PolicyResolutions05 25 2011

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(Room assignments and times to be finalized)

This DRAFT has been posted to the website to assist

delegates in preparation for convention. Minor edits are to
be expected.
Rules for Policy Discussions
A copy of the rules for Constitution and Policy Discussions has been posted to the CPC website. A brief
summary is provided below for ease of reference.

Policy Break-Out Workshops

 Policy resolutions to be debated will be broken into three streams by subject matter
 Break-Out sessions will be moderated
 Only delegates may speak or vote
 Subject to the discretion of the moderator in light of time constraints, policy resolutions will be
debated in the following manner:
o 1 minute to introduce
o 1 minute for caucus commentary if required
o 1 additional speaker in favour (1 minute – order determined by moderator)
o 2 speakers against (1 minute – order determined by moderator)
 The moderator will call a vote which shall be counted
 A maximum of ten (10) policy resolutions per break-out workshop which receive an affirmative
vote by a majority of delegates voting in the break-out workshop will be listed on the agenda of
Plenary. If more than (10) policy resolutions receive an affirmative vote by a majority of
delegates voting in the break-out workshop, then priority shall be given to the policy resolutions
that received 80% support and the balance sorted by the highest total absolute votes cast.


 If two or more delegates of the Plenary call for debate, the Chair will immediately call for a vote.
Only where, in the Chair’s determination, the vote shows that a clear majority of delegates wish
to have a debate, will a limited debate be permitted in the following manner:
o 30 seconds to introduce
o 30 seconds for caucus commentary if required
o 1 additional speaker in favour (30 seconds – order determined by moderator)
o 2 speakers against (30 seconds – order determined by moderator)
 Only delegates will be permitted to speak and vote.
 As provided in the Constitution, a resolution amending either the Constitution or the Policy
Declaration may only be amended by a majority of votes cast by delegates and a majority of votes
cast by delegates from each of a majority of individual provinces. The territories together shall
constitute one province.

Policy Stream

Resolution Number

Sponsoring EDA
EDA – AAAAAAA Nature of Change
Section A – AAAAAAAAAAAAA (AAA) Original Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Modified Text (addition) Modified Text (deletion)


EDA – Crowfoot
Section A – Role Of Government (NEW)

1. Role of Government
The Conservative Party believes the role of government is to:
i) protect the lives and property of its citizens;
ii) ensure equality of opportunity;
iii) foster an environment where individuals and private initiative can prosper;
iv) ensure the security of our nation's borders and the safety of our citizens at home and abroad;
v) provide services to Canadians that cannot be provided more efficiently and effectively by
individuals or by the private sector; and
vi) maintain and enhance national infrastructure.

1. Role of the Federal Government

The Conservative Party believes the role of government is to:
i) protect the lives and property of its citizens;
ii) ensure equality of opportunity;
iii) foster an environment where individuals and private initiative can prosper;
iv) ensure the security of our nation's borders and the safety of our citizens at home and abroad;
v) provide services to Canadians that cannot be provided more efficiently and effectively by
individuals or by the private sector; and
vi) maintain and enhance national infrastructure.
vii) Maintain, promote, and enforce the distribution of powers in Canada between levels of
government according to the provisions in the Canadian Constitution.

EDA – North Vancouver

Section B – Government Accountability (NEW)

3. Public Service Excellence

The Conservative Party believes that all Canadians deserve an efficient, effective, and independent
professional public service. We believe the government should build upon the whistle-blowing
protection legislation it enacted in the 39th Parliament, to ensure that those who expose corruption
and wrongdoing are protected from reprisal. We continue to support any measures which enhance
public service effectiveness and accountability

3. Public Service Excellence

The Conservative Party:
i) The Conservative Party believes that all Canadians deserve an efficient, effective, and
independent professional public service. We believe the government should build upon the
whistle-blowing protection legislation it enacted in the 39th Parliament, to ensure that
those who expose corruption and wrongdoing are protected from reprisal. We continue to
support any measures which enhance public service effectiveness and accountability
ii) supports enhancing protection of privacy rights of Canadians in relation to personal
information collected by government;
i)iii) calls for a review of the use made by other government departments of information
collected form Canadians for a specific purpose by one government department and
for legislation to ensure greater protection for Canadians from misuse of private

EDA – Nanaimo-Alberni
Section B – Government Accountability (MODIFICATION)

5. Government Duplication and Waste

The Conservative Party believes the government should implement detailed processes to streamline
government services and eliminate waste, unnecessary overlap and duplication between the levels of

5. Government Duplication and Waste

The Conservative Party believes the government should implement detailed processes to streamline
government services and eliminate waste, unnecessary overlap, and duplication between the levels of
government. and within and between the Departments of the Federal Government.

EDA – Regina Qu’Appelle

Section C – Democratic Reform (MODIFICATION)

7. Free Votes
The Conservative Party believes in restoring democratic accountability in to the House of Commons
by allowing free votes.
i) All votes should be free, except for the budget, main estimates, and core government initiatives.
ii) On issues of moral conscience, such as abortion, the definition of marriage, and euthanasia, the
Conservative Party acknowledges the diversity of deeply-held personal convictions among individual
party members and the right of Members of Parliament to adopt positions in consultation with their
constituents and to vote freely.

7. Free Votes
AThe Conservative Government Party willbelieves in restoreing democratic accountability in to the
House of Commons by allowing free votes. A Conservative Government will make all votes free,
except for the budget and main estimates.
i) All votes should be free, except for the budget, main estimates, and core government initiatives.
ii) On issues of moral conscience, such as abortion, the definition of marriage, and euthanasia, the
Conservative Party acknowledges the diversity of deeply-held personal convictions among individual
party members and the right of Members of Parliament to adopt positions in consultation with their
constituents and to vote freely.

EDA – Calgary Southeast Conservative Association

Section C – Democratic Reform (NEW)

10. Electoral Reform

The Conservative Party believes the discussion of possible changes to the electoral system is
valuable in a healthy democracy.
i) In reviewing options for electoral reform, we believe the government should not endorse any new
electoral system that will weaken the link between Members of Parliament and their constituents, that
will create unmanageably large ridings, or that will strengthen the control of the party machinery
over individual Members of Parliament.
ii) A national referendum should be held prior to implementing any future electoral reform proposal.

10. Electoral Reform

The Conservative Party believes the discussion of possible changes to the electoral system is
valuable in a healthy democracy.
i) In reviewing options for electoral reform, we believe the government should not endorse any new
electoral system that will weaken the link between Members of Parliament and their constituents, that
will create unmanageably large ridings, or that will strengthen the control of the party machinery
over individual Members of Parliament.
ii) A national referendum should be held prior to implementing any future electoral reform proposal.
iii) The publicly-funded annual payment to federal political parties of $1.95 per vote received in the
previous federal election should be cancelled immediately and there should be no additional public
funding of federal political parties beyond that presently contained in the Elections Canada Act.

EDA – Nipissing-Timiskaming
Section C – Democratic Reform (NEW)


11. Binding Referendums

The Conservative Party supports more participation by citizens in the workings of government.
In particular, it agrees that binding referendums, after a sufficient number of petitions for such,
should be part of the system of democracy which helps to make our country successful. The
details of this process should be established by an all-party committee, after studying the many
other jurisdictions where such is now being effectively utilized.


Glengarry Prescott Russell;
Kingston the Islands; Leeds
Grenville; Nepean Carleton;
Northumberland Quinte West;
Prince Edward Hastings;
Ottawa Centre; Ottawa West Nepean;
Ottawa Vanier; Renfrew Nipissing
Pembroke: Richmond Hill; Simcoe North
Section C – Democratic Reform (MODIFICATION)

13. Property Rights

i) The Conservative Party believes the government should seek the agreement of the provinces to
amend the Constitution to include this right, as well as guarantee that no person shall be deprived of
their just right without the due process of law and full, just, and timely compensation.

13. Property Rights

i) The Conservative Party believes the government should seek the agreement of the provinces to
amend the Constitution to include theis right to ownership and use of personal and private ,
asproperty, as well as guarantee that no person shall be deprived of their just right without the due
process of law and full, just and timely compensation. (The amendment shall include a clear
definition of personal and private property.)

EDA - Calgary Nose Hill, Oshawa

Section E – Fiscal (MODIFICATION)

19. Tax Code Simplification

The Conservative Party favours a simplification of the federal tax code, to reduce the complexity of
tax calculations for ordinary Canadians.

19. Tax Code Simplification

The Conservative Party favours a simplification of the federal tax code, to reduce the complexity of
tax calculations for ordinary Canadians. This would be achieved with the introduction of a flat rate
tax system.

EDA - Brome-Missisquoi
Section E – Fiscal (NEW)

19. Tax Code Simplification

The Conservative Party favours a simplification of the federal tax code, to reduce the complexity of
tax calculations for ordinary Canadians.

19. Tax Code Simplification

That Canada’s Conservative government should simplify the Income Tax Act, remove many of the
complexities that have been built up over the years and simplify the Income Tax form.The
Conservative Party favours a simplification of the federal tax code, to reduce the complexity of tax
calculations for ordinary Canadians.

EDA – Fredericton
Section E – Fiscal (NEW)

20. Tax Relief

i) The Conservative Party supports both immediate and long-term broad-based tax relief, building
upon the tax reductions introduced in the 39th Parliament. Reducing personal income taxes is a
priority for the Conservative Party because it increases the take home pay and raises the living
standard of all Canadians.
ii) We encourage the government to continue the process of reducing business taxes which had
started in the 39th Parliament. Reducing business taxes encourages both foreign and domestic
businesses to invest in Canada, meaning more and better jobs for Canadian workers. Lower business
taxes mean more jobs as well as greater returns for pension plan members and those who own
RRSPs, mutual funds and common shares.
iii) We believe that government should reduce capital gains tax and eliminate tax on capital gains
that are reinvested. Lower capital gains taxes encourage saving and investment which means more
capital for Canadian businesses, more jobs for Canadian workers and bigger returns for Canadian
investors. Therefore, we support new measures such as those introduced in the 39th Parliament, in
which the lifetime capital gains exemption for small business owners, farmers, wood-lot operators,
and fishermen were increased.
iv) We believe that payroll taxes should not exceed the amount necessary to properly fund
Employment Insurance because unnecessarily high payroll taxes are a tax on job creation. Lower
payroll taxes encourage hiring and business expansion.

20. Tax Relief

v) While continuing to improve income tax fairness for families, we also recognize the need to move
towards greater equity in taxation policy for individuals regardless of family status.

EDA – Malpeque
Section E – Fiscal (NEW)


E) 20. Fiscal

Therefore be it resolved that the CPC recognize the contribution of volunteer firefighters by
instituting a tax credit.

EDA – Cambridge
Section E – Fiscal (MODIFICATION)

20. Tax Relief

v) Canada's tax system must be built on a foundation of fairness. We encourage the government to
continue to close loopholes such as the use of offshore tax havens which erode the Canadian tax base
and allow companies to avoid paying Canadian taxes.

v) Canada's tax system must be built on a foundation of fairness. We encourage the government
to continue to close loopholes such as the use of offshore tax havens which erode the Canadian
tax base and allow companies to avoid paying Canadian taxes. The Conservative Party supports
the concept that all taxation must be fair and be reasonable. The government should work to
eliminate instances of taxation on taxation.

EDA – Wild Rose

Section E – Fiscal (MODIFICATION)

20. Tax Relief

iii) We believe that government should reduce capital gains tax and eliminate tax on capital gains
that are reinvested. Lower capital gains taxes encourage saving and investment which means more
capital for Canadian businesses, more jobs for Canadian workers and bigger returns for Canadian
investors. Therefore, we support new measures such as those introduced in the 39th Parliament, in
which the lifetime capital gains exemption for small business owners, farmers, wood-lot operators,
and fishermen were increased.

20. Tax Relief

iii) We believe that government should increase the general capital gains exemption, and reduce
capital gains tax and eliminate taxationtax on capital gains that are reinvested. Lower capital gains
taxes encourage saving and investment which means more capital for Canadian businesses, more
jobs for Canadian workers and bigger returns for Canadian investors. Therefore, we support new
measures such as those introduced in the 39th Parliament, in which the lifetime capital gains
exemption for small business owners, farmers, wood-lot operators, and fishermen were increased.

EDA – Guelph
Section E – Fiscal (NEW)

20. Tax Relief

i) The Conservative Party supports both immediate and long-term broad-based tax relief, building
upon the tax reductions introduced in the 39th Parliament. Reducing personal income taxes is a
priority for the Conservative Party because it increases the take home pay and raises the living
standard of all Canadians.
ii) We encourage the government to continue the process of reducing business taxes which had
started in the 39th Parliament. Reducing business taxes encourages both foreign and domestic
businesses to invest in Canada, meaning more and better jobs for Canadian workers. Lower business
taxes mean more jobs as well as greater returns for pension plan members and those who own
RRSPs, mutual funds and common shares.
iii) We believe that government should reduce capital gains tax and eliminate tax on capital gains
that are reinvested. Lower capital gains taxes encourage saving and investment which means more
capital for Canadian businesses, more jobs for Canadian workers and bigger returns for Canadian
investors. Therefore, we support new measures such as those introduced in the 39th Parliament, in
which the lifetime capital gains exemption for small business owners, farmers, wood-lot operators,
and fishermen were increased.
iv) We believe that payroll taxes should not exceed the amount necessary to properly fund
Employment Insurance because unnecessarily high payroll taxes are a tax on job creation. Lower
payroll taxes encourage hiring and business expansion.

20. Tax Relief

i) The Conservative Party supports both immediate and long-term broad-based tax relief, building
upon the tax reductions introduced in the 39th Parliament. Reducing personal income taxes is a
priority for the Conservative Party because it increases the take home pay and raises the living
standard of all Canadians.

ii) we believe that in order to reduce personal taxes while simultaneously increasing the fairness of
those taxes, the government should reduce our current four tax rates to a single rate. Our concern for
society’s most vulnerable will be reflected by a significant increase in the basic personal tax

ii)iii) We encourage the government to continue the process of reducing business taxes which had
started in the 39th Parliament. Reducing business taxes encourages both foreign and domestic
businesses to invest in Canada, meaning more and better jobs for Canadian workers. Lower business
taxes mean more jobs as well as greater returns for pension plan members and those who own
RRSPs, mutual funds and common shares.

EDA – Yukon
Section E – Fiscal (MODIFICATION)

21. Supporting Families

The Conservative Party recognizes the need to support families and children. We believe that
Canada's decreasing birthrate needs to be addressed by reducing the barriers facing those wishing to
start and grow their families, thus ensuring the well being and long-term sustainability of our
i) We support tax fairness for families by eliminating inequities between single and dual income
families and introducing a deduction for dependent children.
ii) We support the elimination of all tax disadvantages for families and those who care for children at
home. It recognizes the economic value of stay at home parents, and supports the introduction of tax
fairness measures such as income splitting for couples with children.
iii) We also recognizes that many of our seniors lived on single family incomes as one parent stayed
home and cared for their children. Our seniors deserve tax fairness to eliminate the discrepancy
between single and dual family income in retirement.

21. Supporting Families

The Conservative Party recognizes the need to support families and children. We believe that
Canada's decreasing birthrate needs to be addressed by reducing the barriers facing those wishing to
start and grow their families, thus ensuring the well being and long-term sustainability of our
i) We support tax fairness for families by eliminating inequities between single and dual income
families and introducing a deduction for dependent children.
ii) We support the elimination of all tax disadvantages for families and those who care for children at
home. It recognizes the economic value of stay at home parents, and supports the introduction of tax
fairness measures such as income splitting or other tax incentives for couples with children.
iii)We also recognizes that many of our seniors lived on single family incomes as one parent stayed
home and cared for their children. Our seniors deserve tax fairness to eliminate the discrepancy
between single and dual family income in retirement.

EDA - Bramalea Gore Malton;DonValleyEast;DufferinCaledon

Etobicoke North; Kitchener Conestoga; Etobicoke Lake
shore;Kitchener Waterloo; Lambton Kent Middlesex;
Markham Unionville; Mississauga East Cooksville;
Mississauga S outh; Mississauga Streetsville; New-
Market Streetsville; Newmarket Aurora; Parkdale-
High Park; Richmond Hill; Oak Ridges Markham;
Simcoe Grey; St.Paul’s; Toronto Centre;Vaughan;
York Simcoe
Section E – Fiscal (NEW)


21. Supporting Families

iv) The Conservative Party recognizes the value of the home caregiver and
supports tax relief for families who provide homecare

EDA – Oshawa
Section F – Economic Development (NEW)

25. Economic Principles

The Conservative Party believes:
i) that it is the responsibility of government to create an economic climate in which Canadians can
thrive and prosper, and with their success create quality job opportunities for Canadians;
ii) in the principle of maximizing value-added processing in Canada, and the government should
create an economic environment that encourages Canadian businesses to export products rather than
raw materials;
iii) that a dollar in the hand of a Canadian citizen is better than a dollar in the hand of a government
bureaucracy. Canadians should be enjoying a higher standard of living, a more competitive economy
and greater productivity, similar to our major trading partners;
iv) that Canada's competitive position in the world should never be impeded by a lack of ethics in
Canada's government; and
v) that lower taxes and reduced government interference in the economy will result in more
purchasing power in the hands of the people of Canada, which leads to a more competitive economy,
greater productivity, more quality job opportunities, and a higher standard of living.

25. Economic Principles

vi) That the Government adopts an aggressive regulatory reform process designed to eliminate
red tape.

EDA – Edmonton Leduc

Section F – Economic Development (NEW)

25. Economic Principles

The Conservative Party believes:
i) that it is the responsibility of government to create an economic climate in which Canadians can
thrive and prosper, and with their success create quality job opportunities for Canadians;
ii) in the principle of maximizing value-added processing in Canada, and the government should
create an economic environment that encourages Canadian businesses to export products rather than
raw materials;
iii) that a dollar in the hand of a Canadian citizen is better than a dollar in the hand of a government
bureaucracy. Canadians should be enjoying a higher standard of living, a more competitive economy
and greater productivity, similar to our major trading partners;
iv) that Canada‟s competitive position in the world should never be impeded by a lack of ethics in
Canada‟s government; and
v) that lower taxes and reduced government interference in the economy will result in more
purchasing power in the hands of the people of Canada, which leads to a more competitive economy,
greater productivity, more quality job opportunities, and a higher standard of living.

25. Economic Principles

The Conservative Party believes:
i) that it is the responsibility of government to create an economic climate in which Canadians can
thrive and prosper, and with their success create quality job opportunities for Canadians;
ii) in the principle of maximizing value-added processing in Canada, and the government should
create an economic environment that encourages Canadian businesses to export products rather than
raw materials;
iii) that a dollar in the hand of a Canadian citizen is better than a dollar in the hand of a government
bureaucracy. Canadians should be enjoying a higher standard of living, a more competitive economy
and greater productivity, similar to our major trading partners;
iv) that Canada's competitive position in the world should never be impeded by a lack of ethics in
Canada's government; and
v) that lower taxes and reduced government interference in the economy will result in more
purchasing power in the hands of the people of Canada, which leads to a more competitive economy,
greater productivity, more quality job opportunities, and a higher standard of living.
vi) that the government of Canada takes action to accelerate Canada’s productivity growth rate
a) increasing human capital through better secondary, post-secondary and job related
education as well as more efficient immigration of skilled workers;
b) encouraging efficiency and innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises through
greater R & D, capital investment and organizational sophistication

EDA - Brant; Hamilton East Stoney Creek ;

Ancaster Dundas Flamborough Westdale;
Kitchener Waterloo; Halton; Burlington;
Hamilton Mountain; Haldimand Norfolk;
Hamilton Centre; Prince Edward Hastings;
Kitchener Conestoga; Oakville; Mississauga-
Erindale; Niagara West Glanbrook; StPaul's;
Kitchener Centre; St.Catherines; Wellington-
Halton Hills.
Section F – Economic Development (NEW)


26. Small Business

The Conservative Party by recognizing that Canadian small businesses are

significant creators of jobs and are important sources of entrepreneurship and
innovation, believes that the Canadian federal government encourage such
businesses and their success, including against foreign competitors.
The Conservative Party supports therefore, the reduction of the income tax paid by
such small businesses either by increasing the small business tax credit, by
increasing the small business income limit or by some combination of similar
methods. The Conservative Party will consider the economic and practical
feasibility of special provisions that result in increased, full-time and long-term
employment and in increased exports or increased imports. Such tax reduction will
take into account (among other factors) the objectives of achieving balanced or
surplus budgets and of reducing the Canadian government’s debt.

EDA – Kelowna – Lake Country

Section F – Economic Development (NEW)

27. Science, Research and Development

i) The Conservative Party supports the establishment a single authority or single window to review
big science projects according to published guidelines. These types of projects are often tied up in the
bureaucracy because, under the current system, they are forced to seek funding from a myriad of
departments and agencies. A single-window approach would be more transparent for the research
community and more accountable to Canadian taxpayers.

ii) We support the creation of an independent Chief Scientist who would advise and report to
Parliament on scientific matters, and help coordinate science policy issues within government, and
internationally. This office would be modeled on the Parliamentary Office of Science and
Technology in the United Kingdom. The Chief Scientist should be mandated by Parliament to
provide independent and balanced analysis of public policy issues related to science and technology.
This information should be provided openly to Parliamentarians and Canadians to enable informed

iii) We support the funding of innovation, technology and research through the granting councils. We
support a competitive peer review process and enhanced transparency and accountability to
determine who shall receive grants through these councils.

iv) We recognize the importance of private sector investment in research and development of
commercial applications. We recognize that the Scientific Research and Experimental Development
(SR&ED) tax credit has been successful in spurring private investment in research and development.
The government should work with stakeholders in all fields of research and various industry sectors
to expand this tax credit. We support the elimination of the capital tax and the reduction of the capital
gains tax because the effectiveness of the SR&ED tax credit relies upon the general level of tax on
capital and investment. In principle, we believe the government should provide more scientific
research and experimental development tax incentives.

iii) We support the funding of innovation, technology and research through the granting councils. We
support a competitive peer review process and enhanced transparency and accountability to
determine who shall receive grants through these councils.

iv) The Conservative Party supports an enhanced prioritization for the basket of government
initiatives to promote innovation including but not limited to incentives. We encourage
advancements on all fronts to optimize innovation leadership. In principle we believe that strength on
the innovation front is one of the key pillars for successful economic development and the creation of
Canadian jobs. We encourage enhanced innovation risk mitigation programs through that National
Research Council with an increased focus on the SMB segment. We support an enhanced priority for
innovation initiatives to ensure that Canada improves its position when measured against innovation
accomplishments of other leading innovator countries. The Conservative Party encourages improved
optimization of Federal-Provincial relations to enhance innovation. We strongly encourage that all
government programs be measured against how well they contribute to an overall governance
objective to optimize innovation and productivity advancements through Education, Science,
Research, and Development. We encourage standardized measurements that demonstrate the
effectiveness of initiatives to create successful product and service commercialization results

ivv) We recognize the importance of private sector investment in research and development of
commercial applications. We recognize that the Scientific Research and Experimental Development
(SR&ED) tax credit has been successful in spurring private investment in research and development.
The government should work with stakeholders in all fields of research and various industry sectors
to expand this tax credit. We support the elimination of the capital tax and the reduction of the capital
gains tax because the effectiveness of the SR&ED tax credit relies upon the general level of tax on
capital and investment. In principle, we believe the government should provide more scientific
research and experimental development tax incentives.

EDA – Saint John

Section F – Economic Development (MODIFICATION)

28. Foreign Ownership Restrictions

The Conservative Party supports relaxing foreign ownership rules on Canadian industry in concert
with our major trading partners in the telecommunications, broadcast distribution, and airline
industry. We believe the government should conduct an immediate review to determine whether to
reduce or completely remove these rules.

28. Foreign Ownership Restrictions

The Conservative Party supports relaxing foreign ownership rules on Canadian industry in concert
with our major trading partners in the telecommunications, broadcast distribution, the airline
industry, and natural resources. We will however, scrutinize any large ownership bid that might
compromise major sectors of our natural economy. and airline industry. We believe the government
should conduct an immediate review to determine whether to reduce or completely remove these

EDA – Nanaimo – Alberni

Section F – Economical Development (MODIFICATION)

28. Foreign Ownership Restrictions

The Conservative Party supports relaxing foreign ownership rules on Canadian industry in
concert with our major trading partners in the telecommunications, broadcast distribution, and
airline industry. We believe the government should conduct an immediate review to determine
whether to reduce or completely remove these rules.

The Conservative Party supports relaxing foreign ownership rules on Canadian industry in
concert with our major trading partners in the telecommunications, broadcast distribution, and
the airline industry. We believe the government should conduct an immediate review to
determine whether to reduce or completely remove these rules. In the case of companies involved
with natural resources, foreign ownership should only be permitted provided it is in the best
interest of the majority of Canadians and allows for ongoing Canadian control and development
in compliance with our international trade agreements.

EDA - Edmonton-Strathcona
Section F – Economic Development (NEW)

29. Infrastructure
The Conservative Party believes the government should allocate a portion of federal retail gasoline
taxes to the provinces and territories to fund infrastructure.

29. Infrastructure
i) The Conservative Party believes the government should allocate a portion of federal retail gasoline
taxes to the provinces and territories to fund infrastructure.
ii) To augment direct Government support for infrastructure, the CPC supports using the P3 funding
model to expand and hasten the renewal of Canada’s infrastructure.

EDA - Calgary Centre

Section F – Economic Development (MODIFICATION)

31. National Securities Regulator

The Conservative Party recognizes that efficient capital markets are vital to Canada's prosperity and
that a single, national, securities regulator with robust enforcement powers is the most effective way
to fight white collar crime and protect the savings and investments of Canadians. We believe the
government should work with the provinces and territories to create such a regulator.

31. National Securities Regulator

The Conservative Party recognizes that efficient capital markets are vital to Canada's prosperity and
that a single, national, securities regulator with robust enforcement powers is the most effective way
to fight white collar crime and protect the savings and investments of Canadians. We believe the
government should work with the provinces and territories to create such a regulator. a national
regulator which increases the efficiency of the Canadian capital markets, especially the facilitation of
innovation financing, and protects the capacity and deal flow of local junior financing.

EDA – Durham
Section F – Economic Development (Modification)

32. Labour
i) The Conservative Party supports the right of workers to organize democratically, to bargain
collectively and to strike peacefully while respecting private property and the decision of fellow
workers not to participate.
ii) We believe that government should work with unions and employers in areas of federal
jurisdiction to develop a dispute settlement mechanism to minimize or avoid work disruption.

32. Labour
i) The Conservative Party supports the right of workers to organize democratically, to bargain
collectively and to strike peacefully while respecting private property and the decision of fellow
workers not to participate. Fellow workers should not be penalized for not participating.

ii) We believe that government should work with unions and employers in areas of federal
jurisdiction to develop a dispute settlement mechanism to minimize or avoid work disruption

EDA – Niagara
Section F – Economic Development (NEW)

32. Labour
i) The Conservative Party supports the right of workers to organize democratically, to bargain
collectively and to strike peacefully while respecting private property and the decision of fellow
workers not to participate.
ii) We believe that government should work with unions and employers in areas of federal
jurisdiction to develop a dispute settlement mechanism to minimize or avoid work disruption.

32. Labour
i) The Conservative Party supports the right of workers to organize democratically, to bargain
collectively and to strike peacefully while respecting private property and the decision of fellow
workers not to participate.

ii) We believe that government should work with unions and employers in areas of federal
jurisdiction to develop a dispute settlement mechanism to minimize or avoid work disruption

iii) The Conservative Party supports the right of union workers to a free secret ballot in a strike

EDA - Selkirk-Interlake
Section F – Economic Development (NEW)


36. Northern Development

iv) The Conservative Party of Canada support and encourage on-going development of tourism
in the Arctic Region.

EDA – Edmonton Leduc

Section F – Economic Development (NEW)

37. Arctic Sovereignty

The Conservative Party believes that demonstrating Canada's presence in the Arctic requires both
political and economic development in northern Canada. We believe the government should:
i) work with the territories to streamline regulatory processes;
ii) make substantial strategic investments in the territories, particularly in transportation
infrastructure; and
iii) fast-track the devolution of "provincial type" responsibilities to the territories from Indian and
Northern Affairs Canada and other federal departments.

iv) establish and maintain a strong physical, regulatory and military presence in the Arctic.

EDA - Perth-Wellington
Section F – Economic Development (NEW)

37. Arctic Sovereignty

The Conservative Party believes that demonstrating Canada's presence in the Arctic requires both
political and economic development in northern Canada. We believe the government should:
i) work with the territories to streamline regulatory processes;
ii) make substantial strategic investments in the territories, particularly in transportation
infrastructure; and
iii) fast-track the devolution of "provincial type" responsibilities to the territories from Indian and
Northern Affairs Canada and other federal departments.

37. Arctic Sovereignty

iv) A Conservative government will invest in additional Ice Breakers for the Canadian Navy and
Coast Guard to enhance presence in Canadian North.

EDA –Yukon
Section F – Economic Development (NEW)

37. Arctic Sovereignty

The Conservative Party believes that demonstrating Canada's presence in the Arctic requires both
political and economic development in northern Canada. We believe the government should:
i) work with the territories to streamline regulatory processes;
ii) make substantial strategic investments in the territories, particularly in transportation
infrastructure; and
iii) fast-track the devolution of "provincial type" responsibilities to the territories from Indian and
Northern Affairs Canada and other federal departments.

37. Arctic Sovereignty

iv) We are committed to working in partnership with the governments of Yukon, NWT, and
Nunavut to assert and maintain sovereignty in the Canadian Arctic with clear, effective and
consistent rules and with an integrated, coordinated resource management approach to meet the
challenges associated with increased exploration, development and marine traffic in the Arctic.

EDA – Calgary Center

Section F – Economic Development (MODIFICATION)

38. Long-Term Energy Framework

i) The Conservative Party believes that Canada has a natural economic advantage due to an
abundance of fossil fuels, uranium, renewable sources of biomass fuel, hydro power generation, and
some of the world's best wind regimes. We believe that government should develop a renewable and
non-renewable energy framework which takes into account outstanding obligations and which will
meet our long-term requirements for domestic consumption and export. We believe that
strengthening energy market integration will ensure greater reliability of energy supplies across
Canada. We encourage the government to explore ways to reduce barriers to the movement of energy
products across provincial and other borders.

38. Long-Term Energy Framework

i) The Conservative Party believes that Canada has a natural economic advantage due to an
abundance of fossil fuels, uranium, renewable sources of biomass fuel, hydro power generation, and
some of the world’s best wind regimes. We believe that government should develop a renewable and
non-renewable energy framework which takes into account outstanding obligations and which will
meet our long-term requirements for domestic consumption and export. We believe that
strengthening energy market integration will ensure greater reliability of energy supplies across
Canada. We encourage the government to explore ways to reduce barriers to the movement of energy
products across provincial and other borders. The government of Canada should provide leadership
and work closely with provincial and territorial governments to align energy goals in the best
interests of all Canadians and seek to achieve a positive impact on energy infrastructure
development, energy supply and energy demand in Canada by removing artificial barriers to
interprovincial and international energy trade.

EDA – Labrador
Section F – Economic Development (NEW)

38. Long-Term Energy Framework

i) The Conservative Party believes that Canada has a natural economic advantage due to an
abundance of fossil fuels, uranium, renewable sources of biomass fuel, hydro power generation, and
some of the world's best wind regimes. We believe that government should develop a renewable and
non-renewable energy framework which takes into account outstanding obligations and which will
meet our long-term requirements for domestic consumption and export. We believe that
strengthening energy market integration will ensure greater reliability of energy supplies across
Canada. We encourage the government to explore ways to reduce barriers to the movement of energy
products across provincial and other borders.
ii) We continue to support exploration for fossil fuels, pipeline construction, transportation
efficiencies and plant improvements to increase energy conversion efficiencies and reduce pollutant
and greenhouse gas discharges.
iii) We support the application of nuclear energy and its associated industries to provide energy to
Canadians while reducing negative impacts on the environment.
iv) We believe the government should support and encourage the private development of alternative
sources of energy and fuels, including: wind, solar, and geothermal sources of energy; alternative
transportation fuels including bio-diesel from oil seed crops and methanol, ethanol or methane from
biomass and organic waste; fuel cell technology and the use of hydrogen as transportation fuel.

38. Long-Term Energy Framework

i) The Conservative Party believes that Canada has a natural economic advantage due to an
abundance of fossil fuels, uranium, renewable sources of biomass fuel, hydro power generation, and
some of the world's best wind regimes. We believe that government should develop a renewable and
non-renewable energy framework which takes into account outstanding obligations and which will
meet our long-term requirements for domestic consumption and export. We believe that
strengthening energy market integration will ensure greater reliability of energy supplies across
Canada. We encourage the government to explore ways to reduce barriers to the movement of energy
products across provincial and other borders.
ii) We continue to support exploration for fossil fuels, pipeline construction, transportation
efficiencies and plant improvements to increase energy conversion efficiencies and reduce pollutant
and greenhouse gas discharges.
iii)We believe the federal government should advance hydroelectricity’s role in meeting clean energy
needs of Canada and the United States by encouraging the development and distribution of
hydroelectricity and by increasing awareness of the role hydroelectricity can play in the nation’s
economic security as an important source of renewable energy.

iv)ii) We support the application of nuclear energy and its associated industries to provide energy to
Canadians while reducing negative impacts on the environment.
v)iv) We believe the government should support and encourage the private development of
alternative sources of energy and fuels, including: wind, solar, and geothermal sources of energy;
alternative transportation fuels including bio-diesel from oil seed crops and methanol, ethanol or
methane from biomass and organic waste; fuel cell technology and the use of hydrogen as
transportation fuel.

EDA –Yukon
Section F – Economic Development (NEW)


39. Mining
We believe encouraging prospecting, mining exploration, and project development is key to a
strong economy, national self reliance and Arctic Sovereignty.

EDA – West Nova

Section G – Trade (NEW)

41. Inter-provincial Trade

The Conservative Party believes that the government is responsible for taking the lead in working
with its provincial partners to eliminate inter-provincial trade barriers in commerce, labour, and
capital mobility.

41. Inter-provincial Trade

i) The Conservative Party believes that the government is responsible for taking the lead in working
with its provincial partners to eliminate inter-provincial trade barriers in commerce, labour, and
capital mobility.
ii) The Conservative Party of Canada recognizes and supports that professional certification
obtained through a recognized certification process in one province or territory shall entitle that
person to work in their profession in any other province or territory. Further the Conservative
Party of Canada supports and encourages cooperation between provinces toward the
standardization of certification processes.

EDA – Edmonton Leduc

Section G – Trade (MODIFICATION)

41. Inter-provincial Trade

The Conservative Party believes that the government is responsible for taking the lead in working
with its provincial partners to eliminate inter-provincial trade barriers in commerce, labour, and
capital mobility.

41. Inter-provincial Trade

The Conservative Party believes that the government is responsible for taking the lead in working
with its provincial partners to eliminate inter-provincial trade barriers in transportation, commerce,
labour, and capital mobility.

EDA – Newfoudland – Labrador

Section H – Transportation (NEW)


45. Marine Transportation

iii) We recognize the cultural and heritage value and support the concept of regional economic
development associated with restoration and ongoing operational enhancements of light stations.

EDA – Durham
Section I – Environment (MODIFICATION)

46. Environmental Principles

In order to have a strong economy and maintain good health, Canada must have strong, coordinated
and achievable environmental policies. The Conservative Party believes that responsible exploration,
development, conservation and renewal of our environment are vital to our continued well-being as a
nation and as individuals.
i) We believe that it is the responsibility of government to ensure that the sometimes competing
values of preserving the environment and creating jobs are maintained in proper balance.
ii) We believe that all environment and energy initiatives should be reviewed.
iii) We believe that an effective international emissions reduction regime on climate change must be
truly global and must include binding targets for all the world’s major emitters, including China and
the United States.
iv) We believe that Canada should create a program to heighten public awareness to the economic
benefits of environmental solutions which minimize the waste of resources.
v) We believe that Canada should establish a program of tax credits to promote environmental
solutions in the areas of transportation and entrepreneurial innovation, among others.
vi) We believe the federal and territorial governments should make joint investments to study and
address climate change adaptation in the North.

iii) We believe that an effective international emissions reduction regime on climate change must be
truly global and must include binding targets for all the world‟sworld’s major emitters, including
China and thebut not limited to the United States and Russia and emerging economies not limited to
China, India, South Korea and Brazil.

EDA – Saskatoon-Humboldt
Section I – Environment (MODIFICATION)

47. Clean Air and Greenhouse Gas Reductions

i) The Conservative Party supports the legislated emissions caps introduced in the 39th Parliament to
fight smog-causing pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, and volatile organic
compounds, and supports the initiative to cut air pollution from industry in half by 2015.
ii) We support the mandatory renewable fuel content in gasoline requirement that was enacted in the
39th Parliament, and support more stringent automobile fuel efficiency standards.
iii) We support a domestic cap-and-trade system that will allow firms to generate credits by reducing
smog-causing pollutants.
iv) We support the initiative, started in the 39th Parliament, to move from a voluntary approach to
greenhouse gas emissions, which had allowed industry to keep polluting, to an integrated regulatory
framework with mandatory emission reduction targets across all major industries.
v) We support the reduction of greenhouse gases per unit of production by means of targets that
become progressively more restrictive each year.

47. Clean Air and Greenhouse Gas Reductions

i) The Conservative Party supports the legislated emissions caps introduced in the 39th Parliament to
fight smog-causing pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, and volatile organic
compounds, and supports the initiative to cut air pollution from industry in half by 2015.
ii) We support the mandatory renewable fuel content in gasoline requirement that was enacted in the
39th Parliament, and support more stringent automobile fuel efficiency standards.
iii) We support a domestic cap-and-trade system that will allow firms to generate credits by reducing
smog-causing pollutants.
iv) We support the initiative, started in the 39th Parliament, to move from a voluntary approach to
greenhouse gas emissions, which had allowed industry to keep polluting, to an integrated regulatory
framework with mandatory emission reduction targets across all major industries.
v) We support the reduction of greenhouse gases per unit of production by means of targets that
become progressively more restrictive each year.

EDA – South Surrey Whiterock

Section I – Environment (MODIFICATION)

47. Clean Air and Greenhouse Gas Reductions

i) The Conservative Party supports the legislated emissions caps introduced in the 39th Parliament to
fight smog-causing pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, and volatile organic
compounds, and supports the initiative to cut air pollution from industry in half by 2015.
ii) We support the mandatory renewable fuel content in gasoline requirement that was enacted in the
39th Parliament, and support more stringent automobile fuel efficiency standards.
iii) We support a domestic cap-and-trade system that will allow firms to generate credits by reducing
smog-causing pollutants.
iv) We support the initiative, started in the 39th Parliament, to move from a voluntary approach to
greenhouse gas emissions, which had allowed industry to keep polluting, to an integrated regulatory
framework with mandatory emission reduction targets across all major industries.
v) We support the reduction of greenhouse gases per unit of production by means of targets that
become progressively more restrictive each year.

47. Clean Air and Greenhouse Gas Reductions

i) The Conservative Party supports the legislated emissions caps introduced in the 39th Parliament to
fight smog-causing pollutants such as nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, and volatile organic
compounds, and supports the initiative to cut air pollution from industry in half by 2015.
ii) We support the mandatory renewable fuel content in gasoline requirement that was enacted in the
39th Parliament, and support more stringent automobile fuel efficiency standards.
iii) We support a domestic cap-and-trade system that will allow firms to generate credits by reducing
smog-causing pollutants.
iiiv) We support the initiative, started in the 39th Parliament, to move from a voluntary approach to
greenhouse gas emissions, which had allowed industry to keep polluting, to an integrated regulatory
framework with mandatory emission reduction targets across all major industries.
ivv) We support the reduction of greenhouse gases per unit of production by means of targets that
become progressively more restrictive each year.

EDA – South Surrey Whiterock

Section I – Environment (MODIFICATION)

48. Alternative Energy and Transitional Fuels

i) The Conservative Party believes the government should promote alternative energy (such as wind,
solar, geothermal), and transitional fuels (such as biodiesel, ethanol, natural gas)., and the
development of hydrogen as a fuel. The expense of assuring the security of traditional fuel sources
and concerns over pollution makes the use of these energy sources necessary.

48. Alternative Energy and Transitional Fuels

i) The Conservative Party believes the government should promote alternative energy (such as wind,
solar, geothermal), transitional fuels (such as biodiesel, ethanol, natural gas), and the development of
hydrogen as a fuel. The expense of assuring the security of traditional fuel sources and concerns over
pollution makes the use of these energy sources necessary.

EDA – Yukon
Section J – Health (MODIFICATION)

55. Health Care
The Conservative Party believes all Canadians should have reasonable access to timely, quality
health care services, regardless of their ability to pay.
i) The provinces and territories should have maximum flexibility to ensure the delivery of medically
necessary health services within a universal, public health care system. We support adding a sixth
principle to the Canada Health Act to provide stable and transparent federal funding. The
government should work with the provinces in a co-operative and constructive manner.

55. Health Care
The Conservative Party believes all Canadians should have reasonable access to timely, quality
health care services, regardless of their ability to pay.
i)The provinces and territories should have maximum flexibility to ensure the delivery of medically
necessary health services within a universal, public health care system. We support adding a sixth
principle to the Canada Health Act to provide stable and transparent federal funding. The
government should work with the provinces and territories in a co-operative and constructive

EDA - __(to be inserted)

Section J – Health (MODIFICATION)

55. Health Care

The Conservative Party believes all Canadians should have reasonable access to timely, quality
health care services, regardless of their ability to pay.
i) The provinces and territories should have maximum flexibility to ensure the delivery of medically
necessary health services within a universal, public health care system. We support adding a sixth
principle to the Canada Health Act to provide stable and transparent federal funding. The
government should work with the provinces in a co-operative and constructive manner.
ii) Flexibility for the provinces and territories in the implementation of health services should include
a balance of public and private delivery options.
iii) The government should work with the provinces and territories in the development of national
quality indicators and objectives.
iv) The government should work with the provinces and territories and professional medical groups
to increase the supply of health care professionals where shortages exist.

55. Health Care

iv) The government should work with the provinces and territories and professional medical groups
to increase the supply of health care professionals where shortages exist.

v) The Conservative Party believes that greater emphasis be placed on preventative healthcare.

EDA – Kitchener – Conestoga, London RPM, GTA (Vaughn) RPM

Section J – Health (NEW)


55. Health Care

v) The Conservative Party of Canada supports working with the provinces and
territories to support a national palliative care strategy. We believe compassionate
community palliative care should be available and accessible to all Canadians.

EDA – Edmonton-St. Albert

Section J – Health (NEW)



64. Federal Health Care Payments

The Conservative Party believes the payment system used to finance the Federal Government
share of Canada’s provincial medicare program spending should be fair and reasonable and
provided on similar terms and conditions throughout the nation.

EDA – Kitchener – Conestoga, London RPM, GTA (Vaughn) RPM

Section J – Health (NEW)


64. Palliative Care

The Conservative Party will not support any legislation to legalize euthanasia or assisted suicide
in Canada.

EDA – Crowfoot
Section K – Social Policy (MODIFICATION)

65. Post-Secondary Education

The Conservative Party believes in greater accessibility to education by eliminating as many barriers
to post-secondary education as possible. The transfer should be distributed to provinces and
territories on the basis of the numbers of enrolled students. We believe strongly that provincial
jurisdiction must be respected. However, the federal government must play a role in addressing
tuition and standards.
i) We support removing post-secondary education funding from the Canada Social Transfer and
creating an independent Canada Education Transfer. The Transfer should be funded at a base level
and increased annually according to inflation and demographic growth. It should be negotiated with
the provinces and territories to ensure the funding is targeted to post-secondary education.
ii) We believe the government must ensure that scholarships and bursaries, which were made tax-free
in the 2006 budget, are not taxed in the future.
iii) We believe the government should revamp the federal student loan program to eliminate the
inclusion of parental income and assets in the assessment of loan applications.
iv) As the Millennium Scholarship Program currently only assists six per cent of students, we believe
the government should channel these funds into the student loan program to help more students
obtain post-secondary education.

65. Post-Secondary Education

The Conservative Party believes in greater accessibility to education by eliminating as many barriers
to post-secondary education as possible. The transfer should be distributed to provinces and
territories on the basis of the numbers of enrolled students. We believe strongly that provincial
jurisdiction must be respected. However, the federal government must play a role in addressing
tuition and standards.
i) We support removing post-secondary education funding from the Canada Social Transfer and
creating an independent Canada Education Transfer. The Transfer should be funded at a base level
and increased annually according to inflation and demographic growth. It should be negotiated with
the provinces and territories to ensure the funding is targeted to post-secondary education.
ii) We believe the government must ensure that scholarships and bursaries, which were made tax-free
in the 2006 budget, are not taxed in the future.
iii) We believe the government should revamp the federal student loan program to eliminate the
inclusion of parental income and assets in the assessment of loan applications.
iv)iii) As the Millennium Scholarship Program currently only assists six per cent of students, we
believe the government should channel these funds into the student loan program to help more
students obtain post-secondary education.

EDA – Nanaimo-Alberni
Section K – Social Policy (MODIFICATION)

65. Post-Secondary Education

The Conservative Party believes in greater accessibility to education by eliminating as many barriers
to post-secondary education as possible. The transfer should be distributed to provinces and
territories on the basis of the numbers of enrolled students. We believe strongly that provincial
jurisdiction must be respected. However, the federal government must play a role in addressing
tuition and standards.
i) We support removing post-secondary education funding from the Canada Social Transfer and
creating an independent Canada Education Transfer. The Transfer should be funded at a base level
and increased annually according to inflation and demographic growth. It should be negotiated with
the provinces and territories to ensure the funding is targeted to post-secondary education.
ii) We believe the government must ensure that scholarships and bursaries, which were made tax-free
in the 2006 budget, are not taxed in the future.
iii) We believe the government should revamp the federal student loan program to eliminate the
inclusion of parental income and assets in the assessment of loan applications.
iv) As the Millennium Scholarship Program currently only assists six per cent of students, we believe
the government should channel these funds into the student loan program to help more students
obtain post-secondary education.

65. Post-Secondary Education

The Conservative Party believes in greater accessibility to education by eliminating as many barriers
to post-secondary education as possible. The transfer should be distributed to provinces and
territories on the basis of the numbers of enrolled students. We believe strongly that provincial
jurisdiction must be respected. However, the federal government must play a role in addressing
tuition and standards.
i) We support removing post-secondary education funding from the Canada Social Transfer and
creating an independent Canada Education Transfer. The Transfer should be funded at a base level
and increased annually according to inflation and demographic growth. It should be negotiated with
the provinces and territories to ensure the funding is targeted to post-secondary education.
ii) We believe the government must ensure that scholarships and bursaries, which were made tax-free
in the 2006 budget, are not taxed in the future.
iii) We believe the government should revamp the federal student loan program to eliminate the
inclusion of parental income and assets in the assessment of loan applications.
iv) As the Millennium Scholarship Program currently only assists six per cent of students, we
believe the government should channel these funds into the student loan program to help more
students obtain post-secondary education.

EDA – Charlottetown
Section K – Social Policy (NEW)


65. Post-Secondary Education

v) The CPC recognizes the investment of Canadian students and will make an additional eight
months of interest relief available on Canada student loans to allow students to better adapt to
evolving market conditions.

EDA – Crowfoot
Section K – Social Policy (MODIFICATION)

66. Student Loans

i) The Conservative Party supports limiting the inclusion of parental income and assets in the
assessment of loan applications.
ii) We support providing greater flexibility to students paying back federal student loans by
implementing Income Contingent Loans and providing a preferred interest rate on student loans post-

66. Student Loans

The Conservative Party believes that post-secondary education is to be available to Canadians
through a Student Loan program that provides funds to those in need. This program is to be
student focused and is to promote ease of access for all students.
i) The Conservative Party supports limiting eliminating the inclusion of parental income and assets in
the assessment of loan applications and supports a loan availability model based on personal
ii) We support providing greater flexibility to students paying back federal student loans by
implementing Income Contingent Loans and providing a preferred interest rate on student loans post-

EDA - Edmonton – Mill Woods – Beaumont

Section K – Social Policy (MODIFICATION)

68. Family and Marriage

The Conservative Party believes that the family unit is essential to the well-being of individuals and
society, because that is where children learn values and develop a sense of responsibility. Therefore
government legislation and programs should support and respect the role of the Canadian family.
i) The Conservative Party believes in the right and duty of parents to raise their own children
responsibly according to their own conscience and beliefs. We believe no person, government or
agency has the right to interfere in the exercise of that duty except through due process of law.
ii) The Conservative Party believes that Parliament, through a free vote, and not the courts should
determine the definition of marriage. The Conservative Party supports the freedom of religious
organizations to determine their own practices with respect to marriage.
iii) A Conservative Government will support legislation defining marriage as the union of one man
and one woman.

68. Family and Marriage

The Conservative Party believes that the family unit is essential to the well-being of individuals and
society, because that is where children learn values and develop a sense of responsibility. Therefore
government legislation and programs should support and respect the role of the Canadian family.
i) The Conservative Party believes in the right and duty of parents to raise their own children
responsibly according to their own conscience and beliefs. We believe no person, government or
agency has the right to interfere in the exercise of that duty except through due process of law.
ii) The Conservative Party believes that Parliament, through a free vote, and not the courts should
determine the definition of marriage. The Conservative Party supports the freedom of religious
organizations to determine their own practices with respect to marriage.
iii) The Conservative Party A Conservative Government will supports legislation defining marriage
as the union of one man and one woman.
iv) The Conservative Party supports the freedom of religious organizations to refuse to perform
unions or allow the use of their facilities for events that are incompatible with their faith and

EDA – Oshawa
Section K – Social Policy (MODIFICATION)

69. Shared Parenting

The Conservative Party believes that in the event of a marital breakdown, the Divorce Act should
grant joint custody, unless it is clearly demonstrated not to be in the best interests of the child. Both
parents and all grandparents should be allowed to maintain a meaningful relationship with their
children and grandchildren, unless it is demonstrated not to be in the best interest of the child.

69. Shared Parenting

The Conservative Party believes that in the event of a marital breakdown, the Divorce Act should
grant joint custody and/or shared parenting, unless it is clearly demonstrated not to be in the best
interests of the child. Both parents and all grandparents should be allowed to maintain a meaningful
relationship with their children and grandchildren, unless it is demonstrated not to be in the best
interest of the child.

EDA – Durham
Section K – Social Policy (MODIFICATION)

69. Shared Parenting

The Conservative Party believes that in the event of a marital breakdown, the Divorce Act should
grant joint custody, unless it is clearly demonstrated not to be in the best interests of the child. Both
parents and all grandparents should be allowed to maintain a meaningful relationship with their
children and grandchildren, unless it is demonstrated not to be in the best interest of the child.

69. Shared Parenting

The Conservative Party believes that in the event of a marital breakdown, the Divorce Act should
grant joint custody and also consider shared parenting, unless it is clearly demonstrated not to be in
the best interests of the child. Both parents and all grandparents should be allowed to maintain a
meaningful relationship with their children and grandchildren, unless it is demonstrated not to be in
the best interest of the child.

EDA – (to be added)

Section K – Social Policy (NEW)


72. Seniors

vi)The Conservative Party of Canada supports Long-Term Care insurance policies

becoming tax deductible in order to facilitate their adoption by more Canadians.

EDA – Regina Qu’Appelle

Section K – Social Policy (MODIFICATION)

87. Justice Principles

The Conservative Party supports reorienting the approach to criminal justice and the policing system
to give the highest priority to the protection of society through the prevention of crime. Additionally,
we support emphasizing the needs and rights of victims.

87. Justice Principles

AThe Conservative GovernmentParty will supports legislation aimed at protecting honest citizens
who take action to protect their lives, their families or their property from criminals. Our party
believes that the justice system should have greater recognition for the rights of law-abiding citizens
to use force to prevent criminal actions aimed at them.reorienting the approach to criminal justice
and the policing system to give the highest priority to the protection of society through the prevention
of crime. Additionally, we support emphasizing the needs and rights of victims.

EDA – Lethbridge
Section M – Criminal Justice (MODIFICATION)

88. Dangerous Offenders

i) Anyone convicted of three offences causing death or serious harm against a person, arising from
separate occurrences, should be automatically designated as a dangerous offender and should bear
the onus of proving that they are not a danger to society. This would not preclude the Crown from
pursuing dangerous offender status for any other offender deemed to fit the criteria.
ii) We believe that the government should seek Dangerous Offender Status (and mandatory life
sentences) for any person convicted of a third serious violent offence, criminal organization offence,
terrorism offence or serious drug trafficking offence.

88. Dangerous Offenders

i) Anyone convicted of twothree offences causing death or serious harm against a person, arising
from separate occurrences, should be automatically designated as a dangerous offender and should
bear the onus of proving that they are not a danger to society. This would not preclude the Crown
from pursuing dangerous offender status for any other offender deemed to fit the criteria.
ii) We believe that the government should seek Dangerous Offender Status (and mandatory life
sentences) for any person convicted of a secondthird serious violent offence, criminal organization
offence, terrorism offence or serious drug trafficking offence.

EDA - Glengarry Prescott Russell;

Kingston the Islands; Leeds
Grenville; Nepean Carleton;
Northumberland Quinte West;
Prince Edward Hastings;
Ottawa Centre; Ottawa West Nepean;
Ottawa Vanier; Renfrew Nipissing
Pembroke: Richmond Hill; Simcoe North
Section M – Criminal Justice (MODIFICATION)

88. Dangerous Offenders

ii) We believe that the government should seek Dangerous Offender Status (and mandatory life
sentences) for any person convicted of a third serious violent offence, criminal organization offence,
terrorism offence or serious drug trafficking offence.

88. Dangerous Offenders

ii) We believe that the government should seek Dangerous Offender Status (and mandatory life
sentences) for any person convicted of a third serious violent offence, sexual offence, criminal
organization offence, terrorism offence or serious drug trafficking offence.

EDA – Okanangan – Shuswap

Section M – Criminal Justice (NEW)

91. Sentencing
The Conservative Party supports:
i) mandatory minimum sentences for violent and repeat offenders and for those convicted of sexually
assaulting a minor;
ii) requiring that sentences for multiple convictions be served consecutively;
iii) eliminating statutory (automatic) release;
iv) ensuring that the community and victims have input on National Parole Board decisions;
v) requiring applicants for parole to demonstrate to the National Parole Board that they have been
vi) no longer requiring judges to treat imprisonment as a last resort; and
vii) repealing the "Faint Hope Clause", thus removing the possibility of parole before 25 years for
those sentenced to life in prison.

vi) no longer requiring judges to treat imprisonment as a last resort; and

vii) repealing the "Faint Hope Clause", thus removing the possibility of parole before 25 years for
those sentenced to life in prison.

viii)in sentencing of criminal offenders, the rights of victims should always supersede the rights of
criminal activities.

EDA – Yukon
Section M – Criminal Justice (MODIFICATION)

93. Organized Crime (i) (a)

a) adopt, in collaboration with the provinces, a national strategy on the fight against organized crime,
including the creation of a joint national task force on security;

a) adopt, in collaboration with the provinces and territories, a national strategy on the fight
against organized crime, including the creation of a joint national task force on security;

EDA – Kenora Conservative Association

Section M – Criminal Justice (NEW)


M) 98. Justice – no specific area

The CPC supports our Canadian justice system as defined by our Charter and Constitution and
does not support a parallel justice system which would contravene our existing rights and

EDA – Calgary Southeast Conservative Association

Section M – Criminal Justice (NEW)


98. Canadian Citizenship and High Treason

The Conservative Party of Canada believes that any Canadian citizen, whether by birth or by
naturalized grant of Canadian citizenship or by claim of landed immigrant or refugee status in
Canada who commits treason by taking up arms against the Canadian Forces or the Forces of
Canada’s Allies automatically invalidates his or her Canadian citizenship or claim to Canadian
citizenship and, if and when returned to the jurisdiction of the Canadian Legal System, should be
tried for high treason under the Canadian Criminal Code.

EDA – Calgary SW
Section M – Criminal Justice (NEW)


98. Sexual Exploitation in Canada

i) The Conservative Party of Canada reject the normalization of prostitution and declare that
human beings are not objects to be enslaved, bought and sold; and
ii) The Conservative Party of Canada develop a comprehensive strategy to address and prevent
the legalization of keeping a common bawdy house, living off the avails of prostitution, and
communication for the purpose of prostitution.

Section N – Communications (NEW)

98. Canadian Broadcasting System

i) The Conservative Party believes in a stable Canadian presence in a varied and vibrant broadcasting
system. The Canadian broadcasting system should offer a wide range of Canadian and international
programming, while being respectful of Canadian content. The system should provide audiences with
maximum choice and have the ability to utilize new technologies to achieve its public and private
ii) The CBC-SRC is an important part of the broadcasting system in Canada. It must be a true public
service broadcaster, relevant to Canadians. We will focus the CBC-SRC services on its mandates as
public broadcasting services.
iii) We recognize the vital role played by the private broadcasters of Canada through their local and
regional programming that reflects the language and multicultural realities of our country. Private
sector broadcasters and service-providers first and foremost are businesses and must be able to
compete in an ever-increasing fragmented and global market. We recognize the need for both
regulatory flexibility and predictability.
iv) Broadcasting policy in Canada must be relevant in today's communications environment and
responsive to the demands of Canadians. We believe the government should review and update the
Broadcasting Act to ensure its relevance in today's technological environment. We believe the
government should establish clear, national policy directions and a framework that will maximize the
freedom of choice and ensure that freedom of speech is respected. The CRTC's role in content
regulation should be reduced to eliminate duplication where other legislation exists.

98. Canadian Broadcasting System

v) We believe the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has a duty to provide service to rural
areas and the North, including maintaining AM Band Radio and television broadcast services.

EDA – Durham
Section N – Communications (NEW)


We believe in the need for a strong Internet link to Canada together in the 21st Century, as
railroads did in the 19th Century and aviation did in the 20th. Canada must claim a leading
position in an increasingly networked world.
The Conservative Party will:
i) Support internet broadband initiatives,, to bring universal access to all Canadians,
especially in rural and Northern communities
ii) Support an open and accessible internet with appropriate safeguards and enforcement
mechanisms against illegal activities.
iii) Support network neutrality, giving each user a fair share of bandwidth to use in
communicating with any other user with any protocol.
iv) We support an innovative and competitive market place while promoting private-
sector infrastructure investment.
v) We support initiatives promoting telepresence and telecommuting to overcome
geographical barriers.

EDA – Wild Rose

Section N – Communications (NEW)


100. The Conservative Party recognizes the vital importance of internet connectivity to full
Canadian participation in global economic, social, and cultural communities. The government
should create an environment that encourages private sector investment to increase broadband
infrastructure, especially in rural and remote areas of Canada.

EDA – Edmonton-Spruce Grove

Section N – Communications (NEW)


100. Telecom Policy

The CPC affirms the importance of telecommunications to Canadians, supports the growth of
telecom services, and supports a competitive environment that makes those services affordable
and innovative. Regulation must continue to enforce high levels of emergency response, ensure
reasonable pricing for basic phone services, and enforce competitive access to all
telecommunications infrastructure that is not economically replaceable.

EDA – Edmonton Centre

Section P – Canadian Heritage And Culture (NEW)

105. Amateur Sport

The Conservative Party recognizes the value of promoting amateur sport as a means of building
legacy and heritage in local communities, and as a means of serving future generations of athletes.
We believe in supporting and increasing participation in local and top-tier international sporting
events. An investment in amateur sport is an investment in future Canadian leaders and builds
Canadian representatives around the world.

105. Sport, Health and Wellness 105. Amateur Sport

The Conservative Party recognizes the value of promoting amateur sport as a means of building
legacy and heritage in local communities, and as a means of serving future generations of athletes.
We believe in supporting and increasing participation in local and top-tier international sporting
events. An investment in amateur sport is an investment in future Canadian leaders and builds
Canadian representatives around the world. The Conservative Party recognizes the importance of
promoting participatory sports for all age groups as a means of improving health and wellness in
the Canadian population. The Conservative Party believes that appropriate support ought to be
provided to sport programs and projects which benefit the health and wellness of society.

Additionally, the Conservative Party recognizes a need to support elite athletes and programs for
all sports providing competitors in top-tier international sporting events, as a means of
encouraging others to emulate their achievements.

EDA – Yukon
Section Q – Rural Principles (NEW)


We believe Rural and Northern Canada must have modern infrastructure for telecommunications
(voice, data, radio and television), transportation, clean drinking water, and power to support
economic growth and attract people and business investment.

EDA – Edmonton-Spruce Grove

Section R – Agriculture (MODIFICATION)

107. Agriculture Principles

The Conservative Party views the agriculture industry to be a key strategic economic sector of
Canada. We recognize that various regions of Canada and sectors of the industry hold competitive
advantages in agricultural production. National agriculture policy development and ongoing support
will continue to reflect our belief that one size does not fit all. Agriculture policy must be developed
only in consultation with the agricultural producers. Our farmers today are business operators, and to
dictate policy which might have an adverse effect on this business community would have negative
consequences and go against Conservative Party principles. Balancing financial responsibility with
support programs that actually work is a major priority of this party.
i) Food. Food is one of the basic necessities of life, and we believe the government should place high
priority on assuring that Canada's food supply is safe, secure, and sustainable. We should seek to be
among the world's best when it comes to the safety of our food supply. We encourage measures to
ensure accurate labeling of ingredients and country(ies) of origin, and more rigorous safety testing of
imported food products.

107. Agriculture Principles

The Conservative Party views the agriculture industry to be a key strategic economic sector of
Canada. We recognize that various regions of Canada and sectors of the industry hold competitive
advantages in agricultural production. National agriculture policy development and ongoing support
will continue to reflect our belief that one size does not fit all. Agriculture policy must be developed
only in consultation with the agricultural producers. Our farmers today are business operators, and to
dictate policy which might have an adverse effect on this business community would have negative
consequences and go against Conservative Party principles. Balancing financial responsibility with
support programs that actually work is a major priority of this party.
i)Food. Food is one of the basic necessities of life, and we believe the government should place high
priority on assuring that Canada's food supply is safe, secure, and sustainable. We should seek to be
among the world's best when it comes to the safety of our food supply. We encourage measures to
ensure accurate labeling of ingredients and country(ies) of origin, and more rigorous safety testing of
imported food products which would include restricting meat, grains and processed foods that
have been produced or processes with banned products in Canada..


Section R – Agriculture (MODIFICATION)

107. Agriculture Principles

The Conservative Party views the agriculture industry to be a key strategic economic sector of
Canada. We recognize that various regions of Canada and sectors of the industry hold competitive
advantages in agricultural production. National agriculture policy development and ongoing support
will continue to reflect our belief that one size does not fit all. Agriculture policy must be developed
only in consultation with the agricultural producers. Our farmers today are business operators, and to
dictate policy which might have an adverse effect on this business community would have negative
consequences and go against Conservative Party principles. Balancing financial responsibility with
support programs that actually work is a major priority of this party.
i) Food. Food is one of the basic necessities of life, and we believe the government should place high
priority on assuring that Canada’s food supply is safe, secure, and sustainable. We should seek to
be among the world’s best when it comes to the safety of our food supply. We encourage measures to
ensure accurate labeling of ingredients and country(ies) of origin, and more rigorous safety testing of
imported food products.
ii) Export and Diversification. To ensure that Canada has a secure supply of food, we support self-
sufficiency in national food production, including increased diversification in the types of foods and
agricultural products produced. We encourage government to seek to enhance export opportunities
for all agricultural products with special emphasis on markets for processed and finished
commodities. Through diversifying, the value added process and manufacturing will create new jobs
within the respective communities and Canada.
iii) Sustainability. If we are to ensure that Canada’s food supply is assured in the long term,
agricultural production must be both economically and environmentally sustainable. We believe that
responsible land use and receiving a fair return for growing food go hand in hand. To mitigate
against unforeseen adversity, we will continue putting in the hands of the individual producer the
innovative economic tools, such as stabilization accounts, to allow them to respond to changing
market conditions and to manage the risks of weather and disease.
iv) Rural Economy. As the agricultural base of the rural economy has declined, so too has
infrastructure in small communities. To preserve the social fabric of rural Canada, we encourage the
government to foster diversity and responsible development in small towns and villages by
encouraging innovation in the development of small businesses that keep these communities alive.

i) Food. Food is one of the basic necessities of life, and we believe the government should place high
priority on assuring that Canada’s food supply is safe, secure, and sustainable. We should seek to be
among the world’s best when it comes to the safety of our food supply. We encourage measures to
ensure accurate labeling of ingredients and country(ies) of origin, and more rigorous safety testing of
imported food products. That food labeling and inspection be upgraded to ensure consistency,
rationality, transparency and efficiency. This should include an adoption of North American Standard
of food and Farm inputs.

EDA – Nanaimo – Alberni

Section T – Immigration And Refugees (NEW)

New Policy statements 112 & 117

112. Immigration Principles
The Conservative Party supports a non- partisan, welcoming and well-managed immigration system
for Canada based on:
i) a fair, transparent and efficient process that earns the respect and confidence of Canadians as well
as of the international community;
ii) compassionate measures to assist in family reunification;
iii) ensuring that Canada is successful in encouraging skilled immigrants and their spouses and
children to make Canada their destination of choice;
iv) a clear, workable and efficient process for immigrants to obtain equivalency for their international
skills, training and experience;
v) addressing the need for adequate long-term funding for settlement services providers; and
vi) upholding Canada’s humanitarian tradition of providing safe haven for refugees.

The Conservative Party supports a non- partisan, welcoming and well-managed immigration system
for Canada based on: an easily workable and clear set of basic understandings, as follows:

viii) Recognizing that Canadian citizenship is a desirable status;

ix) Recognizing and accepting that Canadian citizenship obliges immigrants and other
citizens to embrace laws, mores and values of our country;
x) Recognizing that fair balance in the division of resources between the normal
immigration process and acceptance of genuine refugees is required;
xi) Accepting that immigrants must measurably demonstrate the capability of functioning in
either of the two official languages of Canada as a prerequisite to the granting of
To support this set of basic understandings, the Immigration and Refugee process will adhere to
the following principles:

i) Establishing a fair, transparent and efficient process that protects Canadian Sovereignty
and the integrity of its laws;
ii) Recognizing that the basic requirement for admission of immigrants must be the intent to
become a Canadian citizen and those failing to do so could have their permanent
residency status revoked;
iii) Creating an active refugee process that seeks out younger refugees and their families and
actively discourage the acceptance or queue-jumping claimants who arrive in the country
in defiance of the usual procedures;
iv) Enacting measures that place primary emphasis on the reunification of immediate family
members rather than on the extended family;
v) Placing emphasis on attracting younger immigrants and those with appropriate skills to
meet long-term Canadian needs and encourage them to make Canada their destination of
vi) Establishing a measurable and effective process for immigrants to obtain equivalency to
meet Canadian standards for their foreign education, skills, training, and experience and
taking steps to ensure that potential immigrants are made aware of these processes before
entering Canada;
vii) Providing adequate long-term funding for settlement services, particularly those services
aimed at obtaining proficiency in one of Canada’s two official languages;
viii) Ensuring that both the rights and responsibilities of citizens are better indentified and
recognizing that such responsibilities include the requirement to comply with Canadian
income tax laws should naturalized citizens choose or be required to work outside
ix) Maintaining Canada’s tradition of providing a welcoming haven for bona fide refugees
who have complied with immigration requirements within Canadian law;
x) Working within the United Nations to develop a revised Convention Relating to the
Status of Refugees which is more reflective of current world conditions.


Section T – Immigration And Refugees (NEW)


112. Immigration Principles

vii) the recognition that legitimate refugees are not economic migrants; that
legitimate refugees can quickly provide proof of identity of origin; that legitimate
refugees wish to contribute immediately to Canadian Society and thus may be
allowed to work during their appeal process


Section T – Immigration and Refugees (MODIFICATION)

113. Settlement Support

The Conservative Party wants to ensure that immigrants have the best possible opportunity to
contribute to Canada’s economic and social well-being. Support from settlement organizations and
the broader community plays an important role. The Conservative Party believes in:
i) working cooperatively with the provinces and municipalities on policy relating to settlement
support for immigrants;
ii) addressing the need for adequate and equitable resources to provide language instruction (in order
to allow immigrants to achieve functional capability in one of the two official languages), encourage
community mentoring, build job search skills and offer other settlement services to meet the needs of
immigrants, including children;
iii) working to streamline the funding process to deliver enhanced funding stability and allow long-
term planning by service providers; and
iv) examining the feasibility of having federal funds for settlement services follow the movement of
newcomers from one region to another.

113. Settlement Support

ii) addressing the need for adequate and equitable resources to provide language instruction (in order
to allow immigrants to achieve functional capability in one of the two official languages), encourage
adaptation to Canadian values and traditions and community mentoring, build job search skills and
offer other settlement services to meet the needs of immigrants, including children;

EDA – Kelowna – Lake Country

Section T – Immigration and Refugees (NEW)

117. Refugee Determination

The Conservative Party is proud of Canada’s humanitarian tradition of providing safe haven to
those who have had to flee their homeland, and we welcome refugees to Canada. We believe the
government should promote the integrity and fairness of our refugee determination system, and
should ensure that decisions are made expeditiously and with respect for due process. We believe the
current appeals process is flawed and moves far too slowly.
The Conservative Party believes in:

i) streamlining the process of validating refugee claims;

ii) where the Immigration and Refugee Board finds claimants do not qualify as genuine refugees,
ensuring such individuals are escorted from Canada in a timely manner and provided with the
information they need to start the proper process of applying for an immigration permit from abroad;

iii) giving greater priority to refugees identified pursuant to the United Nations Convention Relating
to the Status of Refugees;

iv) implementing a fully merit-based process for Immigration and Refugee Board appointments; and

v) developing a refugee appeals process that is fair and timely.

117. Refugee Determination

The conservative Party believes that Canada’s needs to expedite the process for approving
immigration applications by individuals requesting refuges status in order to more quickly
indentify legitimate refugee claimants.

EDA – Langley
Section T – Immigration and Refugees (NEW)

117. Refugee Determination

The Conservative Party is proud of Canada’s humanitarian tradition of providing safe haven to
those who have had to flee their homeland, and we welcome refugees to Canada. We believe the
government should promote the integrity and fairness of our refugee determination system, and
should ensure that decisions are made expeditiously and with respect for due process. We believe the
current appeals process is flawed and moves far too slowly.
The Conservative Party believes in:
i) streamlining the process of validating refugee claims;
ii) where the Immigration and Refugee Board finds claimants do not qualify as genuine refugees,
ensuring such individuals are escorted from Canada in a timely manner and provided with the
information they need to start the proper process of applying for an immigration permit from abroad;
iii) giving greater priority to refugees identified pursuant to the United Nations Convention Relating
to the Status of Refugees;
iv) implementing a fully merit-based process for Immigration and Refugee Board appointments; and
v) developing a refugee appeals process that is fair and timely.

117. Refugee Determination

iv) implementing a fully merit-based process for Immigration and Refugee Board appointments; and

v) developing a refugee appeals process that is fair and timely.

vi) The Conservative Party of Canada believes that Canada needs 1) to stop the influx of bogus and
unqualified refugee applicants at Canadian borders and any points of entry into Canada and Canadian
waters, and 2) improve the process of accepting refugees claimants from abroad.

EDA – Nanaimo – Alberni

Section T – Immigration and Refugees (NEW)

117. Refugee Determination

The Conservative Party is proud of Canada’s humanitarian tradition of providing safe haven to those
who have had to flee their homeland, and we welcome refugees to Canada. We believe the
government should promote the integrity and fairness of our refugee determination system, and
should ensure that decisions are made expeditiously and with respect for due process. We believe the
current appeals process is flawed and moves far too slowly.
The Conservative Party believes in:
i) streamlining the process of validating refugee claims;
ii) where the Immigration and Refugee Board finds claimants do not qualify as genuine refugees,
ensuring such individuals are escorted from Canada in a timely manner and provided with the
information they need to start the proper process of applying for an immigration permit from abroad;
iii) giving greater priority to refugees identified pursuant to the United Nations Convention Relating
to the Status of Refugees;
iv) implementing a fully merit-based process for Immigration and Refugee Board appointments; and
v) developing a refugee appeals process that is fair and timely.

The Conservative Party supports Canada’s humanitarian tradition welcoming bona-fide persons
who have complied with the Canadian refuges program in an orderly manner and with respect to
due process. We further believe that the current appeals process is seriously flawed, moves far
too slowly and is of excessive expense to the taxpayer.

The Conservative Party believes in:

i) Streamlining the process of validating refugee claims by developing a refugee appeal
process that is fair and timely and which defends the integrity of our refugee program;
ii) Revisiting the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada that awards persons entering
Canada illegally with the full benefits of the Canadian Charter of Rights and
iii) Upgrading the Refugee Board system to utilize independent tribunals of properly
qualified individuals;
iv) Charging such tribunals to examine refugee claims in one continuous process which
would contain only one level of legal appeal;
v) Ensuring that where claimants are found not to qualify as genuine refuges, such
individuals are removed from Canada expeditiously following a final decision;
vi) Establishing a process for revoking the citizenship of naturalized Canadians who are
criminally-convicted of assisting in organized people smuggling or otherwise
facilitating the entry of “bogus” refuges into Canada; and,
vii) Developing up-to-date statistical information related to the settlement experiences of
refugee groups in Canada (to include the costs to Provinces and municipalities, cost to
the medical system, subsequent employment history, subsequent criminal behavior,

EDA – Hochelaga
Section U – Foreign Affairs (NEW)

118. Principes sur les affaires étrangères

Le Parti conservateur est en faveur d’une politique étrangère qui protège la souveraineté et
l’indépendance du Canada, défend nos intérêts nationaux (politiques, économiques et
stratégiques), contribue à la défense et à la sécurité collectives, soutient les principes
démocratiques et les droits de la personne, et aide le développement international.
i) Nous croyons que le gouvernement devrait reconnaître l’importance d’une dimension éthique
en matière de politique étrangère et défendre les valeurs massivement soutenues par les
ii) Nous croyons que les relations internationales du Canada et les politiques commerciales et sur
l’aide étrangère devraient défendre les intérêts économiques du pays, tout en respectant les droits
de la personne et la liberté individuelle.
iii) Nous croyons que le gouvernement devrait intégrer notre politique étrangère aux politiques
en matière de commerce et de défense nationale.
iv) Nous croyons que le gouvernement devrait prendre des mesures décisives pour lutter contre
le trafic de personnes et jouer un rôle de premier plan dans le développement d’accords et de
protocoles internationaux contre le trafic de personnes.

118. Principes sur les affaires étrangères

Le Parti conservateur est en faveur d’une politique étrangère qui protège la souveraineté et
l’indépendance du Canada, défend nos intérêts nationaux (politiques, économiques et
stratégiques), contribue à la défense et à la sécurité collectives, soutient les principes
démocratiques et les droits de la personne, et aide le développement international.

i) Nous croyons que le gouvernement devrait reconnaître l’importance d’une dimension éthique
en matière de politique étrangère et défendre les valeurs massivement soutenues par les

ii) Nous croyons que les relations internationales du Canada et les politiques commerciales et sur
l’aide étrangère devraient défendre les intérêts économiques du pays, tout en respectant les droits
de la personne et la liberté individuelle.

iii) Nous croyons que le gouvernement devrait intégrer notre politique étrangère aux politiques
en matière de commerce et de défense nationale.

iv) Nous croyons que le gouvernement devrait prendre des mesures décisives pour lutter contre
le trafic de personnes et jouer un rôle de premier plan dans le développement d’accords et de
protocoles internationaux contre le trafic de personnes.
v) Nous croyons que toutes personne qui n’est pas citoyen canadien et qui est reconnu illégal en
sol canadien doit être détenue dans des centres de détentions en bordure des cotes canadiennes.

EDA – Papineau – Mirabel

Section U – Foreign Affairs (MODIFICATION)

118. Principes sur les affaires étrangères

Le Parti conservateur est en faveur d’une politique étrangère qui protège la souveraineté et
l’indépendance du Canada, défend nos intérêts nationaux (politiques, économiques et
stratégiques), contribue à la défense et à la sécurité collectives, soutient les principes
démocratiques et les droits de la personne, et aide le développement international.

i) Nous croyons que le gouvernement devrait reconnaître l’importance d’une dimension éthique
en matière de politique étrangère et défendre les valeurs massivement soutenues par les

ii) Nous croyons que les relations internationales du Canada et les politiques commerciales et sur
l’aide étrangère devraient défendre les intérêts économiques du pays, tout en respectant les droits
de la personne et la liberté individuelle.

iii) Nous croyons que le gouvernement devrait intégrer notre politique étrangère aux politiques
en matière de commerce et de défense nationale.

iv) Nous croyons que le gouvernement devrait prendre des mesures décisives pour lutter contre
le trafic de personnes et jouer un rôle de premier plan dans le développement d’accords et de
protocoles internationaux contre le trafic de personnes.

118. Principes sur les affaires étrangères

ii) Nous croyons que les relations internationales du Canada et les politiques commerciales et sur
l’aide étrangère devraient défendre les intérêts économiques du pays, tout en respectant les droits
de la personne et la liberté individuelle.

iii) Nous croyons que le gouvernement Canada devrait intégrer notre politique étrangère aux
politiques en matière de commerce et de défense nationale.développer, en partenariat avec la
communauté internationale, des mécanismes de vérification pour assurer que l’aide humanitaire
consentie soit utilisée diligemment par les pays bénéficiaires et apporte des résultats concrets.

iv) Nous croyons que le gouvernement devrait prendre des mesures décisives pour lutter contre
le trafic de personnes et jouer un rôle de premier plan dans le développement d’accords et de
protocoles internationaux contre le trafic de personnes.

EDA – Wellington
Section U – Foreign Affairs (NEW)



A Conservative government will adopt a proactive approach to reducing human smuggling

abroad, through sanctions and legal interruptions of human smuggling intended for Canada; and
promote democratic and responsible government in areas of the world where refugees originate.

EDA – Regina Qu’Appelle

Section V – National Defence and Security (NEW


123. Veterans
viii) A Conservative Government will continue to ensure Veteran’s have the benefits and
services they deserve after a life-time of dedication to their country.

EDA – St John South

Section V – National Defence and Security (NEW)



125. Marine and Air Search and Rescue

As DND has a lead role in Marine and Air Search and Rescue, the CPC believes that responsible
capabilities should be in-line with international standby posture for aircraft and vessels.

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