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Psychophysiology, 41 (2004), 563–574. Blackwell Publishing Inc. Printed in the USA.

Copyright r 2004 Society for Psychophysiological Research

DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2004.00176.x

Brain electrocortical activity during and after exercise: A

quantitative synthesis


Department of Exercise Science, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA

Investigators of brain electrocortical responses to exercise have interpreted increased activity, or frontal hemispheric
asymmetry, in the alpha frequency band as indicative of relaxation or a change in affect. However, few studies
compared alpha activity with other frequencies and within or across hemispheres. To clarify the cumulative evidence in
this area, we provide a quantitative review of the effects of exercise on brain electrocortical activity according to
frequency bands and recording sites. Fifty-eight effects from 18 studies and 282 participants were retrieved. The mean
effect size was moderately large (0.54 SD, 95% CI: 0.43 to 0.65) but heterogeneous. Compared to before exercise, alpha
activity was greater immediately after and during exercise when expressed as absolute power but not as relative to
power in other frequency bands; delta, theta, and beta activity also increased (0.38 to 0.75 SD). Effects did not differ
significantly by recording sites. The cumulative evidence does not indicate that change in brain electrocortical activity
after exercise is specific to alpha activity or hemispheric site.
Descriptors: Electroencephalography, Hemispheric asymmetry, Meta-analysis, Physical activity, Review

People without clinical mood disorders rank exercise near the top band (Kubitz & Pothakos, 1997). Their common premise has
among the behaviors they use to self-manage their moods been that increased alpha activity reflects a state of decreased
(Thayer, Newman, & McClain, 1994). Although experimental cortical activation indicative of fatigue, relaxation, or decreased
studies support that acute exercise transiently reduces self-rated anxiety (Boutcher, 1993; Petruzzello et al., 1991). Recent inves-
anxiety, tension, or negative affect (Landers & Petruzzello, 1994; tigations of brain electrocortical activity as a putative mechanism
McAuley 1994) and increases positive affect (McAuley, 1994), underlying the effects of acute exercise on affective experience
the effects are small with, as yet, unknown mechanisms. The have extended that premise and further restricted the focus to
experimental methods used in many of the studies did not effec- interhemispheric asymmetry in frontal alpha activity (Petruzzello
tively discount that the changes in mood observed during or after et al., 2001; Petruzzello and Landers, 1994; Petruzzello & Tate,
acute exercise were influenced by experimental artifacts that can 1997), consistent with the theoretical view that alpha asymmetry
bias participants’ responses to the transparent content of the self- in anterior brain regions is a predominant feature of the neural
report measures used (Morgan, 1997). In contrast, studies of the circuitry of human affective experience (Davidson, 2001). Our
effect of acute exercise on brain electrocortical activity have been impression after reading the extant literature in this area is that a
evaluated as providing objective, biologically plausible evidence predominant focus on alpha activity or anterior recording sites
that exercise influences affective states (e.g., Boutcher, 1993; might lead to premature or wrong conclusions about the loci and
Boutcher & Landers, 1988; Petruzzello, Hall, & Ekkekakis, meaning of brain electrocortical responses to exercise.
2001; Petruzzello & Landers, 1994; Petruzzello, Landers, Hat- As an initial step toward examining this issue, we provide in
field, Kubitz, & Salazar, 1991; Petruzzello & Tate, 1997). this article a quantitative review of the published studies on brain
Most studies and literature reviews of the effect of acute electrocortical activity in response to exercise. The goals of the
exercise on brain electrocortical activity measured by electro- review are to describe the effects of exercise on alpha activity in
encephalography (EEG) have emphasized, or have been comparison with activity in other frequency bands and, when
restricted to, reports of increased activity in the alpha frequency possible, according to inter- and intrahemispheric variation in
those effects. Features of participants, the exercise stimulus, and
methods that might influence the effects of exercise on brain
This review was conducted by the first author in partial fulfillment of electrocortical activity are also considered. The main purposes of
the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree at the University of the review are to examine: (1) whether the extant literature pro-
Georgia. vides evidence consistent with the premise that the effects of ex-
Address reprint requests to: James B. Crabbe, Ph.D., Stress and
ercise on brain electrocortical activity are specific to the alpha
Motivated Behavior Institute (SMBI) & NeuroBehavioral Research
Laboratory, New Jersey Health Care System, 385 Tremont Avenue, 129, frequency band, (2) whether the effects differ according to inter-
East Orange, NJ 07019 USA; E-mail: and intrahemispheric sites, and (3) whether variations in effects
564 J.B. Crabbe and R. K. Dishman

according to features of participants, exercise, and methods can water. They implied a causal link with a concomitant enhance-
clarify the accumulated evidence and suggest directions for future ment of mood after the exercise, but correlations between the
investigations designed to elaborate the meaning of brain elec- changes in mood and alpha activity were not reported. Collec-
trocortical responses to acute exercise. tively, these studies suggest that changes in brain electrocortical
activity in response to exercise are not specific to the alpha fre-
Background quency band and may be similar within and between hemi-
Our review tactic has been guided by key findings illustrated by spheres. Moreover, with few exceptions (e.g., Petruzzello &
several seminal studies. The first study we know of that examined Landers, 1994) the aforementioned studies of exercise and alpha
the change in alpha activity from before to after exercise reported activity either did not assess or observe a direct relationship
that the increase in alpha activity was uncorrelated with level of between changes in alpha activity and measures of fatigue,
head trauma after a match in a group of 52 boxers (Beaussart, relaxation, or affect. Also, inter- or intrahemispheric changes in
Niguet, Gaudier, & Guislain, 1959). Pineda and Adkisson (1961) the alpha frequency band were not compared with other
speculated that the results of the Beaussart et al. study were frequencies (e.g., Petruzzello & Landers, 1994).
indicative of increased fatigue and that the brains of the boxers There are several theoretical reasons why failure to contrast
were resting after the exertion of physical activity (Faure, 1951). frontal alpha activity with activity in other frequency bands and
Pineda and Adkisson used a preexperimental, pre–post research recording sites might lead to premature conclusions about the
design and reported that alpha activity increased by about 20% meaning of increased alpha activity in response to exercise. First,
at the frontal cortex among 16 medical students who achieved a it seems premature to restrict the recording of electrocortical
mean maximal heart rate of 200 beats per minute during an activity after exercise to anterior brain regions. There is no
exercise bout that lasted 50 min. The increase in alpha activity scientific consensus about the specific functional roles that
was strongest during the first 5–10 min after the end of exercise cortical regions and hemispheres, and their interactions, play in
and returned to baseline levels by about the 30th min of recovery the experience, expression, and modulation of emotion (Borod,
from exercise. Similar increases in alpha activity from before to 1992; Hellige, 1994; Tucker, 1984). Second, the topographical
after exercise were subsequently reported at occipital or parietal distribution of alpha activity is not inversely related to the ac-
sites after cycling exercise at moderate intensities in studies of tivities of higher brain electrocortical frequencies in many con-
single groups of participants without a control condition (Farm- texts that elicit affective responses. For example, emotional
er et al., 1978; Kamp & Troost, 1978; Wiese, Singh, & Yeudall, processing has been associated with increased beta activity, while
1983). In an extension of those early, uncontrolled studies, alpha activity did not change, in right temporal and parietal
Boutcher and Landers (1988) used a controlled, crossover design regions (Ray & Cole, 1985). Third, the viewing of emotion-elic-
to compare changes in brain electrocortical activity at temporal iting pictures has been accompanied by hemispheric asymmetries
sites after 20 min of running at an intensity of 85% of maximal in gamma (Muller, Keil, Gruber, & Elbert, 1999) and theta ac-
heart rate to a resting condition. In concordance with Pineda and tivity (Aftanas, Varlamov, Pavlov, Makhnev, & Reva, 2001) in
Adkisson’s (1961) results, alpha activity was increased immedi- anterior temporal regions, but no change in overall alpha
ately after exercise and returned to near baseline levels about activity, measured at frontal sites. In addition, self-ratings of
20 min after the end of exercise. positive affective experience during meditation were correlated
Further extending the methods of prior studies, Boutcher and with increased theta activity, but not alpha activity, in the
Landers (1988) reported a dissociation of changes in alpha ac- anterior frontal region (Aftanas & Golocheikine, 2001). Hence,
tivity and state anxiety after exercise that was dependent upon it is unlikely that alpha activity alone provides a sufficient
physical activity history. They speculated that increased alpha indicator of the activity of cortical networks linked with
activity was indicative of relaxation among trained runners but subcortical regions that may modulate pleasant and unpleasant
fatigue among untrained runners. Shibata, Shimura, Shibata, emotions (e.g., Lane et al., 1997).
Wakamura, and Moritani (1997) also speculated that an increase
in alpha activity was evidence for a muscle relaxation effect of Quantitative Review
exercise. They reported an increase in central alpha activity from To help clarify the cumulative evidence, we used standard meta-
before to after walking for 20 min among seven elderly women analytic methods (Hedges & Olkin, 1985) to conduct a quan-
(mean age: 68.5 years) that was greatest at walking intensities titative synthesis of the results from published studies that
estimated by electromyography to be at or 20% above the level at examined the effect of exercise on brain electrocortical activity
which additional motor units are recruited to compensate for measured up to 30 min after exercise. In most studies, postex-
muscular fatigue. ercise electrocortical activity was compared to the level of activity
Other studies indicated that the effects of exercise on brain measured in a single group of participants during a preexercise
electrocortical activity were not limited to the alpha frequency resting state without a control condition for comparison. Only a
band. Youngstedt, Dishman, Cureton, and Peacock (1993) re- few studies compared the change in electrocortical activity after
ported increases in alpha and beta activity and a decrease in theta exercise to a pre–post change measured in a resting control con-
activity at occipital sites after underwater cycling exercise at an dition. Nonetheless, we were able to examine pre- to postexercise
intensity of about 70% of aerobic power. The changes were changes in alpha activity in all the studies included in the review.
similar across hemisphere and were not associated with ratings of Because alpha activity should be interpreted in relation to the
anxiety. Kubitz and Pothakos (1997) found that activity in the activity in other frequencies (Gale, 1987; Nunez, 1995), we ex-
alpha and theta frequency bands, averaged across left and right amined whether the cumulative evidence from studies of brain
frontal regions, was increased from before to immediately after electrocortical activity in response to exercise was indicative of
exercise. Oda, Matsumoto, Nakagawa, and Moriya (1999) re- changes that are specific to the alpha frequency band or to frontal
ported increases in alpha and beta (13–30 Hz) activity and de- sites. Our examination of other frequency bands, that is, delta
creases in delta and theta activity after aerobic exercise in the ( 1–3 Hz), theta (  4–7 Hz), and beta ( 13–30 Hz), as well as
Exercise and brain electrocortical activity 565

the low and high divisions of alpha and beta (  8–10 Hz and International 10-20 system. Five studies presented data from an
11–13 Hz,  13–20 Hz and  21–30 Hz, respectively), was not exercise condition compared to a rest control condition (Boutcher
as extensive; about a third of the studies examined these other & Landers, 1988; Fernhall & Daniels, 1984; Mimasa, Hiyashi,
frequencies. We correlated the effect sizes between frequency Shibata, Yoshitake, & Moritani 1996; Mimasa, Matusumoto, &
bands among studies that measured multiple frequency bands Moritani, 1990; Youngstedt et al., 1993) and rendered 11 effect
after exercise. sizes. For these studies, we assessed the change in EEG activity
About half the studies reported recording alpha frequency from before to after exercise, and this effect was subtracted from
activity at specific sites or regions (i.e., International 10-20 Sys- changes in EEG activity from before to after rest. The remaining
tem; Jasper, 1958), which permitted us to determine whether studies provided data comparing postexercise data with preex-
there were regional and/or interhemispheric differences of the ercise data only, without a comparison condition to control for
effects of exercise. In a separate analysis, there were only enough the passage of time that ranged from 15 min to several hours.
studies of electrocortical activity during exercise to conduct a Two other studies (Kubitz & Mott, 1996; Kubitz & Pothakos,
quantitative analysis of change in alpha activity compared to a 1997) used a rest control condition for comparison, but the EEG
preexercise measure. recordings from this condition were confounded by the use of a
To clarify methodological features of the accumulated evi- ‘‘relaxation’’ manipulation. Also, the EEG assessments 5–10
dence and guide future studies, we also examined several putative and 11–25 min after exercise in the Kubitz and Pothakos study
moderators of electrocortical responses to exercise that varied were not used because vigilance tasks were performed during
among the studies. These moderators included stimulus proper- these times.
ties of exercise (i.e., intensity, duration, mode, posture, and Some data from several other studies were not used or were
elapsed time after exercise cessation), characteristics of the par- collapsed across groups. Youngstedt et al. (1993) reported data
ticipants (i.e., age and sex), the manner in which electrocortical from a condition of cycling exercise in cold water; these data were
activity was recorded (i.e., time of day, region or site, position of not used because of the novelty of the condition. Similarly, data
the eyelids, and body position), referenced (i.e., ear lobes [A1 from the hyperthermia condition in the Nielsen, Hyldig, Bids-
and/or A2], mastoid[s], or centrally [C3, C4, and/or Cz]) or ex- trup, Gonzalez-Alonzo, and Christoffersen (2001) study were
pressed (i.e., absolute vs. relative power [the power of one fre- not used. Also, the data from three groups in a study by Beh,
quency band expressed as a percentage of the summation of Mathers, and Holden (1996) were collapsed because levels of
power in all examined frequency bands]), and the effect of study exercise dependency were formed using scores from an unvali-
design (i.e., pre–post comparison vs. comparison with a control dated index.
group or condition). Statistical software (DSTAT, version 1.11; Johnson, 1989)
was used to compute ES adjusted for sample size (weighted es-
Method timator d1; Hedges & Olkin, 1985, pp. 110–113), tests of het-
erogeneity, 95% confidence intervals (CI) around the mean ES,
We searched MEDLINE, PSYCINFO, and CURRENT CON- and to compare mean ESs between levels of moderators. Meta
TENTS PLUS for the period 1960 to April, 2003 using the key 5.3 software (Schwarzer, 1993) was used to compute sampling
words of exercise, physical activity, run, cycle, cycle ergometry, error variance using a random effects model. Heterogeneity was
treadmill, and walk, in conjunction with electroencephalo- indicated if Q (the sum of squares of each effect about the
graphy, EEG, brain, brain activity, brain activation, electrocor- weighted mean effect; Hedges & Olkin, 1985, p. 123) reached a
tical, electrocortical activity, electrocortical activation, and brain statistical significance level of po.05 and when sampling error
waves. We also conducted a manual search of the bibliographies accounted for less than 75% of the observed variance (Hedges &
of the retrieved papers on these topics. Studies were considered Olkins, 1985, pp. 191–200). To estimate the hypothetical impact
for inclusion if they assessed changes in brain electrocortical ac- of null findings from unpublished or unretrieved studies on the
tivity measured by EEG in response to an acute bout of exercise aggregated effect size estimate (i.e., the ‘‘file drawer’’ problem),
among participants who were healthy. Thus, cross-sectional we computed a ‘‘fail safe’’ n to estimate of the number of ad-
studies of groups differing in levels of fitness or exercise training ditional null effects that would attenuate the observed estimate
status were not reviewed (e.g., Dustman et al., 1990; Lardon & but retain a small cumulative effect of .20 SD (Orwin, 1983).
Polich, 1996). Fifty-five abstracts and journal articles were Differences between moderators were determined using the QB
located and reviewed. Of the 55 studies that were retrieved, 18 statistic (i.e., the difference between Q computed within each
provided enough data on alpha activity and enough English moderator level and Q computed across moderator levels; John-
language to discern and compute an effect size (ES) expressed as son, 1989, p. 106; Hedges & Olkins, 1985, p. 257) tested at an
Cohen’s d (Cohen, 1988; posttest minus pretest/pretest SD) or an alpha level of po.01 to constrain the Type I error rate. Mod-
estimate of Cohen’s d by transforming a t value, exact p value or a erators reasoned a priori to have a putative effect on alpha ac-
simple effect F ratio (Rosenthal, 1994). Some studies provided tivity after exercise are presented in Table 2. Only two effects were
coherence or asymmetry scores, but no raw data were presented reported for parietal sites, so they were collapsed with eight ef-
and, hence, could not be used in our analysis (e.g., Mott, Dyer & fects for central sites to increase statistical power. A moderator
Kubitz, 1995). An asterisk (n) in the reference list indicates stud- analysis of ESs of frequency bands other than alpha was not
ies that did not meet the inclusion criteria for our analysis but performed because there were too few effects. Nevertheless, ESs
may otherwise add to the knowledge base regarding the effect of were correlated (Pearson r) with several key continuous variables
exercise on brain electrocortical activity. (e.g., time elapsed after exercise cessation). Intercorrelations
Fifty-eight effect sizes (k) were derived from the 18 studies were computed among ESs derived from studies that reported
that tested 21 separate groups and involved 282 participants (see results for concurrent measures of multiple frequency bands.
Table 1). When possible, separate ESs were derived from frontal, We conducted two other more limited quantitative analyses in
temporal, central, parietal, and occipital regions according to the addition to examining changes in EEG frequency activity from
Table 1. Characteristics of Studies Used in the Meta-Analysis of Change in Alpha Activity from Pre- to Postexercise

Age Peak HR Duration Electrode reference Electrode EEG analysis Research Time elapsed Effect
Study/Group n Sex (m) (m) Mode (min) scheme region(s) method design (min) size (d)
Pineda & Adkisson (1961) 16 FM 28 200 Run 50 A1 A2 linked F Absolute Pre–Post 10.5 0.87
Pineda & Adkisson (1961) 16 FM 28 200 Run 50 A1 A2 linked O Absolute Pre–Post 10.5 0.30
Kamp & Troost (1978) (younger) 10 FM 25 130 Cycle NR C1 C2 A1 A2 same side PO Absolute Pre–Post 1 0.46
Kamp & Troost (1978) (older) 10 FM 57 130 Cycle NR C1 C2 A1 A2 same side PO Absolute Pre–Post 1 0.18
Farmer et al. (1978) (type A) 6 M 20 160 Cycle 6 NR O Absolute Pre–Post 6 3.72
Farmer et al. (1978) (type A) 6 M 20 200 Cycle 6 NR O Absolute Pre–Post 6 8.48
Farmer et al. (1978) (type B) 6 M 20 160 Cycle 6 NR O Absolute Pre–Post 6 0.50
Farmer et al. (1978) (type B) 6 M 20 200 Cycle 6 NR O Absolute Pre–Post 6 2.29
Krause, Ullsperger, Beyer, and Gille (1983) 4 M 33.7 NR Iso 4.5 A1 C Absolute Pre–Post 0.5 1.82
Krause et al. (1983) 4 M 33.7 NR Iso 4.5 A1 O Absolute Pre–Post 2.5 1.45
Krause et al. (1983) 4 M 33.7 NR Iso 4.5 A1 C Absolute Pre–Post 0.5 0.97
Krause et al. (1983) 4 M 33.7 NR Iso 4.5 A1 O Absolute Pre–Post 2.5 0.73
Fernhall & Daniels (1984) 36 M NR NR Run 30 NR T Absolute Control NR 2.48
Boutcher & Landers (1988) (trained) 15 M 29.9 161 Run 20 Mastoids same side T Absolute Control 4.5 1.62
Boutcher & Landers (1988) (trained) 15 M 29.9 161 Run 20 Mastoids same side T Absolute Control 11 0.95
Boutcher & Landers (1988) (trained) 15 M 29.9 161 Run 20 Mastoids same side T Absolute Control 18 0.61
Boutcher & Landers (1988) (trained) 15 M 26.7 161 Run 20 Mastoids same side T Absolute Control 4.5 3.21
Boutcher & Landers (1988) (trained) 15 M 26.7 161 Run 20 Mastoids same side T Absolute Control 11 0.85
Boutcher & Landers (1988) (trained) 15 M 26.7 161 Run 20 Mastoids same side T Absolute Control 18 0.61
Mimasa et al. (1990) 7 M 20.5 148 Cycle 20 NR NR Absolute Control NR 1.41
Youngstedt et al. (1993) 11 M 26 154 Cycle 20 A1 A2 same side O Relative Control 13 0.82
Youngstedt et al. (1993) 11 M 26 154 Cycle 20 A1 A2 same side O Relative Control 23 0.60
Petruzzello & Landers (1994) 19 M 22.7 163 Run 30 Mastoids same side F Absolute Pre–Post 7 0.31
Petruzzello & Landers (1994) 19 M 22.7 163 Run 30 Mastoids same side T Absolute Pre–Post 7 0.02
Petruzzello & Landers (1994) 19 M 22.7 163 Run 30 Mastoids same side F Absolute Pre–Post 12 0.33
Petruzzello & Landers (1994) 19 M 22.7 163 Run 30 Mastoids same side T Absolute Pre–Post 12 0.00
Petruzzello & Landers (1994) 19 M 22.7 163 Run 30 Mastoids same side F Absolute Pre–Post 22 0.11
Petruzzello & Landers (1994) 19 M 22.7 163 Run 30 Mastoids same side T Absolute Pre–Post 22 0.17
Petruzzello & Landers (1994) 19 M 22.7 163 Run 30 Mastoids same side F Absolute Pre–Post 32 0.09
Petruzzello & Landers (1994) 19 M 22.7 163 Run 30 Mastoids same side T Absolute Pre–Post 32 0.13
Kubitz & Mott (1996) 18 M 23.4 160 Run 15 Cz FT Absolute Pre–Post 9 0.11
Mimasa et al. (1996) 8 M 23 133 Cycle 30 NR P Absolute Control NR 0.48
Stock et al. (1996) 10 M 25.6 157 Iso 30 Cz F Absolute Pre–Post 6 0.44
Stock et al. (1996) 10 M 25.6 157 Iso 30 Cz T Absolute Pre–Post 6 0.66
Stock et al. (1996) 10 M 25.6 157 Iso 30 Cz C Absolute Pre–Post 6 0.58
Stock et al. (1996) 10 M 25.6 157 Iso 30 Cz P Absolute Pre–Post 6 1.02
Stock et al. (1996) 10 M 25.6 157 Iso 30 Cz O Absolute Pre–Post 6 0.22
Beh et al. (1996) 36 FM 19 NR NR 45 Cz O Relative Pre–Post 4.5 0.10
Shibata et al. (1997) 7 F 68.5 94 Walk 20 NR C Absolute Pre–Post 7.5 0.68
Shibata et al. (1997) 7 F 68.5 100 Walk 20 NR C Absolute Pre–Post 7.5 1.85
Shibata et al. (1997) 7 F 68.5 110 Walk 20 NR C Absolute Pre–Post 7.5 1.32
Kubitz & Pothakos (1997) 14 FM 21.7 153 Cycle 15 Cz FT Absolute Pre–Post 4 0.56
Mechau et al. (1998) 19 FM 42.4 130 Run 6 Cz FTCPO Absolute Pre–Post 4 0.67
Mechau et al. (1998) 19 FM 42.4 140 Run 12 Cz FTCPO Absolute Pre–Post 4 1.17
Mechau et al. (1998) 19 FM 42.4 153 Run 18 Cz FTCPO Absolute Pre–Post 4 1.16
Mechau et al. (1998) 19 FM 42.4 161 Run 24 Cz FTCPO Absolute Pre–Post 4 0.95
Mechau et al. (1998) 19 FM 42.4 175 Run 30 Cz FTCPO Absolute Pre–Post 4 0.98
Mechau et al. (1998) 19 FM 42.4 175 Run 30 Cz FTCPO Absolute Pre–Post 15 0.10
Mechau et al. (1998) 19 FM 42.4 175 Run 30 Cz FTCPO Absolute Pre–Post 30 0.04
J.B. Crabbe and R. K. Dishman

Oda et al. (2001) 8 M 23 89 Aqua 60 A1 A2 (x) C Relative Pre–Post 12.5 1.14

Exercise and brain electrocortical activity 567

size (d)

Key: Repeated assessments (e.g., multiple assessments of time elapsed or electrode region) in the same group are in bold; n is the total number of participants in each study/group, F: female, M: male, FM: both

EEG data were expressed, ‘‘absolute’’ indicates that alpha activity was not expressed relative to activity in other frequency bands, and ‘‘relative’’ indicates that alpha activity was expressed as a percentage of
Duration: the time spent in the exercise mode; Electrode reference scheme: the placement of the reference (supposedly nonactive) electrode site according to the International 10-20 System, A: ear lobe, C:

activity in the traditional EEG frequency range (1–30 or 40 Hz); Research design is either Pre–Post, indicating that changes in alpha activity are expressed relative to a preexercise resting state, or control, which
indicates that changes in alpha activity were expressed relative to a preexercise resting state in addition to being compared to changes from a Prerest to a Postrest condition; Time elapsed: time since the cessation
sexes studied; Peak HR: the mean peak heart rate (in beats per minute) achieved during the exercise bout; Mode: the manner in which exercise was conducted, Aqua: Standing water aerobics; Iso: isometric;

central; Electrode region(s): the location of EEG sites according to the International 10-20 system, F: frontal, T: temporal, C: central, P: parietal, O: occipital, EEG analysis method: the fashion in which the
Effect before to after exercise. In the first, we sought to assess changes

from preexercise levels in alpha activity during exercise. Five
studies reported alpha activity data during exercise. Those stud-
ies provided 21 ESs from 68 participants. Data recorded during
Time elapsed

rest periods within the exercise condition (e.g., Mechau, Mucke,

Weiss, & Liesen, 1998) were not included. Other frequency bands
were not analyzed because too few studies examined them during
In a subsequent analysis we compared change in alpha ac-
tivity after exercise according to brain region and hemisphere.


Eight studies of 165 participants reported site-specific alpha ac-

tivity after exercise, yielding 63 ESs. We coded these ESs as left
frontal (F7, F3), right frontal (F4, F8), left temporal (T5, T3),
right temporal (T4, T6), left central (C3), right central (C4), left
EEG analysis

parietal (P3), right parietal (P4), and left occipital (O1), right


occipital (O2), and midline (Pz, Cz, and Fp).


Brain electrocortical activity in alpha and other frequencies was

increased when measured during or after exercise. The effects
were moderately large and statistically significant. However,

when alpha activity was assessed relative to activity in other fre-

quency bands an increase was not evident. Moderator analyses
Electrode reference

revealed that alpha activity increased the most after shorter bouts
of exercise, immediately after exercise, and when the exercise

Mastoids linked
Mastoids linked
Mastoids linked
Mastoids linked
Mastoids linked
Mastoids linked
Mastoids linked

effect was compared to change after a rest condition (i.e., con-

of the exercise bout; d: sample size adjusted effect size; NR: data not reported or indeterminable from publication.

trolled experimental design). Alpha activity was also increased

A1 A2 (x)

more after exercise when testing occurred in the morning or when

the time of day was controlled, with closed eyelids, and when
body posture approximated a supine position. The effects of ex-
ercise on alpha activity did not differ according to hemisphere

nor reference scheme.



Alpha Activity after Exercise

The mean ES for EEG alpha activity after an exercise bout was

0.54 SD, 95% CI: 0.43 to 0.65 (see Figure 1). The fail safe n was
96 effects. Heterogeneity was indicated; variance explained by
sampling error was 19.7%, Q (57) 5 174.39, po.001. There were
Peak HR

outliers (positive skewness 5 3.91 and kurtosis 5 21.28). Fur-



thermore, ES was negatively correlated with sample size (Pearson


r 5 .28, p 5 .03). Removing the influence of three outliers from


two studies (Boutcher & Landers, 1988; Farmer et al., 1978)


minimized the skewness (0.37) and kurtosis (0.32) but did not
appreciably change the correlation between effect size and sam-

ple size (r 5 .30, p 5 .03) or the mean effect size (0.50 SD, 95%
CI: 0.39 to 0.61). Hence, all effects were retained in subsequent

moderator analyses. Table 2 provides the mean ES and 95% CI

for each level of the moderators. Effects of exercise on alpha
activity did not differ according to recording sites.

Activity in Other Frequency Bands after Exercise

The mean ES for delta activity after exercise was 0.50 SD (95%
CI 0.32 to 0.68), derived from six studies of 88 participants
yielding 17 ESs. The fail safe n was 26 effects. Effects were het-
erogeneous, Q(16) 5 43.23, po.001. The mean ES for theta ac-
Nielsen et al. (2001)
Nielsen et al. (2001)
Nielsen et al. (2001)
Nielsen et al. (2001)
Nielsen et al. (2001)
Nielsen et al. (2001)
Nielsen et al. (2001)

tivity after exercise was 0.53 SD (95% CI 0.36 to 0.70), derived

Oda et al. (2001)

from eight studies of 113 participants and 20 ESs. The fail safe n

was 33 effects. Effects were heterogeneous, Q(19) 5 70.50,

po.001. The results for alpha activity measured concurrently
with other frequency bands were similar to the result derived
from the larger analysis of only alpha activity after exercise. The
568 J.B. Crabbe and R. K. Dishman

1 (r  .76, po.01); theta and high beta were inversely correlated

with exercise duration (r 5 .60, po.04). Changes in activity of
all frequency bands from before to after exercise were directly
0.8 correlated (Table 3).

Alpha Activity during Exercise and Hemispheric Analyses

Effect Size 95% CI

0.6 The mean of the 21 ESs for alpha activity during exercise was
0.41 SD (95% CI: 0.24 to 0.58). The fail safe n was 22 effects.
Effects were heterogeneous, Q(20) 5 36.20, p 5 .015. The mean
0.4 ES from the hemispheric analysis for EEG alpha activity was
similar to that from the main analysis (ES 5 0.49 SD, 95% CI:
0.40 to 0.59). Heterogeneity was indicated, Q(62) 5 183.32,
0.2 po.001. Post hoc contrasts revealed no statistically significant
differences between regions, likely because there were so few ESs
for each site. On an a priori basis, right and left homologous
0 regions were not statistically different either. Notably, left frontal







(ES 5 0.32 SD, 95% CI: 0.10 to 0.54) was not different from
right frontal (ES 5 0.11 SD, 95% CI: 0.15 to 0.36), w2 5 1.5,
p 5 .22; left temporal (ES 5 0.53 SD, 95% CI: 0.29 to 0.7) was
Figure 1. Effect size 95% confidence intervals (CI) from studies that not different from right temporal (ES 5 0.59 SD, 95% CI: 0.34
recorded multiple frequency bands concurrently for activity after to 0.85), w2 5 0.11, p 5 .74. Finally, changes in alpha activity
exercise. The number of effect sizes (k) used in the analyses: delta, after exercise did not differ according to hemisphere. The mean
k 5 17; theta, k 5 20; alpha-1, k 5 12; alpha-2, k 5 12; beta-1, k 5 13, of 32 ESs from the left hemisphere (0.49 SD, 95% CI: 0.35 to
beta-2, k 5 13. Beta-c is the ES 95% CI from studies that measured the 0.63) was not different from the mean of the 23 ESs from the
13–30 Hz range, effectively beta-1 and beta-2 Hz ranges (k 5 21). For right hemisphere (0.46 SD, 95% CI: 0.31 to 0.62), and neither of
comparison, the upper case ALPHA (far right bar) represents the ES and these means were different from the mean of the eight ESs de-
95% CI from all the studies that measured alpha frequency (k 5 58).
rived from the midline (0.62 SD, 95% CI: 0.34 to 0.90), w2so0.9,
ps4.35, a priori.
mean ES was 0.75 SD (95% CI 0.54 to 0.97) for low alpha
activity and 0.57 SD (95% CI 0.36 to 0.78) for high alpha activity Discussion
computed from 12 ESs and 29 participants from two studies. The
fail safe ns were 33 and 22 effects for low and high alpha activity, Brain electrocortical activity in the alpha frequency band was
respectively. Effects were judged to be homogeneous for both increased by one-half standard deviation when measured up to
low, Q(11) 5 17.31, p 5 .099, and high, Q(11) 5 13.51, p 5 .261, 30 min after an acute bout of exercise. This is a moderately large
alpha activity. effect judged by statistical guideposts (Cohen, 1988), which may
The mean ES for beta activity after exercise was 0.38 SD be practically meaningful. Though absolute alpha activity was
(95% CI 0.23 to 0.53). This effect was derived from studies that increased after exercise when compared to resting levels or to
measured only the full beta range and the mean low and high beta changes after a nonexercise control condition, the cumulative
combined from studies that made a distinction in beta frequen- evidence from the few studies that expressed alpha activity rel-
cies. From 10 studies, 28 ESs were derived that involved 138 ative to total power showed no evidence of an effect of exercise
participants. The fail safe n was 25 effects. Effects may have been that was specific to alpha activity. Moreover, studies that re-
heterogeneous, Q(27) 5 41.06, p 5 .067. The mean ES for low ported changes after exercise in other frequency bands measured
beta activity after exercise was 0.70 SD (95% CI 0.50 to 0.89) and concurrently with alpha activity reported increases in all fre-
for high beta activity it was 0.38 SD (95% CI 0.18 to 0.56). These quency bands that were similar in size as the increase in absolute
effects were derived from three studies involving 13 ESs and 65 alpha activity. Hence, the cumulative evidence does not yet sup-
participants. The fail safe ns were 33 and 12 null effects for low port that the effects of acute exercise on brain electrocortical
and high beta activity, respectively. Effects were heterogeneous activity are specific to alpha frequencies. Future studies should
for low beta, Q(12) 5 24.60, p 5 .017, but homogeneous for high report a broad spectrum of frequencies prior to interpreting
beta, Q(12) 5 10.06, p 5 .611. changes in the alpha band as having special significance for neu-
Activity in alpha and beta frequency bands (including low ral processing in response to exercise.
and high divisions) was inversely correlated with the amount of Changes in alpha activity did not vary significantly between
time elapsed since exercise cessation (low alpha: r 5 .57, p 5 regions (frontal, temporal, central/parietal, and occipital). This
.05; high alpha: r 5 .77, po.01; low beta: r 5 .71, po.01; observation has implications for future studies of exercise based
high beta: r 5 .65, p 5 .02; beta: r 5 .48, p 5 .01). Delta ac- on theoretical models that emphasize anterior cortical regions in
tivity was positively correlated with time elapsed; theta activity the modulation of affective experience (e.g., Petruzzello et al.,
was uncorrelated (delta: r 5 .37, p 5 .17; theta: r 5 .05, p 5 .86). 2001; Petruzzello & Tate, 1997). Though the increased alpha
Generally, changes in brain electrocortical activity after exercise activity measured at frontal sites was not statistically different
were not correlated with participant age, peak exercise intensity from increases measured at other regional sites, the number of
(e.g., HR), or exercise duration. Exceptions were that delta ac- effects for each site did not permit a statistically powerful test of
tivity was correlated with age (r 5 .59, p 5 .01), peak intensity regional differences. The number of effects would need to be
(r 5 .60, p 5 .01), and duration (r 5 .75, po.01); low and high roughly doubled to provide a statistical power of .80 to detect a
beta activity were inversely correlated with exercise intensity moderately large difference in effects among sites of .50 SD at an
Exercise and brain electrocortical activity 569

Table 2. Alpha Activity After Exercise, Showing Moderators, Number of Effects (k), Mean Effect Sizes (d), and 95% Confidence
Intervals (CI) for Each Level, and Statistically Significant Differences Between Moderator Level(s)

Moderator and level k d 95% CI Contrasts p value

Percent of estimated maximal heart rate at peak intensity
a. o82% 29 0.633 0.459–0.808
b. 482% 23 0.452 0.303–0.601
c. not reported 6 0.630 0.271–0.990
a. o22 min 30 0.869 0.696–1.043 ab o.001
b. 422 min 26 0.319 0.177–0.461
a. cycle 18 0.653 0.406–0.899
b. run 25 0.493 0.354–0.631
c. isometric 9 0.710 0.355–1.065
a. sitting 28 0.623 0.429–0.816
b. standing 29 0.552 0.416–0.688
Intensity variation
a. incremental test 8 0.848 0.504–1.191
b. steady state 40 0.512 0.376–0.647
c. variable 10 0.485 0.274–0.696
Elapsed time
a. o6 min 22 0.829 0.645–1.012 ac 5 .001
b. 6–10.5 min 17 0.545 0.330–0.760
c. 410.5 min 16 0.154 0.035–0.382
Time of day
a. am 14 0.647 0.453–0.844
b. pm 4 0.067 0.534–0.400 bc o.001
c. controlled 6 1.123 0.789–1.457 cd 5 .003
d. not reported 34 0.421 0.273–0.569
a. frontal 13 0.287 0.057–0.518
b. temporal 12 0.699 0.483–0.915
c. central and parietal 10 0.936 0.590–1.281
d. occipital 11 0.232 0.039–0.503
e.  two regions 7 0.602 0.392–0.813
Position of eyelids
a. open 8 0.064 0.290–0.161 ab o.001
b. closed 36 0.645 0.504–0.786 ad o.001
c. not reported 12 1.092 0.796–1.3880
Body position
a. supine 9 0.881 0.532–1.230 ac 5 .003
b. recumbent 15 0.501 0.314–0.687 cd 5 .010
c. seated 19 0.223 0.031–0.415
d. not reported 14 0.749 0.526–0.971
Reference scheme
a. ear lobes 10 0.393 0.082–0.705 ad 5 .002
b. central 15 0.499 0.319–0.679 bd o.001
c. mastoids 21 0.408 0.238–0.579 cd o.001
d. not reported 12 1.266 0.947–1.584
a. o23.4 years 18 0.189 0.012–0.367 ab 5 .005
b. 23.4–30 years 24 0.647 0.468–0.826 ac o.001
c. 430 years 15 0.779 0.562–0.996
a. female 3 1.224 0.557–1.891
b. male 40 0.536 0.396–0.676
c. both 15 0.493 0.317–0.669
Method of EEG analysis
a. absolute 50 0.595 0.479–0.711 ab 5 .009
b. % total power 8 0.170 0.124–0.465
Study design
a. controlled 11 0.880 0.619–1.140 ab 5 .005
b. uncontrolled 47 0.467 0.348–0.586
Publication format
a. abstract 5 2.089 1.541–2.637 ab o.001
b. journal 53 0.475 0.365–0.585

alpha of .01. Nonetheless, the pattern of effect sizes across would be less than those in the temporal and central/parietal sites
regions suggests that were differences to be detected among the (ES  .70 to .93). Such a difference would be consistent with our
regions, the increases in alpha activity at frontal sites (ES  .29) concern that recent investigations (e.g., Petruzzello et al., 2001;
570 J.B. Crabbe and R. K. Dishman

Table 3. Correlation Matrix of Different Frequency Bands

Frequency theta alpha 1 alpha 2 alpha beta 1 beta 2 beta

mean ES r r r r r r r
95% CI p p p p p p p
k k k k k k k
Delta .88 .74 .69 .47 .19 .34 .39
0.50 SD .01 .01 .01 .06 .53 .26 .12
0.32–0.68 17 12 12 17 13 13 17
Theta .76 .78 .25 .36 .45 .07
0.53 SD .01 .01 .29 .23 .12 .76
0.36–0.70 12 12 20 13 13 20
Alpha 1 .78 .95 .53 .74 .61
0.75 SD .01 .01 .07 .01 .03
0.54–0.97 12 12 12 12 12
Alpha 2 .93 .65 .69 .68
0.57 SD .01 .02 .01 .01
0.36–0.78 .12 12 12 12
Alpha .67 .78 .69
0.55 SD .01 .01 .01
0.39–0.70 13 13 28
Beta 1 .91 .96
0.70 SD .01 .01
0.50–0.89 13 13
Beta 2 .93
0.38 SD .01
0.18–0.56 13
0.38 SD

k: number of effects compared.

Petruzzello & Tate, 1997) have prematurely focused on changes intensity of exercise. Larger increases in alpha activity among
in alpha activity at frontal sites, to the exclusion of considering older participants are likely explained by confounding associa-
other sites. Future studies should examine a broad topography of tions of age with method of data reduction. Studies of older
cortical networks before presuming a premier role for specific participants were more likely to express alpha activity relative to
brain regions in neural responses to exercise. power in other frequency bands (e.g., Shibata et al., 1997).
Variations in effect size across the studies we reviewed suggest A few studies of brain electrocortical activity after exercise
several moderating variables that could guide future studies (Crabbe, Smith, & Dishman, 1999; Petruzzello et al., 1994, 2001;
designed to better understand circumstances in which exercise Petruzzello & Tate, 1997) adopted contemporary theoretical
may have stronger affects on brain electrocortical activity. They models that conceptualize two major dimensions of affective ex-
may also inform methodological advances in future studies. The perience: pleasantness and unpleasantness (Davidson, 1998;
large mean effect for an increase in alpha activity reported in Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 1998). Consistent with these models,
studies conducted in the morning may be partly explained by the some nonexercise studies have shown that the left or right frontal
circadian and wake-dependent nature of alpha activity (Aesch- cortex is predominantly activated (i.e., alpha activity is decrea-
bach et al., 1997). All of the 14 effects resulting from studies sed) during the respective induction of pleasant or unpleasant
conducted in the morning (Mechau et al., 1998; Pineda & affect (Davidson, Ekman, Saron, Senulius, & Friesen, 1990;
Adkisson, 1961; Stock et al., 1996) were derived using a single Davidson, Marshall, Tomarken, & Henriques, 2000).
group, pre–post design (i.e., a no-exercise control condition was However, the cumulative evidence from the exercise studies
not used). Thus, the passage of time, and not the exercise ma- reviewed herein suggests that there is not only a change in frontal
nipulation, may have accounted for the elevation of alpha ac- brain electrocortical activity after exercise, but an effect is also
tivity in these studies. The large mean effect when time of day was evidenced in the temporal, central, and parietal regions.
controlled was computed from six effects reported in a single Furthermore, the cumulative results indicate no intrahemispheric
study (Boutcher & Landers, 1988) that used a resting control shift in alpha activity after exercise. For example, in one report, a
condition, effectively countering the aforementioned methodo- reduction in anxiety 10 min after exercise was accompanied by
logical concern, though the specific time of day in this study was decreased left frontal alpha activity 5 min after exercise (Pet-
not mentioned. Testing time of day was also related to body ruzzello et al., 1994), but another study found that frontal alpha
position during EEG recording (r 5 .50). However, the larger asymmetry measured at rest or in response to moderately intense
effects obtained when participants were in supine or semirecum- exercise was unrelated to emotional responding after exercise,
bent postures during recording may have been confounded by despite a reduction in anxiety (Crabbe, Smith, & Dishman,
pre–post morning tests or by use of a closed eyelids protocol, 1999). Although it has been assumed that exercise is an emotion
which was also associated with supine or semirecumbent posi- elicitor (Petruzzello & Tate, 1997; Petruzzello et al, 2001), this has
tions (r 5 .53). been shown not to be precisely the case; exercise elicits an increase
The increase in alpha activity after exercise did not vary ac- in feelings of arousal but does not change affective valence
cording to participants’ sex, mode, posture, or the mode and (Crabbe, Smith, & Dishman, 1999). Moreover, our quantitative
Exercise and brain electrocortical activity 571

analysis indicates that alpha activity was most elevated when increases in self-ratings of arousal and cardiovascular and
measured immediately and up to about 6 min after the cessation sympathetic nervous system activity that accompany anxiety
of exercise. The transience of the effect of exercise on alpha ac- are related to electrocortical activation in the right parietal and
tivity suggests conceptual and methodological challenges for temporal regions (Heller, 1990; Heller, Nitschke, Etienne, &
studies that examine mood or affective responses to emotion- Miller, 1997; Heller, Nitschke, & Miller, 1998). Using single
eliciting stimuli at later periods after exercise has ended. photon emission tomography, Williamson et al. (1999) reported
Generalized attentional (Breus & O’connor, 1998) or arousal that blood flow increased in the areas of the right and left insular
(Magnie et al., 2000) effects of exercise might influence brain cortex during cycle ergometry in a dose-dependent manner. The
electrocortical activity in several frequencies and loci, and it is insular cortex is a hemodynamic control center with projections
plausible that brain cortical systems are altered generally in re- to many other nuclei including the thalamus (Oppenheimer,
sponse to the increased metabolic arousal that uniquely accom- Gelb, Girvin, & Hachinski, 1992). In turn, the thalamus is well
panies physical exertion (Dishman, 1998). Several authors have connected to and exerts inhibitory and excitatory control exten-
speculated that hypothalamic modulation of increased metabo- sively upon cortical regions (Steriade, Deschenes, Domich, &
lism during exercise might influence electrocortical activity. Re- Mulle, 1985). The reticular thalamic nucleus inhibits incoming
cently Nielsen et al. (2001) showed that the ratio of alpha activity lower brain stem excitatory signals to cortico-thalamic nuclei
to beta activity in the frontal region was directly related to in- (Steriade, Domich, & Oakson, 1986).
creases in esophageal temperature, which is proportional to in- Interactions among the moderators that we examined would
creased metabolism, during  35 min of cycling exercise. Alpha likely provide better explanations of the findings suggested by
activity tended to increase immediately and stay elevated during our independent analysis of moderators. However, not all studies
exercise as a percentage of baseline (i.e., preexercise resting state), reported information on each of the moderators we examined.
but beta increased immediately and then subsided. The Nielsen Hence, there were not enough studies and effects to permit a
group speculated that hypothalamic nuclei involved with tem- statistically powerful analysis of several moderators or interac-
perature regulation might modulate beta activity during exercise. tions among the moderators, a limitation to inferring causality by
It has also been suggested that increased alpha activity might moderators that is common among meta-analyses. Moreover,
be positively related to increased neural traffic from somatosen- most of the studies we reviewed did not experimentally manip-
sory afferents (Youngstedt et al., 1993). This idea is consistent ulate levels of the moderators, so it is important to avoid pre-
with the cumulative evidence reported herein of increased alpha maturely inferring that a significant moderator in our analysis is
activity measured at central and temporal sites that overlay por- a de facto cause of variations in brain electrocortical response to
tions of the sensorimotor cortex that receive afferent feedback exercise.
during exercise. Other research has implicated feedback to cor- Despite the relatively small number of studies we reviewed
tico-thalamic tracts from sympathetically mediated increases in and their diverse purposes and methods, our quantitative syn-
epinephrine and norepinephrine. Stock et al. (1996) showed a thesis of the cumulative literature is sufficiently positive to en-
correlation of plasma norepinephrine with low alpha and low courage further controlled examination of brain electrocortical
beta activity (r 5  .70) after resistance exercise. Norepinephrine activity in response to exercise. Future exercise studies should
levels increase proportionally with increasing intensity of exer- exploit contemporary theoretical and methodological advances
cise and are associated with mechanoceptive and nociceptive in the study of brain electrocortical activity (Nunez et al., 1997,
responses to exertion that might influence brain electrocortical 1999; Pivik et al., 1993), concurrent with affective experience
activity. (Davidson, 1992, 1998; Hagemann, Naumann, Becker, Maier, &
Alpha activity also might be increased because of cortical Bartussek, 1998). Putative mechanisms underlying the change in
inhibition by subcortical and brain-stem activation associated electrocortical activity in response to exercise also should be ex-
with cardiovascular regulation during exercise (Koriath, Lind- amined. Prime candidates include cortico-thalamic networks as-
holm, & Landers, 1987; Lacey & Lacey, 1978). For instance, sociated with the modulation of cardiovascular and metabolic
cortical oscillations in the alpha frequency band are inversely responses during activation of skeletal locomotory muscles.
related to metabolism in the thalamus of healthy adults (Larson Also, we are unaware of any studies that have examined the
et al., 1998; Lindgren et al., 1999). The thalamus also is inter- association of brain electrocortical activity with neuroimages of
connected with the insular cortex, which is involved in cardio- activation of cortical and subcortical brain structures in response
vascular control during exercise (Williamson, McColl, & to exercise. Such studies are needed to further advance under-
Mathews, 2003; Williamson, McColl, Mathews, Ginsburg, & standing of whether it is biologically plausible that exercise af-
Mitchell, 1999). Heller and colleagues have reported that fects brain activation in ways specific to region or hemisphere.


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