. Argon and oxygen have similar properties which makes it more difficult to separate the
two 19 components. Kinetic separation of oxygen and argon using molecular sieve carbon
(MSC) adsorbents using pressure swing adsorption technique has been shown to adsorb
oxygen almost 30 times faster than argon. This is a very good separation and would lead to
high purity and recovery of oxygen.

Oxygen being adsorbed on the MSCs in this process leads to a problem in design.
To recover the oxygen adsorbed on the adsorbent the oxygen would be collected in the
purge cycle of the pressure swing adsorption stage. This factor results in the need for two
PSA processes. The cost associated with an additional PSA system outweighs the
advantages in of the achievable separation between oxygen and argon.

Linear Driving Force Model

∂ q 15 De
= 2 (q R p −q)
∂t RP

- t = time
- D e = effective intraparticle diffusitivity
- R p = radius of particle surface
- q = average loading of component on the adsorbent

Compressed Air and Filtration:

As shown in Figure below, we connect the output from the air compressor to a HEPA ( High
Efficiency Particulate Air ) filter or an air filter with silica gel. Air contains water vapor, plus if you
use an old compressor, the pressurized air from the compressor also contains tiny oil droplets.
Zeolite crystals adsorb both vapor molecules and oil, and any zeolite surface occupied by vapor
or oil is then unavailable for nitrogen adsorption, which means that the efficiency goes down. In
fact, zeolite adsorbs vapor molecules far more readily (even at atmospheric pressure) than
nitrogen, the reason being that water is polar and more readily attracted to zeolite whereas
nitrogen interacts via a quadrupole moment. For this reason, its essential to pass the pressurized
air exiting the compressor through a HEPA filter or a silica gel desiccant that can absorb vapor
and oil.
Fig: Compressed Air input system.
In the design above, used two silica gel dessicant air filters in parallel, used filter A initially, and
once it saturates with vapor and/or oil, shut off the valve and re-direct incoming pressurized air to
filter B and hot-swap a new filter in place of A to ensure continuous operation. About 2 kg of silica
gel per filter can last a few hours, depending on the litres per minute of air processed by the
system. The swapped out air filter is then opened and the moisture in the silica gel can be
removed by heating it at 110oC. You can use a convection oven or gently heat the silica gel on a
stove and it's ready for reuse. If you have a convection oven, its advisable to pre-heat the oven
and bake the silica gel for 20 minutes at 150oC. If heating on a stove, use a baking/oven
thermometer to take it up to 110oC and keep gently turning over the silica gel particles for 1 hour.
Zeolites are a class of microporous aluminosilicate materials commonly used as
adsorbents and catalysts because they act as molecular sieves. This property arises from
removal of their "water of crystallization" which leave behind a porous structure or cage at the
molecular scale. These pores or cages can accommodate a wide variety of cations (positive
ions) including sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, which are loosely held. These cations
can be readily exchanged with other molecules by external application of pressure, or thermal or
electrical forces.
Zeolites are microporous crystalline structures [16] that govern the molecules that are
adsorbed during the PSA process. The shape-selective properties of zeolites are the basis
for their use in molecular adsorption [16]. The different structures of the zeolite indicate the
type of molecules that the zeolite will adsorb.

Fig: A representative example of Zeolite 5A molecular structure showing the five pores or cages at the
centre of the unit cell. These pores allow molecules smaller than the cage size to pass through, provided
they are not attracted to the superstructure.

Zeolite structure [16] Zeolites have various ways of controlling adsorption. The size and
shape of pores can control access into the zeolite. In another case different types of molecules enter
the zeolite, but some diffuse through the channels more quickly while others are left behind and do
not pass through. Cation-containing zeolites, such as silver zeolites, are extensively used in gas
separation processes. These cations are indicated as the purple spheres in Figure 12. Molecules are
differentiated on the basis of their electrostatic interactions with the metal ions. Zeolites can thus
separate molecules based on differences of size, shape and polarity.

The pore structure of the 5A type sieve (3/4 CaO · 1/4 Na 2O · Al2O3 · 2 SiO2 · 9/2 H2O) is
described as a three-dimensional network of intersecting channels. Entry to these is restricted by
the eight oxygen atoms from which they are formed (approx. 3-5Å diameter). Where these
channels intersect, larger pores or cages with diameters of 11.4Å are formed. The n-alkanes
adsorbed within the 5A sieve can be released by dissolving the sieve in a mixture of diluted HF
acid and organic solvents.

Fig: Allowing oxygen to go through and stopping nitrogen

1. O2 and N2 molecule dimensions ( if required )

2. Compressor
3. Sensors and Calibrations:

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