Treatment by Waste Stabilization Ponds

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Treatment by Waste Stabilization


Dr.Bashir Mohammed El Hassan

1. Basic Consideration
1.1Purpose of Wastewater Treatment:

Typical domestic sewage is composed of some 99.9% water and 0.1% impurities,
mainly suspended, colloidal and dissolved solids. There are also gases,
microorganisms and other materials present.
Wastewater treatment involves the separation of solid fraction from the liquid
phase, treating the solids and the liquid arising from this separation to reduce, as far
as possible, the organic pollutants. This allows final disposal of the stabilized
wastewater constituents into the environment without detrimental effects.
Stabilisation ponds provide suitable treatment and are, in addition, very effective
in removing pathogens.
In other types of wastewater treatment plant, separation of the solid and liquid
fractions is achieved using capital-intensive units, often mechanically aided, in
concrete channels, tanks and other devices. These include screens, grit chambers,
settling tanks, thickeners, aeration tanks, digesters and other unit processes. These
forms of treatment are less efficient than ponds in the removal of pathogens.

The term “waste stabilisation pond” in its simplest form is applied to a body of
water, artificial or natural, employed with the intention of retaining sewage or organic
waste waters until the wastes are rendered stable and inoffensive for discharge into
receiving waters or on land, through physical chemical and biological processes
commonly referred to as “self-purification” and involving the action of algae and
bacteria under the influence of sunlight (photosynthesis) and air. organic matter
contained in the waste is stabilized and converted in the pond into more stable matter
in the form of algal cells which find their way into the effluent and hence the term
“stabilisation pond ”.

Symbiosis of algae and Bacteria in Stabilisation Pond

2. Type of Ponds:

Waste stabilisation ponds are classified according to the biological processes

taking place, namely, aerobic, anaerobic and facultative.
2.1Aerobic Ponds : are shallow ponds of about 1-1.5 meters depth or less ,
aerobic conditions are maintained throughout the depth of the pond all the time and
the waste material is stabilized entirely through aerobic microorganisms.
2.2 Anaerobic Ponds: are those designed for higher organic loadings so that
photosynthetic algal action is precluded and anaerobic conditions prevail throughout
the pond volume . the pond is ,therefore , devoid of molecular oxygen and anaerobic
bacteria obtain their required oxygen from chemical compounds present in the waste .
Under these conditions the pond acts like an unheated and unstirred open digester.
Anaerobic decomposition degrades organic matter through successive steps to
gaseous end-products like methane and carbon dioxide. Such ponds are built deeper,
about 2.5-5 meters being more common. The effluent from an anaerobic pond will
usually have high BOD and require further treatment.
2.3Facultative Ponds : are relatively shallow about 1-1.5 meters depth and
predominantly aerobic during the sunshine hours as well as for some hours of the
night .in the few remaining hours of the night , the upper layers of the pond may or
may not be aerobic but the bottom layers are generally anaerobic . Many of the waste
stabilisation ponds are a combination of aerobic and anaerobic types in varying


During slow passage of the wastewater through the pond, and after some time has
elapsed, the following changes will have taken place:

1. Most of the suspended solids will have settled to the bottom of the pond.
2. Some removal of pathogenic agents will have been achieved.

3. Floating material, including oil, grease, corks, cigarette filters, plastics and
other items will have been carried to the surface , where they will build up in
a scum layer .Scum baffles or similar devices will subsequently prevent this
scum from leaving the pond with the effluent ;
4. Part of the suspended solids, including worm eggs parasites and bacteria, settle
to the bottom of the pond .Here they undergo anaerobic decomposition,
concentration and part mineralization. The organic material is broken down by
anaerobic bacteria. Through the metabolism (respiration and growth) of these
bacteria, part of the organics matter is converted into mineral matter .During
this phase, gases are generated CO2, CH4 and H2S; these gases are dispersed
into the atmosphere through the liquid surface . A portion of the sludge
resulting from the settling of solids will be transformed into gas. Synergistic
relationship between algae and bacteria in a facultative .This reaction, together
with sludge thickening, accounts for the very slow build-up of solids in an
anaerobic pond. As a result, the accumulated sludge may be estimated at only
40 liters per person per year.

The liquid effluent from the anaerobic pond is nearly always transferred to a
facultative pond this effluent will have low levels of suspended and settlable solids
and worm eggs. In terms of BOD5 (5-day biochemical oxygen demand) the effluent
will often have a 40 -60 % reduction in concentration from that in the raw influent to
the primary, anaerobic pond depending on temperature and retention time.


A facultative pond is built with a smaller depth and a larger surface area than an
anaerobic pond of the same volume. The designer attempts to maintain an aerobic
upper layer "floating" upon an anaerobic lower one. The aerobic condition in the
upper layer is produced by dissolved oxygen; this is primarily generated as a result of
photosynthesis caused by the incidence of solar radiation upon the algal population of
the pond.

Aerobic and facultative bacteria in the upper and middle layers metabolize the
dissolved, colloidal and suspended organic matter, consuming dissolved oxygen and
producing CO2; this is transformed into algal cell material (organic carbon).

Synergistic relationship between algae and bacteria in a faulative pond


Maturation pond is used mainly for reduction of pathogenic organism. Besides

removing a very high percentage of faecal bacteria, viruses, protozoa and other
pathogens, maturation ponds may also remove some algae and some nutrients,
occasionally; however, algal blooms do occur in maturation pond.

From extensive studies made on ponds it could be seen that the performance of
stabilisation ponds is comparable to that of conventional sewage treatment plants
using trickling filters. Furthermore effluent from stabilisation ponds is safe and better
for use in irrigation. Waste stabilisation ponds can with stand overloading far better
than conventional sewage treatment methods.

Selection of possible pond arrangements in parallel and series (A= anaerobic, F= facultative,
M= maturation)


Anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds are often used in series. Each stage
in a series may be broken down into two or more ponds operated in parallel.

Anaerobic ponds are frequently used ahead of facultative ponds in order to reduce
the land area required. A comparison of the main characteristics of anaerobic and
facultative ponds is given in Table I. facultative ponds followed by one or more
maturation ponds are used where a high-grade effluent is necessary, especially with
regard to pathogenic organisms. This is the case when effluent is reused for
agricultural purposes and for aquaculture.


There are several factors which may, advantageously or adversely, affect the
hydraulic and biological conditions of wastewater stabilisation ponds. Some of these
factors can be taken into account at the design stage, whereas others, as already
stated, are beyond the designers and the operator’s influence. These factors must be
understood so that detrimental effects may be minimized. Care in site selection and
design can reduce the impacts of some factors.
Natural factors are not controllable by man. They are mainly the meteorological
phenomena: wind, temperature, rainfall, sunshine and evaporation.

Physical factors are generally related to design and the designer is able to be selective
in deciding among alternatives.
2.1 SURFACE AREA ; water, depth, short circuiting.
The main chemical factors affecting pond performance are:
 PH-value;
 Toxic materials;
 Oxygen.

Variation of dissolved oxygen measured at one-hourly intervals over a 24-hour period in a

facultative pond in Brasilia, Brazil


1. Wastewater flow
Stabilisation ponds are sometimes designed on the basis of hydraulic retention
time, a parameter directly related to wastewater flow. Since the hydraulic retention
time in ponds is normally several days or weeks, the average flow rate is an adequate
basis for design. Due to the relatively large volume of pond systems, maximum and
minimum flows in the collection system are damped out and only average flow needs
to be considered.

IF there are no measured data on sewage flow, it can be estimated from the
number of inhabitants contributing to the sewer system, the per caput wastewater
contribution and the amount of groundwater infiltration.
2. Wastewater composition
The design of stabilisation ponds is directly related to wastewater characteristics.
Characteristic of receiving water
If the pond effluent is not be reclaimed for further use, it will have to be disposed
of somewhere, most often into a stream or a lake. The self –cleaning and dilution
capacity of a receiving water under condition of critical flow should be known in
order to determine the degree of treatment to be provided. Sometimes a heavily-
loaded primary pond may be sufficient, while in other cases several ponds in series or
an upgrading of effluent quality by other means are required.

Pond Failure
Such as short–circuiting vertical mixing and wind–induced currents, anaerobic
decomposition of the bottom sludge and other factors which are independent of the
pond loading.

Thus, the definition of pond failure and hence of maximum admissible loading,
requires the establishment of certain criteria such as:
 Occurrence of odour (occasional, permanent).
 Lack of oxygen in the pond effluent.
 Presence of suspended matter other than algae in the effluent.
 Poor appearance of the pond and the effluent.
 High level of soluble (filterable) BOD and COD in the effluent.
Favorable and unfavorable factors related to facultative ponds in warm regions

 Favorable factors
If pond temperature is about 30°C, important beneficial effects may be expected
in stabilisation ponds. The main parameter positively influenced by high temperature
is the biodegradation rate constant K because organic matters broken down more
rapidly as temperature increase

 Unfavorable factors
It was shown that facultative ponds were most efficient when the light level
ranged from 49000 to 63000 Lux. As the light level increase further efficiency

During the corresponding period ,the pond temperature increase beyond 30°C at
which time the green algae were replaced by blue-green species and algal mats
started to appear on the pond surface, obstructing the penetration of light to lower
depths ,hindering photosynthesis and reducing pond efficiency.
Algal blooms occur very often in warm ponds. They quality absorb dissolved
carbon dioxide and bicarbonates, with a resulting increase in pH-value which may
rise to more than 10. Such a high Ph-value inhibits bacterial oxidation and thereby
produces an effluent that eventually does not meet established standards. However, a
high pH-value will assist pathogen die-off.
Another negative factor is the occurrence of stratification .with the concurrent
appearance of a thermocline


As a guide, the following data may be when designing a pond system:
 Standard, regulations, and which are the regulatory agencies.
 Period of design, target data for start of operation.
 Present and future populations to be served (estimates of population growth).
 Industrial wastewaters (population equivalents, acceptability of industrial
wastes, recommended pre-treatment).
 Analysis of sewage.
 Flows for design.
 Loadings for design.
 Treatment requirements.
 Final disposal or reuse of the treated effluent.
 Standards and regulations.
 Temperature conditions.
 Direction of prevailing wind(s).
 Groundwater infiltration into the sewer system.
 Storm water intrusion.
 Suitability of pond treatment, combinations of ponds.
 Possible sites (distance from nearest dwellings communities etc.) with
selection of the best alternative.
 Possibility of contaminating groundwater.
 Shape and orientation of the ponds, positions of inlets and outlets.
 Constructional details.
 Area requirements net and gross.
 Sludge accumulation and removal.

Waste stabilisation ponds, like other waste treatment devices need due care in
design and construction. Proper planning is important in order to keep construction,
operation and maintenance costs to a minimum and to ensure the successful
working of the ponds it is advisable, before designing a pond for a particular
location, to prepare a preliminary report giving careful consideration to various
factors .Such a report should contain a reference to at least the following topics.

Quantity of Waste to be Treated

Nature of the Waste to be treated
Sludge Accumulation and Grit
a) Sludge quantity, disposition & characteristics
b) Theoretical computation of sludge accumulations
c) Screening and grit removal
Metrological Data
a) Temperature
b) Prevailing winds
c) Solar radiation
d) Sky clearance factor
e) Rainfall
f) Evaporation
Area Requirement of pond
a) Organic loading rate
b) Hydraulic loading rate
c) Anaerobic followed by facultative ponds
Expected Performance
Location of Pond
a) Topographical features
b) Distance from habitation
c) Nature of soil
d) Ground water table
e) Travel of pollution under ground
Shape and Other Constructional Aspects
a) shape
b) Depth
c) Multiple units

Mode of Disposal of Treated Effluent Cost Estimates
a) Capital
b) Recurring


One of the important criteria for design of stabilisation ponds is the quantity of
waste to be treated. The basic methods used for estimating waste flows for design
purposes include: (a) gauging flows in existing sewerage systems and making
corrections appropriate to increased future requirements and (d) estimating and
totaling the various components of the flow.

Infiltration in sewers may in many cases be substantial and may often require an
increase in design capacity of the pond. Allowance to be given for infiltration is
based on determination of conditions affecting it and the exercise of judgment by
engineer in evaluating their effects depending on rainfall, material of the sewers,
nature of joints and height of water table of the place a suitable estimate has to be
made for daily infiltration
If the volume of waste water to be treated is not properly estimated it will lead to
either under or over design under design reduce efficiency of treatment in the pond
while over design would tend to increase costs without commensurate increase in

Nature of the Waste to be Treated

If a stabilisation pond has to be rationally designed for treating domestic sewage or
industrial waste it is necessary to know the nature of the waste to be treated and its
typical characteristics. A knowledge of the quality of the waste is as important as its
quantity the particular characteristics of interest to the designer of stabilisation pond
 BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand).
 Suspended solids (including grit).
 PH (acidic or alkaline ).
 BOD rate constant, k and
 Temperature
Determination of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds (nutrients), colour and
metallic elements such as copper, chromium, etc. may also have to be done in some
cases such as certain industrial wastes. From the results obtained it would be possible
to determine the suitability of stabilisation ponds as well as the need or otherwise of
any pretreatment such as neutralization, nutrient addition, etc. generally the

treatability of industrial wastes is improved by combining the wastes with domestic
sewage which provides some dilution, nutrients and “seed” microorganisms.


The extent of sludge accumulation in stabilisation ponds is of considerable
interest to the design engineer as the effective volume of the pond diminishes
progressively from year to year on this account. Sludge accumulation is governed
mainly by two factors:

a) The load of grit and inorganic solids entering the pond along with the raw
b) The sludge resulting from the digestion of organic material deposited on the
pond floor.

Screening and Grit Removal:

Sewage may contain floating and inorganic suspended solids which may have to be
removed before entry to a stabilisation pond in order to avoid operational problems.
Where the treated effluent is proposed to be used for irrigation the pond site should
be at such an elevation as to command the irrigable area. The site should also be so
located as not to suffer from flooding or back- flow condition.
Natural objects such as trees may interfere with the performance of the ponds by
obstructing the light falling on the ponds either due to shadow of the trees or due to
the leaves fallen on the ponds surface .Trees may also obstruct the wind sweep across
the ponds thereby reducing the natural aeration. In order to improve performance and
to reduce maintenance coast, trees should not, therefore, be there within a distance of
15 meters (50 feet) from the pond.

While deciding the site for a pond, consideration should be given to availability of
land for future expansion of the pond and the probable course of the future expansion
of the town for which the pond is being installed.

Distance from Habitation:

Stabilisation ponds like other sewage treatment device should be located as far
from the present and future residential and commercial development as is reasonably
practicable and economically feasible. Ponds are generally located 500 meters
(1,500ft) from residences though several ponds have been located much closer than
this without any complaints of odour, particularly where wind directions are not
towards the habited areas. Well designed and operated ponds should given no odour
and mosquito problems.

1. Capital Cost:
The cost of providing stabilisation ponds consists of (a) land cost and
(b) construction cost
2. Running Cost:
Running costs for stabilisation are generally quite low. They constitute running
expenditures on staff, general maintenance and repairs and repayment of loan with
Irregular contours in stabilisation pond must be avoided because they are likely to
cause dead spaces, short-circuiting and wave amplification, thereby disturbing the
normal functioning of the units. Most frequently, the shape of a pond results from the
topographical relief of the site and is chosen to minimize earthmoving; the
importance of reducing earthmoving effort and cost should, however, not be
The square is often a convenient shape for a stabilisation pond. It normally
necessitates less earthmoving than other shapes of equal surface area or volume.
Several types of inlet and outlet may be used.
The ratio of length to width should not be greater than 2:1 in rectangular shaped
ponds. If however, a greater ratio is unavoidable, multiple inlets should be used.
Some authors favor very long rectangular ponds (ratio length: width 3:1 or more) to
foster wind action, but this idea should not over emphasized
Sometimes the available area of level or only slightly sloping land is limited and
thus square or rectangular ponds may be uneconomical because of loss of useful pond

area at the edges. In such cases irregular-shaped ponds which fit into the available
land may be used, but no peninsular or re-entrant angles or curves should exist.
No sharp corners should exist at the intersection of embankment slopes; vertices
should be rounded off and smoothed out to foster water movement and to avoid dead
Bottom elevation for minimum earthmoving volume

On a level site, it is enough to dig out a shallow excavation to obtain the

material required for construction of the embankments. The following two
conditions are mandatory ;(i) the operating water level in the pond should
be situated below the invert of the last section of the incoming gravity
sewer and above the highest groundwater table, and (ii) the soil withdrawn
should be suitable for compaction and should maintain its cohesion when
To minimize erosion caused by wind-induced waves, the slope of the embank-
ment on the wet side should be gentle: not more than about 1/3 or 1/4 (33% to 25%).
Steeper slopes may be adopted when the characteristics of the soil allow or if
protective lining is used. On the dry side of the embankment, the slope is often 1/1.5
(67%) or steeper

Lining should be the exception rather than the rule. It adds considerably to the
cost of a pond installation and, for this reason, it should not be resorted to unless

There is some disagreement about whether an inlet pipe to a pond should be
submerged or located above water level . arguments in favour of inlets at the bettom
are their low cost and simple construction, while arguments against are the

possibilities of obstruction by silting and setting of sludge at low flows and
accumulation of settled material around the exits.
The outlet of a pond may be placed at any poin on its edge, but is normally located
at the base (toe) of the embankment at the opposite end to the inlet. There are many
types of outlet, but many of them are attached to a discharge pipe at bottom level
going through the embankment . this permits complete emptying of the pond, if
Flow measurement
At least two flow meters should be installed in each pond, one on the inlet and
other on the outlet.
It should be emphasized once more that it is meaningless to provide for complex
data measuring and recording in a pond installation unless a full-time operator is
necessary, which might be the case if a pumping station exists or an evaluation is
being carried out. Otherwise, occasional inspections and repair of damage that might
occur, for example after heavy rainfall, should suffice. A pond operator should be
kept busy at all times and simple data recording will provide a routine which not only
boost his morale but may also be very useful in establishing local parameters for
future pond design.
Meteorological measurements
Stabilisation ponds depend on certain natural factors to yield good results. The
recording of meteorological factors will assist in assessing the behavior of ponds and
will sometimes allow remedial adjustment to be made to overcome problems,
provided the means exist to do this. Only the simplest measurements should be
contemplated for normal stabilisation pond installations.
 Temperature.
 Solar radiation.

 Rain fall.
 Wind.
 Evaporation.
Parameter unit Influent Effluent Frequency
PH x x W
BOD5 mg/l x x W
COD mg/l x x W
Settle able solids mg/l x x W
Total solids mg/l x x F
Fixed solids mg/l x x F
Volatile solids mg/l x x F
Faecal colifoems MPN/ x x M

W = Weekly
F = fortnightly
M = monthly.
MPN = mean probable number
Physical Aspects
Ideally, the following data should be recorded:
 Influent flow
 Effluent flow
 Water level (normal, depressed)
 Visible sludge accumulation, floating sludge mats
 Color (grey. Green, discolored patches, pink, milky, brownish, etc.).
Other aspects
 Odour production
 Rodent activity
 Insect infestation

Physic-chemical and biological data
Sampling, but not analysis, should be carried out by the operator according to
instructions furnished by the central laboratory responsible for the monitoring or
Anaerobic ponds may develop objectionable odours, may serve as breeding sites
for mosquitoes and may encourage weed growth.
The most annoying problems in facultative ponds are scum formation,
objectionable odours, short-circuiting, weed growth, and serving as a breeding site
for mosquitos and other insects. The last three mentioned problems also apply to
maturation pond.
Objectionable odours
Objectionable odours emanating from a facultative pond are likely to be caused
by one of the following:
 Organic overloading
 Long periods without sunshine, with cloud and low temperatures
 Occurrence of toxic in the influent
 Short-circuiting
 Reduction of wind-induced mixing resulting from tree screening or solid
fencing (which should never be used).
The design of a primary pond should provide a sufficient extra volume for
accumulating for a reasonable period of time (5-10 years) the sludge that will result.
Accumulated sludge must then be removed, and this can be achieved using wet or dry
sludge removal techniques. In some cases, during the desludging period, the pond
sequence is temporarily modified using a by-pass, or a stand-by pond is operated.

Wet desludging
Wet desludging may be carried out without emptying the unit. A self-priming
sludge pump can be mounted on a raft for this purpose.
Dry desludging
Using this technique the liquid layer on top of the sludge is removed and the
sludge allowed to dry by natural evaporation. The drying process takes months or
even one or two years to be completed. Therefore, a stand-by pond must be available.
The only fundamental deign condition for an anaerobic pond is to make certain
that methane fermentation becomes established.
For sewage treatment temperatures in excess of 22°C, the designer is on the safe
side if the following design criteria are adopted:
 Volumetric loading up to 300g BOD5/m³.d and/or
 Hydraulic retention time of about 5 days
 Assumed BOD5 removal of 50%
 Depth between 2.5 and 5 meters
L (kg BOD5 / ha.d) = 20T-60
Nowadays the recommended depth for facultative stabilisation pond in hot
climates is at least 1.5 meters.
3. Retention Time
Secondary facultative pond (i.e. those preceded by one or more anaerobic pond)
operated in climates where the average “coldest month” air and water temperatures
are, respectively, around 10°C and 15°C or higher would have a minimum retention
time of 5 days, extending to some tens of days.

Maturation ponds are widely used for the additional removal of pathogenic
agents, such as some species of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses. They normally
have a low efficiency for BOD removal because they receive an influent of low
soluble BOD, but they can remove soluble BOD that has been carried over from the
preceding facultative pond.
The design of maturation ponds is based on bacterial decay, although the
intention to eliminate all pathogenic organisms.
Maturation ponds are usually 1-1.5 meters in depth. However, the effluent
structure should allow the depth to be varied in order to control mosquito breeding
and to prevent the bottom layer from going anaerobic and to control weed growth.
If there are two or more ponds in series the corresponding equation is:
NR = 1 .
N0 (K’R1+1) (K’R2+1) ….. (K’Rn+1)
Where R1 , R2 , Rn are the retention times in the first , second to n th ponds , in
. a series of ponds
:In equation
N0 = bacterial population in the influent
NR = bacterial population after R days
K’ = die-off constant (dˉ¹). This varies from micro-organism to micro-organism
.and between different strains of the same one
.R = retention time

Area Inspected Condition or Problem Course of Action

Area surrounding pond New trees or bushes Cut down and remove

Area surrounding pond Surface water run-off Divert away from pond
site with small dams or

Outside slope and top of Wind or rain erosion Fill with soil; plant grass

Outside slope and top of Long grass or weeds Mow grass; cut weeds;
embankment remove cuttings

Inside slope of Erosion due to weather or Replace stones

embankment wave action

Shoreline of pond Weeds Cut and remove

Outlet of pond Debris around screen Remove debris

Surface of pond Mosquitoes Consult Health Ministry

about spraying with fine
grade fuel oil or
introducing surface-
feeding minnows
Maintenance Check List

Comparison between WSP & ACS (Advantages & Disadvantages)

Activated Sludge (ACS) Stabilization ponds (WSP)
More demanding in design and Simplicity in design and construction
High production of biological sludge Low production of biological sludge

High capital , operation , and low capital , operation , and maintenance

maintenance cost cost
High treatment efficiency if properly High treatment efficiency if properly
designed designed
Very sensitive to shock loading Less sensitive to shock loading

Skills needed in operation No skills needed in operation

Mechanical equipment are vital No mechanical equipment

High power requirement Minimum power requirement

Very small land requirement Large land requirement

No problems of mosquitoes and other Mosquitoes and other insects can breed if
insects vegetation is not controlled
Less odour problems If not desgnrd properly


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