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Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City



Building an e-commerce project
Topic: WindMill Bakery’s website
Subject: E – commerce
Instructed by: Nguyen The Dai Nghia
Presented by: Group 7
Members list:
Name ID
Nguyen Hoang Anh Khoa K194111608
Vuong Tan Vu K194111639
Phan Tri Tai K194111625
Trinh Chan Khoa K194111609
Tran Hoang Gia Bao K194111600
Nguyen Thanh Mong K194111613

Ho Chi Minh City, December 26th, 2020

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................1
LIST OF IMAGES ...................................................................................................1
Chapter 1: BUILDING A BUSINESS PLAN........................................................2
1.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................2
1.1.1 Core Value ..................................................................................................2
1.1.2 Vision ..........................................................................................................2
1.1.3 Mission .......................................................................................................2
1.1.4 Benefits .......................................................................................................2
1.1.5 The reasons why we come up with this idea. .............................................2
1.2 Business plan ...................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Aim .............................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Field and products.......................................................................................3
1.2.3 Market analysis and consumers ..................................................................3
1.2.4 Competitive environment and competitive advantage ...............................5
1.2.5 Finance ......................................................................................................10
1.2.6 Organizational structure ...........................................................................11
1.2.7 Technology solutions ................................................................................16
1.2.8 Payment and delivery ...............................................................................18
1.2.9 Marketing and Sales plan .........................................................................21
Chapter 2: BUILDING WEBSITE ......................................................................23
2.1 Brief about the website .................................................................................23
2.1.1 Brief introduction, main ideas of the website ...........................................23
2.1.2 Requirements set out with the website .....................................................24
2.2 Basic structure of the website ......................................................................24
2.3 Detail about the website ...............................................................................26
2.3.1 Home page ................................................................................................26
2.3.2 Products page ............................................................................................32
2.3.3 Blog page ..................................................................................................33
2.3.4 Introduction page ......................................................................................33
2.3.5 Payment page ............................................................................................34
2.3.6 Products detail page ..................................................................................36
2.3.7 Admin page ...............................................................................................37
Chapter 3: SUMMARY .........................................................................................37
3.1 Project evaluation .........................................................................................37
3.1.1 Have met requirements .............................................................................37
3.1.2 Have not met requirements .......................................................................38
3.1.3 Advantage .................................................................................................38
3.1.4 Disadvantages ...........................................................................................38
3.2 Direction of development .............................................................................38
APPENDIX: GROUP EVALUATION REPORT ..............................................40
WindMill Bakery

Table 1.1: Current competitors in the industry ..........................................................9
Table 1.2: Financial estimation for enterprise establishment ..................................11
Table 1.3: Financial planning to maintain the business in the first month ..............11
Table 1.4: Human resource recruitment plan and criteria ......................................16

Image 1.1: Structure model ......................................................................................12
Image 1.2: Momo .....................................................................................................19
Image 1.3: Zalopay ..................................................................................................19
Image 1.4: VNPay ....................................................................................................20
Image 1.5: Moca ......................................................................................................20
Image 1.6: Grabexpress fare table ...........................................................................21
Image 2.1: Website structure by class......................................................................25
Image 2.2: Sitemap structure ...................................................................................25
Image 2.3: Overview of the website ........................................................................26
Image 2.4: Header ....................................................................................................27
Image 2.5: Shopping cart .........................................................................................28
Image 2.6: What cakes does our bakery have? ........................................................29
Image 2.7: Staff ........................................................................................................29
Image 2.8: Hot sale products ...................................................................................30
Image 2.9: Customer reviews ..................................................................................30
Image 2.10: New article ...........................................................................................31
Image 2.11: Footer ...................................................................................................31
Image 2.12: Products page .......................................................................................32
Image 2.13: Blog page .............................................................................................33
Image 2.14: Introduction page .................................................................................34
Image 2.15: Bill 1.....................................................................................................34
Image 2.16: Bill 2.....................................................................................................35
Image 2.17: Bill 3.....................................................................................................35
Image 2.18: Product detail page...............................................................................36
Image 2.19: Admin page ..........................................................................................37

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1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Core Value
- Responsibility: Understand clearly and maintain a high sense of responsibility
not only with the company itself but also with customers.
- Creativity, innovation: Always seek solutions to optimize business model,
deliver the best service for customers.
- Prestige: Create a sense of reliability and safety when using the service for
1.1.2 Vision
Become the most reliable business model of selling baked products in Vietnam,
and establish a nation-wide system.
1.1.3 Mission
Windmill Bakery model is found in the hope of delivering high-quality baked
products as well as reliable and comfortable customers’ experience.
1.1.4 Benefits
Customers of WindmillBakery will have the chance to access a wide range of
baked products, from Vietnamese breads to Westerner cakes. Besides,
WindmillBakery intends to develop various types of online services, such as cake
customization in order to save time for busy customers or optimize the cost for
low-budget individuals.
WindmillBakery website also offers different articles written by professionals
to enrich public’s knowledge on cake and its cultures, stories and recipes.
1.1.5 The reasons why we come up with this idea.
The idea of establishing Windmill firstly comes from our fiery passion. Without
the immense enthusiasm for the smell of freshly-baked products and the
handshakes made with customers, we, who are solely strangers, would not unite
to be in a close-knit team.
1.2 Business plan
1.2.1 Aim
- Gain profits from selling baked products, and related services.
- Provide cake-customization service for users.

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- Develop chat-bots to help answering customers’ questions and executing orders

if possible.
- Apply algorithm to analyze psychology, behavioral patterns of consumers.
- Use the available customers’ database collected from chat-bots in order to
suggest the most suitable products, attract customers’ attention and stimulate
their demand of making a purchase.
1.2.2 Field and products
- Field: Selling and making baked products and cakes.
- Insights:
To be more specific, the company sells these types of products:
+ Baked breads
+ Cookies
+ Sweet/fruit pies
+ Birthday/Wedding cakes
+ Seasonal cakes (e.g. Christmas, Easter)
+ Custom cakes.
Also, offers a customization for cakes and home shipping.
Besides, the company also sells bakery-related products such as candles
- Reasons why we choose this field:
Firstly, the idea of establishing an online bakery comes from our love for
cakes. We would love to know more about the cake-making industry and its
vast market. Also, we believe cakes are the hallmarks of celebration and we feel
privileged to be a part of life’s special moments.
Besides, we consider baking has been one of the most potential fields in
Vietnam in recent years. According to Vietinbank’s statistics, the market for
bakery business witnessed a rise of 8.3 percent annually. The demand for cakes
increases significantly on special occasions (weddings, birthdays) or
predictable holidays like Easter, Christmas and Mid-Autumn Festival. For that
reason, we regard the needs for cakes remain stable throughout every month of
the year.
Lastly, with the love for our country, we wish to promote using domestic
products with an affordable price and bring Vietnamese brand overseas to
compete with other biggest names in the industry.
1.2.3 Market analysis and consumers Analyzing the market

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The pastry industry in Vietnam: is considered a stable and rapidly-growing

industry, as well as the most competitive segment in consumer goods in
Vietnam. With the prominent advantage of being densely-populated with a
young population, Vietnam is evaluated as one of the highly-potential pastry
market in the South-East regions. Furthermore, these products are primarily
consumed in urban areas, so its rapid development and urbanization rates of
large metropolises, are the main factors which stimulate the demands for cakes
to rise.
According to BMI (Business Monitor International), the consumption rates
for pastry per capita in Vietnam in 2016 was just over 2kg/p/year, which was
lower than the world’s, at 3kg/p/year, and 65% of the population in the rural
areas consumed a modest rate in comparison to its potential. Therefore,
potential consumption rate of the domestic market will remain high, estimated
to reach 40.000 billion dong in 2018, this is the reason why the pastry
enterprises immediately established strategic investment plans.
In recent years, the pastry market in Vietnam witnessed a competitive
rivalry between the domestic brands (BC Bakery, Givral, Brodard, Đức Phát,
Sweet Home Bakery, …) and foreign ones (Tous les Jours, Paris Baguette,
BreadTalk, ...) or compete to become partner suppliers for fast-food restaurants,
restaurants, café, … in order to maintain a stable growth. Pressure from the
competition forces both domestic and foreign businesses to participate in the
renovation, finding their own ways to sustain profits and market shares. From
opening more franchise restaurants to expand the market, to developing new
business models: a combination of bakery and coffee shops. Genuine bakeries
such as Givral, Tous les Jours, Dunkin’ Donuts, Paris Baguette, BreadTalk…
now merge with the selling of coffee. Besides, well-known coffee shops,
Starbucks, Highlands Coffee, Gloria Jean’s Coffees, The Coffee Bean…, for
example, also develop a pastry branch.
Pastry businesses also focus on investing in machinery, assembly lines,
advanced technologies, to enhance quality and diversify products, modify the
models, use reasonable-pricing tactics… to fulfill different consumers’
demands. In addition, ingredients selecting process is also important in
increasing competitiveness in this industry, raw material costs already make up
for over 70% of the product price. Solutions for input ingredients’ issues.

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Recently, domestic pastry businesses’ input materials are primarily

imported in large quantities, in which wheats account for the largest proportion
(since they are agricultural products which Vietnam is yet to produce), sugar,
milk, … is partly imported. Price fluctuations of these ingredients on the
worldwide market will have a huge impact on the products’ price. For that
reason, enterprises have actively selected reliable domestic suppliers with
creative and professional solutions.
Commonly, a cake when introduced to the market has to meet three
criteria: appetite, attractiveness and safety, which means that creativity and
innovation are not only applied in flavour, colour, or shape of the cake, but the
ingredients must also guarantee nutritional factors and healthiness. Therefore,
only the suppliers who concentrate on improving quality can sustain in such a
competitive market.
1.2.4 Competitive environment and competitive advantage General competitive environment in Vietnam’s pastry industry:
Vietnam's pastry industry is forecasted to have more potential for
development in the coming time. Currently, the opportunity for the pastry
industry to develop many supporting factors, including a change in
consumption trends. When the young population is concentrated in urban areas,
it will be a prerequisite for many types of businesses to develop. For example,
the model of coffee combined with cakes is a new trend, increasingly popular
with consumers. This model is like opening up a new consumption channel for
the pastry industry.
Recognizing the development of the market, Mr. Kao Sieu Luc, Chairman
of the International Bread Association Southeast Asia, General Director of Asia
Confectionery Company Limited (ABC Bakery), said that the market Domestic
cakes are growing at 20% - 30% per year and Vietnam's large population is
considered to be a very large market. Therefore, in addition to domestic
enterprises, there are currently many bakeries from Southeast Asian countries
who want to participate in the Vietnamese market. Because they also assessed
that the Vietnamese market is developing fast and has a lot of potentials to be
able to participate in exploitation.
Over the past time, the pastry industry in Vietnam has been known as one
of the industries with high growth rates and the most competitive segment in
the consumer goods industry. But at present, according to market research units,
the consumption of cakes in Vietnam is still low when it is only about 2

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kg/person/year (lower than the 3 kg/person/year of the world) and 65 % of the

rural population has a modest bread consumption relative to the potential. Thus,
if we talk about the development space, it can be seen that there is still a lot in
the pastry sector. Also because of the potential market, in recent years, a series
of names have participated. In which, domestic enterprises must include such
as ABC Bakery, Givral, Brodard, Duc Phat, Sweet Home Bakery, and foreign
brands include Tous Les Jours, BreadTalk, ... Competition for new products and services
According to experts, domestic bakery enterprises are not inferior to other
countries in the region in terms of technology and technique. However, because
many businesses are participating, it makes the market more competitive. In
order not to lose market share, the bakery business is still racing day by day in
product innovation, investment in equipment - technology, and launching new
business service models.
According to statistics, a few long-standing bakery brands have developed
a few dozen stores such as Hy Lam Mon (35 years history and 9 stores), Givral
(37 stores), Brodard (16 stores), Tous Les Jours (22 stores), ... However, due to
the high cost of space and labor in big cities, it is increasingly challenging for
them to expand, forcing them to diversify types of businesses. joint.
Accordingly, if in the past, these shops merely sold cakes, now they have
added drinks and coffee. Particularly for manufacturing enterprises, in addition
to developing more chain stores, they have chosen to add supply solutions for
restaurants and fast-food chains. As shared by Mr. Kao Sieu Luc, in 2019,
besides a system of 30 stores in Ho Chi Minh City, this business will expand
40 more stores in several other provinces and cities. Besides, ACB Bakery will
continue to promote the supply of cakes for more than 50 brands from fast-food
chains such as KFC, Lotteria, Popeyes, Dunkin 'Donuts, Burger King; coffee
and beverage chains such as DQ, Swensens, Starbucks, Angel-In-us coffee, The
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf; convenience chains like Family Mart, Shop & Go;
restaurants of Golden Gate, CGV cinema, airport retail of SASCO, ...
According to the business world, the current consumer trend is paying
attention to delicious and quality products. Therefore, ensuring the quality of
food in particular as well as the quality of pastries in general will be a
competitive advantage for shops and businesses. Current competitors in the industry:

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ABC bakery Givral WindMill
Variety of cakes Givral is a famous
from cakes to cake brand in
savory cakes, Saigon with a
lovely and eye- history of more
Although newly
catching than 60 years.
established, thanks
decorations such Givral has really
to a team of
as cheesecake, brought the
extremely talented
cheesecake, elegance and
staff who are
Mexico coffee, sophistication of
brought abroad to
danish tiramisu, the French
train and have a lot
deep cream, ... culinary culture
of experience in
More specifically, into its products.
the profession, the
ABC Bakery has During the past
quality of the cake
a door-to-door time, Givral has
reaches the peak
delivery service, stood out in the
of deliciousness,
Advantages which is pastry market as a
enough to satisfy
convenient for to consumers, for
any diners
customers to order consumer health.
cakes for relatives
and friends on Givral refers to the
WindMill is
holidays, fresh cake line,
invested in an
birthdays, with absolutely no
extremely modern
longevity, preservatives or
weddings, ... With additives affecting
system, capable of
a cool, fresh the health of users.
meeting a large
space, clean, Baking materials
volume of orders
reasonable price, are purchased by
at the same time.
competitive. Givral from
Service and staff quality sources
are friendly and and inspected by
professional. Givral themself.
This brand has not Like ABC Due to the new
yet invested in an company, the establishment, the
online e- website still only brand's reputation
commerce system, displays has yet to reach
Disadvantages the website still information about all customers.
only displays businesses, The scale is still
information about products, and not large enough
businesses and cannot make any to supply cakes to
products and online purchase. all provinces and

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cannot make any cities over the

online purchase. country.

Huge Scale Huge Scale Medium Scale

- ABC Bakery's
fresh cakes
account for a
large proportion
in the market and
are widely
consumed in Ho
Chi Minh City
and the East and Regarding brand
South West promotion
provinces. activities, Givral
- ABC Bakery is a has opened many For the time
supplier of pastry shops in being, we focus
Hamburger, central areas. In on operations and
The scope of
Hotdog, Pie to the just a few years, development in
system of famous the number of Ho Chi Minh City
fast food groups Givral bakery and will soon
in the world shops has grown expand
located in Ho Chi from a few stores nationwide.
Minh City. HCM to 30 stores in Ho
City and Hanoi Chi Minh City and
such as KFC, 17 stores in Hanoi.
ABC Bakery also
provides Bread
crumbs for
domestic and
foreign seafood
companies based
in Vietnam.

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- The quality of
the ABC Bakery
brand has been
accepted by the
market, the
baguette products
ordered by
customers have
been steadily
exported to the
Japanese market
since 2005 up to
- Mooncakes have
also penetrated
the Australian and
markets. Many
special shipments
such as cream
cakes have
entered the US
market and are
distributed at
Buffet restaurants.
Frozen cakes are
exported to
Cambodia and it
is expected that in
September 2007,
ABC Bakery will
export the first
shipment to the
Table 1.1: Current competitors in the industry

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1.2.5 Finance Financial estimation for enterprise establishment

Serial Content Price Amount Into money Note

1 application 20.000.000đ 1 20.000.000đ
Hire an AI
2 20.000.000đ 1 20.000.000đ
3 license 300.000đ 1 300.000đ
Open a bank
account and
4 submit bank 10.000.000đ 1 10.000.000đ
Fee for
buying 3-year
5 2.500.000đ 1 2.500.000đ
digital package
Cost of
making a seal
6 100.000đ 1 100.000đ
for the
incurred by
7 1.000.000đ

8 Printing costs 5.000.000đ

9 establishment 1.000.000đ
service fee

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10% of
Other costs
10 5.990.000đ the total
Total: 65.890.000đ
Table 1.2: Financial estimation for enterprise establishment Financial estimation for enterprise establishment

Serial Content Price Amount Into money Note

The cost of
1 renting the head 30.000.000đ 1 30.000.000đ
office premises
Rental cost for
2 5.000.000đ 1 5.000.000đ
points +
3 Employee salary 80.000.000đ 1 80.000.000đ

4 40.000.000đ 1 40.000.000đ
Living expenses
5 7.000.000đ 1 7.000.000đ
maintenance, ...)
Other costs
6 16.200.000đ the
Total: 178.200.000đ
Table 1.3: Financial planning to maintain the business in the first month
1.2.6 Organizational structure
WindMill Bakery uses a straight line HR structure model:

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Image 1.1: Structure model The duties of each department:
- General Director: The legal representative of WindMill Bakery Company.
In general, responsible before the Law for all operating activities of the
Company. The Company Director is directly in charge of the fields:
+ Organization - Human Resources.
+ Finance - Accounting.
+ Business: Short-term, long-term plans and business strategies; Size and
method of market development investment; Contracting.
- Finance and accounting department:
+ Control cash flow of the business, manage revenue and expenditure
items, accounting for other parts of the business.
+ Effective corporate financial strategy planning, financing, financial
+ Manage financial and accounting jobs of the business.
+ Examining and supervising economic and technical norms, standards and
estimates; financial revenues and expenditures; debt collection, payment
and payment obligations; inspect the management and use of assets,
materials and capital; detect and prevent violations of the laws on finance
and accounting at the Company.
+ Implement the regime of inspection, supervision and evaluation of the
efficiency of enterprise operations in accordance with the regulations of
the State and the Corporation.
- Personnel Administration Department:
+ Human resource planning for businesses.
+ Human resource recruitment and training, human resource development.
+ Ensuring employee benefits.

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+ Evaluate work efficiency, manage salary, bonus, social regime according

to the State's regulations.
+ Ensuring the principles and interests between employees and bosses.
- Marketing Department:
+ Market research and forecast.
+ New product development program implementation.
+ Market segmentation, targeting, brand positioning.
+ New product development.
+ Develop and execute a marketing strategy plan.
+ Establishes effective relationships with the media.
- Business Department:
+ Set up sales goals and plans to submit to the General Director for
periodical approval and organize the sale of products and services under
the functions to achieve the approved goals. Comply with the regulations
of the Company in proposing policies for customers when providing
products & services under its mandate.
+ Advise on building sales policies, including price policies, promotions,
discounts & promotions, approach to customers to submit to the General
Director for approval.
+ Collect and manage customer information and customer records
according to regulations. Clue on income, customer information
management to serve customer rating, appraisal and re-evaluation of
customer records.
+ Propose policies to customers, customer groups, submit them to the
General Director and follow the approved policy.
+ Finding and developing new customers belonging to the target group of
the Company.
+ Seeking customers to make investments, contribute capital to joint
ventures, associate with the Company's development plans and
+ Finding, maintaining and developing relationships with customers.
Customer care according to Company policy.
- Information Technology Department:
+ Research, develop IT orientation, strategy and development to apply to
enterprise activities in each stage of technology development and

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+ Ensuring IT infrastructure, internet connection systems, wifi,

applications, servers, domain servers, database servers, mail servers, web
servers, ftp servers, file servers, cameras, software and resources Stable
system… serving for work at enterprises.
+ Develop professional software in enterprises.
+ Management and operation of professional software in the enterprise +
Administration of portal, website, content updates.
+ Responsible for all matters related to network security - communication
activities of the Company. Periodic data backup, assessment and
prevention of risks.
+ Examining and supervising the observance of regulations and granting
the right to use..
+ Receive requests and handle problems in the process of using software,
operating computers, hardware systems, ...
+ Website promotion, in charge of implementing Marketing strategy on
+ Statistics and synthesis of risks, error cases in the information technology
system, proposing prevention, handling and remediation directions.
+ Develop processes, regulations, regulations, equipment management,
operations; evaluate the effectiveness of these processes and regulations
in practice to continuously improve and help improve the operation of
the business.
+ Building documents, forms, training instructions on using application
software internally.
+ Implementing the strategy and annual budget plan. Proposal on
procurement and management of information technology assets of
+ Perform internal reports according to regulations and other reports as
required by the business.
+ Install, maintain, scan for viruses, periodically clean server systems,
workstations, ... in the enterprise.
+ Perform other duties as directed by the business leader. Human resource recruitment plan and criteria:

Human Skills are

Work Department
Resources required

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Build your website Information

Outsource Website design
layout and look Technology
English language
Build website understanding of
employees + Business
content companies,
products and
Install web server
(hardware), Hardware
internet connection, installation, data Information
Image processing network, website Technology
for posting on design

Install web server Install and

software, content configure web Information
management server, content Technology
software management

Staff working at the

Outsource Store manager Business
counter -
Work with a
Employee Manage Business
The expertise is
deep and wide.
Master the skills of
Accountancy Employee Accountancy
office information,
honesty and
Planning AI
Master knowledge Information
solutions for Outsource
of AI Technology

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Run ads, build

Ability to analyze,
marketing plans,
organize and plan,
collect images, Outsource Marketing
companies, create
access technology
public relations.

Table 1.4: Human resource recruitment plan and criteria

1.2.7 Technology solutions B2C model
Transaction form, business model: Business-to-consumer transaction
(B2C): This is a transaction in which consumers buy directly and businesses
make online retail. Business website or exchange.
B2C transactions are not only about providing products to consumers, but
also expanding service activities such as product quality information, reliability
through exchange forums, Banking, auctions, real estate, tourism.
The form of electronic retail is increasingly being noticed and applied by
businesses because they can approach customers quickly and conveniently.
Selling in B2C is different from B2B because the price is usually fixed,
businesses only need to build catalogs, the browsing system is easy for
customers to visit, search for products, find solutions to collect money by many
forms of payment. for fast and efficient delivery to customers. WindMill Bakery business model
WindMill's website will provide online pastry order service and follow the
B2C direction.
With this Website, customers can freely choose products according to their
personal preferences. Select products on each criterion: shape, meaning, price,
With the development of the nationwide shipper system today, Vietnamese
people have also been gradually getting used to the forms of online ordering.
This is also a great opportunity for WindMill's Website to make its mark if it
can do a good job of providing the service. Catching the trend and realizing its
mission, WindMill's Website has been trying to provide the most convenience
to customers. With the list of products in the form of models, prices, and
especially the Website also offers to sell cakes suitable for each time and event
(noel, moon festival, lunar new year, ..).

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With WindMill, the customer experience is always the top priority.

Therefore, our Website always has a department dedicated to recording
customer feedback. Because we believe that listening to and indulging
customers is the duty of the whole staff of my company.
Not only providing services, our WindMill Website also regularly
publishes articles related to products and customers. And we believe that these
articles will help customers to have better information about our products and
make reasonable decisions. From there, customers will have a good experience
with WindMill Bakery. Website construction
- Website building solutions online today
+ Self-design web programming professional direction:
If it goes this way, the store will be able to do everything on its own,
including the idea and the way it is built, because there isn't a single
standard template. However, this way, if you are not tech savvy, you will
spend a lot of time and even money to be able to master how to use and
program a professional website.
+ Choose from a number of online tools available for web design and
This is likely to be much more convenient and cost-effective. There
are a number of tools that are readily available online to help you not
only learn how to design quickly, but also be very easy to use. There are
even many websites that support you completely free of charge, helping
you to optimize business costs.
Usually, it only takes 2-3 days after you get used to how to use it to
be able to own a website for yourself. However, you only get free usage
benefits for certain designs. Usually, the more attractive, beautiful
models will cost you a lot.
Moreover, in these tools, your website may lack professionalism
because in part, you are not someone with a deep understanding of the
appropriate website layout (this is a factor affecting visitor behavior. and,
in other words, free tools often only provide long, hard-to-remember
domain names for you. Thus, in the long run, your website will gradually
lose the trust of customers and become out of date.
+ Hire a consulting company and provide web services for web
programming and design from scratch:

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This option will give you the best results with what you require, of
course it must be within the budget that you give for the project. You will
be working with the design unit, with them discussing and coming up
with the best solution for you, they will work with your business's brand
identity and color scheme; Your programming unit will provide the best
functional solution for your requirements.
The professional website design unit will further advise you as
experienced people in the website field to propose to you what functions
should be, which functions are not needed, .... hiring a website design
company to build your website, you will have more time to focus on your
The development team will probably do more than building a
website: they will advise you to come up with the optimal solution for
cost and efficiency, input method most beneficial for SEO, attract users,
... with their experiences in building many different websites, they will
give good suggestions for your website. This plan will probably cost you
more investment, you will also have a longer roadmap to build a truly
complete website.
- Website building solutions for WindMill Bakery:
For business purposes, long-term, towards aesthetics, professionalism, but
still prioritize saving. As the business was new, the company decided to
combine both online tooling for ideas and design with outsourcing to provide
some more essential services. Thus, the team will start to conceptualize the
website interface, mockup design of unique pages, different from WindMill
compared to other competitors. The team will then research the best online
tools, choose the right tools, and work on the design according to the team's
overall ideas. In the end, find out more about what the tool does not support and
contact the outside service company to design and develop more.
1.2.8 Payment and delivery Payment
Windmill bakery supports these payment methods for our customers:

1) COD (cash on delivery).

2) Bank transfer.
3) Online payment via Momo wallet.

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WindMill Bakery

Image 1.2: Momo

4) Online payment via ZaloPay application by QRCode.

Image 1.3: Zalopay

5) Pay online via ZaloPay with Visa / Master / JCB.

6) Online payment via ZaloPay gateway with domestic ATM cards.

7) Pay online via VNPay (ATM / Visa / MasterCard / JCB / QR Pay on

Mobile Banking).

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WindMill Bakery

Image 1.4: VNPay

8) Pay online via Moca wallet in Grab App.

Image 1.5: Moca

The customers can purchase products without an account on our website
but they still can create one if they want. Delivery

1) City interior

Windmill accepts ships for orders over 50,000 VND within the city.
WindMill also cooperates with Grab Express to deliver cakes to you in
HCM city interior in event that there are too many orders to be processed.
Note: Unlimited route changes. Surcharge for each 1km changed route is
5,000 VND, receiver should pay in cash the surcharge to driver after receiving

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WindMill Bakery

Image 1.6: Grabexpress fare table

2) Nationwide delivery
WindMill makes a delivery over the country for only above 200,000 VND
1.2.9 Marketing and Sales plan Research and analyze the market, target customers, explain the
reasons for choosing:
Target market
Ho Chi Minh city will be the first market point of our confectionery chain
in the short term. After having built our brand name, we will expand the scale
to be able to supply nationwide orders.
Target audiences
Our target customers are those with middle-class living standards and
above and between the ages of 5 and 40, as these are the people with the highest
demand for pastries.
Reason for choosing this market point and this target audience
The pastry industry is known to be one of the industries with high and
stable growth and is the most competitive segment in the consumer goods
industry in Vietnam. With the priority being a country with a large and young
population, Vietnam is considered one of the sweet potential markets of the
region. Moreover, this product is consumed mainly in urban areas, so the rapid

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growth and urbanization of large cities is also one of the factors driving the
demand for growth.
According to research results of the company Business Monitor
International (BMI), the first consumption of cakes in Vietnam in 2016 was just
over 2kg / person / year, even lower than the 3kg / person. per year of the world
and 65% of the rural population has a very liberal consumption of confectionery
functions. Therefore, the potential domestic consumption market is still very
Consequently, Ho Chi Minh city will be the first market point of our
confectionery chain in the short term. After having built our brand name, we
will expand the scale to be able to supply nationwide orders.
According to the General Statistics Office, in the fourth quarter of 2019,
the labor force aged 15 and over was estimated at 56.1 million people, an
increase of 472.2 thousand people compared to the previous quarter and an
increase of 501.8 thousand people compared to the previous quarter. with the
same period last year. The labor force in the working age in the fourth quarter
of 2019 was estimated at 49.4 million people, an increase of 278.7 thousand
people from the previous quarter and up 442.3% over the same period last year.
Out of the total number of people participating in the workforce in the fourth
quarter of 2019, 13.2 million people have been trained with diplomas and
certificates (from elementary level up), an increase of 480.3 thousand people
compared to the third quarter. The rate of trained workers in urban areas reached
41.3%, nearly 3 times higher than in rural areas.
Therefore, customers from 15 to 40 years old working and living in Ho Chi
Minh City will be the first choice in all customer segments. Marketing channel

Digital Marketing application strongly supports the trade channel:

- Google Ads
Target to customers based on the words they search for on good Google
advertisements on other Google services (Youtube, Gmail) and websites using
Google AdSense.
- Facebook Ads
Initially, we focus on a digital marketing channel to achieve optimal
efficiency. Realizing that facebook channel is a popular and suitable digital

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WindMill Bakery

channel consolidation in the target customer segment (young, online buying

habits, or surfing the internet, ...) compared to google or youtube channel,
moreover, they have advertising policies as well as easy access to customers.
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
With the new campaign, the number of articles and quality of content is
still not available to meet a large number of potential customers, so will rely on
words key to building articles with an average intensity of 2 days/post.
- Seeding
We will also promote seeding on both Facebook and Instagram channels
to spread to the target audiences.
- Youtube videos
We will shoot videos of products to increase the attractiveness and
prestige of the brand to customers. Marketing goals need to be achieved in 1
month of operation:
+ 7000 approaches on the website.
+ 70 reviews on the website.
+ 7000 approaches on Facebook fanpage.
+ 700 followers on Facebook fanpage.
+ 700 reviews on Facebook fanpage.
+ 7000 approaches on Instagram.
+ 7000 followers on Instagram.
+ 1700 subscribers on Youtube channel.
+ Turning 100 viewers into the customer.
+ Turning 10 customers into loyal customers.


2.1 Brief about the website
2.1.1 Brief introduction, main ideas of the website
- Website domain name:
- Website design: Sefl-Design, build and maintain website
- Build an easy, attractive interface to use and attract customers, the items are
clearly divided but extremely logical, easy to manipulate.

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WindMill Bakery

- Website uses white as the main color. Because according to Newton, white light
is a mixture of all monochromatic light, in which there are seven primary colors:
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple. Therefore, it will be easy to
combine with other colors to create the striking, attractive and colorful cakes
from WindMill Bakery.
- Website is quite simple, easy to use and friendly to everyone from children to
the elderly, from the myopic to the normal people…. Just one click on your
favorite cake, you can immediately order it easily. In addition, the website also
has many customer support services such as:
+ Smart interface
+ Online and Offline payment method
+ About the price of the web design to sell cakes is only from 0 to 1 million
+ Website is upgraded and updated periodically to get the latest technology
+ The interface store of WindMill Bakery always has a full set of templates
designed for users
2.1.2 Requirements set out with the website
- There are main sections: basic information, care services, customer care
(intimate), feedback.
- Bright colors, clearly showing headings big and small.
- Realistic, attractive, lively image.
- Easy visual presentation.
- Fully show the content (description) of the services.
- Simple operation for customers to easily interact.
- Segment according to each type of cake and its own price.
- Beautiful illustrations.
- Provide information: address, contact phone number, ...
2.2 Basic structure of the website

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WindMill Bakery

Image 2.1: Website structure by class

Image 2.2: Sitemap structure

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WindMill Bakery

Image 2.3: Overview of the website

2.3 Detail about the website
2.3.1 Home page
This is the first page when customers visit that page, this page is the place to
list links to other pages of the website, here presents the latest information of the
bakery, Menu about cakes, Hot sale, Customer Reviews, New Articles, WindMill
Bakery Newsletter. There are 3 main parts of Home page
- Header: is at the top of the web page and is displayed on all pages of the
website. Inside Header includes parts:

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WindMill Bakery

Image 2.4: Header

+ Name of the bakery (link to the homepage): Attached to the name in the
upper left corner of the website. If you click on WindMill, it will go to
the website homepage.
+ Navigation menu: The set of links to the main pages of the website
including: account, checkout, shopping cart, homepage, product, blog,
introduction. Depending on the intended use of the customer, it is
possible to navigate to different pages.
+ Search box: Because the search function is important, WindMill Bakery
places it right at the left of the Header for easy user identification. The
search box helps customers to quickly find the product they want.
+ Blog: Navigate to the bakery’s blog page
+ Shopping cart: a gift-like image next to the search box can display
information such as: number of selected products, how much is the total?

December 26, 2020 27

WindMill Bakery

Image 2.5: Shopping cart

+ Slider: The Slider of WindMill Bakery is placed below the header on the
homepage. Common sliders are images, which contain many different
images, but not all on the web page. The slider will have a navigation
button, allowing you to scroll through other slides. The slider can contain
different content that will attract customers.
- Middles
+ The product menu includes 3 types of cakes: pies, cookies, cakes that
help you easily choose according to your eating preferences. Each
product item will include many different types of cakes to help buyers
have more choices.

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WindMill Bakery

Image 2.6: What cakes does our bakery have?

+ Staff: including each member's avatar and their current position in the
store, they are the boys with a soul of bakers who always want to give
customers the best experience.

Image 2.7: Staff

+ Hot sale: A collection of products that will have strong discounts on the

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WindMill Bakery

Image 2.8: Hot sale products

+ Customer Reviews: Genuine comments and suggestions from loyal
customers will be acknowledged and appreciated by WindMill.

Image 2.9: Customer reviews

+ New articles: These readings will help readers understand more about
each type of bread, and the taste of its own, the article is interesting and
compelling and is constantly updated to serve customers wishing for a

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WindMill Bakery

Image 2.10: New article

- Footer: is at the bottom of the web page and is displayed on every page of your
website. Include:

Image 2.11: Footer

+ The bar enters your email address and the registration button to receive
the newsletter and the earliest offers.

+ Opening hours.

+ Contact method (Address, Email, Phone number, Facebook, Zalo, ...).

+ Send contact to feedback comments about Windmill Bakery.

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WindMill Bakery

2.3.2 Products page

The product page includes: search by different brands, price range, new
products information placed on the left, combine the most accurate images of
cakes with different prices neatly arranged for users to easily choose to buy.

Image 2.12: Products page

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WindMill Bakery

2.3.3 Blog page

This page is published in the hope of bringing many interesting and useful
articles to consumers, sharing with the community the unique and attractive
flavors of each cake. Here we are always updating new articles, new trends, ...

Image 2.13: Blog page

2.3.4 Introduction page
The introduction will make customers who never shop at Windmill have a better
overview of the bakery: our message, address, contact information…

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WindMill Bakery

Image 2.14: Introduction page

2.3.5 Payment page
When the customer clicks “Pay”, a new page will pop up for the users to fill in
their information.

Image 2.15: Bill 1

Next, customers fill in the necessary information and discount codes (if
available) and click “Proceed to payment method” to the payment method.

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WindMill Bakery

Image 2.16: Bill 2

At the last step, choose the most suitable payment method and click “Complete
the order”.

Image 2.17: Bill 3

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WindMill Bakery

Order successfully, WindMill Bakery will confirm your order and deliver the
goods to you and now continue to purchase.
2.3.6 Products detail page
If a customer clicks on an image of a product, it will lead to a new detail page
of the product.

Image 2.18: Product detail page

Each type of cake will have its own content to bring excitement to customers.
In addition, everyone can choose the right amount for themselves. Then,
click “Add to shopping cart” and “Pay” to take the next steps.
Especially, we also have a comment function “Comments” for customers to
comment on product quality and other products at the bottom of that page.

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WindMill Bakery

2.3.7 Admin page

Image 2.19: Admin page

Through this page, the WindMill Bakery operator will be able to understand the
situation of the bakery, which includes many functions: General, Orders,
Shipments, Products, Customers, Discounts, Reports, Apps, ...

Chapter 3: SUMMARY
3.1 Project evaluation
3.1.1 Have met requirements
- Our website is friendly with users, easy to use, diversified in services, full of
detailed contact information for customers so that they can easily exchange and
- Chatbot application helps providing fast and convenient support for customers,
answers frequently asked questions, and saves more time and resources.
- There is a feedback section to receive comments and suggestions from
customers for better service quality.
- Meet the needs of customers who want to order online or want to consult the
cake samples and prices before going to our store.

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WindMill Bakery

- Applying E-marketing to advertise widely and permanently to users of major

social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Google
search page.
3.1.2 Have not met requirements
- Still wasting a lot of human resources, not fully applying technology to support
- We have not yet developed the website to an app on mobile platforms (mobile
application) to reach more customers.
3.1.3 Advantages
- The demand for our items of customers is quite stable.
- We can flexibly change between sales staff and other employees in our store.
- Many customers are willing to pay immediately if they are satisfied with a
certain product.
- It's easier to market our store's products to customers through an E-commerce
- Online marketing is attracting a lot of attention from customers in general and
in the bakery sector in particular.
- There are more and more customers who tend to buy from a distance without
going directly to the store to buy cakes.
3.1.4 Disadvantages
- The long-distance transport service still faces difficulties in preserving the cake.
- The number of target customers is still quite limited due to the tendency of
customers wanting to come directly to experience the cake.
- As a new business, we do not have much confidence from customers.
- The number of employees is still small, unable to ensure customer service
during peak hours.
- Lack of investment capital.
- Customer segments using the service remain limited.
- At first, it was difficult to find customers and expand the market.
- The trend of customers buying cakes online is still limited.
- Costs to pay for facilities, machinery and equipment to preserve the cake during
the transport process are still high.
3.2 Direction of development
- Expand the market for our business.

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WindMill Bakery

- Cooperate with potential partners (fields: materials, manpower, facilities,

transportation, ...) and make good use of resources from them.
- Create more new cake recipes, diversify the product range of our store.
- Search and selectively choose to have a staff of highly specialized and dedicated
to the job to provide the best services and build customer trust.
- Calling for more capital to have more financial resources to expand the
operating area, reaching more customers.
- Invest more in high quality machinery and equipment to ensure quality services
and customers' trust.
- Organize promotions, media projects to reach more potential customers and be
more customer-friendly.
- Make full use of technological factors in production, sales and service provision
to save maximum human resources and optimize all business activities.
- Continuing to promote E-marketing to expand the market for our products and
attract more potential customers.
- Applying new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of
Things (IoT) into the production and business processes of enterprises, in an
effort to become a leading enterprise in this field.

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WindMill Bakery


Serial Name ID Assigned Tasks Finish

Add products to website
Design Web’s footer
Nguyen Hoang Anh
1 K194111608 2.2 Basic structure of the website 100%
Preparing Powerpoint slides
Write up the project
2.1 Brief about the website
2.3 Detail about the website
2 Vuong Tan Vu K194111639 100%
Write products’ description and
Website’s introduction.
Modify webpage’s appearance
(slider, banner, header & footer,
3 Phan Tri Tai K194111625 font, color, advertisement banner…) 100%
Introduction ( 1.1 – 1.2.4)
1.2.5 – 1.2.7
4 Nguyen Thanh Mong K194111613 Write website’s blogs 100%
Add products & its description
1.2.8 – 1.2.9 & 1.2.4
Web management (Create orders,
products’ filters, shipping, discount
5 Tran Hoang Gia Bao K194111600 Customize shipping method 100%
(shipping fee, shipping units…)
Customize payment methods
(customers’ accounts, orders
processing, payment management
Make logo and favicon
6 Trinh Chan Khoa K194111609 Customize Megamenu’s appearance 100%
3.1 & 3.2

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