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Sana'a University – CTLT

Subject: Medical & Technical Translation - Postgraduate students –

Second Term – 2021-2022
Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Alhawsali -

MTT Activity 7
1. UN & International RFs
No RF Full Form ‫الترجمة‬
1 AI Amnesty International
2 AL Arab League
3 BBC British Broadcasting Corporation
4 CIA Central Intelligence agency
5 CNN Cable News Network
6 CTE Committee on Trade and Environment
(of the World Trade Organization)
7 EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and
8 EC European Community
9 ECA Economic Commission for Africa
10 ECE Economic Commission for Europe
11 ECHR European Court of Human Rights
12 ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America
and the Caribbean
13 EEA European Environment Agency
14 EFTA European Free Trade Association
15 ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for
Asia and the Pacific
16 ESCWA Economic and Social Commission for
Western Asia
17 EU European Union
18 FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
19 FBI Federal Bureau Investigation
20 FIFA Federation Internationale de Football
21 G8 The Group of Eight
22 G20 The Group of Twenty
23 GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
24 GCC Gulf Cooperation Council
25 GET Global Environment Trust Fund
26 GMT Greenwich Mean Time
27 HRW Human Rights Watch
28 IAEA international Atomic Energy Agency
29 IATA International Air Transport Association

Sana'a University – CTLT
Subject: Medical & Technical Translation - Postgraduate students –
Second Term – 2021-2022
Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Alhawsali -

MTT Activity 7
30 IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and
31 ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
32 ICC International Criminal Court
33 ICC International Chamber of Commerce
34 ICJ International court of Justice
35 ICTSD International Center for Trade and
Sustainable Development
36 IDA International Development Association
37 IEA International Energy Agency
38 IFAD International Fund for Agricultural
39 IFC International Finance Corporation
40 IFR International Federation of Robots
41 IFRCRS International Federation of Red Cross and
Red Crescent Societies
42 IHFC International Humanitarian Fact-finding
43 ILO International Labour Organization
44 IMF International Monetary Fund
45 IMO International Maritime Organization
46 INGOs International Non-Governmental
47 IOC International Olympic Commission
48 IOM International Organization for Migration
49 IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
50 IRW Islamic Relief Worldwide
51 ISESCO Islamic Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization
52 ISO International Standards Organization
53 ITC International Trade Centre
54 ITU International Telecommunication Union
55 NASA National Aeronautics Space
56 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
57 NGOs Non-governmental Organizations
58 NNPT Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
59 OAS Organization of American States

Sana'a University – CTLT
Subject: Medical & Technical Translation - Postgraduate students –
Second Term – 2021-2022
Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Alhawsali -

MTT Activity 7
60 OAU Organization of African Unity
61 OCHA Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs
62 OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development
63 OIC Organization of the Islamic Cooperation
64 OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting
65 OSCE Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe
66 TOEFL Test of English as Foreign Language
67 UPU Universal Postal Union
68 UNCDF United Nations Capital Development
69 UNCHS United Nations Center for Human
70 UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and
71 UNDP United Nations Development Programme
72 UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
73 UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural
74 UNFPA United Nations Population Fund
75 UNGEGN United Nations Group of Experts on
Geographical Names
76 UNHCR Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees
77 UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
78 UNICRI United Nations Interregional Crime and
Justice Research Institute
79 UNIDIR United Nations Institute for Disarmament
80 UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development
81 UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and
82 UNOPS United Nations Office for Project
83 UNRISD United Nations Research Institute for
Sana'a University – CTLT
Subject: Medical & Technical Translation - Postgraduate students –
Second Term – 2021-2022
Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Alhawsali -

MTT Activity 7
Social Development
84 UNW United Nations Entity for Gender
Equality and the Empowerment of
85 UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency
for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
86 UNWTO World Tourism Organization
87 UPU Universal Postal Union
88 UNU United Nations University
89 UNV United Nations Volunteers
90 USAID US Agency for International
91 WBG World Bank Group
92 WCED World Commission on Environment and
93 WCO World Customs Organization
94 WFP World Food Programme
95 WFTU World Federation of Trade Union
96 WMO World Meteorological Organization
97 WHO World Health Organization
98 WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization
99 WPC The World Peace Council
100 WTO World Trade Organization

Sana'a University – CTLT
Subject: Medical & Technical Translation - Postgraduate students –
Second Term – 2021-2022
Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Alhawsali -

MTT Activity 7
2. Technical RFs
No. Reduced Full Form ‫الترجمة‬
1 A Ampere
2 A/D Analog to Digital
3 AC Alternating Current
4 A/C Air Conditioning
5 AI Artificial Intelligence
6 AMP Amplifier
7 AP Access Point
8 ASP Application Service Provider
9 AT At Attachment
10 ATC Automatic Temperature Control
11 AV Average
12 AV Audio/Video
13 B Battery
14 BSW Basic Software
15 CA Conditional Access
16 CAD Computer-Aided Design
17 CB Circuit Breaker
18 CC Constant Current
19 CCU Central Control Unit
20 CE Conformite Europeene (European
21 CEC Consumer Electronics Control
22 CN Connector
23 CONV Converters
24 CPU Central Processing Unit
25 CUL Canada Underwriters Laboratories
26 DB Distribution Board
27 D&D Design and Development
28 DC Direct Current
29 DFM Design for Manufacturing
30 DI Data Input
31 DI Digital Input
32 DMA Direct Memory Access
33 DNC Do Not Connect

Sana'a University – CTLT
Subject: Medical & Technical Translation - Postgraduate students –
Second Term – 2021-2022
Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Alhawsali -

MTT Activity 7
34 Do Data Output
35 DO Digital Output
36 DRM Digital Rights Management
37 DUT Device Under Test
38 E Emitter
39 E Energy
40 EE Electrical Engineer
41 EF Exhaust Fan
42 F Frequency
43 FA Fire Alarm
44 FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
45 FM Failure Mode
46 FM Frequency Modulation
47 FUS Fuse
48 GPS Global Positioning System
49 GSM Global System for Mobile
50 HD High Definition
51 HS High Speed
52 HV High Voltage
53 IF Intermediate Frequency
54 IN Input
55 IoT Internet of Things
56 ISO International Standards Organization
57 kW Kilowatt
58 L Load
59 LAN Local Area Network
60 LCD Liquid Crystal Display
61 LED Light-emitting Diode
62 LF Low Frequency
63 LGA Land Grid Array
64 LNA Low Noise Amplifier
65 LTT Life Time Test
66 LV Low Voltage
67 M Motor
68 min Minimum
69 MMU Memory Management Unit
70 MTP Master Test Plan
71 N.A. Not Available

Sana'a University – CTLT
Subject: Medical & Technical Translation - Postgraduate students –
Second Term – 2021-2022
Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Alhawsali -

MTT Activity 7
72 N/A Not Applicable
73 NA Network Analyzer
74 NEC National Electrical Code
75 NC No Connection
76 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health
77 OT Over Temperature
78 OTG On-The-Go
79 P Power
80 PLM Product Lifecycle Management
81 PS Power Supply
82 PSE Project Safety Engineer
83 R Resistance
84 LR Load Resistance
85 ROM Read Only Memory
86 SD Storage Device
87 SPKR Speaker
88 SRS Software Requirements Specifications
89 STDY Stand by
90 SVAT System Verification and Acceptance
91 TBC To Be Confirmed
92 USB Universal Serial Bus
93 UL Underwriters Laboratories
94 UV Under Voltage
95 W Watt
96 WAN Wide Area Network
97 WEEE Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
98 WIFI Wireless Internet Free Internet
99 WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
100 WWW World Wide Web

Sana'a University – CTLT
Subject: Medical & Technical Translation - Postgraduate students –
Second Term – 2021-2022
Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Alhawsali -

MTT Activity 7

3. Medical RFs
No. RF Full Form ‫الترجمة‬
1 a.c. Before Meal
2 ABC Acute Bacterial Endocarditis
3 AID Acute Infectious Disease
4 AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
5 ADDM Adult Onset Diabetes Mellitus
6 AKA Above-Knee Amputation
7 AMI Acute Myocardial Infraction
8 ARF Acute Renal Failure
9 ARI Acute Respiratory Infection
10 BBT Basal Body Temperature
11 BCC Basal Cell Carcinoma
12 BDT Body Density Test
13 BEAM Brain Electrical Activity Map
14 BKA Below-Knee Amputation
15 BMB Bone Marrow Biopsy
16 BMI Body Mass Index
17 BMR Basal Metabolic Rate
18 BNO Bladder Neck Obstruction
19 BNR Bladder Neck Resection
20 BOM Bilateral Otitis Media
21 BP Blood Pressure
22 BPH Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
23 CAD Computer Assisted Diagnosis
24 CBC Complete Blood Count
25 CC Chief Complain
26 CD Communicable Disease
27 CHF Congestive Heart Failure
28 CCHI Certification Commission for
Healthcare Interpreters
29 CHIA The California Healthcare Interpreters
30 CML Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia
31 CNS Central Nervous System

Sana'a University – CTLT
Subject: Medical & Technical Translation - Postgraduate students –
Second Term – 2021-2022
Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Alhawsali -

MTT Activity 7
32 COD Cause of Death
33 COLD Chronic Obstruction Lung Disease
34 CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
35 CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
36 CRF Chronic Renal Failure
37 CT Computed Tomography
38 CT Chemotherapy
39 CTD Cumulative Trauma Disorder
40 CTS Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
41 CUC Chronic Ulcerative Colitis
42 CXR Chest X-Ray
43 DCR Direct Cortical Response
44 DGE Delayed Gastric Emptying
45 DIC Diffuse Intravascular Coagulation
46 DJD Degenerative Joint Disease
47 DM Diabetes Mellitus
48 DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
49 DX Diagnosis
50 ECG Electrocardiogram
51 EDD End-Diastolic Syndrome
52 EENT Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat
53 EFM Electronic Fetal Monitor
54 EMS Early Morning Specimen
55 EPF Early Pregnancy Factor
56 FDA Food and Drug Administration
57 FEF Forced Expiratory Flow
58 FFA Free Fatty Acid
59 FHR Fetal Heart Rate
60 FHS Fetal Heart Sound
61 FME Full Mouth Extraction
62 GA General Anesthetic
63 HAV Hepatitis A Virus
64 HBV Hepatitis B Virus
65 HCV Hepatitis C Virus
66 HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
67 H&P history and Physical Examination
68 HTN Hypertension
69 IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Sana'a University – CTLT
Subject: Medical & Technical Translation - Postgraduate students –
Second Term – 2021-2022
Instructor: Dr. Mohammed Alhawsali -

MTT Activity 7
70 ICU Intensive Care Unit
71 IM Intramuscular
72 IMIA International Medical Interpreters
73 IV Intravenous
74 LA Local Anesthetic
75 LFT Liver function Test
76 M/H Medical History
77 MING The Medical Interpreter Network of Georgia
78 MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
79 NCIHC National Council on Interpreting
in Health Care
80 NCP Nursing Care Plan
81 NB Newborn
82 N/C No Complaints
83 NED No Evidence of Disease
84 NR No Response
85 PFT Pulmonary Function Test
86 PRN As Needed
87 PT Physical Therapy
88 QID Four Times a Day
89 SAM Self-Administered Medication
90 SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
91 SOMI The Society of Medical Interpreters
92 ST Subcutaneous
93 T Temperature
94 T&A Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
95 TB Tuberculosis
96 TID Three Times a Day
97 UTI Urinary Tract Infection
98 XRT Radiotherapy
99 WBC White Blood Cell
100 W/C Wheel Chair


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