Requisite Traits For A Good Leader

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A leader is someone who has the capacity to translate vision into reality.

In simple ordinary person

with patience,dedication,good speaking skills with extraordinary determination to cope up with their
team.A leader is best when people rarely know he/she exists when his/her work is done,his/her aim
fulfilled,they will say as a leader. Putting forward what is best for the community before anything
else.There should be a leader in everyone’s life where they should guide them not a ruler to ruin
them.A great lesson from a leader is they are the inspiration of so many people who struggle to fulfill
their dreams by motivating themselves with their inspired one.A victory is your's but always
remember there is one who called a LEADER who teaches you the correct path to reach your
success.Like wise most of them are inspired by DR.APJ.Abdul kalam for his attention towards his job
and to his people. Making people feel secure enough in their identity and feel safe and not
threatened because of who they are,Which seems to be soo simple but it’s not as it.
There is no team left without a leader every team has leader and every Leader
has their job to accept the criticism and to appreciate their team. Letting
people know that forward motion is the only motion that creates
betterment.Only a leader can manage team with their vision of success and
teach them to travel in right path.For better understanding have a look at
cricket team there are so many players with different talents as left
spinner,bowlers,good batsman but they will surely lag if there is not team
coordination,corporations if one misunderstood a whole team will suffer.So why
there is leader who stands with a team and motivate them.Its not much easy as
other job and not every job is easy.Leardership needs an uniqueness and
patience to handle entire team without hurting others.Opinions comes from
everywhere where a Leader has to think it wisely before making any
decision.Expirence is also the most important thing for a leader and of course
its true because with more experience more good traits as a leader is
earned.When you experience more it would be easy to handle.The more you’ve
gone through the more you’ll know how to handle the situation better and

Leadership qualities aren’t given as easier to anyone there are some qualities
which a leader really wants it Insight-where you are capable and able to see
what others could not see,Inspiration:if there has to be Inspiration within
you,Integrity:when your commitment is larger than yourself.These can be seen
only in few.Not everyone has the guts and full dedication there are only few
among the brunch.

To conclude that being a Leader and taking such huge responsibility aren’t
easy. Be kind and dedicated and devoted to your responsibility
And understand that even though that leadership is a heavy burden it is
sanctimonious responsibility and feel satisfied about the help you’re giving
people.Everyone can listen but Putting forward what is best for the community
before anything else.

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