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Signs & Symptoms

Outcomes Hyperglycemia: Thirsty, Dec. BP, change in LOC,

Hot dry skin, Poor skin turgor, Inc. RR and fruity Anatomy and Physiology
 FPG <100, A1C ≤ 7 (≤6.5%), OGTT <140 breath, Ketoses, Nausea, Vomiting and abdominal
 Normal blood and urine glucose levels pain , Ketoacidosis (severe), 3 Ps
 Avoid ketoacidosis Hypoglycemia: Increased RR, Dec. BP, Inc. HR,
 Maintain a healthy wt. Headache, Hunger, Anxiety, Inc. sweating, Tremors Diabetes mellitus is a permanent disorder of food metabolism
 Optimal health/nutrition cool & clammy skin, Weakness, Blurred vision, where the amount of insulin required by the body and the
 Avoid complications (hypoglycemic, hyperglycemia, neuropathy, renal amount of insulin produced by the body is inconsistent leading to
Seizures (severe), 3 P’s
failure, retinopathy , foot ulcers) blood glucose level elevation.
 Medication compliance , decrease insulin need
 Increase exercise
 Decrease glucose fluctuation

Diabetes Mellitus
Nursing Diagnosis or Problem
Nursing Diagnosis or Problem

 Control blood glucose
 Decrease the risk of side effects
 Maintain a healthy diet & wt., exercise Nursing Diagnosis or Problem  7Assess for signs of hyperglycemia
 Control BP Hypoglycemia  Assess blood glucose levels before meals and at bedtime
 Diabetic foot care , look at feet everyday (looking for  Monitor Patients A1C
redness, bumps, bruises, any areas exposed  Monitor VS, baseline VS
 Wash feet everyday and pat them dry, not lotion b/w
Interventions  Asses patients diet, have them follow a diabetic diet
toes, cotton socks, leather shoes
 Cut and file toe nails straight across, never go barefoot,  Same as hyperglycemia  Exercise, encourage patient to walk and exercise
The Rule of 15, if blood sugar ≤70: Eat 15g of Carbs, wait  Increase oral fluids
no heating pads, wounds treated ASAP 
 Teach about medication and medication compliance
 Microfilament test to detect sensation in feet, Less 15 mins. & check your blood sugar . Repeat process if
sensitive at more likely to be at risk for falls or infection ≤70
in foot  Repeat of the Rule of 15, every 15 mins. until they’re
 asymptomatic or unconscious, then give IM or Iv glucose
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