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eaten {In __Fineient line kabadd! was ply known 5 = do do In__(m an abhanat Jime aie Fuomy Calned z —_ Ek _Shwas “(one Boreadth)- In Rural India ab > —* and) Ait by. dillerent on On fos _-huiutu, qoddoo— qoddoo , Hadudy etc Jo 142% — | Butts fo _kanaddi wane formed and sn he : Agme ye, tre Pout Ait India }cbaddi Cnopetition” way held an Vadodanq + Indi apaddy _wyad 7 included aU the asian sahon ny 1982 Prtough™ ab wos an exhibition games an 1936 Beitin ; , j ‘gq cluded fbr pat gant = hoy never heen tn chu ah__Ahe ods pelts carta furnenal Rules fort Kaba dds eS a g GD) Treo Ponts onve awarded por a Lona - dl A Player Cannot ape ott oo any, Aaft n L ~ “ Alto peu Aubstante 6 bh NoilA Gay at Payor rut ab Closely clipped + > CG pat he © Players maust —_weayy 7 dutintd numbered TE ghee: & Pot ives i rh. oppon eens pt ne == Teacher's Signature kokaddi ComuCmen] Ae Measurement ese itting Block AG Sm K- —AbSm k Lobby ("To abated age NO. ee OL baby _ (2 | Date Substitution, axe aliswed poy each evr A Team uate dend ia. siatdey “with in 5 31S ed hia hall | oy athe he in ul which eam so whith Team ts te chome Coyott 0% maid: OV} urhon att fre Player of eam are oul, the & points of thy “Loni? lane auenided te the. opponents J} In Case af He. jwo extra = time af 5 minalts ase given quai af te Hye moto i the a A q A ate a tier then the lea Atoning il wit a points at dne end ef wo ey tria noha Fundamental Skills ol Kaba dds cH} tng. kaboddt — Kabaddi Contin ously. (231 Dodeina the opponent (B| AYenbion and Asante at Piaget il (8)| Formation a) Whole ole Round (ii Halt Round City Singte Loyd (IY) Double Loven wos valth Gi Over the ghouldet Cath Ut) Punts Cabeh bond ankle Catch (v) Dounte Knee Catch Gl _Singie Knee Catch Gil) Ande Caton (viii) Dive and Calc. Wes “pitted 1 niaid oy ztatd i tatty vaden 29 Peuat Ci) fotont kre Giiy Mate kick Acs Wek! (yy Tee Touch wi Squat teg trust Sede kick (vili} Round Kick Oxy Sug keds Teacher's Signature .. re Fe Measwrement af Kabaddi Cootr [ women’) | eh By ay Po natom—al pies tectd af kabadai | ramatom __ fos: Men ] . enim lam_X 8% for Women & unions tum x 8m is ee 21 SubTunies, _girtls and boys (| bata at the Lo bby Ae atonce al the Cenbiekine Irom menbabttig 2°75 (4) lwidin ol the Cenbye tine and other lings.| 5m (2| Size at the btock on, Men tm» 8m (6)| Size af the °! omen &Tunioy | im x 6m (B} No at Playew ah each“ team, = (9) | ne sof Phayons hae eke, Toobin Malt | (2)| Duration al mater toc Mens Tee ean Ue)| hustation al match Jon women & Tunioal le nan ean CY] pewed af ‘Tnkeswal 5 min, ay o4diouals C Refoice 4, umpine 2 |Alommu~t Time keepes 4 Linea man 2. e | Termrinolo Cowl uty the Cant | abaddi” tn Q Agnes + | Raicdes, th Player usho goes -ntd the pponoaly Cart 7 the Continuows Atanding. the word pL haces dy (ahled Cant ta Greed Raider Succermf}ul Rard '— A Raid ia Avccesa ul if 4 maiden setusend fo defender uithin Ro v hin Cowret daft. OL “ASuching nu at tne rot eco nda Teacher's Signature {Touch i— it Means the lonlaet with peal f sung glc When gq aide foucher a _delender 01 ee t A _difendey touches a maidey ib Canved Atouag te g IV 7 pee ~ Dodge means Prurtending fe pane an. Bn Lovettion but { th aAlacking 6: anhi in Meverae direction: : bby.-y [ach al the btipA on the aide_af the Play fireld met shwiing enc mete in Width 14 known a4 Lobby. “LoNA) Thy jYam Stores a long [ a’ bonus | hoo Petal dhe eatine. oxi tong In declared Out «| puadle ting ay R Aine tral Afurden toe playJaceld inte the hwo hats bKnowda ty Midting - + | fenetration 7 Raiding deep in opponents fowls Colied PenchriaH on: | Stances 7 urhen a_Ployert mountaing Q Autlabte alent body Post tient auwiing. on attack on dence | Catled plancta: Pexauit “7 Th 4 on _arst al chasing a marae into ky Cewtt Tusk ag he 4a bmning. from 2 Cand: 7 8 ine <7 Lack ak“the Line in phe Coort Pascattlal Mialing 14 Frown 4 Wane gine ity distance [tyes (dlinc 1 375m ber Meng and Am for women: | Teacher's Signature... _— p Vote ball da an trleryes faq me: People u aff x oth i dpe ew ball Th ——-piated ble foo Leami ef 6 Players eda an a ued bbw tno fe af Bedanutoy Cows Both feamy A%y 40 Scane_ Point by hitting. Ire ball Jo Ihe. Op ponent ha! N ‘ HISTORY 4 The at af Jotleybalf was invented by. Wwithion Sdaq an 1845 «tt become Poputedt” among. fh S * Aoiws Man + the. nation oll. ECdetation was lombitubed an 1449. ee Gat pode ott wortd thampionalio wad" held th 446 a} m a Al A a tA Liqs4 + the volleyball adtudfation ah India was Jorimed in 148] and the inate nat onal championghip C ‘ ; was held an 1452 an chennai - Votieuball Jy 4 Ta oft eviwt an Arson games And Common We atth Gs) emt z | — Latest (ental Putts of vetheybatf — ___ not Lihcuo ba backénc Playey and he a acking . allo we 2 al prio be (an | Pes. only. ay ae fence, + Hus To hina ja Att ernent? pram ato Player. fA Lib | Conny Aake Port 21 rte falion «He Can nei dren Senvea on block batt soem attacking. assea- v ‘Teacher's Signature ... he 4) pal aitewed Jo Amash the | Date os A tino - ee eae eRe changed anys number af able _——t boo must be Ppa ig Tothiy ba: PAL a | (8) . Hye hath Aide o! Solow ful Bast Can be used - Ath Acnwice as a Point a: un Table tennis as : WA 04 badminton = Ths fat denice Can be oeccived by soy pant of boda. wut oniy. 4 singlt ouch © . jt pls foun Asta tony’ af 25 point Gach 7 phe fib vet Comin ty af Is Parte a Ojo Playou Can be Awhatitubed at magimum (aq Seb | Fundamental Ski tig i 7 (4)| Sesuice v es G)| Sempre Sevace iy Tennis Service Gil) Round Serwice 7 GY! Side aren poating. eice, (¥) Overthrad Healing Senvice,~ Gay Patera aed Placing —_____= Gy creat! Paw Gi Underarm psrert a (ii) Ovetnead Paw ‘ “ (3) | Boos fins nde: ~ Gy sow At up Gy Heh sebap Liiiy Diagonal Aetup - (| Blocks f - : DI One man blocking cil) Two Men Blocking Gil) Thige man = gd Bisex ng — (5S) Spirpinge OR Aitract om dmashing a —) lone. Man or Atog ic Apd di) “Two "Man oy Compton pike. : ‘Teacher's Signature .. then) Lenn cavice Quethead 4 = Peas ~» Thay _Paned wit, the Hips of 2 2 a} forenead wit Sittnded” knees and anm ah the dinceion af pi ots £4 wipment 7 Size da Plex co ied (oJ Width al Powdery Ung 1 _ (| Aize at the. nel ah oun i (| Hegre o| "the net oem Phe ground Gad ton _Udem 1 (5) eign af the net fren the qorowad ( dem ston | (6) Cisrusmfotence a} the bail 65 te orem | ® jake oll Sake bate [oto 4c 280 9m (®| Noval PlaryenA sin each Jeam a om 7 (W] Aize ‘a) the net head tim (| Nos af Suppitud-c4 6 ~ Up| Ate ‘ef “Mantks On cheat R back Length 15em mint J T a [Beeadth 0 fn main oftratals ( Repree. ay Ott, (12) 7 “‘ieneie Waele ole hi = . 18° on (13) Length af fnttant d - bolo 4 5 Cs Lousy al the ball test [owl | 8)} Length a Seorivace sca uae ; Teacher's Signature .. _ te potent Big 2 Taying. 40 play. q batt falling on . Es etund ato iy ba ed dil e = Paws , ne Fe Einaretenmees ( ales) ot Net : Henao aes 4 beubie fast —fersaisnt— Ack « ‘ Es R nn o Ho. i ae i n4= “. and olin g.. , th Boosing.” Meany fo Dit tre bath up on the Awitevey to Amaah: Smashes ~7 The Player who Amaskta lhe bath + 0 ® Block ~7 Ain Atitmpy to Check a amaah hus 4 $ >A Cu Pa my pee eee te ing BT by Sa jump and ar Y " Nand a} honda ta (atled & block: 7 (5) | Antenn The two dtexibte yoda bined at the oultr ¢ af tach Aide banda ane Calted (6) Antenna + The batt musk Pawed fe by oppenent 4 Cowur blu teat _ontennad + Libew -y He ya special playeu af & feam He Can lo: 4 defence, onty—+ He 2) not t allowed to Amar 4 batt txom abbacking . an aneq - Hid doveay dierent from fines Playous He Cadt “take pot ah aofation « t Dig -7 A ig made by 4 players uoha Jinat tedacia he hall over fhe net —0[ getty 2 A pay tn tet a «tA A the — amy team Hak ota stl get the Seivaces VA Teacher's Signature ..... (| Ace s— ory Sessler dy @ Point sSwned on an unre booed Aowicea « Cio] Rotation Tt_y__a change, af Position af Play co ah lockout direction alter qlieg q__Chance to CUve + looportant Tournaments, G)|_ Fedmation Cup Ci) Guiand champion ship Chi] Asia Gap GY) Si an qakd Cup QW | wiortd (xp Wvanaay “Yo pan SPORTS AWwAR\ns a PRIVNA Pw ARDEES (461 | A+ Patanis wom dole 7 __kI Kapil dev 1445 | ma. KC E Lamma = — 1983 | Ric Pwrohit Poll —> Sanjay kumart 1494 Surhpal Ainge 2002 Ravikont Reddy 20\4 —y Tom Jo sheph Deon cineya” nv wnr pees \44e | Pomang Rod 1495] Shyam Sundit RQod = 2 Ao} | OE Choi drone cil DHYAN CHAND AWARDEES 2.02% OM _ Potakosh 20!5, Padmonabhon Nats Teacher's Signature ...., Low iname nt Date .. _ LY Federation cup (a) National Kabaddi champtonship __— CYAN India Sengol _kanaddi Towinament (4) P &T cup (631 Tater univolaity. Habaddt (2) ail ied Acnool bab addi SPonTS AWARD 1442. [ate 19994 2015 | Mange¢}- PRIVNA AwARDEES Sho n H in, inet htay chill ay Ree oot | Naveen “iqubam Nbhilasha Marthe: Pola | Ayan, Thokusy 2020 | Deepak Nawad Hooda +] DRONACHARYA AWARDEES 2902. | E+ Pesasad Rad eed 2005 Batwan tngh we roia | Bambi Gingh Kkhoke ( Lifttime Contribution Honeusi) - oo2o | brwshan Kuma Hooda ” » Gnpu buon Honowi | ; +] DHYAN CHAND AWARDEES — Boot] Shamahex Si £020} Manprreel = Ain y q m ' Teacher's Signature ..... Ad ministration oy att ten Ameortcan Athiane for health Physi cal Education _ Revieation and dance PANH PERNT foul p———} brow! os the anotiation 4o21_ health + Physical ducation and Reoreation Cannpeel by an {Organisation Preuidi Aupporia to Poscfeaaional a pss talizing in reese 2 Physical Foucation . meortaiten and dance + ARH ERD Physi cal filnem dest Be ty desiened to aed aie 4a inins devel a4 tht youth The | eat measure, bod. Composi Hon Crexibatiy agility , loordina— Hon up per Qetowth and aed bi endurance + | Putt ups and fAtned asim Hang + The Att are Atoigned so phat troy. Contd be admins trayen by. Parofersionald ah the _hicld » oll wing + Coy bi | ARH PE p Phuysicat Filner teat +} Siz —ups f parrtal Guu tups +] Shudtte Pun + | Stancling, tong, Jump 2 + | S0o- y to ak 600 st YooidA OAN_9 petty Alin wat - The Physscal bilinear MAb secagaize A bude ts fo [hi evel ef Physical ofitnem in the | | above eventss Teacher's Signature .... This a hod jo be dene Jom a_hangs ——peatton on the ban by adng the wt Ged A nN ‘ 0 af Aubjece alurd be fully extended Hanging porition . The Aubject Lhould aise his hed. Gaith hig coimy until hig p-Chin i placed over the ban + then he should Lowey his body to a hanging, position. In doing Ao, the Knee aud Rot be bent and the Pull should nat be Jerky. ox Snap foun. the Num best of Coenpteted pull ups ds he A Cont af tne. fects + | FLEXED _— ARM Hang aL fo usd | Tn thy text i tema Aw gisida the Subjtct iy Lncquiied to han m the bat urith ftexed | aumd and overtad griaap + She Abell oie Then bedy to a Position whut Me chin “above ANE bax the clbows ane flexed and the crntat 49 cloAC _fo tha bavi he Atop watch iy Alauied ay goon os Aubjece ovum Aush ot han portion And s4_Alop ped hen the Aubject Chin tatty below the level of He bare 2 NO. Date ... The oe Time siewaded sa jetath fan uahith 2 wo : ah hot thy ah Par pe positon 2s hen Adare ~ 2 faa gm The ef lve es ik —}the student tier on back with ae) ___—_} position cg _in ss oti H OYY + tA be: hel hind the neck + Elbows must louch tne pines toh Lt fas foumiag at mapa tne Total \ : . pete a| mepetiWons) on Atk upd la noted 4a me Ming te only | Tear Them = 3 i Shuttle Run ee Thy Heat ds Conducted fo chee speed and Ihe Coondina ive ability \tieo Tl dined ane maaiiced On the _ gdtound eo deeb a pant - The {we , [blocks asae Placed _behindd _pne _a}__the ints, ataxnt Race behinds the other bine The doen A fo the chlecks . Plé : di onc. a} then muni Back tothe sfastia Aine, nlaces dhe bex behind tein en Aisnd ——, “back and Prd fond _bleck , ushith he Carmies back bo the atatting -tine - : tthe we mottd down - Twe Duals may he . 4Hme, ad the Heo _istialy a jewel fhe berate | | -— Th u | This Test ston dutied fo check explosive abungth pt te sf jake ot Jine iy _Maxked on the | +} qasound, Aubicts stands behinds the Jake = | —fo4t Line with the fect —avols inches apart P| the Pe tounent Ain the artes and bendA the j LF IL i | a | tump by the hong, Tuny pil —thecec jouiads ane given to Pkg" pert fentmn 24 The_distonte iy meaued “aon the lake al ‘ Hine 40 the heel 5 other pat af body. that | touchra the qetoun da Gatat to the take a Aint, «Ath Tamps anc measured and the _ hea} one iy seetorsded - the mraiusiement ia nated An Petts ond inchta- ea Elem $+ So Yaraa Dash Thi Att is Conducted to check Apeed and txphosive Alovength abidi by fH owen Atay, + ‘the jPorfermots nave te ry Laith maximam apeed up te So Yauds tow Lined + In thea tat two lorena Can stun at the same time, i} Hepa goth Hise. Shop: usathed tine as ated aa Aton cs an neat lh of & At @tond » 4 played wlth a bal iu te _Com parting idea ( tearys an ploytris = The fied — esa ae tn tre Middle, Enswa ar she Pileh » thal _p yeada C2012m) by et (2-c4m ) wide. gd abedad wos hi bs Bie Coma bot Inder ay ewe bul ak Wa ining pnpulonity ah ote Apes parts al EnStand ali | Wemeria daier bar te_the 1945, whet ihe foul known mateh —toas Pl Ba : layed went - In 44 the Four wos al Bucket iene @ wsiHen Ond Bubacsutnidy ames In LE4Y usher innovation t Aucn or Abu » 0 CA “atump | — He middie shumo ond o maximum bak” width Wwene added: The Codes were deoun up " Chast and biaxjey L Club’ ushose Members utlimately foundeal the famous Masty Jehone Courket Club ot Goody an leet q |_| the peut tntances af OuicKet ! 4 SRF | Roll ing Yhe_hatt als ny A soe was Aupericded x ome tm SL 168 began pileh bh, _ Teacher's Signature ns ee _s Spot equipmant Specipications a} the Piasyfietd and I> [Nowa] Prayers ah Gueret team | rte ot 5 textia) ee Novaf umpires ais Grickel Match | 24] Thitd empic /3-7 | Werant ap the Grlekel Batt ibe Sis Danaea Css) lq cue ue she Guicktt ball "a a a" Cease to 22! 12h) 15] ben as He Gackeb Bat Abas an) 169 | The Loraest Pout at Guckel Bat « "25 Croracm) [39 The breadth a} Pich on both 4 Feet uy inches | Atdes pom nl wicked | 8] Distance | atumpd rom one Aide} 2 yande to othe SF] Berendith wickels A inches lo) Colewst a] Ball white for nignk and ered Fo day time, UH) Nambest AHA { J 185) Time fe changing. every danings Lo matted js Time 404 Changi dhe Hapet 2nehates 14 Ty | | sat aft ou Matehed Too , thee day y con day. | pe ee forum ground RO Anche f | Amoih Gade 274m | L ~ Boundase 68°58" (may very oon TS 6 T\yand f ag@ NO. rere —__———+} inl _—_th q tall the forusation a} Mé¢ and the _apening op batt { Lost da 1 Date... and sh fo_thak innovation strat bee — aa es " aS j—4etaign bat sreptaced she old hockey .- a-lick fa} bat. The 7 pakuve ures tht. —— Gucket Guwund vy orate >to din 2 th omexica Nia the. | Ba tiah Cotont ul re _1ith_Con tues aa an Ane vat Comury, sp) arscived tin _othery al_the_qtobe, « ' tt was _labioduced te the pasta lef Indica by Catonista pad fo India by bedltahe eaa4 dia Company Masytinenid + “L1 arts din rundrralt moat Gai Acon aA Cofoniaatten bea mAb AeA dhe A pe preached Neg “Zealand and South alsica sn 4 2 eat e 19™ 6 ru Instead Ledeal Therte asce Corttain Ruckes Regarding Ane Measwrement hal pt et a_stope tard om the bviound » Some times bas Aca eats ane used af boundary Line. Frenenal Rults2— — f Player heraviowr s— Mre“al them is to give. umpires [athe Powes, to dend 2 ploy ds of fe The overt a Malek, = Betas mets Condurt ts | No bat4i— The new sted alyo Aax a boule who? howd Da heal fetont ~ food is bald Ay quill, Teacher's Signatur Sorcen 914 x3 65m a 7 Meswument Gutcket Peter Se =. aie Gratles al, bver. | Fria Fava age No. ... 40% th the innings a4 AO howt howsted oun ita mone han once heforie geste _the _pataman _, si _usitl be Catted a. na = 3+ | Bat Size Resbucliong{— The thicknes aj bala har row sceatoutcred «The age ne bat Can be no thicket tha domm (1-5 inches) “and the oyenatl depth af the bat” he more phan 64mm (2-6 inches): The Re mee en the, SS forces —___— A+ | Tetnesved Bails — The et Con how be, fethored to the Atumpl “aradpectieg hes fe trey day af Hae abngs 5*| Changes to stun Oul” and Atumping = t Rules i— 3+ a bats man FT makes Contac! th around khr Greate, and at then bounce: up —ushe ase betoken , he a4 a pf Count tbe Quk_af_the_b __ Aine aut even Af tq WA Crease: [| & Babling hittin welmet = fi-rratay dd now out a rs ’ 5 he ftt the batt and ot C all tod eos [_ the hetmed al a urrege keeper or freldes. + ‘| Changes do the DRS System i-— The PRS System Can now. be_uded tn Teoenty. 30 International: Cah ‘kam gels one srevserd Per Onin Teacher's Signature... age No. Date ... Catch on nthe boundary jo_be le al 7 fer _a Cate on the bewndanty tebe legal ya fielder maging tmbacl utils the bath mast ctihey be oon insta the bun dar. por Wis] bey test Cont el eatin the._qacund te j torching the ball pret have been |nside th . | —_}_IMPoRIANT TovenaMenT no VENUES | ——{-Exporant towinamenta {| ree Gy cud Cup 2 1CC Wot Fist + _U=1q_ world cup | *| Sheven Cup Cone dou) «Champion Tsophye Cone day) | ___* } Rothman. fp Cone day) 4 Heo CO | Pepsi Cup ‘Cone day)" + With Trophy Coca Cola Trophy © Ck Nata Brophy Ashes Lesules CTeAb Aeou'es) + bodes, Groveseasl Taephuy. Cheiminat Sotage Gat * Reliance Cup Escosut Trophy. Nga Hazane Tropha., Indian Parenter League PLC a) — 4 Trav Grophy Cranjt winner —Reat a4 India) Deodhan “lore Cine Zonal townament) Ranji Tow phy Cnterz onal Towinament) Dateep Trophy Cinter-zonat Towtnament) KP Saive chattengest Trophy Important Venues = or : firwz Shah Kotla Stadecon Ciethi) PCA Stadium Coral) MA _Chiham banam stad - Cchennai) Sawai Man Sing Stadium ( Tatpwr) | Gurwen Park dtadium (Kan pwr) Lortd 4 CEngtand ) Metbowne Gitcket Abround Crudbialia) Bridbane stadium CAudtnatia) Tohannes burg Aladium ( South aout) “shan (South a}aica) ee Civtiatchteich Cite oT Zimbabwe) —______—. j——}Kden _biarden 2 Sodium Ckof{cafa) p—_Warehade _eladium CMumbaiy j——} Bastalatt stadium Ccunack) | ——} Jawahar Lal Nehiu stadium Cniew datni) —chinnaawamy 1} dium (eng abu) <= England) [+ | ovat ——* Beth stadium (Austr atta) _ Liha Avonts stadium (S0 Lanka) | | Muttan (pakja}an) ‘| kingston (West nds hl = Cape down (Sut ppuca) t | Naterobe Clery a) Lporita Award Arquna Pworders 961 | Saleem Durant 1464 PAK patandi IN65 | Vifau. Manjsekax F466 Chandu Borde. tae} Aqat Waderay 1968 ENS Prasanna 1964 | Bashan Singh. { L140 Hitip Seorterai 9] S Venkatataghavan $942 Eknarh Solkas} 1932. | BS chandnaduphad{ WES Sunlt Araveskary |_1976 | Shanta Panaveerng —__TUF 7 undappa wishuonsaty Iq4q-0q Kapil dev Nikhan4 Chelan Chauhan, I1do-8i | Syed jeAmant él nitio Verqanekod}| 1992 | montnd en Amasinath 1183 Digna Eantyt L104) Rayvt Shasbu 1988 Shubhangd Kutkourd Teacher's Signature ... page No. : Date (ies | Mohammad Azhanuddty 1946 Santhya_ Paral | Lisa | maaan Lat 1993 Mans Prabha kay 1193 | Kixan more 1444 Sachin “Fendatkasy 1995 | Ant kumbte 1996 Tavagal Sainath at Ajay dadefa 14qq_ Sauwtabh thang 1998 | Rast dnawid taae Nayan mengia 2000_| Venkatesh Prarad Zoo] WE Lorman 2002 inender Schuuag. 2003 Harbhajan’ Gngh 2003 _{putrall Raj 4005 Anju Tain 2006 Brun Chepara 2009 ALautam Ham bhir 201° lites Groswoml 20\) —“Zantes, Khan 0 | Yuvetal Cig he res Viret kobe 2014 Rs Ashwin, 2wi5 Rohit Sheena dolb | Ryinkya Rahane, Qolr _ Cheteshwan Pujara 2018 | Gmail Mand hana Daronachanya rw widees 1986 Dp Azad a Ve Geersharian Singh 1940 | Ramakant Reweray 2004 Saneera Shama 2e16 | paj kumay Shama 2018 Tosak Sinha Rajeev Grandhi_khel Raina Aworclees a . ¥ 49M Re Sachin “Tendutkan 200% _Mawen der Seng Dhoni 2016 Neirtay kone Padma Bhushan Awardees 456 Ck Nady 14S 8 Mansa} _fum art ef Vit iancpny eas Vanes Manknd (180 Sanit Prqvoskass tay Lota Amostnath ll. Teacher's Signature .... page NO... 2.002. Chandu horde 2013 Rahul david _ e181 MS Dhony _ Date «.. Bharat Ratna Awardee va — oie Sachin endaito, os Norms Jon beth pen and Were and Women pe “| Neove Aroiage. | qe. ~ jpasBeteno eaten bh. Tren | Women ~| edd men | woren z jen o-oy | gty | ee za eee | 65-64 2u. dy fag tore | tert we 22 4 Were | ete dio fiz tort | ees | 7 ue AS14 | ey 10 dott | te 40lS 7 Lea | 80-81} Lie fq prptels | 9 Ie ae 5-84 | Za £8 a telt a a i se-at, 20 5-5 40(°S }-20403°0 26 85-8] | <-5:5 C-26 fess to 05 [ER Stoz5 Ths qo-1t | 85 | Cus [-osteosrstore | POPS | 7 h0 é Norms fort’ Both Men ond women a a ar: Age Betow Average. Ayertage. T Adee Average. men Women Men Tome Men mornen bo-6y yes Reo GStro a < drs Bs-69 | 75S a5 HS too lo} ag tots | Abe ars 30-74 Bo 400 goto-rolgoto vod She Z-0 TSH | Pte 5.0 potter? leg tons | L210 | oS Go- 64 | 7445 5:5 VS 4to-vol 5-5 too <-20 | Lo S584.) 7 too 0 |ieote-ze | qoto-o] Ste | Zoe Jo-a4 Pos, Bo toste“4ol geotote | 2-49 | Gl? Page NO. rn Date Ee. S [ Teat_a.tem it_and_Rench Cer billy Fea th Gibiban Ge i x The object at ina Kat “hy le méanaie The Amor —— fp———-berty ‘pissibitetys + sipmanls fen this feat ane sta ——— /}———}-Adaiaigit back “chais : we need Ruler 9 chaise waft —— La -Bedanc sent Baers — ———}Tead_ Them 4 Back Sovatth let t= — | Tht teat pecasurees dine general ange. a|_tmolionat houtdess, o Tt seq ubits 9 leiuley + pubes ae t-—— quite oper this teats _ aso LE Teal _Tlem §!_ foo and Gro Tet po) Phas ee ’d_Ao_mtasunc Speed, agikt and balance while Moving. Norm, doy Men ond Women [ =} = = ” { 4e— Below Average, Averge freove Average | Men Women | Men Wemen | pen | Women | 60-64 | >5-6 Tob [563d [Cctogea | CHO | CU4 if 65-69 | > 5-3 764 [sites }ég ford | <43 | C40 Forty | P60 17H Peden frit dq] 42 | c4 1-14 iF fe foqeb Aton] C406 | C52 go-6y | 746-7] 70-0 |e-cto sit ts] C62 | <9} 85-84 | 784 [7EG 6 -gtos3 [Fb to G2]

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