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Data collection

According to Merriam, ‘’Qualitative researchers are interested in understanding the meaning people have
constructed,that is,how people make sense of their world and the experiences they have in the world.”
According to Denzin and Lincoln,” Qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer in
the world. It consists of a set of interpretive, material practices that makes the world visible. These
practices transform the world. They turn the world into a series of representations, including field
notes,interviews ,conversations, photographs,recordings ,and memos to the self. At this level, qualitatives
researchers study thing in their natural setting,attempting to make sense of or to interpret,phenomena in
terms of the meaning people bring to them.”

For our research(qualitative) we decided to have a interview seassion via social media such as facebook
messenger, gmeet and/or by making google forms that will be send via online to our respected
participants. For the interview we will used a unstructured interview or informal interview, in here we
don’t have specific guidelines, restrictions, predetermined questions, or list of options. In the interview
we will asks a few broad questions to engage the respondent in an open, informal, and spontaneous
discussion. We will also probes with further questions and/or explores inconsistencies to gather more in-
depth information on the topic. Unstructured interviews are particularly useful for getting the stories
behind respondents’ experiences or when there is little information about a topic specially in our topic.
We choose a Unstructured or Informal inteview because unstructured interviews is it produces valid data;
valid data is data that is true to life, opinionated and cannot be analysed since our research topic is all
about the “Lived experiences of Pregnant Women in the Philippines during Pandemic’’. And it is also
flexible, in which we as a researcher will not set questions and as the interview progresses more questions
are answered. 
In our Interview we will choose and gather appropriate respondents and we will decide on how we will
conduct the inteview, we will consider of using a social media for video calling via messenger, gmeet or

After the interview we will

1.Make sure the interview was properly recorded.
2.Organize your interview responses.
3. Get ready for data analysis.

Systematic Data interview collection

After we collect data we will make sure of the relevant effectiveness of our research. We have aware of
all possible difficulties that may be thoughout the collection process. So in order for us to successfully
collected proper data we’ve got to make sure we already have clear criteria for selection it’s necessary
that we take authentic or heuristic and deductive so that we can get our research hold completely and
accurate data. Whatever the means by which we collected data, we have to assure it is reliable, consistent,
and accurate and we can trust to the info. And for the instruments to collect data must suit and we will
make sure to make or achieve our research goal.

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