Trainers Emerald Kaizo Incomplete

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Trainers emerald kaizo

1st trainer school kid josh rock gym

1. Geoude
- Omanyte
- Sudowudo with calm mind rock tomb and mimic
- Zubat with giga drain

2nd trainer school kid tammy rock gym

1. Aaron with rock tomb, aerial ace

- Corsola with water pulse
- Ryhorn
- Yanma giga drain and ancient power wtf
- Larvitar With earth quake …

3rd trainer hiker marc rock gym

1. Onix
- Kabuto with aerial ace
- Baltoy with selfdestr
- Cacnea

Gym leader rock type

1. Noseepass with twave and selfdestruction

- Lileep with giga drain, sludge bomb
- Relicant
- Anorith avalanche and aerial ace
- Lunatoone

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