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Dr. C. P. Johnson Introduction

 Communication is THE skill that gives people
an edge.
 It is an important determining agent for social
organisation, personality building and cultural
occurrences that make up our social fabric.
 Our gestures, eyes, tone of voice, as well as
our silences convey something!
Communication = sharing of meanings
 The word "communication" is derived from the
Latin verb "communicare", which means: "be
in connection with".
 Communication can be broadly defined as a
"sharing of meaning".
 Meaning may be transmitted through:
 A linguistic form
 A symbolic form
Role of Communication in Business

 Business needs good communicators.

 Communication is vital to every part of business.
 Communication is essential to building trust and
teamwork among employees.
 Communication has a direct effect on productivity.
 The extent of a business’s communication
depends on the nature of the business, its
operating plan, its geographic dispersion and the
people involved.
Forms of Business Communication
 Internal Operational – communication done in
conducting work within a business such as giving
orders, assembling reports & writing e-mail.
Communication done to implement the operating plan.
 External Operational – work related communication
with people outside the business such as websites,
telephoning, advertising & writing messages.
 Both internal and external communications are vital
to business success.
 Personal – non-business related exchanges of
information & feelings among people.
Personal Communication affects employee attitudes,
and, attitudes affect employee performance.
Communication Network of Organisation
 Information flow in a business forms a complex
 The flow is mainly downward, but lateral &
upward communications are also important.
 Formal Network – The communicating that
follows the formal structure of business.
Operational info flows through this network.
 Informal / Grapevine Network – The secondary
Consists primarily of personal communication.
The Communication Process
 Communication is a process that serves to
connect senders and receivers of messages
through space and time.
The Communication Process
 Source/Sender - Initiator of the process.
He/She wants to transmit thoughts, ideas
& feelings to his/her counterpart who thus
becomes the receiver.
 Encoding - Refers to the activities that a
source goes through to translate thoughts,
ideas & feelings into a form that may be
perceived by the senses.
 Transmission - Refers to the action of using
physical channels to get the message across
to the receiver.
The Communication Process

 Receiver - Target of the message.

 Decoding - Refers to the activities that translate
or interpret physical messages into a form that
has eventual meaning for a receiver.
 Feedback - Refers to those responses of the
receiver that may alter and shape the
subsequent messages of the source.
Models of Communication
Linear or Bull's Eye Model
 It describes communication as a one-way flow
between a sender and a receiver.
Models of Communication
Circular Flow or Ping-pong Model
 It describes a situation where there are series
of interactions between senders and receivers.
Models of Communication
Harold Lasswell's Model
 It describes a series of 5 questions that help in
identifying the major elements in communication.
 "Who says What to Whom through What channel,
with What effects?"……. 5 W’s
 Who says? - the sender
 What? - the message /content / topics
 To Whom? - the receiver
 Through What channel? - medium /means /languages
 With What effects? - effect on receiver

 Why? - functions / purposes (intentions of sender)

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