Feeedback Log - Simcox

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FEEDBACK LOG for Formative Assessment

Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage

Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1- Name a Concrete Way to Remind
2. What you shared them of their feedback
2-A Learning experience that would
build on their learning

Language Arts Whole Class - I provided both 1 - A concrete way to remind

March 10, 2022 verbal and written feedback to the students of their feedback is to
whole class. Written feedback was place a picture of a butterfly on
provided on the scoring guides. each table. This will remind them of
Verbal feedback was given during the story and how we had to look
the process. An example of back at both the events and the
feedback I gave is: “You did a character.
beautiful job showing who the 2 - A follow-up learning experience
character was in the story. Think to build on their learning is to create
back to the story to remember what a sequencing caterpillar. The
happened, don’t just draw the students will use green cardstock as
ending.” the caterpillar body, red paper for
Student J - This child was provided the head, and clothespins with
both types of feedback. He cutouts of the story glued to them to
benefited more from the verbal sequence the character/events of the
feedback, however. I told him, “I story.
like the way you are looking at the
book cover to remember who the
character was. Do the same thing
to remember what happened. Look
back at the story.
Student R - This child was absent
during the whole class lesson day,
but he was caught back up in a
one-on-one setting. During this, he
was given verbal feedback. He was
told, “You are doing great at
recalling the events and what
happened in the story. Let’s work
on looking back at the story to
remember the character, or who it
was about.”
Social Studies Whole Class - I provided verbal 1 - To remind students of my
March 10, 2022 feedback to the class while feedback, a picture of me that was
completing a slide as a whole class used during instruction will be kept
after the formative assessment. I taped to the board. This will remind
also provided written feedback on students to look closer at a picture
the student scoring guides. Such to utilize it to learn about a person’s
feedback looked like, “You did a history.
great job explaining how a picture
can teach about a person’s life. 2 - The follow-up lesson will be the
Remember to use our new creation of student timelines with
vocabulary term ‘personal history’
when talking about a person’s pictures to convey their own
past.” personal histories.
Student J - This child does best with
verbal feedback. I made sure to give
him verbal feedback by saying I see
that you understand personal
history, but not how pictures can
show it. Remember to look at more
than just the face of the person in
the photo.
Student R - (Absent during the
whole lesson but work was done
one-on-one while catching him up.)
Student R does better with verbal
feedback than written feedback, as
he cannot read well. Verbal
feedback was given to him during
one on one instruction, “You are
doing great using the term
‘personal history’ just like we
talked about. Try to look closer at
pictures to see how they show
personal history.
Science Whole Class - For the whole class, 1 - One concrete way to remind
March 16, 2022 feedback was provided in a written students of my feedback is to leave
way on their student scoring guides. their scoring guides in the baskets
An example of this feedback was, on their tables. This way, when
“You did a lovely job sorting the sorting is done again, they can
materials by their type. Remember access these guides and their
that when sorting by color, all of feedback with ease to remind them.
the items of the same color go The baskets are always within reach
together.” at their tables and therefore a good
Student J - This child got written place to keep the scoring guides
feedback like everyone else, but he when not being used.
also received verbal feedback. The
verbal feedback was, “Student J, 2 - As a follow-up activity, sorting
let’s work on putting all of the will be done again in a math lesson.
same colored items together, even Students will sort shaped blocks by
if they items are different. You do their shape and then again by their
an amazing job at sorting things by colors. They will then sort
item!” according to both categories at
Student R - Student R benefits from once.
verbal feedback more than written
so both was provided for him as
well. One of the things I told him
during this lesson was, “You do
fantastic at sorting things by color.
Remember when sorting by
material type that all of the same
materials go together.”
Math Whole Class - The whole class 1 - A concrete way to remember the
March 21, 2022 received individual written feedback given to the students
feedback. An example of this would be to keep a poster hung in
feedback looked like, “You are the room that highlights the sides
doing wonderful identifying and vertices on each shape. The
rectangles in our classroom! shapes would also be labeled.
Remember that squares are not the
same as rectangles, though. 2 - As a follow-up activity, students
Squares have the same size sides.” will create posters about a shape.
Student J - Student J received The type of shape will be given to
verbal feedback as well as written them. Students will write how many
feedback. This verbal feedback sides and vertices each shape has,
sounded like, “Let’s work on draw a picture of that shape, and
finding triangles in the classroom. write or draw several examples of
Remember triangles only have that shape from our classroom.
three sides and three vertices, no
more. You are doing fantastic
finding stars, though! You found
them in three different places!”
Student R - Student R also received
verbal feedback. This feedback
sounded like, “I love how many
circles you are correctly finding!
Let’s practice finding ovals now.
Ovals are round and long. They
are not the same as circles. They
are stretched.”

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