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Discuss difference between Diabetes Mellitus type 1 and DM type 2

Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes are two types of Diabetes.Diabetes Mellitus is a condition where the blood
glucose level is increased beyond the normal level and the action of the insulin is blocked. In type 1
Diabetes Mellitus, there is a total deficiency of insulin. In type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, the insulin is there but
the receptor for the insulin is not working properly.

Diabetes Mellitus is a disease which needs lifelong care and there is no definite treatment to CURE the
diabetes. Diabetes Mellitus is a condition where the blood glucose level is increased beyond the normal
level. When blood glucose is raised in the blood, the hormone INSULIN will be secreted by the pancreas.
Insulin deficiency or failure of receptor to respond to the insulin properly is called insulin resistance.

If the body has no insulin (failure of beta cells in the pancreas- where insulin production occur) then that
Diabetes mellitus is named as type 1 diabetes mellitus (earlier name was insulin dependent diabetes
mellitus). These patients are depended on the insulin which is given by injection or insulin pen. This type
one diabetes usually starts in the early part of one’s life; young children and adolescences are affected by
type 1 insulin. If they were not given insulin, the blood glucose rise (hyperglycaemia) and they will die of
a disease condition called diabetic keto acidosis. This is an emergency.

Compared with type 1, the type 2 diabetes mellitus patients have insulin, but the insulin cannot act and
stimulate it’s receptor. Usually after 40 years of age, specially the people with obesity or high BMI (body
mass index) will develop insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Usually type 2 diabetes has
strong family history. If your father, mother or siblings have type 2 diabetes mellitus, then there is a high
chance of developing diabetes mellitus. But it does not mean that you will get the disease for certain. The
type two diabetes mellitus patients usually treated with oral hypo glycaemic drugs ( the tablets taken
orally to reduce the sugar in your blood) some of this drugs will reduce the resistance of the receptor (ex
Metformin) some will increase the insulin secretion.

Both types of diabetes people should have diet control for diabetes. They are encouraged to do regular
exercises. They have to check EYE (Retinopathy) Kidneys (nephropathy) and the nerves (neuropathy).
Diabetes patient has high risk of developing hyperlipidemia and heart diseases. Both type of diabetic
patient will suffer with low immunity (the protection against the microbes) and poor wound healing if
they do not control the blood sugar properly.
In summary diabetes mellitus is the condition where the action of the insulin is blocked. In type 1 there is
a total deficiency of insulin. In type 2 the insulin is there but the receptor for the insulin is not working

Both type of diabetes people should have diet control for diabetes. They are encouraged to do regular
exercises. They have to check EYE(Retinopathy) Kidneys ( nephropathy) and the nerves (neuropathy).
Diabetes patient has high risk of developing hyperlipidemia and heart diseases. Both type of diabetic
patient will suffer with low immunity (the protection against the microbes) and poor wound healing if
they do not control the blood sugar properly.

In summary diabetes mellitus is the condition where the actions of the insulin is blocked. In type 1 there
is a total deficiency of insulin. In type 2 the insulin is there but the receptor for the insulin is not working

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