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Technology’s impact on selling to individuals –

Individual selling has undergone great technical breakthroughs, which have impacted all
companies and industries. From prospecting to follow-up, technology is altering the selling
process in ways that were unthinkable just a few years ago. As a result, salespeople are
leveraging new technologies to boost productivity, profitability, and competitive advantage in
order to reimagine the sales process.
Scheduling sales appointments, sending follow-up emails, and updating sales leads are just a
few of the time-consuming, exhausting, and repetitive duties that come with selling. All of
these responsibilities have a negative influence on profit and productivity. Many jobs are
automated by Sales Force Automation technology solutions, allowing salespeople to focus on
activities that generate more sales and money.
The development of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets has drastically altered
various parts of the sales process. Customers' capacity to study, assess, and buy items and
services online using technology has transformed the shopping process. Many consumers
now use their mobile device to investigate potential products and services before purchasing,
so salespeople should be aware of this. Because of the rapid advancement of mobile
technology, salespeople now have a tremendous chance to acquire a competitive advantage
by employing mobile devices. He or she has convenient, quick, and remote access to crucial
customer and opportunity data while using cloud-based CRM software. Instead of waiting for
a salesperson to return to the office, we can work with real-time data and update and edit
customer and prospect information while on the move with mobile communication and
collaboration tools. Mobile technology also allows salespeople to access product
specifications and other resources quickly, resulting in more efficient sales pitches, more
sales closing, and a better customer experience. When it comes time to sign the contract,
having mobile access makes having all of the essential paperwork on hand for the closing
procedure much easier.
Technology has made it easier for salespeople to make initial contact with prospects before
meeting them face to face, which can be done through messaging apps like WhatsApp and
Telegram to give the prospect some key highlights or differentiating factors of their product
in order to create a positive image in the prospect's mind. The salesperson can give a virtual
product tour or explain the benefits of using for the prospect using video conferencing apps
like Zoom or Microsoft Teams. For example, Eureka Forbes recently entered the CCTV
market and has begun giving video presentations highlighting the benefits and features of
using their CCTV systems after identifying the lead. This not only saves money but also
eliminates the hassle of getting an appointment from the prospect.

The roleplay, in my opinion, was nicely done, with all of the details mentioned in the
guidelines and was done on a point-by-point basis, but they only used the material that was
given to us in the pre-read, they did not try to find any real-life selling situations, and they
only used the information that was already given to us, I believe. Both sellers and buyers
must be aware of demographic factors such as buyer income, because despite its high value, a
product cannot be sold unless it is affordable to customers in the location where the product is
being offered, the sort of people that lives there, and their cultural preferences.
Another aspect of the video that I thought was missing was the product's benefits; they've
created an excellent marketing plan, incorporating pricing and promotional strategy in an
excellent manner, but I believe that in the end, the success of any new product is determined
by the benefit it will provide, not by the price or other tools.
On this front, I believe they haven't taken into account both the product's value and the
additional advantage it will give. As we all know, there are a number of cereals on the
market, but how does it vary from the competition.
Finally, while packaging was not mentioned in the video, it is highly important to the success
of any product. Given the abundance of low-cost cereal suppliers in the local market, having
packaging that can connect with consumers, in addition to low costs and appealing offers, is



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