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Lecturers: Ph.D. Cao Thị Nhạn

MSc. Trình Trọng Tín
Nguyễn Thị Khánh Hà – 18520692
Đinh Xuân Hùng – 18520791
Lâm Lê Đình Khang – 18520885

Ho Chi Minh City, June 2021


First of all, our team would like to express our sincere thanks to the lecturers of the
University of Information Technology - Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City,
and the Department of Information Systems teachers for helping our team have a basic
knowledge that underlies this thesis.

In particular, our group would like to express our deepest gratitude and gratitude to our
teacher - Ph.D. Cao Thi Nhan and Ths. Trinh Trong Tin and, who guided us during the
project. The teacher and I directly guided, corrected, and provided many valuable
comments to help our group complete our subject report well. Once again, I sincerely
thank you and wish you good health.

During one semester of implementing the project, our group applied the accumulated
background knowledge and combined it with learning and researching new knowledge
from teachers, friends, and many sources. references. From there, our team makes the
most of what has been collected to complete the best project report. However, because of
my limited professional knowledge and my lack of practical experience, the content of the
report cannot avoid shortcomings, I look forward to receiving further advice and guidance
from you to perfect our knowledge so that our group can use it as a piece of luggage to
carry out other topics in the future as well as in future study and work.

Once again, I would like to send my sincere and best thanks to teachers and friends!

Ho Chi Minh City, June 2021

Student group





1.1. Rationale & Research topic 6
1.2. Objectives 6
1.3. Method and Procedure 7
1.4. Subjects 7
2. SURVEY: 7
2.1. Competitors: 7
2.2. Pros and Cons: 7
3.1. Functional Requirement 8
3.2. Non-functional Requirement 8
4.1. Business Process 8
4.2. Data Flow Diagram 8
4.3. Entity Relationship Diagram 8


6.1. Result 8


1.1. Rationale & Research topic

The COVID-19 pandemic has comprehensively and deeply affected all countries in
the world. The global economy fell into a severe recession. In December 2020, the
vaccine for acute respiratory infections Covid-19 was born to help curb the
pandemic and recover economic activities, and the world economy has shown signs
of significant recovery.

In the field of labor and employment, the International Labour Organization (ILO)
stated that the labor market has begun to show signs of recovery after unprecedented
disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, its negative impacts are
still going on. Notably, about 71% of people who lost their jobs (equivalent to 81
million workers) have decided to leave the labor market instead of looking for
another job and become unemployed people. These horrendous losses have resulted
in the drop of the global labor earnings by 8.3%, equivalent to US$3.7 trillion or
4.4% of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). [1]

Figure 1.1 Vietnam Unemployment Rate

In which, men account for 51% and the number of people between the ages of 25
and 54 accounts for nearly two-thirds.That is also the reason that the demand for
online job search is increasing and gradually becoming the trend of job search

The Rentme Website was built to meet the needs of today's trends. When building
this system, the team came up with the idea that it would be a system that would
allow people to earn money through the interaction between live streaming and
hiring players. Also supporting interaction between people by conversation,
entertainment activities, …


- Business Observations

● Connecting consumers together with the C2C model, Rentme is a website that
helps hire people to handle your work and problems. Helping you to quickly
handle problems related to the entertainment field

- Purpose

● Website Rentme provides a website platform that allows users to earn money by
registering as a player for others to rent.
● Rentme provides an online entertainment job service, improved user interaction,
minimizing people's boredom at home,increasing people's chances of getting a job.
● Building rentme can be one of the leading websites in the country and can reach
out to the world


Project: Website RENTME Connecting consumers together with the C2C model,
Rentme is a website that helps hire people to handle your work and problems. Helping
you to quickly handle problems related to the entertainment field.


Renter People who need to solve something but can't Gamer

do it on their own or don't have the time to do Viewers of
it. Therefore, they spend money to pay people the stream
who can do the job, or can help solve it faster,
more fun.

Player Anyone as long as Vietnamese and capable of Gamer

performing the work requested by Renter.


For each Duo request, RentMe will collect 10% of the request value.

For each Donate, RentMe will collect 5% of the donation value.

Get ads for new games and platforms at the player connection page.

Provide 249K Premium package for VIP PLAYER who want to update the interface:

● Livestream frame, livestream music, donation effect, ...

● Profile Decoration
● Still updating

1. Business Profile

1.1 Business’ Name: RENTHING

1.2 Sứ mệnh - Mission:

- Renthing mang trong mình sứ mệnh nâng cánh startup nước nhà, tạo
ra những nền tảng kết nối và phát triển thu nhập online cho người dùng
Việt thuộc các lĩnh vực gaming, social, ...
- Renthing là tổ chức công nghệ hoạt động minh bạch,an toàn, hiệu quả
và bền vững, mang lại lợi ích tốt nhất cho các Nhà Đầu Tư.

- Renthing tạo điều kiện tối ưu để mỗi nhân viên đều có cuộc sống đầy
đủ về kinh tế, phát huy năng lực sáng tạo và phát triển sự nghiệp của bản

1.2.1 Tầm nhìn - Vision:

- Với tầm nhìn trở thành một nền tảng kết nối và nâng cao thu nhập lý
tưởng trong tình hình dịch bệnh, Bitech hướng tới việc trao quyền cho thế
hệ người dùng mới; nơi họ có thể giới thiệu, kết nối và nâng cao thu nhập
bằng việc cùng đồng hành trong một môi trường trực tuyến tích cực và
sáng tạo.

- Trong vòng 5 năm, nền tảng RentMe đạt số lượng người dùng lên đến
1 triệu users và có thể mở rộng phạm vi phủ sóng ra toàn Đông Nam Á.

- Hỗ trợ người dùng trên nền tảng có thu nhập vượt mong đợi, đạt trung
bình 2-300$/tháng.

- Xây dựng hệ sinh thái kết nối cộng đồng RENTHINGS - MMO thời
đại mới:



- Player search platform: Playduo, Gamer Dual

- Livestream platforms: FB Lives, Nonolive, Bigo, Youtube Live,Nimo
- Startups in the field of livestreams: GoStream,, ...

1.3.4 List Competitors, pros and cons:

● Pioneer in building ● Livestream feature
Community to Hiring platform. has not been
connect gamers
● Used by a large number integrated on the
of streamers as a donation system.
portal (can earn extra ● Difficult to use and
income). account settings
● Build a large user ● Many faulty,
community through social unnecessary,
channels. disruptive functions -
difficult to use
● The interface is not

● Simple, easy to use ● Just a donation

Donate Support ● Supported by many big portal, no utilities
Me Portal - The
streamers. included
best free donation
page creator and ● Get low donation fee
streamer support
tool in Vietnam
● Simple, easy to use ● Wanting to donate
Stream Nonolive ● Supported by many big must be through the
streamers. purchase of cash
● Big idol community "tallows, ...
● There is no utility to
hire idols, streamers
or players yet.

BBảng 1.1


2.1 Functional requirements:


RENT PLAYERS The system allows renter/player to search other players by

account ID, username, game title.

The system allows renter/player to filter search for other

players by classification:

● Sex
● Account Status (VIP, NEW USERS)
● Rent range

The system allows renter/player to view information

including Nickname, photo, short description and game title
of VIP Players and NEW Players

The system allows renter/player to view other user's profile

by clicking on that person's “Nickname”

The system allows renter/player to hire other users by

clicking the button “Rent Now”


The system allows the player/renter to view that profile

The system allows Renter to track, message, rent, donate

The system allows Renter to choose the rental duration,

send a message, confirm the rental when starting the rental.

The system allows the Player to receive and view

notifications about Requests from Renter

The system allows the Player to choose "Agree" to accept

or "No" to cancel the rental request.

The system displays a countdown of the number of hours

rented for both player and player.

The system allows renters to rate and comment on players

who have just been hired.

The system allows players to edit information including:

Personal information:

● Avatar
● Short description
● Slide photos (import up to 10 photos)
● Long description
● Highlight video attached
● Device status
● Insert social network link

Rental information:

● Change Status Ready/Not Ready

● Ready time setting
● Set the maximum time that can be rented
● Cost per hour of rental (Only allowed to change 1
day/time, minimum amount 10,000 VND/hour)

The system allows player/reenter to view profile

The system allows other players/reenterers to follow, text,

The system that allows renter to edit information includes:

● Nick name
● Avatar
● Short description
● Slide photos (import up to 10 photos)
● Long description
● Highlight video attached
● Device status
● Insert social network link
● Achievements

BXH The system counts and statistics and displays the players
with the MOST RENTAL for the day - week - month

The system counts and statistics and displays the players

with the MOST MONEY for the day - week - month
The system counts and statistics and displays the
renters/players with the MOST DONATES in the day -
week - month


NOTIFICATION The system displays a message about:

● Request duo
● Donate
● Confirm deposit/withdrawal
● Account status

CHAT Renter/player can check recent messages

ELECTRONIC The system allows renter/player to link multiple bank

WALLET accounts for one account.

The system allows renter/player to deposit money into the

wallet from a bank account

The system allows renter/player to withdraw money from

wallet to bank account

The system displays deposit/withdrawal history



History duo Display system with renter / player:

● Code duo
● Nickname Renter
● Time
● Amount of money
● Message
● Status

Donation history Display system with renter/player:

● Donation code
● Nickname Renter
● Time
● Amount of money
● Message

Statistical Show account statistics with renter/player:

● Statistics of deposit/withdrawal by week - month

● Statistics of duo income by week - month
● Statistics of donation income by week - month


General settings The system allows renter/player to change general


● Avatar
● First and last name
● Nick name
● Private URL Profile.
● Sex
● Date of birth
● City
● Activate as Player

Security Settings The system allows renter/player to change security


● Email
● Phone number
● Password


2.2 Non-functional requirements:

1. Operational

1.1 The RentMe database should be restructured to be searchable by name, gender,

nickname, hometown, year of birth.

1.2 Website can be run on all browsers (including internet explorer)

2. Performance

2.1 All data input and output screens should be ready to be displayed to the user
within 3 seconds, as long as the client/server connection and loading are normal,
A. For input screens: up to 30 data fields, no complex data calculations, no
interaction with external systems, can store data directly to the DB, and no
large content files such as: images, videos, files over 3MB.
B. For the output screen: data is queried directly from the DB, limiting
complex queries, queries from external systems.
Displays up to 50 rows of data, up to 10 columns each, and each data is less
than 100 characters in length.
C. Normal load condition: 30 CCUs (concurrent user) without load
D. Minimum server requirements: Intel Core i5, 4GB RAM, 500GB hard
E. Client/ Server Connection: 500KB/s

2.2 The site can handle 500 requests at a time

3. Security

3.1 User information (renter) must be absolutely confidentiali

3.2 Payment information will be encrypted and secure

3.4 The system will deactivate 30 minutes if the user enters the wrong password 5
times in a row.

3.5 User password must be hashed with bcrypt, scrypt or argon2.

3.6 When the user makes an online payment, the system is not allowed to store the
user's credit/debit card information.
4. Usability

4.1 Minimize the impact of new users on the screen so they can become a Player on
the system as quickly as possible.

4.2 Minimize the renter's actions on the screen so they can perform player rental.

4.3 The system must make the user proficient within 30 minutes.

4.4 Error Tolerance is extremely low, check the data type right on each field, and
immediately warn if there is an error, do not force the user to enter it again and

5. User Interface

5.1 The system must ask for confirmation (Y/N) for data deletion operations.

5.2 Must be vertical scrolling, minimize horizontal scrolling.

5.3 The entire dropdownlist must be arranged in A to Z order and ascending number.

6. Maintainability

6.1 All Javascript code must be written according to coding convention camelCase
for variables, Pascal Case for classes and functions

7. Available

7.1 The system must be operated 24/7, upgraded at most once within 3 months,
downtime per year should not exceed 1 hour.

7. Extensibility
7.1 Capable of developing more live streaming features.

7.2 Possibility to develop more online chat channel feature that allows streamer to
communicate with viewers

7.3 Have the ability to expand to many different areas (hire someone else to do
something other than play the game with).

7.4 Distributed database.

8. External Interface

8.1 All data must be integrated via API.

8.2 API must return results in JSON or XML

8.3 The whole process of receiving/sending data between systems must be described
in detail in the document.

9. Localization

9.1 Block all accounts with racist, anti-state behavior, threatening behavior to
blackmail players.

9.2 Do not post images with violent or offensive elements.

4. Design specification

4.1 Business Process

4.2 Data Flow Diagram

4.3 Entity Relationship Diagram
Table 1: Renter

No Properties Datatype Condition Default

1 id varchar(255) Not null

2 username varchar(255) Not null

3 email varchar(255) Not null

4 name varchar(255) Not null

5 password varchar(255) Not null

6 avatar varchar(255)


7 gender varchar(255) Not null female

8 createdAt date

9 updatedAt date
10 deletedAt date

11 deleted Boolean Not null false

12 follower Array

13 following Array
14 isAdmin boolean Not null false

15 blockList Array

Table 2 Player:

No Properties Datatype Condition Default

1 id varchar(255) Not null

2 avatar varchar(255) Not null

3 firstName varchar(255) Not null

4 lastName varchar(255) Not null

5 city varchar(255) Not null Ho Chi Minh
6 nation varchar(255) Not null Viet Nam

7 renterId varchar(255) Not null

8 createdAt date

9 updatedAt date
10 deletedAt date

11 deleted boolean false

Table 3. Profile:

No Properties Datatype Condition Default

1 id varchar(255) Not null
2 displayName varchar(255) Not null

3 shortDescribe varchar(255)
4 linkHighlight varchar(255)

5 avatar varchar(255)
6 linkSocial varchar(255)

7 playerId varchar(255) Not null

8 settingProfileId varchar(255) Not null

9 createdAt date
10 updatedAt date

11 deletedAt date
12 delete boolean Not null false

Table 4. OrderDetail:
No Properties Datatype Condition Default
1 id varchar(255)

2 amount bigint(19)
3 rentedHours int

4 status varchar(255)
5 renterId varchar(255)

6 playerId varchar(255)
7 createdAt date

8 updatedAt date
9 deletedAt date

10 deleted boolean Not null false

Table 5. Payment

No Properties Datatype Condition Default

1 id varchar(255) Not null
2 name varchar(255) Not null

3 cardNumber bigint(16) Not null

4 releaseDate date Not null

5 expiresDate date Not null

6 walletId varchar(255) Not null

7 createdAt date
8 updatedAt date

9 deletedAt date
10 deleted boolean Not null false
Table 6. Wallet

No Properties Datatype Condition Default

1 id varchar(255) Not null
2 balance bigint(19) Not null 0

3 renterId varchar(255) Not null

4 createdAt date

5 deletedAt date
6 updatedAt date

7 deleted boolean Not null false

Table 7. History of withdraw and deposit

No Properties Datatype Condition Default

1 id varchar(255) Not null

2 amount bigint(19) Not null

3 walletId varchar(255) Not null

4 createdAt date
5 deletedAt date

6 updatedAt date
7 deleted boolean Not null false
Table 8. Setting Profile

No Properties Datatype Condition Default

1 id varchar(255) Not null
2 requireDuo varchar(255)
3 price bigint(19)

4 profileId varchar(255) Not null

5 createdAt date

6 deletedAt date
7 updatedAt date

8 deleted boolean Not null false

Table 9. Notification

No Properties Datatype Condition Default

1 id varchar(255) Not null
2 content varchar(255) Not null

3 renterId varchar(255) Not null

4 isRead boolean Not null false

5 createdAt date
6 deletedAt date

7 updatedAt date
8 deleted boolean Not null false
Table 10. Message

No Properties Datatype Condition Default

1 id varchar(255) Not null
2 senderId varchar(255) Not null
3 receiverId varchar(255) Not null
4 content varchar(255) Not null

5 isReceiverRead boolean Not null false

6 createdAt date

7 deletedAt date
8 updatedAt date

9 deleted boolean Not null false

Table 11. Comment

No Properties Datatype Condition Default

1 id varchar(255) Not null

2 renterId varchar(255) Not null

3 playerId varchar(255) Not null

4 content varchar(255)
5 rating in 5

6 createdAt date
7 deletedAt date

8 updatedAt date
9 deleted boolean Not null false
Table 12. Post

No Properties Datatype Condition Default

1 id varchar(255) Not null
2 playerId varchar(255) Not null
3 content varchar(255) Not null
4 img varchar(255)

5 likes int 0
6 createdAt date

7 deletedAt date
8 updatedAt date

9 deleted boolean Not null false

5. User interfaces
- Link Figma:

5.1 Admin interface

Management account
Add account

Edit account
Delete account
5.2 User Interface
Home page


Waiting update new functions

Main interface

Renter player page

Payment money
Profile account

Change password
Detail each player

Messenger between 2 account

Edit image of account
6. Reports


I. References

II. Paperwork, Company Form, Company Report

Use Case:
- Chứng thực người dùng: Đăng nhập, đăng ký, quên mật khẩu
- Tương tác trong trang Stream Hub
- Tương tác trong trang Timeline
- Thao tác thuê người chơi
- Thao tác ví điện tử
- Cài đặt:
- Chung
- Profile

- Quy trình thuê người chơi


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