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Emergency Room Rotation Paper

Kaitlyn Scott

Del Mar College Nursing Education

September 25, 2018

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The emergency department has demands from different aspects of health care needs and

the healthcare team must respond quickly to assist the patient in the recovery process. ER nurses

must always be ready and prepared for what could possible happen. There are many different

things that nurses in the ER are faced with daily and at times makes a nurse reconsider if the

profession is really what they want to do. The healthcare team classifies patients according to the

severity and emergency of the specific patient. For example a patient experiencing chest pain

will be seen before a patient with cough and congestion. Patients coming in for a possible stroke

or cardiac arrest are automatically taken care of first whether they are from triage or brought in

by an ambulance. Priority interventions were implemented for each patient starting with placing

the EKG on the patient to review cardiac rhythm, continuous cycles of blood pressure every 15

minutes, pulse oximetry monitoring, initiating IV access, and collecting of blood samples.

The process of informed consent occurs when communication between a patient and

physician results in the patient’s authorization or agreement to undergo a specific medical

intervention. According to the hospital’s policies and procedures an informed consent must be

completed by a physician with a nurse as a witness. There are components of an informed

consent that must be fulfilled before a signature is obtained. Components include the patient's

ability to make the decision, whether or not the patient comprehends what is being signed and

discussed, if the patient voluntarily sign the consent without being forced, and if the procedure is

explained to the patient’s understanding and the patient is aware of all risks that could occur. If

the patient is unable to sign consent, a medical power of attorney or a designated family member

involved in the patient’s care can sign consent.

Disaster planning for Doctor’s Regional ER includes all employees being divided into

two teams labeled as Team A and Team B. Team A is to report to the ER within 72 hours of

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disaster with a packed bag for a few days. They are unable to leave and have to sleep, shower,

and eat within the facility. At this time paid time off, vacation, or requested days are overridden

and all employees must abide by the policies and procedures for disaster activities. Rooms

throughout the ER are color coordinated so that everyone within the hospital facility is aware of

where patients go depending on the severity of the tragedy. This process is called staging and

each technician is assigned to a group of nurses and as patients come in they are being tagged

with the color of the room they must be taken to. We must prepare ourselves by reviewing the

policies and procedures related to our roles on a regular basis and another way is to participate in

mock drills and practices within the facility that we are assigned to. Every facility has color

coordinated codes to allow for proper response with the proper staff members responding and

attending to the code and follow through with proper facility protocol.

A few take away points I would take from this experience is to always communicate and

work as a team player because situations go a lot smoother when everyone can work together to

provide care. Always show compassion and empathy to not only our patients, but to other

member of the healthcare team. Talk to my patient to grasp a better understanding of why they

have presented to the ED and what symptoms they are experiencing. It's very important for

healthcare professionals to be prepared and ready during priority situations to ensure every

patient gets the best quality care that they need.

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