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I SANOBAR JALEEL student of M.B.A (Sem-II) IN
MES COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING here by declare that
my marketing assignment on “A STUDY ON BUYING
Thank You


MBA II Semester

This is a report on research into consumer behaviour and factors
influencing the buying behavior of womens sandals.Consumers make
use of information available to them for assisting them decide which
products to purchase. On the basis, of the primary research in the
form of surveys , analysis & interpretation is followed such that I am
able to present the whole information .
To conclude, suggestions have been made in order to help
consumers as well as marketers to establish a more better relationship
Here, the study of consumers will help firms and organizations
improve their marketing strategies by understanding issues such as:
 the socio-economic and demographic patters of women ‘s sandal
usage in the community;
 the factors which contribute to and inform consumer decisions
to enter into the purchase of such goods;
 the factors which determine choices between foot wear
providers and footwear products; and
 the manner in which various sources’ information is being used
by consumers.

Sample Size —10 foot wear shops
Sampling Area – Thrissur
Sampling Technique - Random Sampling technique


 Visited the 10 shops across Thrissur & gathered information

required as per the questionnaire.
 The research design is probability research design and is
descriptive research.

 Primary data has been used by me in the form of
Questionnaire & Observation, which are the two basic methods
of collecting primary data, which suffices all research
 Secondary data sources like catalogue of the company &
various internet sites .

Footwear consists of garments worn on the feet, for fashion,
protection against the environment, and adornment.
The Footwear Industry is a significant segment of the Leather
Industry in India. India ranks second among the footwear producing
countries next to China. The industry is labour intensive and is
concentrated in the small and cottage industry sectors. While leather
shoes and uppers are concentrated in large scale units, the sandals and
Chappals are produced in the household and cottage sector. India
produces more of gents’ footwear while the world’s major production
is in ladies footwear. In the case of Chappals and sandals, use of non-
leather material is prevalent in the domestic market.The major
production centers India are Chennai, Ranipet, Ambur in Tamil Nadu,
Mumbai in Maharashtra, Kanpur in U.P. , Jalandhar in Punjab, Agra
and Delhi

Reputed global brands like Florsheim, Nunn Bush, Stacy Adams,

Gabor, Clarks, Nike, Reebok, Ecco, Deichmann, Elefanten, St
Michaels, Hasley, Salamander and Colehaan are manufactured under
license in India. Besides, many global retail chains seeking quality
products at competitive prices are actively sourcing footwear from

While leather shoes and uppers are produced in medium to large-scale

units, the sandals and chappals are produced in the household and
cottage sector. As footwear retailing in India has remained focused on
men’s shoes, there exists a whale of opportunity in the exclusive
ladies and kid’s footwear segment. This is especially surprising as
women globally in line with global trends are the key decision makers
for buying footwear. The ladies footwear segment still remains the
most untapped as nearly 80-90 percent purchases happen in the
unorganized market largely due to the dressing habits of women for
whom consideration of durability or comfort are less important than
colors and designs that go with dress. With the Indian woman
becoming more brand-conscious as opposed to the past state of being
product-conscious, more and more internationally renowned players
are expected to enter the Indian market to fill this need-gap.

DEFINITION:Consumer buying behavior refers to the mental and
emotional process and the observable behavior of consumers during
searching ,purchasing and post consumption of a product or service.
Consumer behavior involves study of how people buy,what they
buy,when they buy and why they buy.It blends the elements from
psychology ,sociology,sociopsychology, anthropology and
economics.It also tries to acess the influence on nthe consumer from
groups such as family ,friends,reference groups and society in
Buting behavior has two aspects:the final purchase activity visible to
any observer and the detailed or short decision process that may
involve the interplay of a number of complex variables not visible to


Consumer buying behavior is influenced by major three factors:
1. Social
2. Psychological
3. Personal

A.Social Factors
Social factors refers to forces that other people excert and which
affect consumers purchase behavior.Theses social factors can include
culture and subculture,roles and family,social class and reference

B.Psychological factors
These are internal to an individual and generate forces within that
influence his or her purchase behavior.The major forces include
motives,perception,learning,attitude and personality.
C.Personal Factors
These include the factors that are unique to a person and influence
purchase behavior.These factors include demographic factors ,life
style,and situational factors.


Consumer buying decision process is the process undertaken by
consumer in regard to a potential market transaction before,during and
after the purchase of a product or service.

Consumer decision making process generally involves five stages:

1.Problem recognition
2.Information search
3.Alternative evaluation
4.Purchase action
5.Postpurchase action

Problem Recognition
Purchase decision making process begins when a buyer becomes
aware of an un satisfied problem.This is the vital stage in buying
decision process,because without recognizing the need or want,an
individual would not seek to buy goods or service.
There are several situations that can cause proble recognition,these
include :
 Depletion of stock
 Dissatisfaction with goods in stock
 Environmental Changes
 Change in Financial Situation
 Marketer Initiated Situation

Information Search
After the consumer had recognized the need he /she will try to find
the means to solve that need.
Alter natives Evaluation
The consumer will decide which product to buy from a set of
alternative products depending on each unique feature that the product
offers and the benefit he/she can get out of that feature.

Purchase Action
This stage involves selection of brand and the retail outlet to purchase
such a product.retail outlet image and its location is
important.Consumer usually prefers a near by retail outlet for minor
shopping and they purchase items which are of higher values and
which involves higher sensitive purchase decision.After selecting
where to buy and what to buy,the consumer completes the final step
of transaction by either cash or credit.

Post -Purchase Actions

Consumer favourable post purchase evaluation leads to
satisfaction.Satisfaction with the purchase is basically a function of
the initial performance level expectation and perceived performance
relative to that expectations.

1. Women who are particular and take extra care of their clothing
and personal appearance can spend hours searching for the
perfect footwear. In all, it is about being comfortable.
2. It might be painful for women to stay fashionable and choosing
the wrong shoe or sandal. Injuries can occur and some women
can end up with sprained ankles and blisters. The preference of
women sandal style will change with each woman. 
3. Many women however have lots of trouble with their feet when
wearing heels. Some women simply put up with discomfort
while others can’t put up with it
4. Women may choose to wear sandals for several reasons, among
them economy (sandals tend to require less material than shoes),
comfort in warm weather, and as a fashion choice.
5. Usually, people wear sandals in warmer climates or during
warmer parts of the year in order to keep their feet cool and dry.
The chance of developing athlete's foot is lower than with
enclosed shoes , and the wearing of sandals may be part of
the treatment regimen for such an infection.
6. No one wants sore feet, and although some women might
choose to suffer for the sake of fashion, this is no longer
necessary with all the new types of sandal designs that are out
7. Women not only want comfort sandals, they also want sandals
that make a fashion statement. There are a lot of different design
options for sandals that sandal lovers can choose from. Different
people find different types of shoes comfortable. Some people
don’t like to have straps going in between their toes, and other
people prefer to wear sandals that only have this sort of strap. It
really is a personal preference.


1. Before buying women sandals, think about where you will be

wearing the sandal to and for what occasion
2. Choose carefully when wearing flip-flops and walking because
they have no support.
3. The suitable clothing and the perfect pair of shoes make the
outfit complete
4. High-quality materials that are blended with synthetic fabric are
a better choice for extended wear. This combination allows for
air to circulate inside the sandal and your feet can breathe inside
the footwear. This prevents moisture build-up and foot odor.
Sandals that contain Gore-Tex and canvas materials are more for
casual wear. women sandals that have waterproof materials last
longer than most
5. You should always be sure to try on any sandals you are
considering and walk around in them to make sure that they are
comfortable for you since different feet require different levels
of support and different designs for shoes to be comfortable.
This is especially if you plan to walk a lot in your sandals
6. Each of our feet has 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100
tendons, muscles and ligaments. With such a complex structure,
there is a lot that can go wrong. This can be exacerbated by
wearing the wrong shoes. The most important factor in
preventing foot pain and improving foot health is finding
comfortable womens shoes that provide an appropriate and
comfortable fit.
7. When purchasing sandals, they should be comfortable from the
start. You shouldn’t hope to stretch them out or plan to “grow”
into them. You should be able to wiggle your toes and the shoes
should have a strong sole that flexes at the ball of your foot.
8. Your feet should be properly supported throughout the three
phases of a step; the heel strike, the mid-stance and the toe-off.
If not, the body will compensate which will lead to problems
with ankles, legs, knees and back. Finding a pair of comfortable
womens shoes will do the trick.
9. Most women think they know what size shoe they take, but
aren’t fitted each time they buy new shoes. As we age, our feet
tend to spread and lengthen therefore, our shoe size changes
10. You can make sure you’re buying the right size by
standing on a blank piece of paper and tracing the outline of
your foot (Feet! Do both!) on the paper. Your shoe choice
should completely cover the outline of your foot with no lines
showing outside the shoe when the shoe is placed on top of the
outline you traced.

Every project faces some limitation; because of this limitation
the required and necessary data to complete the project may
not gather in proper manner. The limitations which I observe
were as follows:
 With respect to actual population the sample size was too
small. This might be effect the final result.
 Since the responses were only from some part of
Thrissur, the report cannot be generalized for whole
 Respondents may have given bias information.

1. Women choose to wear sandals because:

 Economy (sandals require less material than shoes)

 Comfort in warm weather
 Fashion Choice

2. The disposable income of women in purchase of sandals are:

 Less than 1000

 1000-3000
 more than 3000

3. How often they purchase

 Occasionally
 Quite often
 Rarely
 Seasonally
4. Do you find any seasonal changes in their purchase

A) Yes 
B) No 
5. Are they health concious

A) Yes 
B) No 

6. Do you think that their choice is according to resent fashion

 Some times
 Rarely
 Never
7. Fashion sandals to women is:
 Looking cool
 Looking mature
 Comfort ability

8. Do they buy sandals matching up to their outfit

A) Yes 
B) No 
9. Are they brand conscious

A) Yes 
B) No 
10. What is their favorite brand

 Nike
 Reebok
 Puma
 Others
11. Why would they like this particular brand

 Brand
 Advertisement
 Brand image
 Quality
12. What do women look forward in choosing their favorite sandal
(You can choose more than one)

A) Durability  B) Uniqueness 
C) Style and quality  D) Fashion ability 
E) Proper fit  F) Rarity 

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