EAPP Q3-Module-1 Removed

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Applied Subject

English for Academic and

Professional Purposes

Quarter 1
Module 1: Language for Compliance Versus
Language of Free
Day 1

Directions: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of the correct

1. It represents the language of school which includes the language in

textbooks, in classrooms, in tests, and in each subject discipline.
A. Academic language C. Social Language
B. Academic writing D. Both A and B

2. This feature suggests that written text is lexically dense compared to

spoken language since it has more lexical words than grammatical words.
A. Complex C. Objective
B. Concise D. None of them

3. A feature of academic language which suggests that a writer is concerned

about facts and is not influenced by personal feelings or biases.
A. Complex C. Objective
B. Concise D. Both A and B

4. A feature of academic language which excludes jargon, slang, and

A. Concise C. Objective
B. Formal D. None of them

5. This feature of academic language argues that each discipline uses its
own discipline-specific variations of academic language and that the
language should have clues to the context meaning.
A. Complex C. Specific
B. Concise D. Both A and B

6. This piece of research is an example of academic writing which is done

by the students, either individual or group work.
A. Dissertation/ Thesis C. Paper
B. Essay D. None of them

7. This description of data is an example of academic writing which is done

by the students from the survey conducted.
A. Paper C. Report
B. Project D. Both A and B
8. This is an example of academic writing which is written with a minimum of
20,000 words by the students.
A. Dissertation/ Thesis C. Paper
B. Essay D. None of them

9. What is the difference between social language and academic language

in terms of the sentence structure, specifically in their beginning
A. In social language, sentences start with transition words like “and” and
“but” while sentences for academic language start with “however”,
“moreover”, and “in addition”.
B. In social language, sentences start with “however”, “moreover”, and “in
addition” while sentences for academic language start with transition
words like “and” and “but”.
C. In social language, sentences start with lower case letters while
sentences for academic language start with upper case letters.
D. Both A and C

10. What is the difference between social language and academic language
in terms of the words used?
A. Social language has repeated words while academic language has
variety of words with more sophisticated vocabulary.
B. Social language use slang while academic language does not.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

11. Which of the following applies academic language?

A. A 72-year-old resident of Barangay Kamputhaw in Cebu City, who died
on May 30, 2020 was certified as clinically recovered from the
coronavirus disease on July 3, 2020.
B. I’m not gonna use superstitions because sad to say, they weren’t
accompanied with scientific facts.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

12. Which of the following applies social language?

A. I got a chance to see my “lodi” inside a shoe retail store in Ayala Mall.
B. Social media gives birth to the most unexpected trends. Language
evolves so organically online that you could easily fill a dictionary with
terms that came about on Facebook posts and Twitter threads.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
13. Identify the language used from the sentence below.
Sentence: The ‘dabarkads’ in our community gave their full support to Red
Cross during the annual donation of blood.

A. The word “dabarkads” is informal which is under social language.

B. The entire sentence exemplifies a concise and specific language.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

14. Identify the feature of academic language that is not evident from the
sentence below.
Sentence: Cebuanos are really stubborn because personally, I have a lot
of friends and neighbors who do not really obey rules and it
disappoints me.

A. Complex C. Objective
B. Formal D. None of them

15. Improve the sentence below by looking into the feature/s of academic
Sentence: The vice-mayor of Cebu City is unfavorable to convert the
quarantine status from ECQ to GCQ.

A. Instead of using “vice-mayor”, it is better to use Vice Mayor Mike Rama

B. Instead of using initialisms, ECQ and GCQ, it should be written as
Enhanced Community Quarantine and General Community
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Language for Compliance
Language of Free

What I Need to Know

After completing this module, you are expected to:
➢ define academic language and its features;
➢ determine the type of academic writing based on its purpose and
compositions; and
➢ identify whether a text is using academic language or social language.

What’s In

Directions: Analyze the situations given below. On the space provided, write
your responses in two to three sentences.

Situation Response
You were saddened to see a failing
grade in your report card. How will
you motivate yourself to improve?

You were caught by the school

principal for not wearing your proper
school uniform. How will you explain
Day 2

What’s New

Academic Language
Herr (2007) claimed that academic language represents the language demands of
school (academics). Academic language includes language used in textbooks, in
classrooms, in tests, and in subject disciplines. Its vocabulary and structure are different
from the everyday spoken English of social interactions. Each type of communication
(academic and social) has its purpose, and neither is superior to the other.
Language Features of an Academic Text


Concise Complex
Features of

Specific Objective

Formal: One of the most important academic writing skills is the ability to write in
a formal style and manner. Writers employing the formal academic style
avoid jargon, slang, and abbreviations.

Informal Formal
I’m really amazed with the song “24K “24K Magic” by Bruno Mars is truly a
Magic” by Bruno Mars and I am having superb musical piece worth sharing.
LSS with it. Additionally, it won an award because of
it its impact to music industry.
Complex: Written language is believed to be more complex than spoken language.
Written texts are lexically dense compared to spoken language - they have
proportionately more lexical words than grammatical words. Written texts are shorter
and have longer, more complex words and phrases. They have more noun-based
phrases, more nominalizations, and more lexical variation.


Spoken language Written language

Because the technology has improved Improvements in technology have

its less risky than it used to be when you reduced the risks and high costs
install them at the same time, and it associated with simultaneous
doesn't cost so much either. installation.

• Objective: Being objective suggests that a writer is concerned about facts and is
not influenced by personal feelings or biases. Part of being objective is being fair in
work. It tries to consider both sides of an argument and avoid making value
judgements by using words such as “wonderful” or “appalling”. Being objective also
makes your work more professional and credible.

• Instead of several, being objective uses the exact number (e.g. 10).
• Instead of using “most of the population”, it uses the exact statistic (e.g.70%).
• Instead of using some time ago, it uses specific span of time (e.g. Three years
ago; or in 2006).
• Avoid using intensifiers such as awfully, very, really

Specific: Each discipline uses its own discipline-specific variations of academic

language. Sometimes the meaning of this language overlaps between disciplines,
while in other instances it may carry an entirely different meaning. For instance,
there are multiple uses of the word “perspective” in art, and although some of these
uses may be similar to how it might be used when discussing science or history,
there are certain uses that are entirely unique to the discipline. In addition to shared
language, there is academic language that is entirely unique within a given
discipline. It may eventually become so specialized within such discipline that it could
become entirely unrecognizable to those outside the discipline.

1. The star player of Barangay Ginebra Kings, Japhet Aguilar banked a crucial
score in the quarter.
2. There is a need to purchase a mouse for a netbook for a more convenient
Concise: In writing academic papers, avoid vague expressions (e.g., "they," "we,"
"people," "the company," "that area," etc.). Being concise in writing also includes
avoiding vague references to persons, places, or things. Being concise avoids
wordiness which enables writer to focus on being straightforward and developing a
narrative that does not have confusing language. This intends to eliminate the
possibility of the reader misinterpreting the content of writing.

According to Secretary Eduardo Año, motorcycle back riding will be allowed, but
only for couples living in the same house under general community quarantine and
modified general community quarantine starting July 10, 2020.

Note: The person’s name is written completely instead of using vague expression
such as “according to a reliable source.”

Common Examples of Academic Writing

According to Bailey (2011) in his handbook Academic Writing, the following are most
common examples of academic writing:

1. Notes- This is a written record of the main points of a text or lecture for student’s
personal use.
2. Report- This is a description of something a student has done like conducting a
3. Project- This is a general term for any academic essay, report, presentation or
4. Essay- This is the most common type of written work, with the title given by the
teacher, normally with 1000-5000 words.
5. Dissertation/ Thesis- This the longest piece of writing normally done by a student
(20,000+ words) often for a higher degree, on a topic chosen by the
6. Paper- This is a piece of research, either individual or group work, with the topic
chosen by the student(s).

Academic Language and Non-Academic Language

When using informal language, it is possible to communicate by using slang (street

language) and without using English in a grammatically correct way.

Social language Academic language

Repetition of words Variety of words, more sophisticated
Sentences start with “and” and “but” Sentences start with transition words,
such as “however”, “moreover”, and “in
Use of slang such as “guy”, “cool”, and No slang

What I can do
Directions: The problem of injustice has continued creeping around the community.
With your initiative, write a separate slogan text for formal language and
informal language in one to two sentences each. These slogans should
remind people to uphold justice regardless of their social living. Be guided
of the criteria below:

Criterion Point
Content (relevance to the issue) 25
Language (avoid foul languages) 15
Transition (thoughts) 10

Formal Language

Informal Language
What I have learned

Directions: Complete the thought expressed from the text below. Choose your
answer from the terms provided.

rapport practices prestige formal language informal language

The academic text uses ___________________ to maintain the __________

and value of the text. Meanwhile, social interactions may use ______________
to adapt the ________ and to establish _________ with the community.

Day 3

What’s More

I. Direction: Complete the crossword puzzle using the letter-clues.

Scoring: 1 correct word=1 point

Down Across
1.This is a feature of academic language 2.This feature suggests that written texts
which excludes jargon, slang, and are lexically dense compared to spoken
5. J
abbreviations. language in which they have
2. X
proportionately more lexical words than
3.It is a feature of academic language
grammatical words.
which suggests that a writer is concerned
about facts and are not influenced by 4. This academic language feature enables
1. personal feelings or biases. writer to develop a straightforward
4. I narrative language free from wordiness.
5.It is a feature in which a discipline uses
R its own discipline-specific variations of
academic language.
II. Directions: From the two sample posts below, cite their differences in terms of the
language used, content, and sentence structure. Write your answers in
the table provided

Sunstar’s Post (June 24, 2020) A Random Post from Facebook (FB)

Elements Sunstar’s Post Random Post from FB



Sentence Structure
III. Directions: Write a one-minute script for your vlog, sharing your interest in any
content given below. This script should have at least five sentences. The
content should consider the features of academic language.


Favorite pet Favorite song Mathematical theory

Evidences of reincarnation Self-awareness PS4 game
Key tips for a healthy relationship Dance genre

Your script:

Rubric in rating the script:

Elements 4 3 2 1
Technicality The material has The material The material The material
at least 5 has less than 5 has 4 has less than 5
sentences and sentences or sentences and sentences and
lasts for less lasts for more lasts for more lasts for more
than 1 minute. than 1 minute. than 1 minute than 1 minute.
Content The content The content The content The content
considers all the lacks a single lacks 2 to 4 does not
five features of feature of features of consider any of
academic academic academic the features of
language. language. language. academic
Creativity The material The material The material is The material is
exceeds from the possesses the presentable but too plain.
standard individuality of lacks more
expectation of the creator. creativity.
the rater.
Day 4

Post Test

Directions: Using a separate sheet of paper, write the CAPITAL LETTER of the
correct answer for each item. Label your paper as Post Test- Module 1
in EAPP.

1. It refers to the language used in the instructional materials utilized by teachers in

A. Academic language C. Social Language
B. Academic writing D. None of them
2. What feature of academic language in which the writer presents thoughts by
appealing only to facts and valid documents?
A. Complex C. Objective
B. Concise D. Both A and B
3. This is a feature of academic language in which the writer explains things by
including only salient ideas to avoid misleading interpretation.
A. Complex C. Objective
B. Concise D. None of them
4. This is a feature of academic language in which the writer uses noun-based
phrases, more nominalizations, and more lexical variations in presenting
A. Complex C. Objective
B. Concise D. Both A and B
5. This is a feature of academic language in which the writer uses terminologies,
generally accepted by many.
A. Concise C. Objective
B. Formal D. None of them
6. This academic writing is an output of a thorough procedure because it aims to
provide intervention for a certain problem. Its number of words can even reach
up to 25,000 words.
A. Dissertation/ Thesis C. Paper
B. Essay D. Both A and B
7. This academic writing normally has 1,000 to 5,000 words in which its title is
already provided by the teacher.
A. Dissertation/ Thesis C. Paper
B. Essay D. None of them

8. It is a general term used in any academic essay, report, presentation, or article.

A. Essay C. Project
B. Paper D. None of them

9. Which of the following refers to academic language?

A. Sentences start with transition words like “and” and “but”
B. Sentences start with “however”, “moreover”, and “in addition”.
C. Sentences start with lower case letters
D. None of the above

10. Which of the following refer/s to social language?

A. Has repeated words
B. Has variety of words with more sophisticated vocabulary
C. Uses slang language
D. Both A and C

11. Which of the following uses academic language?

A. Extramarital affairs are considered as one of life’s most painful experiences.
The betrayal can often come as a blindsiding shock and one that often
changes your perspective on life for good. According to statistics, although
the perpetrators of affairs are both husbands and wives, it is more common
for us to hear the story of the man cheating on a relationship and damaging
the family unit.
B. Bournemouth and Sandbanks, in Dorset, were hit particularly hard as crowd
came to enjoy the hottest day of the year so far, according to local officials.
Despite advice to stay away from the area, it was overrun with cars and
sunbathers, leading to gridlock, illegal parking, and anti-social behavior.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

12. Which of the following uses social language?

A. In addition to Cebu City’s response to health emergencies, there are more
facilities built under the plan of the government.
B. The dude on the street needs to make things all set. He created a fantastic
deed but everything went the other way around.
C. An entire country’s worth of hoop dreams lies on the broad shoulders of Kai
Sotto and the youngster got a boost after renowned rapper and artist Mike
Swift painted a mural on a basketball court in San Juan, Batangas. The 18-
year big old man is inching closer to possibly becoming the very first Filipino
to play in the NBA after he signed on to play in the NBA G-League. To honor
the youngster’s journey, Swift refurbished the hardcourt of his hometown in
Barangay Hugom Laiya in Batangas.
D. Both A and C

13. Identify the language used from the sentence below.

Sentence: I really miss my boo for we haven’t seen each other for a long time.
Man! I need to see her man! You know what I mean? Feelings like
this needs a remedy. You know what I mean man? This needs a

A. The word “boo” exemplifies a slang word under social language.

B. The sentence Man! I needed to see her man! uses complex words under
academic language.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

14. Identify the feature of academic language that is not observed from the sentence
Sentence: Though it’s very challenging to have a convenient purchase in
Tabo-an Market, it provides many options for buyers to have an
experience that other markets can’t give.
A. Complex C. Objective
B. Formal D. Both A and B

15. Improve the sentence below by looking into the feature/s of academic language.
Sentence: Most of the Cebuanos are engaged in the labor force of the
A. Instead of using Cebuanos, it is better to use Filipinos
B. Instead of using the word country, better use Philippines
C. Instead of using Most of the Cebuanos, better use 63.9 percent of Cebuanos
D. None of the above

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