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Form & function 22

1. Samy : Heard the latest about "Stuck-Up Babu" ? He slipped on a banana skin and
landed in a puddle of muddy water, right in front of the Girls' Block.
Task : to express satisfaction
   (A) Poor Babu !  
(B) Well, he deserves it !  
   (C) Nothing to feel embarrassed about.  
   (D) All the girls must have laughed at him.  
2. Teacher : This painting is so untidy. It looks like it was covered with blotches of
dirty water.
Task : to blame
   (A) I'm so sorry. I'll try harder next time.  
(B) Aminah spilt her water over it.
   (C) It's not really that dirty.  
   (D) I can't help it if I can't paint well.  
3. Mother : This piece of cake is for you, Carl. And this piece is yours, Carl.
Task : to express dissatisfaction
   (A) I don't really like cake very much.  
(B) No, thank you. I'd rather eat jelly.
   (C) Why is his piece bigger than mine ?  
   (D) Thank you, Mummy. I do love cake !  
4. Student : Mrs. Boon, I won't be able to attend school tomorrow. My grandmother
Task : to express sympathy
   (A) So, you're going to the funeral ?  
(B) How old was she ?
   (C) That's alright.  
   (D) I'm sorry to hear that.  
5. Boss : So, because of your conscientiousness, I've decided to make you the
Assistant head of your department.
Task : to express happiness
   (A) Thank you very much, Sir.  
(B) I'm most grateful to you.
   (C) Oh, really ? That's a surprise !  
   (D) Oh, I can't believe it !
Form & function 23

1. Boss : So, I hope you will all not mind staying back till 6 p.m. today.
Task : to protest
   (A) Not at all. We'll be glad to.  
(B) No, of course not.  
   (C) But, the football finals begin at five thirty.  
   (D) Why should we mind staying back just once in a while ?  
2. Girl : Let's see if I've got it. Ten o'clock at the clock tower and wearing a purple
flowered shirt. Right ?
Task : to confirm
   (A) A purple flowered shirt ?  
(B) Oh no !
   (C) You got it !  
   (D) I can't wait to see you !  
3. Caller : Please tell Mar. Dahlan to telephone me as soon as he gets back. I will be
in the Range Road Office. And, in case you don't have it, the number 333111.
But, if he returns only after four o'clock, then I'll be at home. I don't have a phone
there so I'll try to contact him myself somehow or other. Got that ?
Receptionist : Yes ...

Task : to summarize
   (A) I'll be sure to tell him to call you.  
(B) It's rather complicated but I think so.
   (C) No problem. He's to call you at home.  
   (D) He's to call you at 333111. But only if it's before 4.  
4. Aunt : Well, how did Angelo do ?

  Mother : Very well, he got a grade one and three distinctions.

Task : to congratulate
   (A) Three distinctions ? Not bad.  
(B) Oh, that was well done ! Congrats !
   (C) He always does well, doesn't he ?  
   (D) Well, I guess I should congratulate you.  
5.  Chandra : No, I can't tell you. You'll let everyone know.
Task : to promise ( not to tell )
   (A) No, I won't. Definitely not.  
(B) I'll try not to. I'll try very hard.
   (C) Do you think I can't keep a secret ?  
   (D) What if I promise you to keep it a secret ?

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