Salary Advance Letter

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To, Date: 03.02.

The Managing Director
Udra Construction Private Limited
Burla – 768017, Sambalpur

Sub: Request for Salary Advance.

(Through Proper channel)

Respected Sir.
With due respect, I humbly request for an advance salary of Rs. 20,000/- (Twenty Thousand) ,
as my mother passes away and I am currently suffering from financial difficulties and in urgent
need of funds for purification process. I request the company to deduct the amount from
my January 2022 salary @5000/month.
I hope my company will understand my current situation and will grant me the requested advance
Salary at the earliest. I shall be highly obliged and thankful to you.

Yours Sincerely,

(Aswini Pradhan)

Sr. Supervisor

CRPF,Goshala Site.

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