MIL - Week 1

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The learner should…

1. Describe how communication is influenced by
media and information
2. Identify the similarities and differences between
and among media literacy,information literacy,
and technology literacy
3. Discuss responsible use of media and

What I Know

Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best answer from the given choices.

1. On Tuesday night, the whole Cavite City experienced a heavy rain with thunders.
Eloisa, living and studying in Tanza Integrated School, confirmed the class
suspension in the whole Cavite city so she decided not to go to school. What
literacy did Eloisa employ?

A. Information Literacy C. Technology Literacy

B. Media Literacy D. None of the above

2. A media literate person can access, analyse, and respond to a range of media.
A. False B. True C. Maybe D. Somehow true

3. Which of the following BEST describes a media literate individual?

A. A lady using her smart phone’s map finder to locate her job interview venue
in Makati.
B. A student reading books for his literature review in research.
C. Joe making a deep analysis of a case study of cultural communication
D. None of these.

4. Which of the following is an example of interpersonal communication?

A. The president giving a speech on television.
B. Two friends talking over the phone.
C. A teacher lecturing the class.
D. Two friends talking together.

5. Being able to know what tools to be used for accessing information is __________?
A. Information literacy
B. Media and information literacy
C. Media literacy
D. Technology / digital literacy

6. Media can influence people and norms.

A. False B. True C. Maybe D. Somehow true

7. In the communication process, there is always an interference in the transmittal

process. This is called?
A. Buffer B. Signal Jam C. Noise D. Interruption

8. It’s the term commonly used to refer to communication systems that are configured to
create, produce, and disseminate media texts to mass audiences.
A. Organizational Communication B. Mediated Communication
C. Interpersonal Communication D. Mass Communication

9. Which of the following is not an example of mass communication media platform?

A. Newspaper B. Magazine C. Laptop D. Internet

10. Linear communication is a one way communication.

A. False B. True C. Maybe D. Somehow true

Lesson Introduction to Media and
1 Information Literacy
Grade 12, First Semester, Q1- Wk. 1

What I Need to Know

Media and Information Literacy equips learners with the 21st century skills needed by them to
compete with the unending development in technology. In this lesson, you will be introduced
to the basic concepts of media and information literacy, its history and its importance to our

What’s New

Look closely at the picture below. Examine carefully how the people communicate and
interconnect with each other. Based on your personal experience, how do you connect
with your family and friends and vice-versa? Are there any similarities you see in the
picture with how you communicate with each other?

Photo credit:


Activity 1: Enumerate the Media You Used in Connecting With Other People


What Is It

How many communication tool were you using for the past few days and weeks?
According to (2020) report, an average Filipino has 2 or 3 gadgets at hand used
for varies reason – primarily, to communicate.

The pool of communication technologies in the 21st century era paved way to a
wide range of channel in sending, receiving, storing, and editing information
even in a snap. But the bigger question, “how do we use them properly?”
The United Nations on Educational, scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) welcomed
the idea of the dramatic increase in the access of information and communication. Before we
go further, let us familiarize ourselves with basic terms and concepts associated in


Communication: pertains to a purposeful exchange of information and messages between

people or groups of people by speaking, writing, gestures, and signs.

Messages: refer to any form of communication (information, feelings, and ideas) passed or
transmitted using a channel. Turow (2007) described them(messages) as a
collection of symbols that appear purposefully organized (meaningful) to those
sending or receiving them.

Media: are the methods or tools in which information can be exchanged and communication
can be facilitated.

Interpersonal Communication: refers to the communication between two persons, whether

they are verbal or non-verbal.

Mediated Interpersonal Communication: refers to the p[rocess where technology stands in

between the parties communicating and becomes the channel by which the
message is sent or received.

Mass Communication: refers to communication systems used to create, produce, and

disseminate media texts to mass audiences. Traditional forms of mass
communication consist of newspaper, radio, television, and film, it is also
understood that in mass communication, there is no immediate feedback between
the source and the receiver.

Organizational Communication: refers to communication used in the business


Media and Information Literacy: refers to the essential competencies (knowledge, skills,
attitudes) that allow citizens to engage with media and other information providers
effectively, and develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills for socializing
and becoming active citizens.

Technology - Hardware used to create and communicate with media, e.g. radios, computers,
telephones, satellites, printing presses, etc.

Literacy - The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute,
using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts.

Information - A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study,
experience, instruction, signals or symbols.

What’s More

There are two types of communication that we are usually engaged into:
interpersonal communication and masscommunication. Both are mediated by
technology to allow the easy form of feedbacking.

Activity 2: List Down Scenarios showing a form of Interpersonal Communication

and Mass Communication


What I Have Learned

Practice your skills and knowledge further by answering the attached Learning Activity
Sheet on Introduction to Media and Information Literacy on the next page.

What I Can Do

To foster better communication in order to develop strong relationship with other people,
create a “talk show” making your household members are the “guests.” Send your
5-10 minute video to your teacher online or offline.

Follow the outline below in developing your talk show.

Name of the show
Theme of the show
Run time
Topic for Discussion
Name of guests
Guide Questions for the guests 1.

Be guided with the following rubrics:

Lesson Differences and Similarities Among and

2 Between Media Literacy, Information

Literacy and Digital/ Technology Literacy
Grade 12, First Semester, Q1- Wk. 1

What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you will be exposed to the differences between Media Literacy, Information
Literacy, and Technology Literacy.

What’s New

Activity 3. PICTURE ANALYSIS. Analyze the picture below and give your own words on the
differences and similarities among and between Media Literacy, Information
Literacy and Technology Literacy. Write your insights at the space provided

Media Literacy

Information Literacy

Technology/ Digital Literacy

What Is It

Following are various terms associated with Media Information and Literacy.

1. LITERACY: The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and

compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts.
Literacy involves a continuum of learning, wherein individuals are able to achieve their
goals, develop their knowledge and potential, and participate fully in their community
and wider society.

2. MEDIA: The physical objects used to communicate with, or the mass communication
through physical objects such as radio, television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to
any physical object used to communicate messages.

3. MEDIA LITERACY: The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a
variety of forms. It aims to empower citizens by providing them with the competencies
(knowledge and skills) necessary to engage with traditional media and new

4. INFORMATION: A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from
study, experience, instruction, signals or symbols.

5. INFORMATION LITERACY: The ability to recognize when information is needed,

and to locate, evaluate, and effectively communicate information in its various

6. TECHNOLOGY LITERACY: The ability of an individual, either working independently

or with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and effectively use technological tools.
Using these tools an individual can access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and
communicate information.

7. MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY: The essential skills and competencies that
allow individuals to engage with media and other information providers effectively, as
well as develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills to socialize and become
active citizens.

• Understand the roles • Define and articulate the • Define and articulate
and functions of media needs of information what technology to be
in a democratic society • locate and access used for accessing
• Understand the information information
conditions under which • assess information • Located digital devices
media can fulfill their • Make ethical use of to communicate
functions information information, solve
• Critically evaluate media • Communciate
content in the light of its information • Failiariz, access, assess
functions and utiize technology or
• Use ICT skilss for
• Engage in media for information processing
digital devices to create
self-expression in the user-generated content.
democratic participation
• Review skills (using ICT)
needed to prduce user-
generated content

What’s More

Activity 4: Identify the following statements as media literacy (ML), information literacy (IL),
and technology literacy (TL). Write ML, IL, or TL on the box provided.

1 You can open the laptop to encode an assignment.

2 Ronald watched a video after reading a book to supplement his understanding

to the said information.
3 Gena uses the #WalangPasok to research on the updates of class suspension
in her province.
4 Before packing personal and medical stuff for his travel, Doc Gino checked the
latest COVID case and travel advisory going to and from Manila.
5 Marnelli browsed two different news sites and DOH COVID case portal to
verify alleged fresh covid case in their baraggay.

What I Have Learned

Practice your skills and knowledge on Media and Information Literacy by answering the
attached Learning Activity Sheet on the next page.

What I Can Do

Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, and respond to a range of media. Though
information has become accessible to anyone, it is a challenge to filter what is credible
information from a fake news.

As a media literate person, you should be critical and be able to spot fake news. As final task
for this lesson, browse your facebook wall and look for at least 5 articles. You can use some
other sources as an additional checklist in verifying information. Use the table below in
recording your findings.



▪ Media is a powerful tool which can be used to change society for the better.
▪ Media, information, and technology literacy are necessary skills to live a full life in the
21st century.
▪ Fake news proliferates online, as media literate persons, you need to spot fake and
legit news.

Grade 12, First Semester, Q1- Wk 1

What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you will be exposed to the various issues on the use of media and how
does it affect our culture and society.

Moreover, you will explore how to be a responsible media user and creator using the
10 Core rules netiquettes of Virginia Shea (2017).

What’s New

The use of media technology shaped our culture and society.

Activity 3: Look closely at the images below and do the activity given on the
next page

Picture 1: Source: Fobilow (2013) Mona Lisa through the

years. Retrieved from

Picture 2 and 3: Flickr Images

Given the pictures from the previous page, give your insights on “how do media
and information influenced our society today?”



What Is It

There are four (4) common issues surrounding our society today due to the misuse of media.

1. COPYRIGHT - a legal device that gives the creator of a literary, artistic, musical, or
other creative work the sole right to publish and sell that work.

2. PLAGIARISM - an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and

thoughts of another author without authorization; the representation of that author's
work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author.

3. CYBER BULLYING - bullying that takes place online, or using electronic technology
such as cell phones, computers, and tablets over communication tools including
social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites.

4. COMPUTER ADDICTION - the excessive use of computers to the extent that it

interferes with daily life.

5. DIGITAL DIVIDE - an economic inequality between groups in terms of access to,

use of, or knowledge of ICT.

Here are the 10 Core netiques by Virginia Shea (2017), you can access the whole content

Rule 1: Remember the human. Media users have feelings and emotion as you are.
Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth
Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control
Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy
Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes

Looking at Media Representations
As we look closely at the messages on media platforms, several questions will
crop up in our minds. These are the types of questions the UNESCO MIL framework
encourages us to ask when we decode the meanings of media messages.

What’s More

We are the citizen of the internet must be responsible in media utilization. We should
adhere to the rules and norms especially over the internet and avoid issues that could
penalize us.

Government and some private agencies provided resources and advocacies to

promote responsible media use.

Activity 4: Look for any printed, broadcast or online version of the “GMA 7’s Think
before You Click” campaign and assess them using the table below.

Title of the advocacy

What is the advocacy message?

What persuasion technique did it use?

Was it effective or not? Why?

What I Have Learned

Media and Information Literacy provides learners with ample opportunities on its
usability in obtaining information in an easy manner.

What Can I Do

Create your own advocacy poster or meme using any app-of-choice or a plain sketch
pad. Illustrate your understanding on “How to responsibly use media.” After
finishing your work, post it on your social media timeline or put it in your portfolio then
accomplish the table below. Make sure to tag or mention your teacher on your social
media post.

Tite of


Lesson Communication Models and
4 Theories
Grade 12, First Semester, Q1- Wk. 1

What I Need to Know

To enhance your knowledge on the use of technological communication , this lesson will tour
you to basic communication models and theories. After the lesson, you should be able to
understand the three types of communication model and create your own communication
process model.

What’s New

Activity 7: Match the description in Column A with the illustration in column B by

connecting them with a line.


▪ One way communication
▪ Used for mass communication
▪ Senders send message and receivers
receive only
▪ No feedback
▪ Concept of noise

▪ Used for interpersonal communication
▪ Senders and receivers interchange roles
▪ Simultaneous feedback
▪ Context of environment and noise
▪ Feedback is taken as a new message

▪ Used for new communications like
▪ Slower feedback in turns
▪ Concept of field of experience
▪ Known as convergence model
▪ Communication becomes linear if
receiver does not respond

What Is It

The three basic communication models: Linear Model, Transactional Model, and
Interactive Model. Below is an illustration that shows the descriptions as well as
the pros and coms of each model.


Key features:
1. One way communication
2. Used for mass communication
3. Sender sends message and receiver only receives them
4. No feedback
5. There is a concept of noise


Key features:
1. Used for interpersonal communication
2. Sender and receiver interchange roles of sending and receiving message
3. Simultaneous feedback wherein feedback is taken as a new message
4. There is context of environment and noise


Key features:
1. Used for new communications like
2. Slower feedbacks in turns
3. Concept of field of experience
4. Known as convergence model
5. Communication becomes linear if receiver
has no respond


What’s More

Activity 8: Based on your personal experiences, provide a specific scenario for each
communication model.


What I Have Learned

To demonstrate your knowledge on Media and Informastion Literacy, answer the

activity sheet on communication models and theories below.

What I Can Do

Interview one classmate on “how does media affect communication in his/her

family, school and the community as a whole.” Record a podcast (audio recording)
explaining the answer of his/her classmate and give also your personal perspective on
the question. Submit the recorded audio interview online or offline.

Assessment: (Post-Test)
Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best answer from the given

1. On Tuesday night, the whole Cavite City experienced a heavy rain with thunders.
Eloisa, living and studying in Tanza Integrated School, confirmed the class
suspension in the whole Cavite city so she decided not to go to school. What
literacy did Eloisa employ?
A. Information Literacy C. Technology Literacy
B. Media Literacy D. None of the above

2. A media literate person can access, analyse, and respond to a range of media.
B. False B. True C. Maybe D. Neither

3. Which of the following BEST describes a media literate individual?
A. A lady using her smart phone’s map finder to locate her job interview venue
in Makati.
B. A student reading books for his literature review in research.
C. Joe making a deep analysis of a case study of cultural communication
D. None of these.

4. Which of the following is an example of interpersonal communication?

A. The President giving a speech on television.
B. Two friends talking over the phone.
C. A teacher lecturing the class.
D. Two friends talking together.

5. Being able to know what tools to be used for accessing information is

A. Information literacy C. Media literacy
B. Media and information D. Technology / digital
literacy literacy

6. Media can influence people and norms.

A. False B. True C. Maybe D. Neither

7. In the communication process, there is always an interference in the transmittal

process. This is called?
A. Buffer B. Signal Jam C. Noise D. Interruption

8. It’s the term commonly used to refer to communication systems that are configured to
create, produce, and disseminate media texts to mass audiences.
A. Organizational Communication B. Mediated Communication
C. Interpersonal Communication D. Mass Communication

9. Which of the following is not an example of mass communication media platform?

A. Newspaper B. Magazine C. Laptop D. Internet

10. Linear communication is a one way communication.

A. False B. True C. Maybe D. Neither

Answer Keys

5. B 10. B 5. B 10. B
4. D 9. C 4. D 9. C
3. A 8. D 3. A 8. D
2. B 7. C 2. B 7. C
1. A 6. A 1. A 6. A

Amos A, Haglund M. “From social taboo to “torch of freedom”: the marketing of cigarettes to women. Tobacco
Control 2000;9:3-8

Arias, Eric. “How Does Media Influence Social Norms? Experimental Evidence on the Roles of Common
Knowledge.” Political Science Research and Methods 7, no. 3 (2019): 561-78

“Block & White ‘Color Difference.’” No.12 Yellow Brick Road. Published on April 14, 2016. YouTube video,

businesstopia, “Models of Communication,” in Businesstopia, February 4, 2018.

Cook, Sue D. People-holding-hands-under-cloud-with-social-media-communication-icons-with_MyFJ7oiO_L.

2020, jpeg.

Department of Health (Philippines). “To-DOH list sa pagpasok at pag-uwi mula sa trabaho.” June 11, 2020.

“Family Planning TVC 2014.” Department of Health Philippines. Published on June 10, 2014. YouTube video,

Guttmann, A. “Global Advertising Spending 2010-2019.” January 8, 2020.

Poepsel, Mark. Media, Society, Culture, and You. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 2018.

Prince, Richard. Marlboro Man. 1980-1992, jpeg.

“Science of Persuasion.” Influenceatwork. Published on November 27, 2012. YouTube video, 11:50

Timeline of the Evolution of Mass Media”. National Institute of Mass Communication & Journalism,

UNESCO IITE. Educating for the Media ad the Digital Age. Austria. 1999.

United Media Information Literacy for Teachers.” United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)—United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 2020.

Zarate, Maria Jovita E. Media and Information Literacy. Manila, Philippines: Rex Bookstore, 2016.


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