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Answer all of the questions 7x4 = 28 Marks

1. Consider that you are passing by a garbage disposal area and you immediately cover your nose. Arrange the
events below in a logical order by making them from 1-5 .
a. At the end of the axon, electrical impulse release chemicals.
b. Stimulus received on the dendritic cells of a neuron sets off chemical reaction that creates an electrical
c. Electrical impulse transmitted through cell body and axon.
d. The chemicals cross the synapse and reach the next neuron. Similarly, the electrical impulse crosses several
e. Finally, the impulse is delivered from neuron to the gland that helps in recognition of the foul smell and
muscle cells that helps in covering the nose.
2. Distinguish between :
a) Stimulus and Response b) Afferent and Efferent nerves
3. State whether the following actions are voluntary actions, reflex action or conditioned reflex.
i] Blinking, ii] Cleaning the table, iii] Playing on the key board, iv] Salivating when food is kept in the mouth, and
v] Closing ears when we hear unbearable sound
4. Write a short note on basic principles of Indian constitution?
5. Verify whether the following points are collinear or not. (1,-1), (4, 1), (-2,-3)
6. Find the co-ordinates of the points of trisection of the line segment joining the points A(2, 1) and B(5, – 8).
7. 1. Identify the false statements and correct them?
a) Census data is collected every 10 years

b) Sex ratio refers to the number of female is adult population

c) Age structure shows us the distribution of people according to their age

d) Population density is higher in mountain areas as people like the climate there

Answer all of the questions 8x1 = 8 Marks

1. What is synapse? How is it useful in transfer of information?
2. What is a reflex? How it occurs?
3. Which cells secrete Insulin hormone?
4. Find the distance between (a cos θ, 0) and (0, a sin θ).
5. If A(4,0), B(0, y) and AB = 5, find the possible values of y.
6. Find the point that divides the line segment joining (1.2) and (-4,6) in the ratio 4:5.
7. Find the area of a triangle, whose sides are 5 cm, 12 cm and 13 cm.
8. Find the area of the triangle formed by the points (2.4), (5,7) and (7,9).

Answer all of the questions 4x8 = 32 Marks

1. List out the impacts on society if sex ratio is too low or too high?
2. If the points A(6, 1), B(8, 2), C(9, 4) and D(p, 3) are the vertices of a parallelogram, taken in order, then
i) find the value of p.
ii) find the area of ABCD.
3. Describe the unitary and federal principles of Indian government as discussed in a CA debates?
4. 2 women and 5 men can together finish an embroidery work in 8 days while 3 women and 6 men can finish it
in 5 days. Find the time taken by 1 woman alone and 1 man alone to finish the work.

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