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aceptar To accept (tu acépt) He accepts accepted (acéptid)
agregar To add (tu ad) She adds added (ádid)
admirar To admire (tu admáiar) It admires admired (admáiard)
admitir To admit (tu admít) He admits admitted (admítid)
aconsejar To advise (tu adváis) she advises advised (adváist)
afrontar To afford (tu afórd) It affords afforded (afórdit)
estar de acuerdo To agree (tu agrí:) He agrees agreed (agrí:d)
alertar To alert (tu alért) She alerts alerted (alértid)
permitir To allow (tu aláu) It allows allowed (aláud)
entretener To amuse (tu amiús) He amuses amused (amiúst)
analizar To analyse (tu énalais) She analyses analysed (énalaist)
anunciar To announce (tu anáuns) It announces announced (anáunst)
molestar To annoy (tu anói) He annoys annoyed (anóid)
contestar To answer (tu ánsuer) She answers answered (ánsuerd)
pedir disculpas To apologise (tu apólodchais) It apologises apologised (apólodchaist)
aplaudir To applaud (tu aplód) He applauds applauded (aplódid)
apreciar To appreciate (tu apríshieit) she appreciates appreciated (apríshieitid)
aprobar To approve (tu aprúv) It approves approved (aprúvt)
discutir To argue (tu á:rguiu) He argues argued (á:rguiut)
arreglar To arrange (to arréindch) She arranges arranged (arréindcht)
Arrestar To arrest (tu arrést) It arrests arrested (arréstid)
llegar To arrive (tu arráiv) He arrives arrived (arráivd)
preguntar To ask (tu ask) She asks asked (askt)
adjuntar To attach (tu atách) It attaches attached (atácht)
atacar To attack (tu atáck) He attacks attacked (atáckt)
intentar To attempt (tu atémpt) She attempts attempted (atémptid)
asistir To attend (tu aténd) It attends attended (aténdid)
atraer To attract (tu atráct) He attracts attracted (atráctid)
evitar To avoid (tu avóid) She avoids avoided (avóidid)
apoyar To back (tu bak) It backs backed (bakt)
hornear To bake (tu béik) He bakes baked (béikt)
balancear To balance (tu bálans) She balances balanced (bálanst)
prohibir To ban (tu ban) It bans banned (bánd)
bañarse To bath (tu béid) He baths bathed (béidid)
rogar To beg (tu beg) She begs begged (bégd)
comportarse To behave (tu bijéiv) It behaves behaved (bijéivd)
pertenecer To belong (tu bilóng) He belongs belonged (bilóngd)
bendecir To bless (tu bles) It blesses blessed (blest)
enceguecer To blind (tu bláind) She blinds blinded (bláindid)
hervir To boil (tu bóil) It boils boiled (bóild)
reservar To book (tu buk) He books booked (bukt)
aburrir To bore (tu bor) She bores bored (bord)
pedir prestado To borrow (tu bórrou) It borrows borrowed (bórroud)
rebotar To bounce (tu báuns) He bounces bounced (báunst)
frenar To brake (tu bréik) She brakes broke (bróuk)
respirar To breathe (tu brid) It breathes breathed (brídid)
cepillar To brush (tu brash) He brushes brushed (brasht)
quemar To burn (tu bern) She burnes burned (bernd)
enterrar To bury (tu béri) It buries buried (bérid)
llamar To call (tu kol) It calles called (kold)
calcular To calculate (tu kálkiuleit) She calculates Calculated (kálkiuleirid)
acampar To camp (tu kamp) It camps camped (kampt)
cuidar To care (tu ker) He cares cared (kerd)
causar To cause (tu koz) She causes caused (kozd)
desafiar To challenge (tu chálindz) It challenges challenged (chálindzd)
cambiar To change (tu chéindz) He changes changed (chéindzd)
cargar To charge (tu chárdz) She charges charged (chárdzd)
cazar To chase (tu chéis) It chases chased (chéist)
engañar To cheat (tu chit) He cheats cheated (chítid)
verificar To check (tu chek) She checks checked (chekt)
alegrar To cheer (tu chir) It cheers cheered (chird)
mascar To chew (tu chu) He chews chewed (chud)
reclamar To claim (tu kléim) She claims claimed (kléimd)
aplaudir To clap (tu kláp) It claps clapped (klápt)
limpiar To clean (tu klin) He cleans cleaned (klind)
aclarar To clear (tu klíar) She clears cleared (klíard)
cerrar To close (tu klóus) It closes closed (klóusd)
cobrar To collect (tu kolékt) He collects collected (koléktid)
peinar To comb  (tu kom) She combs combed (komd)
comparar To compare (tu kompér) It compares compared (kompérd)
competir To compete (tu kompít) He competes competed (kompítid)
quejarse To complain (tu kompléin) She complains complained  (kompléind)
completar To complete (tu komplít) It completes completed (komplítid)
concentrarse To concentrate  (tu He concentrates concentrated (kónsentreired)
concernir To concern (tu konsérn) She concerns concerned (konsérnd)
confesar To confess (tu konfés) It confesses confessed (konfést)
confundir To confuse (tu konfiús) He confuses confused (konfiúst)
conectar To connect (tu konékt) She connects connected (konéktid)
considerar To consider (tu konsíder) It considers considered (konsíderd)
consistir To consist (tu konsíst) He consists consisted (konsístid)
contener To contain (tu kontéin) She contains contained (kontéind)
continuar To continue (tu kontíniu) It continues continued (kontíniud)
cocinar To cook (tu ku:k) He cooks cook (ku:kt)
copiar To copy (tu kópi) She copies copied (kópid)
corregir To correct (tu korrékt) It corrects corrected (korréktid)
toser To cough (tu kof) He coughs coughed (koft)
contar To count (tu kaunt) She counts counted (káunid)
cubrir To cover (tu káver) It covers covered (káverd)
rajar To crack (tu krak) He cracks cracked (krakt)
embestir To crash (tu krash) She crashes crashed (krasht)
arrastrarse To crawl (tu krol) It crawls crawled (krold)
cruzar To cross (tu kros) He crosses crossed (krost)
aplastar To crush (tu krash) She crushes crushed (krasht)
gritar, llorar To cry (tu krái) It cries cried (kráid)
curar To cure (tu kiúr) He cures cured (kiúrd)
pasear en bicicleta To cycle (tu sáikl) cycled (sáikld)
She cycles
dañar To damage (tu dámidz) It damages damaged (dámidzd)
bailar To dance (tu dans) He dances danced (danst)
engañar To deceive (tu disív) She deceives deceived (disívd)
decidir To decide (tu disáid) It decides decided (disáidid)
decorar To decorate (tu dékoreit) He decorates decorated (dékoreirid)
demorar To delay (tu diléi) she delays delayed (diléid)

suprimir ó borrar To delete (tu dilí:t) It deletes deleted (dilí:tid)

deleitar To delight (tu diláit) He delights delighted (diláirid)
repartir To deliver (tu delíver) She delivers delivered (delíverd)
depender To depend (tu dipénd) It depends depended (dipénid)
describir To describe (tu diskráib) He describes described (diskráibd)
merecer To deserve (tu disérv) She deserves deserved (disérvd)
destruir To destroy (tu distrói) It destroys destroyed (distróid)
detectar To detect (tu ditékt) He detects detected (ditéktid)
desarrollar To develop (tu divélop) She develops developed (divélopt)
no acordar To disagree (tu disagrí) It desagrees disagreed (disagríd)
desaparecer To disappear (tu disapíar) He disappears Disappeared (disapíard)
descubrir To discover (tu diskáver) She discovers Discovered (diskáverd)
disgustar To dislike (tu disláik) It dislikes disliked (disláikt)
dividir To divide (tu diváid) He divides divided (diváidid)
duplicar To double (tu dábl) She doubles doubled (dábld)
dudar To doubt (tu dáut) It doubts doubted (dáurid)
soñar To dream (tu drim) He dreams dreamed (drimd)
vestir To dress (tu dres) She dresses dressed (drest)

dejar caer, caerse To drop (tu drop) It drops dropped (drópt)

ahogar To drown (tu dráun) He drowns droped
secar To dry (tu drái) She dries dried (dráid)
empolvar To dust (tu dást) It dusts dusted (dástid)
ganar salario To earn (tu ern) He earns earned (ernd)
educar To educate (tu édzukeit) She educates educated (édzukeirid)
avergonzar To embarrass (tu imbáras) It embarrasses embarrassed (imbárast)
emplear To employ (tu implói) He employs employed (implóid)
vaciar To empty (tu émpti) She emptys emptied (émptid)
alentar To encourage (tu inkáridz) It encourages encouraged (encouradzd)
finalizar To end (tu end) He ends ended (éndid)
disfrutar To enjoy (tu indzói) She ejoys enjoyed (indzóid)
ingresar To enter (tu énter) It enters entered (énterd)
entretener To entertain (tu enertéin) He entertains entertained (enertéind)
huir To escape (tu iskéip) She escapes escaped (iskéipt)
examinar To examine (tu igzámin) It examines examined (igzámind)
excitar To excite (tu iksáit) He excites excited (iksáirid)
excusarse To excuse (tu ikskiúz) She excuses excused (ikskiúzd)
ejercitar To exercise (tu éksersaiz) It exercises exercised (éksersaizd)
existir To exist (tu igzíst) He exists existed (igzístid)
expandir To expand (tu ikspánd) She expands expanded (ikspándid)
esperar To expect (tu ikspékt) It expects expected (ikspéktid)
explicar To explain (tu ikspléin) He explains explained (ikspléind)
explotar To explode (tu iksplóud) She explodes exploded (iksplóudid)
extender To extend (tu iksténd) It extends extended (iksténdid)
enfrentar To face (tu féis) He faces faced (féist)
decolorarse To fade (tu féid) She fades faded (féidid)
fracasar To fail (tu féil) It fails failed (féild)

imaginar, desear To fancy (tu fánsi) He fancies fancied (fánsid)

atar To fasten (tu fásen) She fastens fastened (fásend)
enviar un fax To fax (tu faks) It faxes faxed (fakst)
temer To fear (tu fíar) He fears feared (fíard)
archivar To file (tu fáil) She files filed (fáild)
llenar To fill (tu fil) It fills filled (fild)
filmar To film (tu film) He films filmed (filmd)
terminar To finish (tu fínish) She finishes finished (fínisht)
disparar, despedir To fire (tu fáier) It fires fired (fáierd)
caber, encajar To fit (tu fit) He fits fitted (fítid)
reparar To fix (tu fiks) She fixes fixed (fikst)
brillar, centellear To flash (tu flash) It flashes flashed (flasht)
flotar To float (tu flóut) He floats floated (flóurid)
inundarse To flood (tu flad) She floods flooded (fládid)
fluir, circular To flow (tu flóu) It flows flowed (flóud)
florecer To flower (tu fláuer) He flowers flowered (fláuerd)
doblar To fold (tu fóuld) She folds folded (fóuldid)
seguir, continuar To follow (tu fólou) It follows followed (fóloud)
engañar To fool (tu ful) He fools fooled (fuld)
forzar To force (tu fors) She forces forced (forst)
formar To form (tu form) It forms formed (formd)
fundar To found (tu fáund) He founds founded (fáundid)
enmarcar To frame (tu fréim) She frames framed (fréimd)
asustar To frighten (tu fráiren) It frightens frightened (fráirend)
freír To fry (tu frái) He fries fried (fráid)
recoger To gather (tu gáder) She gathers gathered (gáderd)
saludar To greet (tu grit) It greets greeted (grírid)
graduarse To graduate (tu grádueit) He graduates graduated (grádueirid)
engrasar To grease (tu gris) She greases greased (grist)
gruñir To groan (tu gróun) It groans groaned (gróund)
adivinar To guess (tu gues) He guesses guessed (guest)
guiar To guide (tu gáid) She guides guided (gáidid)
martillar To hammer (tu jámer) It hammers hammered (jámerd)
pasar, entregar To hand (tu jand) He hands handed (jándid)
colgar, ahorcar To hang (tu jang) She hangs hanged (jangd)
suceder To happen (tu jápen) It happens happened (jápend)
dañar To harm (tu járm) He harms harmed (jármd)
odiar To hate (tu jéit) She hates hated (jéirid)
encabezar To head (tu jéd) It heads headed (jédid)
calentar To heat (tu jit) He heats heated (jírid)
ayudar To help (tu jelp) She helps helped (jelpt)
cazar, ir de caza To hunt (tu jant) It hunts hunted (jánid)
esperar,ansiar To hope  (tu jóup) He hopes hoped  (jóupt)
abrazar To hug (tu jág) She hugs hugged (jágd)
apurarse To hurry (tu jári) It hurries hurried (járid)
identificar To identify (tu aidéntifai) He identifies identified (aidéntifaid)
ignorar To ignore (tu ignór) She ignores ignored (ignórd)
imaginar To imagine (tu imádzin) It imagines imagined (imádzind)
impresionar To impress (tu imprés) He impresses impressed (imprést)
mejorar To improve (tu imprúv) She improves improved (imprúvd)
incluir To include (tu inklúd) It includes included (inklúdid)
aumentar To increase (tu inkrís) He increases increased (inkríst)
influenciar To influence (tu ínfluens) She influences influenced (ínfluenst)
informar To inform (tu infórm) It informs informed (infórmd)
inyectar To inject (tu indzékt) He injects injected (indzékrid)
herir, lesionar To injure (tu índzur) She injures injured (índzurd)
presentar To introduce (tu introdiús) It introduces introduced (introdiúst)
instruir To instruct (tu instrákt) He instructs instructed (instrákrid)
intentar To intend (tu inténd) She intends intended (inténdid)
interesar To interest (tu íntrest) It interests interested (íntrestid)
interferir To interfere (tu interfír) He interferes interfered (interfírd)
interrumpir To interrupt (tu interápt) She interrupts interrupted (interáptid)
inventar To invent (tu invént) It invents invented (invénid)
invitar To invite (tu inváit) He invites invited (inváirid)
irritar To irritate (tu íriteit) She irritates irritated (íriteirid)
encarcelar To jail (tu dzéil) It jails jailed (dzéild)
unir, juntar To join (tu dzóin) He joins joined (dzóind)
bromear To joke (tu dzóuk) She jokes joked (dzóukt)
juzgar To judge (tu dzadz) It judges judged (dzadzd)
saltar To jump (tu dzamp) He jumps jumped (dzampt)
patear To kick (tu kik) She kicks kicked (kikt)
matar To kill (tu kil) It kills killed (kilt)
besar To kiss (tu kis) He kisses kissed (kist)
arrodillarse To kneel (tu nil) She kneels kneeled (nild) USA
tejer To knit (tu nit) It knits knitted (níltid)
golpear To knock (tu nok) He knocks knocked (nokt)
anudar To knot (tu not) She knots knotted (nótid)
etiquetar To label (tu léibl) It labels labelled (léibld)
aterrizar To land (tu land) He lands landed (lándid)
durar To last (tu last) She lasts lasted (lástid)
reírse To laugh (tu laf) It laughs laughed (laft)
lanzar To launch (tu lonch) He launches launched (loncht)
nivelar To level (tu lével) She levels levelled (léveld)
lamer To lick (tu lik) It licks licked (likt)
iluminar, alivianar To lighten (tu láitn) He lightens lightened (láitnd)
gustar To like (tu láik) She likes liked (láikt)
listar To list (tu list) It lists listed (lístid)
escuchar To listen (tu lísen) He listens listened (lísend)
vivir To live (tu liv) She lives lived (livd)
cargar To load (tu lóud) It loads loaded (lóudid)
cerrar con llave To lock (tu lok) He locks locked (lokt)
durar To long (tu long) She longs longed (longd)
mirar To look (tu luk) It looks looked (lukt)
amar To love (tu lav) He loves loved (lavd)
administrar To manage (tu mánidz) She manages managed (mánidzd)
marchar To march (tu march) It marches marched (marcht)
marcar To mark (tu mark) He marks marked (markt)
casarse To marry (tu mári) She marries married (márid)
hacer juego To match (tu mach) It matches matched (macht)
medir To measure (tu méshar) He measures measured (méshard)
derretirse To melt (tu melt) She melts melted (méltid)
memorizar To memorise(tu mémoraiz) It memorises memorised (mémoraizd)
remendar To mend (tu mend) He mends mended (méndid)
ordeñar To milk (tu milk) She milks milked (milkt)
perder, extrañar To miss (tu mis) It misses missed (mist)
mezclar To mix (tu miks) He mixes mixed (mikst)
mover, mudarse To move (tu muv) She moves moved (muvd)
multiplicar To multiply (tu máltíplai) It multiplies multiplied (móltí-pláid)
asesinar To murder (tu mérder) He murders murdered (mérderd)
clavar To nail (tu néil) She nils nailed (néild)
nombrar To name (tu néim) It names named (néimd)
necesitar To need (tu nid) He needs needed (nídid)
fijarse en To note  (tu nóut) She notes noted (nóurid)
prestar atención To notice (tu nóuris) It notices noticed (nóurist)
numerar To number (tu námber) He numbers numbered (námberd)
obedecer To obey (tu obéi) She obeys obeyed (obéid)
objetar To object (tu obdzékt) It objects objected (obdzéktid)
observar To observe (tu obsérv) He observes observed (obsérvd)
obtener To obtain (tu obtéin) She obtains obtained (obtéind)
ofender To offend (tu ofénd) It offends offended (oféndid)
ofrecer To offer (tu ófer) He offers offered (óferd)
abrir To open (tu óupen) She opens opened (óupend)
ordenar, pedir To order (tu órder) It orders ordered (órderd)
inundar To overflow  (ouverflóu) He overflows overflowed (ouverflóud)
adeudar To owe (tu óu) She owes owed (óud)
empacar To pack (tu pak) It packs packed (pakt)
pintar To paint (tu péint) He paints painted (péinid)
estacionar To park (tu park) She parks parked (parkt)
pasar, aprobar To pass (tu pas) It passes passed (past)
pegar To paste (tu péist) He pastes pasted (péistid)
pelar To peel (tu pil) She peels peeled (pild)
ejecutar To perform (tu perfórm) It performs performed (perfórmd)
teléfonear To phone (tu fóun) He phones phoned (fóund)

recoger, levantar To pick (tu pik) She picks picked (pikt)

planear, planificar To plan (tu plan) It plans planned (pland)

plantar To plant (tu plant) He plants planted (plánid)
ubicar To place (tu pléis) She places placed (pléist)
tocar ó jugar To play (tu pléi) It plays played (pléid)
complacer To please (tu pliz) He pleases pleased (plizd)
conectar To plug (tu plag) She plugs plugged (plagd)
señalar To point (tu póint) It points pointed (póinid)
lustrar To polish (tu pólish) He polishes polished (pólisht)
poseer To possess (tu posés) She possesses possessed (posést)

enviar por correo To post (tu póust) It posts posted (póustid)

derramar To pour (tu por) He pours poured (pord)
practicar To practise (tu práktis) She practises practised (práktist)
rezar To pray (tu préi) It prays prayed (préid)
preceder To precede (tu prousíd) He precedes preceded (prousídid)
preferir To prefer (tu prífér) She prefers preferred (priférd)
preparar To prepare (tu pripér) It prepares prepared (pripérd)

presentar, regalar To present (tu prizént) He presents presented (prizénid)

presionar, apretar To press (tu pres) She presses pressed (prest)

fingir To pretend (tu priténd) It pretends pretended (priténid)
impedir To prevent (tu privént) He prevents prevented (privénid)
imprimir To print (tu print) She prints printed (prínid)
producir To produce (tu prodús) It produces produced (prodúst)
programar To program (tu prógram) He programs programmed (prógramd)
prometer To promise (tu prómis) She promises promised (prómist)
proteger To protect (tu protékt) It protects protected (protéktid)
proveer To provide (tu prováid) He provides provided (prováidid)
jalar To pull (tu pul) She pulls pulled (puld)
bombear To pump (tu pamp) It pumps pumped (pampt)
castigar To punish (tu pánish) He punishes punished (pánisht)
empujar To push (tu push) She pushes pushed (pusht)
llover To rain (tu réin) It rains rained (réind)
levantar To raise (tu réiz) He raises raised (réizd)
alcanzar To reach (tu rich) She reachs reached (richt)
darse cuenta To realise (tu ríalaiz) It realises realised (ríalaizd)
recibir To receive (tu risív) He receives received (risívd)
reconocer To recognise (tu ríkognaiz) She recognises recognised (ríkognaizd)
grabar To record (tu rikórd) It records recorded (rikórdid)
reducir To reduce (tu ridiús) He reduces reduced  (ridiúst)
reflejar To reflect (tu riflékt) She reflects reflected (rifléktid)
rechazar To refuse (tu rifiúz) It refuses refused (rifiúzd)
lamentarse To regret (tu rigrét) He regrets regretted (rigrétid)
relajarse To relax (tu riláks) She relaxes relaxed (rilákst)
soltar To release (tu rilís) It releases released (rilíst)
confiar To rely (tu relái) He relies relied (reláid)
permanecer To remain (tu riméin) She remains remained (riméind)
recordar To remember (tu rimémber) remembered (rimémberd)
It remembers
acordarse de To remind (tu rimáind) He reminds reminded (rimáindid)
eliminar To remove (tu rimúv) She removes removed (rimúvd)
alquilar To rent (tu rent) It rents rent (rénid)
reparar To repair (tu ripér) He repairs repaired (ripérd)
repetir To repeat (tu ripít) She repeats repeated (ripírid)
reemplazar To replace (tu ripléis) It replaces replaced (ripléist)
responder To reply (tu replái) He replies replied (repládt)
informar To report (tu ripórt) She reports reported (ripórid)
reproducir To reproduce (tu riprodiús) Reproduced (riprodiúst)
It reproduces
solicitar To request (tu rikuést) He requests requested (rikuéstid)
rescatar To rescue (tu réskiu) She rescues rescued (réskiud)
jubilarse To retire (tu ritáir) It retires retired (ritáird)
regresar To return (tu ritérn) He returns returned (ritérnd)
rimar To rhyme (tu ráim) She rhymes rhymed (ráimd)
enjuagar To rinse (tu rins) It rinses rinsed (rinst)
arriesgar To risk (tu risk) He risks risked (riskt)
robar To rob (tu rób) She robs robbed (róbd)
remar To row (tu róu) It rows rowed (róud)
frotar To rub (tu rab) He rubs rubbed (rábd)
arruinar To ruin (tu rúin) She ruins ruined (rúind)
regir, dominar To rule (tu rul) It rules ruled (ruld)
despedir To sack (tu sak) He sacks sacked (sakt)
navegar To sail (tu séil) She sails sailed (séild)
satisfacer To satisfy (tu satisfái) It satisfies satisfied (satisfáid)
salvar ó ahorrar To save (tu séiv) He saves saved (séivd)
gritar To scream (tu skrim) She screams screamed (skrimd)
atornillar To screw (tu skru) It screws screwed (skrud)
sellar To seal (tu sil) He seals sealed (sild)
buscar To search (tu serch) She searches searched (sercht)
separar To separate (tu sépareit) It separates separated (sépareirid)
servir To serve (tu serv) He serves served (servd)
establecer To settle (tu setl) She settles settled (setld)
compartir To share (tu sher) It shares shared (sherd)
afeitarse To shave (tu shéiv) He shaves shaved (shéivd)
proteger, To shelter (tu shélter) sheltered (shélterd)
She shelters
comprar To shop (tu shop) It shops shopped (shópt)
suspirar To sigh (tu sái) He sighs sighed (sáid)
firmar To sign (tu sáin) She signs signed (sáind)
hacer señales To signal (tu sígnal) It signals signalled (sígnald)
pecar To sin (tu sín) He sins sinned (sínd)
esquiar To ski (tu ski) She skis skied (skid)
saltearse To skip (tu skíp) It skips skipped (skípt)
deslizarse To slip (tu slíp) He slips slipped (slípt)
disminuir la To slow (tu slóu) slowed (slóud)
She slows
oler To smell (tu smel) It smells smelled (smeld)
sonreír To smile (tu smáil) He smiles smiled (smáild)
fumar To smoke (tu smóuk) She smokes smoked (smóukt)
estornudar To sneeze (tu sniz) It sneezes sneezed (snizd)
roncar To snore (tu snor) He snores snored (snord)
nevar To snow (tu snóu) She snows snowed (snóud)
sonar To sound (tu sáund) It sounds sounded (sáundid)
deletrear To spell (tu spel) He spells spelled (speld)
derramar To spill (tu spil) She spills spilled (spild)
malcriar To spoil (tu spóil) It spoils spoiled (spóild)
vaporizar To spray (tu spréi) He sprays sprayed (spréid)
comenzar To start (tu start) She starts started (stárid)
quedarse To stay (tu stéi) It stays stayed (stéid)

pararse, detenerse To stop (tu stop) He stops stopped (stópt)

almacenar To store (tu stor) She stores stored (stord)
estirar To stretch (tu strech) It stretches stretched (strecht)
tener éxito To succeed (tu saksíd) He succeeds succeeded (saksídid)
sufrir To suffer (tu sáfer) She suffers suffered (sáferd)
sugerir To suggest (tu sadzést) It suggests suggested (sadzéstid)
proveer To supply (tu saplái) He supplies supplied (sapláid)
apoyar To support (tu sapórt) She supports supported (sapórid)
suponer To suppose (tu supóus) It supposes supposed (supóust)
sorprender To surprise (tu supráiz) He surprises surprised (supráizd)
rodear To surround (tu suráund) She surrounds surrounded (suráunid)
sospechar To suspect (tu saspékt) It suspects suspected (saspéktid)
colgar To suspend (tu saspénd) He suspends suspended (saspénid)

cambiar, enchufar To switch (tu suích) She switches switched (suícht)

conversar To talk (tu tok) It talks talked (tokt)
saborear To taste (tu téist) He tastes tasted (tésitid)
tomar el pelo To tease (tu tiz) She teases teased (tizd)
llamar por
teléfono To telephone (tu télefoun) It telephones telephoned (télefound)
tentar To tempt (tu tempt) He tempts tempted (témptid)
aterrorizar To terrify (tu térrifai) She terrifies terrified (térri-fáid)
comprobar To test (tu test) It tests tested (téstid)
agradecer To thank (tu senk) He thanks thanked (senkt)
tildar, marcar To tick (tu tik) She ticks ticked (tikt)
ordenar To tidy (tu táidi) It tidies tidied (táidid)
atar To tie (tu tái) He ties tied (táid)
dar propina To tip (tu típ) She tips tipped (típt)
tocar To touch (tu tach) It touches touched (tacht)
remolcar To tow (tu tóu) He tows towed (tóud)
negociar To trade (tu tréid) She trades traded (tréidid)
entrenar To train (tu tréin) It trains trained (tréind)
transportar To transport(tu transpórt) He transports transported (transpórid)
viajar To travel (tu trável) She travels traveled (tráveld)
temblar To tremble (tu trembl) It trembles trembled (trembld)
confiar To trust (tu trast) He trusts trusted (trástid)
tratar, intentar To try (tu trái) She tries tried (tráid)

volver, dar vuelta To turn (tu tern) It turns turned (ternd)

doblar To twist (tu tuíst) He twists twisted (tuístid)

escribir a máquina To type (tu táip) She types typed (táipt)

usar To use (tu iúz) It uses used (iúzd)
desaparecer To vanish (tu vánish) He vanishes vanished (vánisht)
visitar To visit (tu vísit) She visits visited (vísirid)
esperar To wait (tu wéit) It waits waited (wéirid)
caminar To walk (tu wok) He walks walked (wokt)
querer To want (tu wont) She wants wanted (wónid)
advertir To warn (tu worn) It warns warned (wornd)
lavar To wash (tu wosh) He washes washed (wosht)
desperdiciar To waste (tu wéist) She wastes wasted (wéistid)
ver To watch (tu woch) It watches watched (wocht)
pesar To weigh (tu wéi) He weighs weighed (wéirid)
dar la bienvenida To welcome (tu wélkam) She welcomes welcomed (wélkamd)
ó agradecer
susurrar To whisper (tu wísper) It whispers whispered (wísperd)
silbar To whistle (tu wisl) He whistles whistle (wisld)
limpiar, secar To wipe (tu wáip) She wipes wiped (wáipt)
desear To wish (tu wish) It wishes wished (wisht)
preguntarse To wonder (tu wánder) He wonders wondered (wánderd)
trabajar To work (tu werk) She works worked (werkt)
preocuparse To worry (tu uári) It worries worried (uárid)
bostezar To yawn (tu ión) He yawns yawned (iónd)
gritar To yell (tu iél) She yells yelled (iéld)
acercar To zoom (tu zum) It zooms zoomed (zumd)
tolerar, soportar To abide (tu abáid) He abides abode (abóud)
surgir, plantear To arise (tu aráis) She arises arose (aróus)
despertarse To awake (tu auéik) It awakes awoke (auóuk)
ser, estar To be (tu bi)  [am/are/is] He She It; is was/were (uós/uér)
golpear, latir, batir To beat (tu bit) She beats beat (bit)
llegar a ser To become (tu bikám) It becomes became (bikéim)
comenzar To begin (tu biguín) He begins began (bigén)
doblarse, inclinarseTo bend (tu bend) She bends bent (bent)
apostar en algo To bet (tu bet) It bets bet (bet)
atar, unir, ligar To bind (tu báind) He binds bound (báund)
morder/se To bite (tu báit) She bites bit (bit)
sangrar To bleed (tu blíí:d) It bleeds bled (bled)
soplar, hacer sonar To blow (tu blóu) He blows blew (blu)
romper To break (tu bréik) She breaks broke (bróuk)
criar, reproducir/seTo breed (tu brí:d) It breeds bred (bred)
traer To bring (tu bring) He brings brought (brot)
construir To build (tu bilt) She builds built (bilt)
quemar To burn (tu bern) It burns burnt
comprar To buy (tu bái) He buys bought (bot)
agarrar To catch (tu kach) She catches caught (kot)
elegir To choose (tu chus) It chooses chose (chos)
venir To come (tu kám) He comes came (keím)
costar To cost (tu kost) She costs cost (kost)
arrastrar, deslizarseTo creep (tu krí:p) It creeps crept (krept)
cortar To cut (tu kat) He cuts cut (kat)
tratar, ocuparse To deal (tu dí:l) She deals dealt (delt)
cavar, excavar To dig (tu dig) It digs dug (dag)
hacer To do (tu dú)  [does] He does did (díd)
dibujar, atraer To draw (tu dró:) She draws drew (drú)
beber To drink (tu drink) It drinks drank (drénk)
conducir To drive (tu dráiv) He drives drove (dróuv)
comer To eat (tu í:t) She eats ate (et)
exportar To export He exports exported
caer To fall (tu fol) It falls fell (fel)
alimentar To feed (tu fí:d) He feeds fed (fed)
sentir To feel (tu fí:l) She feels felt (felt)
luchar, pelear To fight (tu fáit) It fights fought (fó:t)
encontrar To find (tu fáind) He finds found (faúnd)
escapar, huir To flee (tu flí:) She flees fled (fled)
arrojar, lanzar To fling (tu flín:) It flings flung (flang)
volar To fly (tu flái) He flies flew (flu)
olvidar To forget (tu forguét) She forgets forgot (forgót)
helar, congelar To freeze (tu frí:s) It freezes froze (fróus)
obtener, conseguir To get (tu guét) He gets got (got)
dar To give (tu guív) She gives gave (guéiv)
ir To go (tu góu) It goes went (uént)
moler To grind (tu gráind) He grinds ground (gráund)
cultivar, crecer To grow (tu gróu) She grows grew (grú)
colgar To hang (tu jéng) It hangs hung (jáng)
tener, haber To have (tu jev)  [has] He has had (jad)
oír To hear (tu jíar) She hears heard (jerd)
ocultar, esconder To hide (tu jáid) It hides hid (jid)
golpear To hit (tu jit) He hits hit (jit)
sostener, soportar To hold (tu jóuld) She holds held (jeld)
guardar, conservar To keep (tu kí:p) It keeps kept (kept)
arrodillarse To kneel (tu ní:l) He kneels knelt (nelt)
saber, conocer To know (tu nóu) She knows knew (niú)
guiar, conducir To lead (tu lí:d) It leads led (led)
prestar To lend (tu lend) He lends lent (lent)
aprender To learn (tu lérn) She learns learnt (lernt) learned (learnt)
irse, dejar, partir To leave (tu lí:v) It leaves left (left)
perder To lose (tu lú:s) He loses lost (lost)
hacer, fabricar To make (tu méik) She makes made (méid)
significar To mean (tu mí:n) It means meant (ment)
encontrarse con To meet (tu mí:t) He meets met (met)
pagar To pay (tu péi) She pays paid (ped)
poner, colocar To put (tu put) It puts put (put)
leer To read (tu rid) He reads read (red)
cabalgar To ride (tu ráid) She rides rode (róud)
sonar To ring (tu ring) It rings rang (reng)
correr To run (tu ran) He runs ran (ren)
decir To say (tu séi) She says said (sed)
ver To see (tu sí:) It sees saw (só:)
buscar To seek (tu sí:k) He seeks sought (sot)
vender To sell (tu sel) She sells sold (sóuld)
enviar To send (tu send) It sends sent (sent)
brillar, sacudir To shake (tu shéik) He shakes shook (shuk)
resplandecer To shine (tu sháin) She shines shone (shóun)
mostrar,un tiro To shoot (tu shú:t) It shoots shot (shot)
encogerse To show (tu shóu) He shows showed (shóud)
(tamaño) To shrink (tu shrink) She shrinks shrank (shrenk)
cerrar To shut (tu shat) It shuts shut (shat)
cantar To sing (tu sing) He sings sang (seng)
hundir/se To sink (tu sink) She sinks sank (senk)
sentar/se To sit (tu sit) It sits sat (sat)
asesinar To slay (tu sléi) He slies slew (sliú)
dormir To sleep (tu slíp) She sleeps slept (slépt)
resbalar, deslizar To slide (tu sláid) It slides slid (slid)
lanzar con fuerza To sling (tu sling) He slings slung (slang)
oler To smell (tu smel) She smells smelt (smelt)
hablar To speak (tu spik) It speaks spoke (spóuk)
gastar, pasar To spend (tu spend) He spends spent (spent)
girar, hilar To spin (tu spin) She spins spun (span)
pararse To stand (tu stand) It stands stood (stú:d)
robar To steal (tu stíl) He steals stole (stóul)
pinchar, atascarse To stick (tu stik) She sticks stuck (stak)
picar, arder To sting (tu sting) It stings stung (stang)
dar pasos largos To stride (tu stráid) He stirdes strode (stróud)
golpear, sonar To strike (tu stráik) She strikes struck (strak)
esforzarse To strive (tu stráiv) It strives strove (stróuv)
jurar, maldecir To swear (tu suéa:) He swears swore (suór)
barrer To sweep (tu suí:p) She sweeps swept (suépt)
hinchar/se To swell (tu suél) It swells swelled (suéld)
nadar To swim (tu suím) He swims swam (suém)
tomar, llevar To take (tu téik) She takes took (tul)
enseñar To teach (tu tích) It teaches taught (tot)
rasgar, arrancar To tear (tu téa:) He tears tore (tor)
decir, contar To tell (tu tel) She tells told (told)
pensar, creer To think (tu zink) It thinks thought (tzot)
tirar, arrojar To throw (tu zróu) He throws threw (zru)
pisar, aplastar
entender,compren To tread (tu tred) She treads trod (trod)
der To understand (tu anderstánd) It understands Understood (anderstúd)
comprometerse,emTo undertake (tu andertéik) He undertakes Undertook (andertúk)
despertarse To wake (tu uéik) She wakes woke (uóuk)
vestir, usar (ropa) To wear (tu uéar) It wears wore (uór)
Llorar To weep (tu wi:p) He weeps wept (uépt)
ganar To win (tu uin) She wins won (uón)
retirar/se, extraer To withdraw (tu uizdró:) It withdraws withdrew (uizdrú)
escribir To write (tu ráit) He writes wrote (róut)

Verbos mas comunes

ESPAÑOL INFINITIVO (ar-er-ir) 3a Persona Singular:


estar de acuerdo To agree (tu agrí:) He agrees

contestar To answer (tu ánsuer) She answers
llegar To arrive (tu arráiv) He arrives
preguntar To ask (tu ask) She asks
intentar To attempt (tu atémpt) She attempts
asistir To attend (tu aténd) It attends
evitar To avoid (tu avóid) She avoids
rogar To beg (tu beg) She begs
comportarse To behave (tu bijéiv) It behaves
pertenecer To belong (tu bilóng) He belongs
pedir prestado To borrow (tu bórrou) It borrows
respirar To breathe (tu brid) It breathes
cepillar To brush (tu brash) He brushes
quemar To burn (tu bern) She burnes
llamar To call (tu kol) It calles
cambiar To change (tu chéindz) He changes
cargar To charge (tu chárdz) She charges
reclamar To claim (tu kléim) She claims
limpiar To clean (tu klin) He cleans
aclarar To clear (tu klíar) She clears
cerrar To close (tu klóus) It closes
coleccionar, cobrar To collect (tu kolékt) He collects
competir To compete (tu kompít) He competes
quejarse To complain (tu kompléin)
She complains
completar To complete (tu komplít)
It completes
concentrarse To concentrate  (tu
He concentrates
continuar To continue (tu kontíniu) It continues
cocinar To cook (tu ku:k) He cooks
copiar To copy (tu kópi) She copies
corregir To correct (tu korrékt) It corrects
toser To cough (tu kof) He coughs
contar To count (tu kaunt) She counts
cubrir To cover (tu káver) It covers
cruzar To cross (tu kros) He crosses
aplastar To crush (tu krash) She crushes
gritar, llorar To cry (tu krái) It cries
dañar To damage (tu dámidz) It damages
bailar To dance (tu dans) He dances
engañar To deceive (tu disív) She deceives
decidir To decide (tu disáid) It decides
demorar To delay (tu diléi) she delays
suprimir ó borrar To delete (tu dilí:t) It deletes
repartir To deliver (tu delíver) She delivers
merecer To deserve (tu disérv) She deserves
destruir To destroy (tu distrói) It destroys
no acordar To disagree (tu disagrí) It desagrees
desaparecer To disappear (tu disapíar)
He disappears
descubrir To discover (tu diskáver)
She discovers
disgustar To dislike (tu disláik) It dislikes
dudar To doubt (tu dáut) It doubts
soñar To dream (tu drim) He dreams
secar To dry (tu drái) She dries
ganar salario To earn (tu ern) He earns

avergonzar To embarrass (tu imbáras) It embarrasses

disfrutar To enjoy (tu indzói) She ejoys
ingresar To enter (tu énter) It enters
explicar To explain (tu ikspléin) He explains
fracasar To fail (tu féil) It fails
archivar To file (tu fáil) She files
llenar To fill (tu fil) It fills
terminar To finish (tu fínish) She finishes
disparar, despedir To fire (tu fáier) It fires
reparar To fix (tu fiks) She fixes
seguir, continuar To follow (tu fólou) It follows
freír To fry (tu frái) He fries
adivinar To guess (tu gues) He guesses
guiar To guide (tu gáid) She guides
suceder To happen (tu jápen) It happens
odiar To hate (tu jéit) She hates
esperar,ansiar To hope  (tu jóup) He hopes
apurarse To hurry (tu jári) It hurries

identificar To identify (tu aidéntifai) He identifies

mejorar To improve (tu imprúv) She improves
incluir To include (tu inklúd) It includes
aumentar To increase (tu inkrís) He increases
herir, lesionar To injure (tu índzur) She injures

presentar To introduce (tu introdiús) It introduces

instruir To instruct (tu instrákt) He instructs
intentar To intend (tu inténd) She intends
invitar To invite (tu inváit) He invites
unir, juntar To join (tu dzóin) He joins
saltar To jump (tu dzamp) He jumps
matar To kill (tu kil) It kills
besar To kiss (tu kis) He kisses
aterrizar To land (tu land) He lands
reírse To laugh (tu laf) It laughs
gustar To like (tu láik) She likes
escuchar To listen (tu lísen) He listens
vivir To live (tu liv) She lives
mirar To look (tu luk) It looks
amar To love (tu lav) He loves
casarse To marry (tu mári) She marries
perder, extrañar To miss (tu mis) It misses
mezclar To mix (tu miks) He mixes
mover, mudarse To move (tu muv) She moves
necesitar To need (tu nid) He needs
obedecer To obey (tu obéi) She obeys
obtener To obtain (tu obtéin) She obtains
ofrecer To offer (tu ófer) He offers
abrir To open (tu óupen) She opens
ordenar, pedir To order (tu órder) It orders
pintar To paint (tu péint) He paints
estacionar To park (tu park) She parks
recoger, levantar To pick (tu pik) She picks
planear, planificar To plan (tu plan) It plans
plantar To plant (tu plant) He plants
tocar ó jugar To play (tu pléi) It plays
preferir To prefer (tu prífér) She prefers
preparar To prepare (tu pripér) It prepares
presionar, apretar To press (tu pres) She presses
fingir To pretend (tu priténd) It pretends
proteger To protect (tu protékt) It protects
jalar To pull (tu pul) She pulls
castigar To punish (tu pánish) He punishes
empujar To push (tu push) She pushes
llover To rain (tu réin) It rains
rechazar To refuse (tu rifiúz) It refuses
recordar To remember (tu rimémber)
It remembers
acordarse de To remind (tu rimáind) He reminds
eliminar To remove (tu rimúv) She removes
alquilar To rent (tu rent) It rents
reparar To repair (tu ripér) He repairs
repetir To repeat (tu ripít) She repeats
solicitar To request (tu rikuést) He requests
rescatar To rescue (tu réskiu) She rescues
jubilarse To retire (tu ritáir) It retires
regresar To return (tu ritérn) He returns
robar To rob (tu rób) She robs
regir, dominar To rule (tu rul) It rules
despedir To sack (tu sak) He sacks
navegar To sail (tu séil) She sails
satisfacer To satisfy (tu satisfái) It satisfies
salvar ó ahorrar To save (tu séiv) He saves
gritar To scream (tu skrim) She screams
buscar To search (tu serch) She searches
compartir To share (tu sher) It shares
comprar To shop (tu shop) It shops
comprar To shop (tu shop) It shops
disminuir la velocidad To slow (tu slóu) She slows
oler To smell (tu smel) It smells
sonreír To smile (tu smáil) He smiles
fumar To smoke (tu smóuk) She smokes
nevar To snow (tu snóu) She snows
sonar To sound (tu sáund) It sounds
deletrear To spell (tu spel) He spells
arrancar, comenzar To start (tu start) She starts
quedarse To stay (tu stéi) It stays
pararse, detenerse To stop (tu stop) He stops
sufrir To suffer (tu sáfer) She suffers
sugerir To suggest (tu sadzést) It suggests
conversar To talk (tu tok) It talks
entrenar To train (tu tréin) It trains
viajar To travel (tu trável) She travels
confiar To trust (tu trast) He trusts
tratar, intentar To try (tu trái) She tries
escribir a máquina To type (tu táip) She types
usar To use (tu iúz) It uses
visitar To visit (tu vísit) She visits
esperar To wait (tu wéit) It waits
caminar To walk (tu wok) He walks
querer To want (tu wont) She wants
lavar To wash (tu wosh) He washes
gastar, desperdiciar To waste (tu wéist) She wastes
ver To watch (tu woch) It watches
desear To wish (tu wish) It wishes
imaginarse, preguntarse To wonder (tu wánder) He wonders
trabajar To work (tu werk) She works


tolerar, soportar To abide (tu abáid) He abides
surgir, plantear To arise (tu aráis) She arises
despertarse To awake (tu auéik) It awakes
ser, estar To be (tu bi)  [am/are/is] He was
golpear, latir, batir To beat (tu bit) She beats
llegar a ser To become (tu bikám) It becomes
comenzar To begin (tu biguín) He begins
doblarse, inclinarse To bend (tu bend) She bends
apostar en algo To bet (tu bet) It bets
atar, unir, ligar To bind (tu báind) He binds
morder/se To bite (tu báit) She bites
sangrar To bleed (tu blíí:d) It bleeds
soplar, hacer sonar To blow (tu blóu) He blows
romper To break (tu bréik) She breaks
criar, reproducir/se To breed (tu brí:d) It breeds
traer To bring (tu bring) He brings
construir To build (tu bilt) She builds
quemar To burn (tu bern) It burns
comprar To buy (tu bái) He buys
agarrar To catch (tu kach) She catches
elegir To choose (tu chus) It chooses
venir To come (tu kám) He comes
costar To cost (tu kost) She costs
arrastrar, deslizarse To creep (tu krí:p) It creeps
cortar To cut (tu kat) He cuts
tratar, ocuparse To deal (tu dí:l) She deals
cavar, excavar To dig (tu dig) It digs
hacer To do (tu dú)  [does] He does
dibujar, atraer To draw (tu dró:) She draws
beber To drink (tu drink) It drinks
conducir To drive (tu dráiv) He drives
comer To eat (tu í:t) She eats
caer To fall (tu fol) It falls
alimentar To feed (tu fí:d) He feeds
sentir To feel (tu fí:l) She feels
luchar, pelear To fight (tu fáit) It fights
encontrar To find (tu fáind) He finds
escapar, huir To flee (tu flí:) She flees
arrojar, lanzar To fling (tu flín:) It flings
volar To fly (tu flái) He flies
olvidar To forget (tu forguét) She forgets
helar, congelar To freeze (tu frí:s) It freezes
obtener, conseguir To get (tu guét) He gets
dar To give (tu guív) She gives
ir To go (tu góu) It goes
moler To grind (tu gráind) He grinds
cultivar, crecer To grow (tu gróu) She grows
colgar To hang (tu jéng) It hangs
tener, haber To have (tu jev)  [has] He has
oír To hear (tu jíar) She hears
ocultar, esconder To hide (tu jáid) It hides
golpear To hit (tu jit) He hits
sostener, soportar To hold (tu jóuld) She holds
guardar, conservar To keep (tu kí:p) It keeps
arrodillarse To kneel (tu ní:l) He kneels
saber, conocer To know (tu nóu) She knows
guiar, conducir To lead (tu lí:d) It leads
prestar To lend (tu lend) He lends
aprender To learn (tu lérn) She learns
irse, dejar, partir To leave (tu lí:v) It leaves
perder To lose (tu lú:s) He loses
hacer, fabricar To make (tu méik) She makes
significar To mean (tu mí:n) It means
encontrarse con To meet (tu mí:t) He meets
pagar To pay (tu péi) She pays
poner, colocar To put (tu put) It puts
leer To read (tu rid) He reads
cabalgar To ride (tu ráid) She rides
sonar To ring (tu ring) It rings
correr To run (tu ran) He runs
decir To say (tu séi) She says
ver To see (tu sí:) It sees
buscar To seek (tu sí:k) He seeks
vender To sell (tu sel) She sells
enviar To send (tu send) It sends
agitar, sacudir To shake (tu shéik) He shakes
brillar, resplandecer To shine (tu sháin) She shines
pegar un tiro To shoot (tu shú:t) It shoots
mostrar, demostrar To show (tu shóu) He shows
encogerse (tamaño) To shrink (tu shrink) She shrinks
cerrar To shut (tu shat) It shuts
cantar To sing (tu sing) He sings
hundir/se To sink (tu sink) She sinks
sentar/se To sit (tu sit) It sits
asesinar To slay (tu sléi) He slies
dormir To sleep (tu slíp) She sleeps
resbalar, deslizar To slide (tu sláid) It slides
lanzar con fuerza To sling (tu sling) He slings
oler To smell (tu smel) She smells
hablar To speak (tu spik) It speaks
gastar, pasar To spend (tu spend) He spends
girar, hilar To spin (tu spin) She spins
pararse To stand (tu stand) It stands
robar To steal (tu stíl) He steals
pinchar, atascarse To stick (tu stik) She sticks
picar, arder To sting (tu sting) It stings
dar pasos largos To stride (tu stráid) He stirdes
golpear, sonar To strike (tu stráik) She strikes
esforzarse To strive (tu stráiv) It strives
jurar, maldecir To swear (tu suéa:) He swears
barrer To sweep (tu suí:p) She sweeps
hinchar/se To swell (tu suél) It swells
nadar To swim (tu suím) He swims
tomar, llevar To take (tu téik) She takes
enseñar To teach (tu tích) It teaches
rasgar, arrancar To tear (tu téa:) He tears
decir, contar To tell (tu tel) She tells
pensar, creer To think (tu zink) It thinks
tirar, arrojar To throw (tu zróu) He throws
pisar, aplastar To tread (tu tred) She treads
entender,comprender To understand (tu anderstánd) It understands
comprometerse,emprenderTo undertake (tu andertéik) He undertakes
despertarse To wake (tu uéik) She wakes
vestir, usar (ropa) To wear (tu uéar) It wears
Llorar To weep (tu wi:p) He weeps
ganar To win (tu uin) She wins
retirar/se, extraer To withdraw (tu uizdró:) It withdraws
escribir To write (tu ráit) He writes
PARTICIPIO HAVE HAS/(ado-ido-to-so-cho)
GERUNDIO To Be (ando-endo)
accepted (acéptid) I am accepting
added (ádid) You are adding
admired (admáiard) He is admiring
admitted (admítid) She is admiting
advised (adváist) It is advising
afforded (afórdit) We are affording
agreed (agrí:d) You are agreeing
alerted (alértid) They are alerting
allowed (aláud) I am allowing
amused (amiúst) You are ausing
analysed (énalaist) He is analysing
announced (anáunst) She is announcing
annoyed (anóid) It is annoying
answered (ánsuerd) We are answering
apologised (apólodchaist) you are apologising
applauded (aplódid) They are applauding
appreciated (apríshieitid) I am appreciating
approved (aprúvt) You are approving
argued (á:rguiut) He is arguing
arranged (arréindcht) She is arranging
arrested (arréstid) It is arresting
arrived (arráivd) We are arriving
asked (askt) You are asking
attached (atácht) They are attaching
attacked (atáckt) I am attacking
attempted (atémptid) You are attempting
attended (aténdid) He is attending
attracted (atráctid) She is attracting
avoided (avóidid) It is avoiding
backed (bakt) We are backing
baked (béikt) You are baking
balanced (bálanst) They are balancing
banned (bánd) I am banning
bathed (béidid) You are bathing
begged (bégd) He is begging
behaved (bijéivd) She is behaving
belonged (bilóngd) It is belonging
blessed (blest) We are blessing
blinded (bláindid) You are blinding
boiled (bóild) They are boiling
booked (bukt) I am booking
bored (bord) you are boring
borrowed (bórroud) He is borrowing
bounced (báunst) She is bouncing
broke (bróuk) It is broking
breathed (brídid) We are breathing
brushed (brasht) You are brushing
burned (bernd) They are burning
buried (bérid) I am burying
called (kold) You are calling
Calculated (kálkiuleirid) He is calculating
camped (kampt) She is camping
cared (kerd) It is caring
caused (kozd) We are causing
challenged (chálindzd) You challenging
changed (chéindzd) They are changing
charged (chárdzd) I am charging
chased (chéist) You are chasing
cheated (chítid) He is cheating
checked (chekt) She is checking
cheered (chird) It is cheering
chewed (chud) We are chewing
claimed (kléimd) You are claiming
clapped (klápt) They are clapping
cleaned (klind) I am cleaning
cleared (klíard) You are clearing
closed (klóusd) He is closing
collected (koléktid) She is collecting
combed (komd) It is combing
compared (kompérd) We are comparing
competed (kompítid) You are competing
complained  (kompléind) They are complaining
completed (komplítid) I am completing
concentrated (kónsentreired) You are concentrating
concerned (konsérnd) He is concerning
confessed (konfést) She is confessing
confused (konfiúst) It is confusing
connected (konéktid) We are connecting
considered (konsíderd) You are considering
consisted (konsístid) They are consisting
contained (kontéind) I am containing
continued (kontíniud) You are continuing
cook (ku:kt) He is cooking
copied (kópid) She is copying
corrected (korréktid) It is correcting
coughed (koft) We are coughing
counted (káunid) You are counting
covered (káverd) They are covering
cracked (krakt) I am cracking
crashed (krasht) You crashing
crawled (krold) He is crawling
crossed (krost) She is crossing
crushed (krasht) It is crushing
cried (kráid) We are crying
cured (kiúrd) You are curing
cycled (sáikld)
They are cycling
damaged (dámidzd) I am damaging
danced (danst) You are dancing
deceived (disívd) He is deceiving
decided (disáidid) She is deciding
decorated (dékoreirid) It is decorating
delayed (diléid) We are delaying

deleted (dilí:tid) You are deleting

delighted (diláirid) They are delingting
delivered (delíverd) I am delivering
depended (dipénid) You are depending
described (diskráibd) He is describing
deserved (disérvd) She is deserving
destroyed (distróid) It is destroying
detected (ditéktid) We are detecting
developed (divélopt) You are developing
disagreed (disagríd) They are disagreeing
Disappeared (disapíard) I am disappearing
Discovered (diskáverd) You are discovering
disliked (disláikt) He is disliking
divided (diváidid) She is dividing
doubled (dábld) It is doubling
doubted (dáurid) We are doubting
dreamed (drimd) You are dreaming
dressed (drest) They are dressing

dropped (drópt) I am droping

drowned (dráund) You are drowning
dried (dráid) He is drying
dusted (dástid) She is dusting
earned (ernd) It is earning
educated (édzukeirid) We are educating
embarrassed (imbárast) You are embarrassing
employed (implóid) They are employing
emptied (émptid) I am emptying
encouraged (encouradzd) You are encouraging
ended (éndid) He is ending
enjoyed (indzóid) She is enjoying
entered (énterd) It is entering
entertained (enertéind) We are entertaining
escaped (iskéipt) You are escaping
examined (igzámind) They are examining
excited (iksáirid) I am exciting
excused (ikskiúzd) You are excusing
exercised (éksersaizd) He is exercising
existed (igzístid) She is existing
expanded (ikspándid) It is expanding
expected (ikspéktid) We are expecting
explained (ikspléind) You are explaining
exploded (iksplóudid) They are exploding
extended (iksténdid) I am extending
faced (féist) You are facing
faded (féidid) He is fading
failed (féild) She failing

fancied (fánsid) It is fancying

fastened (fásend) We are fastening
faxed (fakst) You are faxing
feared (fíard) They are fearing
filed (fáild) I am filing
filled (fild) You are filling
filmed (filmd) He is filming
finished (fínisht) She is finishing
fired (fáierd) It is firing
fitted (fítid) We are fitting
fixed (fikst) You are fixing
flashed (flasht) They are flashing
floated (flóurid) I am floating
flooded (fládid) You are flooding
flowed (flóud) He is flowing
flowered (fláuerd) She is flowering
folded (fóuldid) It is folding
followed (fóloud) We are following
fooled (fuld) You are fooling
forced (forst) They are forcing
formed (formd) I am forming
founded (fáundid) You are founding
framed (fréimd) He is framing
frightened (fráirend) She is frightening
fried (fráid) It is frying
gathered (gáderd) We are gathering
greeted (grírid) You are greeting
graduated (grádueirid) They are graduating
greased (grist) I am greasing
groaned (gróund) You are groaning
guessed (guest) He is guessing
guided (gáidid) She is guiding
hammered (jámerd) It is hammering
handed (jándid) We are handing
hanged (jangd) You are hanging
happened (jápend) They are happening
harmed (jármd) I am harming
hated (jéirid) You are hating
headed (jédid) He is heading
heated (jírid) She is heating
helped (jelpt) It is helping
hunted (jánid) We are hunting
hoped  (jóupt) You are hoping
hugged (jágd) They are hugging
hurried (járid) I am hurriing
identified (aidéntifaid) You are identifiing
ignored (ignórd) He is ignoring
imagined (imádzind) She is imaginig
impressed (imprést) It is impressing
improved (imprúvd) We are improving
included (inklúdid) You are including
increased (inkríst) They are increasing
influenced (ínfluenst) I am influencing
informed (infórmd) You are informing
injected (indzékrid) He is injecting
injured (índzurd) She is injuring
introduced (introdiúst) It is introducing
instructed (instrákrid) We are instructing
intended (inténdid) You are intending
interested (íntrestid) They interesting
interfered (interfírd) I am interfering
interrupted (interáptid) You are interrupting
invented (invénid) He is inventing
invited (inváirid) She is inviting
irritated (íriteirid) It is irritating
jailed (dzéild) We are jailing
joined (dzóind) You are joining
joked (dzóukt) They are joking
judged (dzadzd) I am judging
jumped (dzampt) You are jumping
kicked (kikt) He is kicking
killed (kilt) She is killing
kissed (kist) It is kissing
kneeled (nild) USA We are kneeling
knitted (níltid) You are knitting
knocked (nokt) They are knocking
knotted (nótid) I am knotting
labelled (léibld) You are labelling
landed (lándid) He is landing
lasted (lástid) She is lasting
laughed (laft) It is laughing
launched (loncht) We are launching
levelled (léveld) You are levelling
licked (likt) They are licking
lightened (láitnd) I am lightening
liked (láikt) You are liking
listed (lístid) He is listing
listened (lísend) She is listening
lived (livd) It is living
loaded (lóudid) We are loading
locked (lokt) You are locking
longed (longd) They are longing
looked (lukt) I am looking
loved (lavd) You are loving
managed (mánidzd) He is managing
marched (marcht) She is marching
marked (markt) It is marking
married (márid) We are marriing
matched (macht) You are matching
measured (méshard) They are measuring
melted (méltid) I am melting
memorised (mémoraizd) You are memorising
mended (méndid) He is mending
milked (milkt) She is milking
missed (mist) It is missing
mixed (mikst) We are mixing
moved (muvd) You are moving
multiplied (móltí-pláid) They are multipliing
murdered (mérderd) I am murdering
nailed (néild) You are nailing
named (néimd) He is naming
needed (nídid) She is needing
noted (nóurid) It is noting
noticed (nóurist) We are noticing
numbered (námberd) You are numbering
obeyed (obéid) They are obeying
objected (obdzéktid) I am objecting
observed (obsérvd) You are observing
obtained (obtéind) He is obtaining
offended (oféndid) She is offending
offered (óferd) It is offering
opened (óupend) We are opening
ordered (órderd) You are ordering
overflowed (ouverflóud) They are overflowing
owed (óud) I am owing
packed (pakt) You are packing
painted (péinid) He is painting
parked (parkt) She is parking
passed (past) It is passing
pasted (péistid) We are pasting
peeled (pild) You are peeling
performed (perfórmd) They are performing
phoned (fóund) I am phoning

picked (pikt) You are picking

planned (pland) He is planning

planted (plánid) She is planting
placed (pléist) It is placing
played (pléid) We are playing
pleased (plizd) You are pleasing
plugged (plagd) They are plugging
pointed (póinid) I am pointing
polished (pólisht) You are polishing
possessed (posést) He is possessing

posted (póustid) She is posting

poured (pord) It is pouring
practised (práktist) We are practising
prayed (préid) You are praying
preceded (prousídid) They are preceding
preferred (priférd) I am preferring
prepared (pripérd) You preparing

presented (prizénid) He is presenting

pressed (prest) She is pressing

pretended (priténid) It is pretending
prevented (privénid) We are preventing
printed (prínid) You are printing
produced (prodúst) They are producing
programmed (prógramd) I am programming
promised (prómist) You are promising
protected (protéktid) He is protecting
provided (prováidid) She is providing
pulled (puld) It is pulling
pumped (pampt) You are pumping
punished (pánisht) They are punishing
pushed (pusht) I am pushing
rained (réind) You are raining
raised (réizd) He is raising
reached (richt) She is reaching
realised (ríalaizd) It is realising
received (risívd) We are receiving
recognised (ríkognaizd) You are recognising
recorded (rikórdid) They are recording
reduced  (ridiúst) I am reducing
reflected (rifléktid) You are reflecting
refused (rifiúzd) He is refusing
regretted (rigrétid) She is regretting
relaxed (rilákst) It is relaxing
released (rilíst) He are releasing
relied (reláid) You are reliing
remained (riméind) They are remainig
remembered (rimémberd)
I am remembering
reminded (rimáindid) You are reminding
removed (rimúvd) He is removing
rent (rénid) She is renting
repaired (ripérd) It is repairing
repeated (ripírid) We are repeating
replaced (ripléist) You are replacing
replied (repládt) They are replying
reported (ripórid) I am reporting
Reproduced (riprodiúst)
You are reproducing
requested (rikuéstid) He is requesting
rescued (réskiud) She is rescuing
retired (ritáird) It is retiring
returned (ritérnd) He are returnig
rhymed (ráimd) You are rhyming
rinsed (rinst) They are rinsing
risked (riskt) I am risking
robbed (róbd) You are robbing
rowed (róud) He is rowing
rubbed (rábd) She is rubbing
ruined (rúind) It is ruining
ruled (ruld) We are ruling
sacked (sakt) You are sacking
sailed (séild) They are sailing
satisfied (satisfáid) I am satisfiing
saved (séivd) You are saving
screamed (skrimd) He is screaming
screwed (skrud) She is screwing
sealed (sild) It is sealing
searched (sercht) We are searching
separated (sépareirid) You are separating
served (servd) They are serving
settled (setld) I am settling
shared (sherd) You are sharing
shaved (shéivd) He is shaving
sheltered (shélterd)
She is sheltering
shopped (shópt) It is shopping
sighed (sáid) We are sighing
signed (sáind) You are signing
signalled (sígnald) They are signalling
sinned (sínd) I am sinning
skied (skid) You are skiing
skipped (skípt) He is skipping
slipped (slípt) She is slipping
slowed (slóud)
It is slowing
smelled (smeld) We are smelling
smiled (smáild) You are smiling
smoked (smóukt) They are smoking
sneezed (snizd) I am sneezing
snored (snord) You are snoring
snowed (snóud) He is snowing
sounded (sáundid) She is sounding
spelled (speld) It is speelling
spilled (spild) We are spilling
spoiled (spóild) You are spoiling
sprayed (spréid) They are spraying

started (stárid) I am starting

stayed (stéid) You are staying

stopped (stópt) He is stopping

stored (stord) She is storing
stretched (strecht) It is stretching
succeeded (saksídid) We are succeeding
suffered (sáferd) You are suffering
suggested (sadzéstid) They are suggesting
supplied (sapláid) I am suppliing
supported (sapórid) You are supporting
supposed (supóust) He is supposing
surprised (supráizd) She is surprising
surrounded (suráunid) It is surrounding
suspected (saspéktid) We are suspecting
suspended (saspénid) You are suspending

switched (suícht) They are switching

talked (tokt) I am talking
tasted (tésitid) You are tasting
teased (tizd) He is teasing

telephoned (télefound) She is telephoning

tempted (témptid) It is tempting
terrified (térri-fáid) We are terrifiing
tested (téstid) You are testing
thanked (senkt) They are thanking
ticked (tikt) I am ticking
tidied (táidid) You are tidiyng
tied (táid) He is tiing
tipped (típt) She is tipping
touched (tacht) It is touching
towed (tóud) We are towing

traded (tréidid) You are trading

trained (tréind) They are training
transported (transpórid) I am transporting
traveled (tráveld) You are traveling
trembled (trembld) He is trembling
trusted (trástid) She is trusting
tried (tráid) It is trying

turned (ternd) We are turning

twisted (tuístid) You are twisting

typed (táipt) They are typing

used (iúzd) I am using
vanished (vánisht) You are vanishing
visited (vísirid) He is visiting
waited (wéirid) She is waiting
walked (wokt) It is walking
wanted (wónid) We are wanting
warned (wornd) You are warning
washed (wosht) They are washing

wasted (wéistid) I am wasting

watched (wocht) You are watching
weighed (wéirid) He is weighing
welcomed (wélkamd) She is welcoming

whispered (wísperd) It is whispering

whistle (wisld) We are whistling
wiped (wáipt) You are wiping
wished (wisht) They are wishing
wondered (wánderd) I am wondering
worked (werkt) You are working
worried (uárid) He is worrying
yawned (iónd) She is yawning
yelled (iéld) It is yelling
zoomed (zumd) We are zooming
abode (abóud) I am abiding
arisen (arísn) You are arising
awoke (auóuk) He is awoking
been (bin) She is being
beaten (bitn) It is beating
become (bikám) We are becoming
begun (bigán) You are beginning
bent (bent) They are beenting
bet (bet) I am betting
bound (báund) You are bounding
bitten (bítn) He is bitting
bled (bled) She bleding
blown (bléun) It is blowning
broken (bróukn) We are breaking
bred (bred) You are breeding
brought (brot) They are bringing
built (bilt) I am building
burnt (bernt) You are burning
bought (bot) He is buying
caught (kot) She is catching
chosen (chúsn) It is choosing
come (kám) We are coming
cost (kost) You are costing
crept (krept) They are creeping
cut (kat) I am cutting
dealt (delt) You are dealing
dug (dag) He is diging
done (dán) She is doing
drawn (drón) It is drawing
drunk (drank) We are drinking
driven (drívn) You are driving
eaten (ítn) They are eating
exported I am exporting
fallen (fólen) I am falling
fed (fed) You are feeding
felt (felt) He is feeling
fought (fó:t) She is fighting
found (faúnd) It is finding
fled (fled) We are fleeding
flung (flang) You are flinging
flown (flón) They are flying
forgotten (forgótn) I am forgetting
frozen (fróusn) You are freezing
got/gotten (got/gotn) He is getting
given (guívn) She is giving
gone (gón) It is going
ground (gráund) We are grinding
grown (grón) You are growing
hung (jáng) They are hanging
had (jad) I am having
heard (jerd) You are hearing
hidden (jídn) He is hidding
hit (jit) She is hitting
held (jeld) It is holding
kept (kept) We are keeping
knelt (nelt) You are kneeling
known (nóun) They are knowing
led (led) I am leading
lent (lent) You are lending
learnt (lernt) learned (learnt) He is learning
left (left) She is leaving
lost (lost) It is losing
made (méid) We are making
meant (ment) You are meaning
met (met) He is meeting
paid (ped) She is paying
put (put) It is putting
read (red) We are reading
ridden (rídn) You are riding
rung (rang) They are ringing
run (ran) I am running
said (sed) You are saying
seen (sin) He is seeing
sought (sot) She is seeking
sold (sóuld) It is selling
sent (sent) We are sending
shaken (shéikn) You are shaking
shone (shóun) They are shining
shot (shot) I am shooting
shown (shóun) You are showing
shrunk (shrank) He is shrinking
shut (shat) She is shuting
sung (sang) It is singing
sunk (sank) We are sinking
sat (sat) You are sitting
slain (sléin) They are slaying
slept (slépt) I am sleeping
slid (slid) You sliding
slung (slang) He is slinging
smelt (smelt) She smelling
spoken (spóukn) It is speaking
spent (spent) We are spending
spun (span) You are spinning
stood (stú:d) They are standing
stolen (stóln) I am stealing
stuck (stak) You are sticking
stung (stang) He is stinging
strode (stróud) She is striding
struck (strak) It is stricking
striven (strívn) We are striving
sworn (suórn) You are swearing
swept (suépt) They are sweeping
swollen (suólen) I am swelling
swum (suám) You are swimming
taken (téikn) He is taking
taught (tot) She is teaching
torn (torn) It is tearing
told (told) We are telling
thought (tzot) You are thinking
thrown (zróun) They are throwing
trodden (tróden) I am treading
Understood (anderstúd) You are understanding
Undertaken (andertéikn) He is undertaking
woken (uóukn) She is waking
worn (uórn) It is wearnig
wept (uépt) We are weeping
won (uón) You are winning
withdrawn (uizdróm) They are withdrawing
written (rítn) I am writting



agreed (agrí:d) agreed (agrí:d) You are agreeing

answered (ánsuerd) answered (ánsuerd) We are answering
arrived (arráivd) arrived (arráivd) We are arriving
asked (askt) asked (askt) You are asking
attempted (atémptid) attempted (atémptid) You are attempting
attended (aténdid) attended (aténdid) He is attending
avoided (avóidid) avoided (avóidid) It is avoiding
begged (bégd) begged (bégd) He is begging
behaved (bijéivd) behaved (bijéivd) She is behaving
belonged (bilóngd) belonged (bilóngd) It is belonging
borrowed (bórroud) borrowed (bórroud) He is borrowing
breathed (brídid) breathed (brídid) We are breathing
brushed (brasht) You are brushing
burned (bernd) burned (bernd) They are burning
called (kold) called (kold) You are calling
changed (chéindzd) changed (chéindzd) They are changing
charged (chárdzd) charged (chárdzd) I am charging
claimed (kléimd) claimed (kléimd) You are claiming
cleaned (klind) cleaned (klind) I am cleaning
cleared (klíard) cleared (klíard) You are clearing
closed (klóusd) closed (klóusd) He is closing
collected (koléktid) collected (koléktid) She is collecting
competed (kompítid) competed (kompítid) You are competing
complained  (kompléind) complained  (kompléind)
They are complaining
completed (komplítid) completed (komplítid)
I am completing
concentrated (kónsentreired) concentrated
You are concentrating
continued (kontíniud) continued (kontíniud) You are continuing
cook (ku:kt) cook (ku:kt) He is cooking
copied (kópid) copied (kópid) She is copying
corrected (korréktid) corrected (korréktid) It is correcting
coughed (koft) coughed (koft) We are coughing
counted (káunid) counted (káunid) You are counting
covered (káverd) covered (káverd) They are covering
crossed (krost) crossed (krost) She is crossing
crushed (krasht) crushed (krasht) It is crushing
cried (kráid) cried (kráid) We are crying
damaged (dámidzd) damaged (dámidzd) I am damaging
danced (danst) danced (danst) You are dancing
deceived (disívd) deceived (disívd) He is deceiving
decided (disáidid) decided (disáidid) She is deciding
delayed (diléid) delayed (diléid) We are delaying
deleted (dilí:tid) deleted (dilí:tid) You are deleting
delivered (delíverd) delivered (delíverd) I am delivering
deserved (disérvd) deserved (disérvd) She is deserving
destroyed (distróid) destroyed (distróid) It is destroying
disagreed (disagríd) disagreed (disagríd) They are disagreeing
Disappeared (disapíard) Disappeared (disapíard)
I am disappearing
Discovered (diskáverd) Discovered (diskáverd)
You are discovering
disliked (disláikt) disliked (disláikt) He is disliking
doubted (dáurid) doubted (dáurid) We are doubting
dreamed (drimd) dreamed (drimd) You are dreaming
dried (dráid) dried (dráid) He is drying
earned (ernd) earned (ernd) It is earning

embarrassed (imbárast) embarrassed (imbárast) You are embarrassing

enjoyed (indzóid) enjoyed (indzóid) She is enjoying
entered (énterd) entered (énterd) It is entering
explained (ikspléind) explained (ikspléind) You are explaining
failed (féild) failed (féild) She failing
filed (fáild) filed (fáild) I am filing
filled (fild) filled (fild) You are filling
finished (fínisht) finished (fínisht) She is finishing
fired (fáierd) fired (fáierd) It is firing
fixed (fikst) fixed (fikst) You are fixing
followed (fóloud) followed (fóloud) We are following
fried (fráid) fried (fráid) It is frying
guessed (guest) guessed (guest) He is guessing
guided (gáidid) guided (gáidid) She is guiding
happened (jápend) happened (jápend) They are happening
hated (jéirid) hated (jéirid) You are hating
hoped  (jóupt) hoped  (jóupt) You are hoping
hurried (járid) hurried (járid) I am hurriing

identified (aidéntifaid) identified (aidéntifaid) You are identifiing

improved (imprúvd) improved (imprúvd) We are improving
included (inklúdid) included (inklúdid) You are including
increased (inkríst) increased (inkríst) They are increasing
injured (índzurd) injured (índzurd) She is injuring

introduced (introdiúst) introduced (introdiúst) It is introducing

instructed (instrákrid) instructed (instrákrid) We are instructing
intended (inténdid) intended (inténdid) You are intending
invited (inváirid) invited (inváirid) She is inviting
joined (dzóind) joined (dzóind) You are joining
jumped (dzampt) jumped (dzampt) You are jumping
killed (kilt) killed (kilt) She is killing
kissed (kist) kissed (kist) It is kissing
landed (lándid) landed (lándid) He is landing
laughed (laft) laughed (laft) It is laughing
liked (láikt) liked (láikt) You are liking
listened (lísend) listened (lísend) She is listening
lived (livd) lived (livd) It is living
looked (lukt) looked (lukt) I am looking
loved (lavd) loved (lavd) You are loving
married (márid) married (márid) We are marriing
missed (mist) missed (mist) It is missing
mixed (mikst) mixed (mikst) We are mixing
moved (muvd) moved (muvd) You are moving
needed (nídid) needed (nídid) She is needing
obeyed (obéid) obeyed (obéid) They are obeying
obtained (obtéind) obtained (obtéind) He is obtaining
offered (óferd) offered (óferd) It is offering
opened (óupend) opened (óupend) We are opening
ordered (órderd) ordered (órderd) You are ordering
painted (péinid) painted (péinid) He is painting
parked (parkt) parked (parkt) She is parking
picked (pikt) picked (pikt) You are picking
planned (pland) planned (pland) He is planning
planted (plánid) planted (plánid) She is planting
played (pléid) played (pléid) We are playing
preferred (priférd) preferred (priférd) I am preferring
prepared (pripérd) prepared (pripérd) You preparing
pressed (prest) pressed (prest) She is pressing
pretended (priténid) pretended (priténid) It is pretending
protected (protéktid) protected (protéktid) He is protecting
pulled (puld) pulled (puld) It is pulling
punished (pánisht) punished (pánisht) They are punishing
pushed (pusht) pushed (pusht) I am pushing
rained (réind) rained (réind) You are raining
refused (rifiúzd) refused (rifiúzd) He is refusing
remembered (rimémberd) remembered
I am remembering
reminded (rimáindid) reminded (rimáindid) You are reminding
removed (rimúvd) removed (rimúvd) He is removing
rent (rénid) rent (rénid) She is renting
repaired (ripérd) repaired (ripérd) It is repairing
repeated (ripírid) repeated (ripírid) We are repeating
requested (rikuéstid) requested (rikuéstid) He is requesting
rescued (réskiud) rescued (réskiud) She is rescuing
retired (ritáird) retired (ritáird) It is retiring
returned (ritérnd) returned (ritérnd) He are returnig
robbed (róbd) robbed (róbd) You are robbing
ruled (ruld) ruled (ruld) We are ruling
sacked (sakt) sacked (sakt) You are sacking
sailed (séild) sailed (séild) They are sailing
satisfied (satisfáid) satisfied (satisfáid) I am satisfiing
saved (séivd) saved (séivd) You are saving
screamed (skrimd) screamed (skrimd) He is screaming
searched (sercht) searched (sercht) We are searching
shared (sherd) shared (sherd) You are sharing
shopped (shópt) shopped (shópt) It is shopping
shopped (shópt) shopped (shópt) It is shopping
slowed (slóud) slowed (slóud) It is slowing
smelled (smeld) smelled (smeld) We are smelling
smiled (smáild) smiled (smáild) You are smiling
smoked (smóukt) smoked (smóukt) They are smoking
snowed (snóud) snowed (snóud) He is snowing
sounded (sáundid) sounded (sáundid) She is sounding
spelled (speld) spelled (speld) It is speelling
started (stárid) started (stárid) I am starting
stayed (stéid) stayed (stéid) You are staying
stopped (stópt) stopped (stópt) He is stopping
suffered (sáferd) suffered (sáferd) You are suffering
suggested (sadzéstid) suggested (sadzéstid) They are suggesting
talked (tokt) talked (tokt) I am talking
trained (tréind) trained (tréind) They are training
traveled (tráveld) traveled (tráveld) You are traveling
trusted (trástid) trusted (trástid) She is trusting
tried (tráid) tried (tráid) It is trying
typed (táipt) typed (táipt) They are typing
used (iúzd) used (iúzd) I am using
visited (vísirid) visited (vísirid) He is visiting
waited (wéirid) waited (wéirid) She is waiting
walked (wokt) walked (wokt) It is walking
wanted (wónid) wanted (wónid) We are wanting
washed (wosht) washed (wosht) They are washing
wasted (wéistid) wasted (wéistid) I am wasting
watched (wocht) watched (wocht) You are watching
wished (wisht) wished (wisht) They are wishing
wondered (wánderd) wondered (wánderd) I am wondering
worked (werkt) worked (werkt) You are working

abode (abóud) abode (abóud) I am abiding
arose (aróus) arisen (arísn) You are arising
awoke (auóuk) awoke (auóuk) He is awoking
was/were (uós/uér) been (bin) She is beeing
beat (bit) beaten (bitn) It beating
became (bikéim) become (bikám) We are becoming
began (bigén) begun (bigán) You are beginning
bent (bent) bent (bent) They are beenting
bet (bet) bet (bet) I am betting
bound (báund) bound (báund) You are bounding
bit (bit) bitten (bítn) He is bitting
bled (bled) bled (bled) She bleding
blew (blu) blown (bléun) It is blowning
broke (bróuk) broken (bróukn) We are breaking
bred (bred) bred (bred) You are breeding
brought (brot) brought (brot) They are bringing
built (bilt) built (bilt) I am building
burnt (bernt) burnt (bernt) You are burning
bought (bot) bought (bot) He is buying
caught (kot) caught (kot) She is catching
chose (chos) chosen (chúsn) It is choosing
came (keím) come (kám) We are coming
cost (kost) cost (kost) You are costing
crept (krept) crept (krept) They are creeping
cut (kat) cut (kat) I am cutting
dealt (delt) dealt (delt) You are dealing
dug (dag) dug (dag) He is diging
did (díd) done (dán) She is doing
drew (drú) drawn (drón) It is drawing
drank (drénk) drunk (drank) We are drinking
drove (dróuv) driven (drívn) You are driving
ate (et) eaten (ítn) They are eating
fell (fel) fallen (fólen) I am falling
fed (fed) fed (fed) You are feeding
felt (felt) felt (felt) He is feeling
fought (fó:t) fought (fó:t) She is fighting
found (faúnd) found (faúnd) It is finding
fled (fled) fled (fled) We are fleeding
flung (flang) flung (flang) You are flinging
flew (flu) flown (flón) They are flying
forgot (forgót) forgotten (forgótn) I am forgetting
froze (fróus) frozen (fróusn) You are freezing
got (got) got/gotten (got/gotn) He is getting
gave (guéiv) given (guívn) She is giving
went (uént) gone (gón) It is going
ground (gráund) ground (gráund) We are grinding
grew (grú) grown (grón) You are growing
hung (jáng) hung (jáng) They are hanging
had (jad) had (jad) I am having
heard (jerd) heard (jerd) You are hearing
hid (jid) hidden (jídn) He is hidding
hit (jit) hit (jit) She is hitting
held (jeld) held (jeld) It is holding
kept (kept) kept (kept) We are keeping
knelt (nelt) knelt (nelt) You are kneeling
knew (niú) known (nóun) They are knowing
led (led) led (led) I am leading
lent (lent) lent (lent) You are lending
learnt (lernt) learnt (lernt) He is learning
left (left) left (left) She is leaving
lost (lost) lost (lost) It is losing
made (méid) made (méid) We are making
meant (ment) meant (ment) You are meaning
met (met) met (met) He is meeting
paid (ped) paid (ped) She is paying
put (put) put (put) It is putting
read (red) read (red) We are reading
rode (róud) ridden (rídn) You are riding
rang (reng) rung (rang) They are ringing
ran (ren) run (ran) I am running
said (sed) said (sed) You are saying
saw (só:) seen (sin) He is seeing
sought (sot) sought (sot) She is seeking
sold (sóuld) sold (sóuld) It is selling
sent (sent) sent (sent) We are sending
shook (shuk) shaken (shéikn) You are shaking
shone (shóun) shone (shóun) They are shining
shot (shot) shot (shot) I am shooting
showed (shóud) shown (shóun) You are showing
shrank (shrenk) shrunk (shrank) He is shrinking
shut (shat) shut (shat) She is shuting
sang (seng) sung (sang) It is singing
sank (senk) sunk (sank) We are sinking
sat (sat) sat (sat) You are sitting
slew (sliú) slain (sléin) They are slaying
slept (slépt) slept (slépt) I am sleeping
slid (slid) slid (slid) You sliding
slung (slang) slung (slang) He is slinging
smelt (smelt) smelt (smelt) She smelling
spoke (spóuk) spoken (spóukn) It is speaking
spent (spent) spent (spent) We are spending
spun (span) spun (span) You are spinning
stood (stú:d) stood (stú:d) They are standing
stole (stóul) stolen (stóln) I am stealing
stuck (stak) stuck (stak) You are sticking
stung (stang) stung (stang) He is stinging
strode (stróud) strode (stróud) She is striding
struck (strak) struck (strak) It is stricking
strove (stróuv) striven (strívn) We are striving
swore (suór) sworn (suórn) You are swearing
swept (suépt) swept (suépt) They are sweeping
swelled (suéld) swollen (suólen) I am swelling
swam (suém) swum (suám) You are swimming
took (tul) taken (téikn) He is taking
taught (tot) taught (tot) She is teaching
tore (tor) torn (torn) It is tearing
told (told) told (told) We are telling
thought (tzot) thought (tzot) You are thinking
threw (zru) thrown (zróun) They are throwing
trod (trod) trodden (tróden) I am treading
Understood (anderstúd) Understood (anderstúdYou are understanding
Undertook (andertúk) Undertaken (andertéiknHe is undertaking
woke (uóuk) woken (uóukn) She is waking
wore (uór) worn (uórn) It is wearnig
wept (uépt) wept (uépt) We are weeping
won (uón) won (uón) You are winning
withdrew (uizdrú) withdrawn (uizdróm) They are withdrawing
wrote (róut) written (rítn) I am writting

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